Kamala Harris photo

Vice Presidential Pool Reports of June 15, 2024

June 15, 2024

Pool Reports by Haley Bull, Scripps News

Sent: Reports:
June 14, 2024
11:04 EDT
VP travel pool report #1- Switzerland/SAO background briefing

Hello from your pool for Vice President Harris' trip to Lucerne, Switzerland for the Summit on Peace in Ukraine.

Vice President Harris is set to depart this evening. A senior administration official provided a background briefing to the pool before departure to preview the trip.

The briefing covered the number of countries attending, the lack of China's attendance, the decision to send the VP, the summit's priorities and more on the US-Ukraine security agreement.

Here are some notes:


-Vice President Harris will meet with President Zelenskyy on Saturday to continue discussions following President Biden's meetings with him in Italy and France. It will be the 6th meeting between Harris and Zelenskyy. The VP will speak on the first day of the summit, while NSA Jake Sullivan will represent the US on the second day. The top priority is emphasizing US support for Ukraine's efforts to secure peace.

-expect likely more than 80 countries (including from all over the world) (virtually all of the leaders of the European Union) to attend, but they are waiting on final numbers.

-Believes the large number is significant. "It's a testament to President Zelenskyy's diplomatic work and it underscores the strategic stakes in this conflict. Through this summit, all of these countries are recommitting themselves to support Ukraine's efforts to end the war on a fair and just basis. It's also important that Ukraine's proposal for the end of this war is based on long standing international rules and norms, including the UN Charter, and you can expect Vice President Harris to focus on this point throughout her engagements in Switzerland."

-NSA Jake Sullivan has participated in meetings at the NSA level the last year. Participants decided to focus the summit on key principles for just and lasting peace. "In the lead up to the summit, Jake encouraged his Ukrainian counterparts to use the summit to get the maximum number of countries to sign up for what should be really indisputable proposition that any just peace has to be based on the UN Charter and on the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and the inviolability of borders and also that taking territory by force is simply unacceptable and that would be a power outcome of all these countries coming together to underscore those principles and it would deliver a strong message to Russia and the rest of the world."

-Expect Saudis to be there, but leaving to Ukraine to confirm participation and final list of attendees.

-Won't speculate on the next summit

(Summit message):

-"Our top priority at this summit is to emphasize that the United States continues to stand strongly behind Ukraine's efforts to secure a just and lasting peace based on the principles of the UN Charter and on Ukraine's sovereignty and territory."

-nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine means the will of the Ukrainian people must be center when talking about the end of war, and that it's up to Ukrainian leaders to decide on what terms it could end. "What we've been trying to do is put them in a better position on the battlefield for any eventual negotiation."

-VP has focused on defending and strengthening the international rules based order. Biden spoke about it Normandy and VP will continue to make the case it is worth defending and in our strategic interest.

-"So you can expect the Vice President to make clear that Ukraine's fight is not just about Ukraine. The stakes are global. The outcome of this conflict affects the entire world. What is at stake is international, long standing international rules and norms, and we believe that if we allow an aggressor like Putin to violate these principles with impunity, all nations are threatened, because aggressors around the world would become emboldened"

-The second day focuses on the practical element and working groups. "Even as we continue to stand by Ukraine in defense of the UN Charter and principles of sovereignty territorial integrity, the Ukrainians have put forward practical ideas about in the meantime, how to strengthen nuclear security and energy security, how to promote food security and how to advance some humanitarian principles and goals, including to respond to kidnapping and abducting of children."

-Sullivan will try to generate "practical support" for Ukrainian efforts on energy security, return of abducted children, humanitarian issues and security of nuclear plants. They hope the working groups yield tangible progress. "We hope it yields tangible progress of all the horrific crimes Russia has committed in this conflict, abducting children and bringing them back to Russia has been among the most egregious."

-success is a very large number of countries showing up to support peace in the way Ukraine has laid out. "Here are countries from all over the world showing up, because, you know what, they have an interest in this, in underscoring that their security is at risk if you just let one country invade another and not pay a price for it. I think that in itself, you know, is a message to Russia, and that would be a definition of success."


-China has purported it wants to see the war come to an end. Believe China should be at the the summit

-"We wish the Chinese were showing up themselves. They claim to be strong supporters of sovereignty, territory, integrity, these principles, and they're allowing, you know, a country that they're supporting all too much, Russia, to violate those principles. And if they are trying to get other countries not to participate, you know, I'd say they don't seem to be having particular success, because, as I noted, there is going to be a very large numbers of countries showing up to lend their support to Ukraine in these important principles"

-"our view is, if China wants to be seen as a steward of the international system, a member in good standing of the United Nations, and committed to UN principles, they should be there. And you know, again, they have put forward their own peace plans. But we think, as I underscored earlier, it's, you know, should be for the Ukrainians to decide what terms this war could end on, and that should be a just and lasting peace based on these UN principles and you know, rather than putting forward unrealistic peace proposals, we would like to see China get on board with all of these other countries that are going to be represented in Switzerland, to underscore those points."

-On whether there's evidence China has pressured countries not to show, refers to countries. Says they've discussed with countries the importance of their attendance and many have been encouraged, referencing the number of countries attending.

(US-Ukraine security agreement):

-bilateral security agreement is a ten year commitment. There are lasting elements. Intend for it to be enduring regardless of who's in the White House.

-"We can't speculate or speak for any future administration. What we can do is say what this administration is determined to do, and I spelled that out in those separate parts. It's determined to stand with these other you know dozens and dozens of countries for the principles that we're defending at this summit., but we're also standing for bilateral support for Ukraine that the President spoke about today."

*(On whether war will be over before the 10 year security agreement?) "We want to see it come to an end as soon as possible, but on these just terms, but the point of a 10 year security commitment, even if the war ended tomorrow or next month, Ukraine would still need for a very long time, support to defend itself and deter future aggression."

-"It's designed to support Ukraine, you know, well after hopefully these hostilities have ended, and like any administration you know US administrations frequently make long term commitments, MOUs and other agreements that are subject to review by any subsequent administration. So as I said, in response to an earlier question, all we can do is articulate what we believe the US interest is and make a long term commitment on the basis of our interests. And can't speak for or speculate about what a future administration would do, I would just say I would like to believe that any administration would recognize the US interest in supporting Ukraine, supporting these principles, and ensuring that Russia can't, at some point in the future, invade Ukraine yet again."

(Decision to send VP):
-don't think there's any doubt about US support for Ukraine. Points to Biden meeting with Zelenskyy twice in the last week, the bilateral security agreement, the leveraging of frozen Russian assets, how US is assisting around Kharkiv, and sanctions.

-VP has important relationship with Zelenskyy, has been a supporter of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and made supporting international rules, sovereignty and territorial integrity a theme in her international work.

-"following on the President's, you know, really important work, and two bilats and all the announcements today. In that sense, she is a really, she's an ideal voice to represent the United States at a summit that is going to underscore these principles that she has been talking about in great detail all around the world for three and a half years"

June 14, 2024
21:29 EDT

VP travel pool report #2- Switzerland/departure

Good evening!

Vice President Harris arrived to JBA at 9:12 p.m.

VP exited the motorcade. She waved to the pool before boarding AF2 at 9:13 pm wearing a suit and Chuck Taylors (thank you to co-pooler for the spot).

The VP chatted OTR with your poolers for about four minutes.

Consider this your wheels up at 9:29 pm to Zurich, Switzerland en route to the Summit on Peace in Ukraine in Lucerne, Switzerland, where the VP is expected to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and deliver remarks at the summit.

Trip guidance from the VP's office below:

FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2024

The Vice President will depart Washington, DC en route to Zurich, Switzerland. This departure from Joint Base Andrews will be pooled press.


The Vice President will arrive in Zurich, Switzerland. This arrival at Zurich International Airport will be pooled press.

After, the Vice President will depart Zurich International Airport en route to the Bürgenstock Landing Zone. The departure from Zurich International Airport and arrival to the Bürgenstock Landing Zone will be pooled press.

Then, the Vice President will arrive at the Bürgenstock Resort. This arrival will be covered by pre-credentialed media.

Then, the Vice President will meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine. This meeting at the Bürgenstock Resort will have a pool spray at the top and is open to pooled press and pre-credentialed media.

Later, the Vice President will walk to the Summit on Peace in Ukraine. This movement will be covered by pre-credentialed media.

Upon arrival, the Vice President will greet with President Viola Amherd of Switzerland and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine. This greet will be pooled press, open to pre-credentialed media and livestreamed.

After, the Vice President will deliver remarks at and participate in the Summit on Peace in Ukraine Opening Plenary. These remarks at the Bürgenstock Resort will be pooled press, open to pre-credentialed media and livestreamed.

Then, the Vice President will participate in a family photo with foreign leaders attending the Summit on Peace in Ukraine. This photo at the Bürgenstock Resort will be closed press.

After, the Vice President will attend a reception and dinner with foreign leaders attending the Summit on Peace in Ukraine. This reception and dinner at Bürgenstock Resort will be closed press.

Then, the Vice President will depart the Bürgenstock Landing Zone en route to Zurich International Airport. This departure from the Bürgenstock Landing Zone and arrival to Zurich International Airport will be pooled press.

After, the Vice President will depart Zurich, Switzerland en route to Washington, DC. This departure from Zurich International Airport will be pooled press.

SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2024

The Vice President will arrive in Washington, DC. This arrival at Joint Base Andrews will be pooled press.

June 15, 2024
11:15 CEST

VP travel pool report #3- Zurich arrival

AF2 landed at Zurich International Airport at 11:13 CEST/5:13 ET, with onlookers watching its descent.

The flight over was uneventful, with no further OTR visits. The tv's started on CNN before they were switched to the NBA's Celtics/Mavericks game shortly into the flight and back to CNN in the last few hours.


Pool Reports below by Zolan Kanno-Youngs, The New York Times

Sent: Reports:
June 15, 2024
11:41 CEST

VP Travel Pool Report #4 Zurich International — helos

Hey all. I'm taking over here for Haley Bull.

The vice president stepped down from Air Force Two at 11:35 am. She spoke briefly with three greeters. She did not stop to answer shouted questions on whether she had a message for Putin. We're boarding the helicopters at 11:39 am.

June 15, 2024
12:36 CEST

VP Travel pool Report #5 Bürgenstock Resort

We landed at Bürgenstock Resort at 12:27 PM. Some animals that appeared to be goats were spotted trekking along the green hillsides as we descended. Your pooler was not able to see the Vice President enter her motorcade. We're rolling at 12:32 PM.

June 15, 2024
12:40 CEST

VP Travel Pool #6 greeters at Zurich international

I neglected to send this from the White House:

Upon arrival at Zurich International Airport, the Vice President was greeted by Ambassador Scott Miller, U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland, Mr. Reto Wollenmann, Swiss Liaison to the U.S., Summit on Peace in Ukraine & Deputy Head of Arms Control, Federal
Department of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Manual Irman, Swiss Deputy Chief of Protocol.

June 15, 2024
12:49 CEST

VP Travel Pool Report #7 summit arrival

Slight correction to my last pool report: our helicopters landed at the Bürgenstock Landing Zone, not the exact resort.

At 12:41 PM, the vice president's motorcade arrived at the Bürgenstock resort, the setting of the summit. Your pooler could not see her enter. We're holding before her bilat with Zelensky.

June 15, 2024
16:37 CEST

VP Travel Pool #8 Harris/Zelensky Bilat

The pool was brought into Vice President Harris and President Zelensky's bilateral meeting at 3:42 PM local time. We left at about 3:48 PM local. After the pool spray, neither Harris or Zelensky answered shouted questions about what it would take to get Putin to the negotiating table or what more the U.S. can do to help Ukraine when it comes to children abducted unlawfully.

Zelensky started out by thanking President Biden for his work on the security pact at the G7 and U.S. Congress for passing the supplemental package.

"That is really, very important for us," Mr. Zelensky said. "Putin is trying to expand the war and make it more bloody but together with America and all our partners we protect the lives of all our people."

"We are here today for the sake of diplomacy," Zelensky said. "War is not our choice, it's Putin's choice."

"I'm grateful to America for its support," Zelensky said. "I'm happy to see you. Thank you very much."

Harris then said this was her sixth meeting with Zelensky.

"Not the last," Zelensky said.

"For sure not the last and hopefully in better times," Harris said.

"Russia has continued its brutal aggression against the people of Ukraine, including opening a new front outside of Kharkiv and relentlessly attacking Ukraine's energy system," Harris said.

She said U.S. support for Ukraine is unwavering. "We support Ukraine not out of charity but because the people of Ukraine and their future is in our strategic interest," Harris said.

"It is in the interest of the United States to defend democratic values and stand up to dictators," Harris said. "It is in our interest to stand with our friends, such as Ukraine."

"Your military remains a resilient and effective fighting force," Harris said.

"I'm here to stand with Ukraine and leaders from around the world in support of a just and lasting peace. As we look forward to that peace and work toward that, the United States is committed to helping Ukraine rebuild," Harris said.

Harris then talked about the $1.5 billion in U.S. aid for Ukraine before officials began directing the press out of the room.

June 15, 2024
18:00 CEST

VP Travel Pool #9 2 minute until Harris remarks

Two minute warning until Harris speaks at the summit. You can watch on https://www.whitehouse.gov/live/

After her bilat with Zelensky, your pooler was told by the VP's staff that Swiss officials would only let a T.V. pooler access Harris's walk from her bilat to the setting for her remarks. We pressed to have a print pooler present upon hearing this but were unsuccessful.

During her walk, the White House says VP Harris and President Zelensky shook hands for the cameras at 5:44 P.M.

Also here's one more quote from her bilat.

"This war remains an utter failure for Putin," Harris said.

June 15, 2024
18:24 CEST

VP Travel Pool #10 Harris remarks + quote

The vice president spoke for about five minutes at the summit. She began at 6:06 PM and ended her remarks at 6:11 PM.

"Let us all then commit to the imperative of returning innocent children kidnapped by Russia," back to their homes, Ms. Harris said.

"Let us also agree a practical benefit of the work of this peace summit is to increase global food and energy security," Ms. Harris said.

Of Putin, Ms. Harris said, "he is not calling for negotiations, he is calling for surrender."

"America stands for Ukraine not out of charity but because it is in our strategic interests," Ms. Harris said.

Before her remarks, when the Vice President was walking from her bilat to the summit, she took a question saying the summit has been "productive." Thanks for the T.V. pool for sharing. This walk was restricted to the T.V. pool.

June 15, 2024
20:18 CEST

VP Travel Pool #11 Jake Sullivan on record

Jake Sullivan held an on record round table for the travel pool. He started speaking at 7:16 PM and took questions for about 23 minutes. Thanks to co-poolers Haley Bull of Scripps News and Caitlin Doornbos of the NY Post for help transcribing.


Jake Sullivan started by saying he would go to India after the second-day of the Switzerland summit to work on the administration's initiative for "critical and emerging technologies."

He gave opening remarks before the Q&A. "You've got 101 countries and organizations that gathered."

"There is a very broad and diverse coalition of countries representing every region of the world who want to see a just peace in Ukraine. And the very fact that you have this broad and diverse participation is, in my view, a real progress in and of itself," Mr. Sullivan said.

"The design of the summit is really about laying a foundation for future peace negotiations built on the pillars of the U.N. charter and international law," Mr. Sullivan said. "Any meaningful peace in Ukraine has to respect the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity."

Sullivan said on Sunday, the second day of the summit, he and other leaders would focus on "food security, nuclear and radiological security and what they're calling the human dimension, which really comes down to the return of prisoners, including returning abducted children."


Sullivan was first asked about Saudi officials telling other leaders at the summit that a process toward peace would need Russia's participation and "compromise will be necessary."

"Just listen to Ukraine. Ukraine has indicated that it believes this war must ultimately end in negotiation," Sullivan said. "That includes negotiation with Russia."

"Now, from Ukraine's perspective, first, they want to be in the best possible position on the battlefield in order to be in the best possible position at the negotiating table," Mr. Sullivan said.

"Today is not the end of the process," Mr. Sullivan said. "It is a critical step in a process that can ultimately lead to negotiations. That can lead to an outcome the whole world can rally behind."

Sullivan then said he can't say one way or another whether China discouraged nations to attend the summit. But if they did, they were "not particularly successful."

"What is clear is China is not here," Mr. Sullivan said. "And I presume they're not here because Putin asked them not to come and they obliged Putin. And I think that says something about where China stands with respect to Russia's war in Ukraine. I think countries should take notice of that."

Sullivan said he expects there will be follow up meetings coming out of the summit to discuss "nuclear security and food insecurity." But the location and timing is still being discussed.

-there's a "fascinating split screen" with Putin re: his statements, and believes countries like China should be asked about it.
-"There's a fascinating split screen this weekend between Putin who's out making statements about his principles for peace, which are further subjugation. Further occupation, further domination of portions of Ukraine and the removal of Ukraine's right to choose its own future, which is a completely absurd vision that really exposes Putin and Russia about not being serious about peace at this point in any way, shape or form. And frankly, I think countries like China should be asked, Do you think what Putin laid out in his speech is an acceptable basis for peace? Because if their answer is yes, then they're turning their back on the UN Charter."
-not a secrete convo happening about any blueprint for an end to the war from Zelenskyy
-"he has indicated that his you know, both publicly and privately his willingness to ultimately reach a negotiated outcome, though he has also expressed based on his own personal experience to the Minsk process, his deep skepticism that Russia will keep any agreement that it makes and won't just use it as a basis to do something further down the road."

-history shows US tends to stick by long term commitments with countries regardless of administrations
-"It is true if you look at history that agreements that are reached by one government can be changed by another government. That's not just true in the United States. It's true and other countries too. I can't change that immutable fact. And I'm not going to try to mislead anyone to say that once things are written, they're written in stone forever. But what I will tell you is that the balance of evidence shows that when the United States enters a binding agreement with another country over a long term, that we tend to stick by those commitments regardless of changes in administration."

-PM of Qatar comments, "that was a proof of concept. Now the question is can it be scaled"
-Qatar helped mediate the return of 30 plus Ukrainian children back to their families.
-going to take international pressure, third countries and unusual voices, indicated they'll talk more about it tomorrow in panel

"Qatar actually helped mediate the return of 30-plus Ukrainian children back to their families (from Russian captivity) and countries like Qatar and others have offered their good auspices to try to build on that number until all of the Ukrainian children who have been abducted are reunited with their families and returned to Ukraine. That's going to take work. It's also going to take volunteers ... Further, it's going to take international pressure. It's going to take a spotlight from the international community – and not just from the voices from the United States or Europe – but from unusual voices, as well, to say what Russia has done here is morally reprehensible and must be reversed."

"Now, there have been other actors who have played, I think, good roles in helping lift the visibility of this issue, and we would like to reinforce that the Vatican is one of them. And so we're going to continue to encourage the Vatican to play an important role in setting out the moral urgency of this question ... We'll see where we are by the end of the day tomorrow, and then we can make determinations about the precise course of action from there."

"We're now seeing reports of Ukrainian children ending up on Russian adoption websites, in the most flagrant kind of violation of the basic human rights of these children. And this is the kind of thing that a chorus of voices from around the world combined with, you know, third countries stepping up and saying we will provide our good auspices to try to find a way to resolve this and build upon the initial steps that Qatar has taken. That's the kind of thing that we will work through tomorrow in the working group on abducted children."

"I would say the next step in the plan is – (we) actually have an entire dedicated session here in Switzerland tomorrow with collective countries – to make this one of the central themes coming out of this summit. And then from that, begin to find a way to get a drumbeat of public exposure and awareness built around this. And then as I said before, try to actually initiate another dialogue along the lines of the one that Qatar had, between, you know, essentially, in an indirect fashion between Russia and Ukraine, to actually take you know, get the real people, the individual names of the individual children and work through that list one by one. That's the goal."

"The sense of urgency about moving this forward is real and palpable in the room and I think the sense of goodwill to try to get this done is real, as well.

Ukraine hesitant about Russia's good faith in any negotiation:

"President Zelensky hasn't sat behind closed doors and shown us his, you know – there's not some secret conversation happening where he's got a blueprint for an end to the war. He's operating on the basis of principles at this point, which are reflected in the, in the 10-point Ukrainian peace formula. And he has indicated that his, you know, both publicly and privately, his willingness to ultimately reach a negotiated outcome, though he has also expressed based on his own personal experience to the Minsk process, his deep skepticism that Russia will keep any agreement that it makes and won't just use it as a basis to do something further down the road."

Why won't VP Harris participate on Sunday's summit events?

"The reason that they designed the summit in the way that they did it, in fact pulled forward participation to the night before because it was originally going to be on the 16th and on the 15th, as well, is to maximize the number of leaders who could come could sit together and not only sit together in this large gathering, but after they'll have informal conversation and after that they will sit at dinner to continue the conversation as well. So Vice President Harris has now had a meeting with President Zelensky, has had a plenary session and then will have hours worth of engagement with leaders on a more informal basis to talk through how to carry all of this forward (at the dinner.)

And then tomorrow is really – and it's not just with her, but other leaders, as well, turning it over to their teams to really try to drive through how we convert that into practical progress in these various areas.

Why does international pressure here matter?

"At the end of the day, can I say that Putin cares an enormous amount about international opinion or international law. His actions have suggested otherwise. On the other hand, for Ukraine to be able to approach the question of peace and diplomacy with the wind at its back with the sense that it's flagged not just by its closest friends, but by a broad and diverse coalition of actors that are all enunciating a principle, a principle about the non viability of borders about not being able to seize territory by force about the core tenants of the UN Charter. It creates a different kind of atmosphere for potential negotiations down the road that I think give Ukraine the capacity to stand up straighter and prouder in entering those negotiations and knowing that they have a broad international consensus behind them.

So I can't tell you how much of an impact we'll end up having on Russia – though I think it will have some because I think as much as they pretend not to care about the world coming together and saying these things, I think somewhere in the recesses of Putin mind he does care to a certain extent."

-teams have been in close touch with Israeli negotiators and talking w/ Qataris and Egyptians.
-Sullivan briefly talked w/ PM of Qatar today and will have a chance to catch up and get his full assessment tomorrow
-reiterates view that some edits not unexpected and can be managed, while some inconsistent with Biden/UN Security Council
-next step is for Qatari and Egyptian mediators to engage Hamas..though warns could be slower next few days
-"We've given feedback."
-"the next step in that is really for the Qatari and Egyptian mediators to engage Hamas to go through, you know, what can be worked with and what really can't be worked with. And then essentially try to get the feedback from Hamas on that feedback and then onto the next step. We're entering an important holiday, EID, so the speed with which that next segment of this extended diplomatic effort takes place it might be a little slower over the next few days than it has been. But we anticipate a back and forth between the mediators and Hamas."
-hopefully at some point next week can report where they think things stand and next steps

June 15, 2024
21:53 CEST

VP Travel Pool Report 12 rolling

At 9:48 PM, the vice president entered her motorcade. We're rolling at 9:51 to the Chinooks.

June 15, 2024
22:06 CEST

VP Travel Pool Report #13 chinook

We arrived at the Bürgenstock landing zone at about 10 PM. Your pooler could not see the vice president board her helicopter. The pool boarded a chinook at 10:03 PM. We're off to Zurich International.

June 15, 2024
22:57 CEST

VP Travel Pool Report #14 AF2 takeoff

We landed at Zurich International at 10:28 PM. The vice president exited her helicopter at 10:37 PM. While walking to Air Force Two, she answered a shouted question asking how she thought the summit went.

"It was good, very good," the vice president said as she gave a thumbs up.

She then entered the plane at 10:38 PM. We are wheels up to D.C at 10:56 PM.

June 16, 2024
02:51 EDT

VP Travel Pool Report #15 JBA

Air Force Two landed at Joint Base Andrews at 2:16 am after a long, uneventful flight. The VP did not come to the back of the plane for an OTR. At 2:27 PM, the VP quickly exited the plane and boarded her helicopter.

Thanks for sticking with us all! Special thanks to copoolers Caitlin Doornbos of the New York Post and Haley Bull of Scripps News.

Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential Pool Reports of June 15, 2024 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/373153

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