Kamala Harris photo

Vice Presidential Pool Reports of June 16, 2023

June 16, 2023

Pool Reports by Elliott Wenzler, The Colorado Sun

Sent: Reports:
June 16, 2023
12:55 MDT

Pool Report #1 - VP arrives

VP arrives at Northfield High School in Denver at 12:50 p.m. to talk about the climate crisis and the clean energy industry. Shortly before, a huge line of people stretched around the block waiting to be admitted. VP is also scheduled to meet with Denver Public School students who led efforts to get the school district to adopt a climate action plan.

Several Colorado state lawmakers were in the audience, including Democratic state Reps. Matthew Martinez, Dafna Michaelson-Jenet, Kyle Brown, Meghan Lukens and state Sen. Chris Hansen.

June 16, 2023
11:36 MDT

Pool Report #2 Michael Hancock and others

Two students opened the event followed by Denver Mayor Michael Hancock who spoke about the work Denver is doing to address climate change.

"Denver is taking urgent climate action"
"We're on the path to entirely renewable energy"

Followed by remarks from Cindy Marten, Deputy Secretary for the Department of Education.

June 16, 2023
13:43 MDT

Pool Report #3 - Diana DeGette/Michael Bennet + background

Congresswoman Diana DeGette spoke next.

"We must act now and we must act fast. If we don't take steps right now to reduce our emissions and to expedite our nation's transition to clean energy, it's going to be too late."

Followed by comments from Sen. Michael Bennet.

Background provided by the Office of the Vice President:

On Friday, June 16, the Vice President will travel to Denver, CO, to deliver remarks highlighting how the leadership of young people led to the Biden-Harris Administration delivering the nation's largest investment to combat the climate crisis. The Vice President will also meet with Denver Public School students who led on efforts to get the school district to adopt a climate action plan. In her remarks, the Vice President will highlight how these students are a model for the nation. In addition to these engagements, the Vice President will deliver remarks at a DNC finance event.

The Vice President's leadership on climate this year:
Through groundbreakings, moderated conversations, and convenings at the White House, Vice President Harris has and will continue to highlight the impact and economic opportunity, including job creation, made possible by the Biden-Harris Administration's historic investments to address the climate crisis.

Through this work, the Vice President has prioritized engaging with young people understanding that they have been leaders on the issue and are uniquely affected by the climate crisis. Below are a sample of these engagements:

  • January 12: The Vice President hosted a moderated conversation at the University of Michigan with Secretary Granholm. (Remarks Transcript)
  • February 8: The Vice President hosted a moderated conversation on climate at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, GA. (Remarks Transcript)
  • March 8: The Vice President met with a cohort of young climate leaders and hosted a moderated conversation on climate with Gloria Estefan at the Aspen Institute's Climate Summit in Miami Beach, FL. (Remarks Transcript)
  • April 18: The Vice President met with young innovators at the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator in Los Angeles, CA. (Remarks Transcript)
  • April 20: The Vice President hosted a reception for climate advocates at her residence in celebration of Earth Day, including some of the students she met around the country. (Story)
  • April 21: The Vice President met with students at the University of Miami to learn about their climate research and announce funding for coastal resilience. (Remarks Transcript)

Biden-Harris Administration legislative accomplishments to combat the climate crisis:

  • Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) providing $370B in climate investments
  • Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) advancing climate resilience and environmental justice
  • CHIPS and Science Act boosting clean energy innovation

The Vice President's past work on climate action:

  • As San Francisco District Attorney, the Vice Presidentestablished one of the first environmental justice units in the country
  • As California's Attorney General, the Vice President took action to hold polluters accountable and protect communities and the environment, including after the 2015 Santa Barbara oil spill.
  • As a U.S. Senator from California, the Vice President led comprehensive legislation centered on climate and environmental justice, including the Climate Equity Act, the Water Justice Act, and the Environmental Justice for All Act. The Vice President also authored multiple bills that informed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, including the Clean School Bus Act, the Wildfire Defense Act, and the Water for Tomorrow Act.
June 16, 2023
13:48 MDT

Pool Report #4 - Gov. Jared Polis

Gov. Jared Polis spoke next about the entire state's climate goals.

More quotes to follow:
"There are unprecedented resources to ensure that the transition to clean energy is successful and saves people money"
"We know there's a lot more work ahead of us"

June 16, 2023
13:57 MDT

VP Pool Report #5 students introduce VP

Two students spoke next and introduced the VP. VP began speaking at 1:52, as she entered the stage, the audience stood and dozens of phones throughout the room went up as people snapped photos and took videos.

June 16, 2023
14:11 MDT

VP Pool Report #6 - VP comments

Students who introduced VP: Gabriel Nagel & Mariah Rosensweig

VP focused on the impact of young people on the climate crisis, says she scheduled to meet today with Denver students who have focused on climate action. She also encouraged students across the nation to use their summer break to organize around climate change and find other students who are passionate about taking climate action. Quotes to come.

Event ended at 2:08 p.m. MT.

June 16, 2023
14:18 MDT

VP Pool Report #7 After event

After she finished speaking, VP shook hands and took photos with audience members, who surrounded her at the base of the stage.

June 16, 2023
14:44 MDT

VP Pool Report #8 VP quotes

Notable VP quotes:
-"You, the young leaders of America have the courage to work to realize the vision of what is possible."
-"It is our young leaders who understand clearly, the clock is not just ticking, it is banging."
-"To make change we need folks on the inside in government and in positions of power to work on progress and just as important, we need leaders and activists on the outside, the folks like you who organize and advocate and demand change."
-Speaking to young people and students everywhere: "We need you to organize, and guess what? Summer break is a great time to organize," ... "Our nation is counting on you"

Other notes.
-VP praised Denver Public Schools for being one of the first school districts in the nation with a climate action plan
-VP noted the Biden-Harris administration's investments on climate, including $5 billion for electric school buses

Pool Reports below by Jesse Paul, The Colorado Sun

Sent: Reports:
June 16, 2023
14:53 MDT

VPOTUS pool report #1: Arrival at Cherry Hills Village, Colo., fundraiser

Cell service here is spotty.

VP Kamala Harris arrived at the Cherry Hills Village, Colo., home of Judith "Judi" Wagner for a campaign reception — fundraiser. This is just south of Denver.

Time: 2:46 p.m.

Wagner was one of the founders of the Women's Bank of Denver. She also founded Wagner Investment Management, the first woman-owned investment firm in Colorado. She is a member of the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame and cofounded Electing Women, which supports women running for political office.

From the Biden-Harris campaign: Vice President Harris's fundraiser this evening in Denver, Colorado is at the home of Judi Wagner and is in support of the Biden Victory Fund.

June 16, 2023
15:09 MDT

VPOTUS pool report #2: Photo line

VP Harris entered home and immediately went to photo line. Pooler had to wait outside so I can't see who is/was there.

First Gentleman Douglas Emhoff is also here, per staff.

Colorado dignitaries I've seen:

- Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser
- Rep. Diana DeGette

VPOTUS will deliver remarks shortly. Pooler can attend.

June 16, 2023
15:33 MDT

VPOTUS pool report #3: Remarks

Guests — about 50-75 — are gathered in the backyard of the home under a tent. Speeches are starting.

Other Colorado dignitaries here:

- Colorado Democratic Party Chairman Shad Murib
- U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse
- U.S. Rep Jason Crow
- Denise Maes, incoming regional administrator for GSA
- Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold

June 16, 2023
15:39 MDT

VPOTUS pool report #4: Address

U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette spoke first, saying it's important to reelect President Joe Biden because reproductive rights are at risk and to address climate change.

Douglas Emhoff is next. "I'm so proud of her," he says of VP.

Emhoff says having a VP who is a woman is so important because it provides an example for other women across the country and world. "We need more women leaders," he says. "The world will be a better place with more women leaders."

VP about to speak now.

June 16, 2023
16:01 MDT

VPOTUS pool report #5: VP speaks

VPOTUS, speaking under a tent in the home's backyard during a steady rain, talks about the need to elect more women to office. Her address focuses on health care, climate change and addressing poverty.

Quotes from the vice president's address:

- "Because of your work and the election in 2020, we have now capped the price of insulin. I speak about this issue all around the country."
- "We are looking at a moment in time when there is a full-on attack against hard-won freedoms and rights."
- "For the first time in a long time we have supposed, so-called leaders who have a national agenda to restrict rights."
- "The idea that anyone who calls themselves a leader would pass a law after someone has endured a violent violation to their body, to say to them after 'you may not make decisions about your own body.'"
- "In this year of our lord, 2023 — book bans!"
- "We are up for this fight because we are clear about what is happening before our eyes."

VPOTUS says then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked her during a visit about what's going on with voting in the U.S.

VPOTUS calls Rep. Diana DeGette a "rockstar," a "powerhouse," and "an inspiration to so many people." VPOTUS said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold helped prevent election deniers from being elected secretary of state across the country.

Pooler was forced to leave as Q and A is starting.

June 16, 2023
16:32 MDT

VPOTUS pool report #6: VP departs

VPOTUS leaves Cherry Hills Village fundraiser for Denver International Airport at 4:30 p.m. MST.

June 16, 2023
17:16 MDT

VPOTUS pool report #7: Final quotes/details

Some final quotes/details from the VPOTUS address, which lasted about 25 minutes:

  • "It's so good to be back in Colorado, back in Denver. I see a lot of longstanding friends and a lot of new friends."

  • "We've got a lot of work to do, but we also have a lot to be proud of. And a lot that I think should motivate us."

  • "People said 'let's deal with the issue of child poverty,' and so we extended the child tax credit in the first year, reducing child poverty in America by over 40%"

  • On Rep. Diana DeGette: "I have worked with her, I've been working with her and she is just a powerhouse and an inspiration to so many people."

  • Regarding the 2022 election (midterms): "Was it the 'red scare'? What was that term? So let's think about that. We elected more women governors, secretaries of state."

  • "Remember how many people were running for secretary of state — they run elections — who are election deniers? Because of the activism, the support of the secretary of state of Colorado, and what she did to organize people around the country, we had extraordinary wins."

  • "Think about on the issue of choice and the right of all people — the right of women — to make decisions about their body. In the midterms, wherever it was on the ballot, the voters voted in favor of choice. Think about that."

  • "The U.S. Supreme Court, the highest court in our land, the court of Thurgood and RBG, just took a constitutional right from the people of America, from the women of America. And then what happened? These extremists, so-called leaders, in state after state, have proposed and passed laws to deny women, people from making decisions about their own body."

  • On Angela Merkel: "I just can't stand the way — I know there's some media people in here — can't stand the way the media sometimes portrays strong women. Let me just tell you something: She's funny. She's warm. She was fantastic."

  • Harris said Merkel asked her: "What's going on with voting in your country?"

  • "When a democracy is intact, it is extraordinarily strong in terms of the strength that it has to uplift individual rights and liberties and freedom. Democracy is also very fragile. It will only be as strong as our willingness to fight for it."

This is my last report.

Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential Pool Reports of June 16, 2023 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/363953

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