The President today announced that he has nominated Louis Polk, of Dayton, Ohio, to be Chairman of the U.S. Metric Board for a term of 6 years. He also announced 14 other persons who have been nominated as members of the Metric Board.
Polk, 73, is an authority on international metrology and has represented the United States at numerous conferences on the subject. He was Chairman of the Advisory Panel of the National Metric Study conducted by the Commerce Department. He has officially visited the national bureau of standards of most leading industrial nations. Polk was a director of the Bendix Corp. from 1956 to 1975. He was chairman of the board of State Fidelity Federal Savings and its predecessors from 1948 to 1977, and is now emeritus, and served from 1947 to 1975 as a director and executive committee member of Winters National Bank and Trust Co. in Dayton, Ohio.
Those nominated as members of the Metric Board are: For 6-year terms:
SYDNEY D. ANDREWS, of Florida, director of the division of standards, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
JOYCE D. MILLER, of New York, vice president and director of social services for the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union.
GLENN NISHIMURA, of Arkansas, executive director of Arkansas Consumer Research and of ACR: Public Interest Citizen Action.
SATENIG S. ST. MARIE, Of Connecticut, divisional vice president and director of consumer affairs for the J. C. Penney Co.
ADRIAN G. WEAVER, of Connecticut, director of standards practices for IBM Corp. For 4-year terms:
PAUL BLOCK, JR., of Ohio, publisher of the Toledo Blade and a research professor of chemistry at the University of Toledo.
THOMAS A. HANNIGAN, of Maryland, assistant to the international secretary of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
FRANK H. HARTMAN, of Michigan, Federal liaison for the Michigan Department of Education.
SANDRA R. KENNEY, of Maryland, continuity director at the Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting.
ROGER E. TRAVIS, of Massachusetts, president of Medi, Inc., and an expert on metals joining. For 2-year terms:
CARL A. BECK, Of Pennsylvania, president of the Charles Beck Machine Corp. and chairman of the Government Liaison Committee of the American National Metric Council.
FRANCIS R. DUGAN, of Ohio, president of the Dugan and Meyers Construction Go. in Cincinnati.
EDWARD L. GINZTON, of California, chairman of the board of Varian Associates in Palo Alto.
HENRY KROEZE, of Wisconsin, chairman of the department of engineering and computer science at the University of Wisconsin Center in Waukesha, Wis.
Jimmy Carter, United States Metric Board Nomination of Chairman and Members of the Board. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project