Pool Reports by Suzanne Lynch, The Irish Times
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April 26, 2021 15:17 |
VP Pool Report #1 Good afternoon, I will be your pooler for this afternoon's VP event at the White House. Vice-president Kamala Harris will hold a bilateral virtual meeting with Guatemalan president Alejandro Giammattei at 4 pm in the Ceremonial Office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. "The two will discuss working together to address immediate relief needs of the Guatemalan people as well as deepening cooperation on migration" – per VP's office. Note, the Biden administration imposed sanctions on one current and one former Guatemalan government official earlier today. Details here: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0147 Earlier, Press Secretary Jen Psaki noted that the sanctions were introduced "in close coordination with the United Kingdom" and were part of an effort to tackle corruption. Tomorrow, the VP will host a virtual roundtable with Guatemalan community-based organizations. I will send on quotes from the pool spray at the top of today's meeting. |
April 26, 2021 16:00 |
VP Pool Report #2 Pool has assembled and awaiting meeting to commence. List of attendees below: US Side: Tina Flournoy, Chief of Staff to the Vice President Guatemala side
April 26, 2021 16:16 |
VP pool report #3 Vice-president Kamala Harris was sitting at the top of the table in the Ceremonial Office when the pool entered at 4.02 pm. President Alejandro Giammattei appeared by video-link via a tv situated beside the table. VP Harris - "I value the partnership between our countries and our people." These are the "acute factors" causing people to leave their home. Also notes poverty, lack of economic opportunities- also corruption, violence against women, LBGTQ people and Afro-descendants. "We want to work with you to address both the acute causes and the root causes." "The Western hemisphere is our collective home... we have the responsibility to engage." She said the US plans to increase relief to the region and to "manage migration in an effective, humane and secure manner." As well as bilaterally, the US is working with institutions across the globe, private sector and community organizations. The VP said success "will require everyone's participation... political will and hard work... but I am confident that we can make progress and create a sense of hope for the future." "I look forward to traveling to Guatemala and meeting you in person. Currently our plan is to come there in the month of June." President Giammattei thanked Ms Harris for hosting the meeting. Said he agreed with her on "creating hope." Aim was for people to find opportunities at home and not have the need to go to the US. Guatemalan government shares "the common goal- to eradicate not only poverty but the causes of so many evils that affect us." "I'm so happy to be able to speak to you and look forward to you coming in June" - says before June need to build a "roadmap." Pool exited room at 4.12 pm |
April 26, 2021 16:43 |
VP Pool Report #4 (Final pool report - full transcript) Full quotes from meeting between VP Kamala Harris and Guatemalan president Alejandro Giammattei: VP Harris: "I value the partnership between our countries and our people and I look forward to working together to strengthen our ties around our common interests. When we last spoke by telephone a few weeks ago we discussed our shared commitment to expanding opportunities in Guatemala and throughout the region. And as you of course know, the people of Guatemala have been suffering greatly because of the recent hurricanes, the persistent drought and of course the damage from covid-19. And as we have discussed, these are the acute factors that in many ways are causing people to live their homes despite the fact that they would probably prefer to stay. There are also long-standing issues that are often called the root causes of immigration. We are looking at the issue of poverty, and the lack therefore of economic opportunities; the issue of extreme weather conditions and the lack of climate adaptation, as well as corruption and the lack of good governance, and violence against women, indigenous people, LBGTQ people and Afro-descendants." "We want to work with you to address both the acute causes as well as the root causes in a way that will bring hope to the people of Guatemala that there will be an opportunity for them if they stay at home." "Part of the spirit behind our work is of course that the Western hemisphere is our collective home, and the people in it and our neighbors, including the people of Guatemala are nearby and we have a responsibility therefore to engage." "The United States plans to increase relief to the region, strengthen our cooperation to manage migration in an effective, secure and humane manner. In addition to our bilateral work and our multilateral efforts, the United States is building a comprehensive strategy with international institutions with allies around the globe, with foundations here in the United States and the private sector as well as community organizations. "In addition, tomorrow I will meet with Guatemalan community leaders and I'm eager to hear their thoughts, the people of the region of course must be at the center of everything we do." "I believe that the work in order to be successful will require everyone's participation, and I do believe also will require political will and hard work to accomplish our goals, but I am confident that we can make progress and create a sense of hope for the future." "Mr President, again, I am honored to meet with you. I look forward to traveling to Guatemala and meeting with you in person. Currently our plan is to come there in the month of June." President Giammattei thanked Ms Harris for hosting the meeting. Said he agreed with her on "creating hope." Objective was for "people to find here opportunities to move ahead and therefore not need to go abroad to the United States." "The Guatemalan government wishes to be your partner in order to address.... not only poverty but of so many evils that affect us." "When I hear you speak of crazy human beings at the center of things, I can only congratulate myself and you for adopting such a position," (yes, triple-checked that quote...unclear what he is referring to...) "We need to fight, to preserve the life of all members of our society...I'm so happy to be able to speak to you and I'm looking forward to you coming in June, but from here to June, I believe that we should build a roadmap between government and government so that we can reach agreement... to ensure peace, progress and development, and also so that we can secure the cooperation that we need from you." VP Harris concluded: "Muchas Grazias." That's all from me folks. Have a good Monday evening, |
Pool Reports Below by Bricio Segovia, MVS Radio
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April 26, 2021 15:43 |
VP Foreign Pool Report #1: Checking-in Good afternoon! ¡Buenas tardes! I will be your foreign pooler for the Vice President's virtual bilateral meeting with Guatemala's President, Alejandro Giammattei. My pool reports will be in Spanish today. My fellow correspondent Suzanne Lynch, from The Irish Times, will be pooling in English. Saludos desde la Casa Blanca. Hace un día primaveral (15°C), soleado y con cielos despejados. Soy el periodista designado para cubrir en español la reunión bilateral virtual entre la vicepresidente Kamala Harris y el presidente de Guatemala, Alejandro Giammatei. El encuentro está programado para las 4:00PM, hora de Washington, y Harris participará desde su oficina en el edificio Eisenhower, situado junto a la Casa Blanca. Según la oficina de la vicepresidenta, Harris y Giammattei discutirán cómo "cooperar para abordar las necesidades de asistencia inmediata del pueblo guatemalteco, así como aumentar la cooperación en inmigración". Se espera que tengamos acceso a unas primeras declaraciones de Harris y de Giammattei al inicio del encuentro. El resto del evento se desarrollará a puerta cerrada. Esta reunión coincide con el anuncio hoy de sanciones por parte del Departamento de Estado estadounidense a un funcionario y a un exfuncionario guatemaltecos por corrupción: Gustavo Adolfo Alejos Cambara y Felipe Alejos Lorenzana. El equipo de periodistas que cubrimos el evento nos dirigimos ahora, escoltados, a la oficina de la vicepresidenta. |
April 26, 2021 16:01 |
VP Foreign Pool Report #2: Pool holding El equipo de 16 miembros de la prensa designado para cubrir la reunión bilateral entre Harris y Giammattei estamos esperando en la puerta del despacho de la vicepresidenta. Durante unos minutos nos llevaron a una sala anexa pero nos devolvieron al pasillo. Según la oficina de la vicepresidenta, en la sala estará presente Harris y un intérprete. En una pantalla, estará Giammattei, quien participa de manera virtual desde Guatemala. La puerta del despacho estuvo entreabierta unos minutos y pude ver una mesa ovalada con varias sillas, vasos con agua y etiquetas con nombres. Pregunté a la oficina de la vicepresidenta por el resto de participantes, y enviaré los nombres y cargos tan pronto como me los faciliten. |
April 26, 2021 16:04 |
VP Foreign Pool Report #3: Meeting participants Esta es la lista de participantes en la reunión bilateral virtual entre Harris y Giammattei, facilitada por la oficina de la vicepresidenta. US side Vice President Guatemala side 1. His Excellency Alejandro Giammattei, President of the Republic of Guatemala |
April 26, 2021 16:40 |
VP Foreign Pool Report #4: Bilateral starts, pool is out La reunión bilateral comenzó a las 4:02PM, hora de Washington. A los medios nos permitieron estar presentes hasta las 4:13, durante los saludos que intercambiaron la vicepresidenta Harris y el presidente Giammattei. Harris destacó la influencia de la pandemia como causa de migración, y dijo que es un tema que ya discutieron en su última llamada bilateral, el 30 de mayo. Mencionó como otros factores la pobreza, la falta de oportunidades económicas, las condiciones climáticas extremas, la corrupción y la falta de buena gobernanza, así como la violencia contra las comunidades indígenas, LGBTQ, y afrodescendientes. Harris dijo que Estados Unidos quiere dar apoyo y esperanza al pueblo guatemalteco para que no abandone el país. Señaló que la razón subyacente para ayudar a Guatemala es que el continente americano es "nuestro hogar". La vivepresidenta destacó que la Administración Biden espera aumentar la ayuda y la cooperación en la región para que la migracion sea "segura y humana". Harris señaló que mañana se reunirá con líderes de la comunidad guatemalteca y dijo estar "ansiosa" por conocer sus ideas porque "la gente siempre tiene que estar en el centro de todo lo que hagamos". La vicepresidenta anunció que en junio planea viajar a Guatemala, a lo que Giammattei respondió más tarde con un "bienvenida". El presidente guatemalteco añadió que consideraría oportuno "trazar una hoja de ruta" de aquí a junio para lograr "paz, progreso y desarrollo" en Guatemala y contar con la colaboración de Estados Unidos en temas "que nos hagan salir fortalecidos". La vicepresidenta asintió y tomó notas al respecto. Al finalizar los saludos, pregunté a la vicepresidenta si había sido coincidencia que el Departamento de Estado hubiera anunciado justo hoy sanciones a un funcionario y a un exfuncionario guatemaltecos por corrupción, pero Harris no contestó y su equipo nos pidió salir de la sala de inmediato. La interpretación al inglés, desde Guatemala, se interrumpió en varias ocasiones por problemas de conexión, y la vicepresidenta Harris y varios de los presentes en su oficina mostraron muecas de aparente frustración. En otro correo enviaré algo de color y fotografías. |
April 26, 2021 17:01 |
VP Foreign Pool Report #5: More Color + Photos La vicepresidenta Harris presidió la mesa en su oficina, vestida con un blazer azul marino y una blusa blanca, y un pin con la bandera estadounidense en la solapa izquierda de la chaqueta. Detrás de ella había una bandera estadounidense (a su derecha) y una bandera guatemalteca (a su izquierda). Harris tenía frente a ella, sobre la mesa, una carpeta con documentos abierta y, bajo ella, una libreta. También, una copa de agua, cubierta con un papel, y una pajita (pajilla, sorbete, popote, pitillo) de papel. Todos los asistentes, a excepción de la vicepresidenta Harris, llevaban mascarilla. El presidente Giammattei estuvo presente a través de videoconferencia en dos monitores, uno frente a Harris y otro detrás de ella. Detrás de él, las banderas de ambos países, con la guatemalteca a su derecha. Al finalizar los saludos entre Harris y Giammattei, la vicepresidenta estadounidense pronunció en español un "muchas gracias". Pueden descargar del siguiente link tres fotografías que tomé con mi teléfono: https://we.tl/t-bUd4NWzikv Esto es todo por mi parte hoy desde la Casa Blanca. ¡Que pasen linda tarde! |
Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential Pool Reports of April 26, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/349691