Joel Ferrell and Ross Wales, all the coaches and trainers, and particularly the members of the greatest swimming team in the whole world:
I'm glad to have you here. This is a time of great excitement for our Nation-great pride in what you are and what you have done, great appreciation for your attitude toward a very difficult situation, and also great admiration for the achievements that you reached in the competition for the U.S. Olympic team. The breaking of American records, world records, Olympic records, and the comparison between the times was very exciting for all of us who are interested in you and interested in this great sport.
It was indeed a thrill for me as President to see how your times and your record and your achievements compared to those of yourselves in the past, other Americans and athletes who would compete with you throughout the world. I know some of you are going from here to Honolulu and to China. I appreciate your stopping by Washington on the way. And this is, I believe, a good send-off for you, to let you know how I, as the President of our great country, and the Members of the Congress, the legislative leaders of our great country, look on you and on your achievements.
I think it's not necessary to talk particularly about the great sacrifice that you all have made. The decision by the Congress was not easy. It was a very difficult decision by the U.S. Olympic Committee. I know it's even more difficult for you. I don't know of any other sport where the intensity of training and the great personal sacrifice exceeds that which you've been willing to offer in your own young lives.
You've represented our Nation well already, and I have no doubt that in your life in the future you'll continue to bring credit to yourselves and to the United States of America.
I would like to say in closing that you've honored me by coming here. As I look in your young faces and see the beautiful medal on your chests, I realize again that you have been unique in the history of amateur sports in our country. What you have accomplished is not only notable for the athletic record books, but what you have accomplished is going to be notable in world history books.
The contribution that you've made personally is notable, but also what you've done for freedom and for justice is also to be remembered for generations to come. I know that some of you did not agree with the action taken by the U.S. Olympic Committee. In your expressions of disagreement, you have been mature and you have been, I think, very reticent and, I think, constructive. In every action that you have taken, every achievement that you have reached, every exemplification of your own character, you've brought credit on yourself and on our country. And for this I thank you and congratulate you. You're wonderful diplomats, and I have no doubt that in your travels to Hawaii and to China that you'll additionally bring credit on our country.
Thank you everyone. God bless you now and in the future years of your lives. Thank you again.
Note: The President spoke at 9:51 a.m. in the State Dining Room at the White House. Prior to the President's remarks, Joel Ferrell, Jr., Vice President of the U.S. Olympic Committee presented medals, which were authorized by Congress, to the athletes and coaches.
Jimmy Carter, United States Olympic Swim Team Remarks at a Medal Presentation Ceremony. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project