Kamala Harris photo

Vice Presidential Pool Reports of March 6, 2024

March 06, 2024

Pool Reports by Lawrence Andrea, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Sent: Reports:
March 6, 2024
10:39 EST

VP travel pool report #1 — departure from Andrews

The VP arrived at Joint Base Andrews under grey skies and a light mist at 10:25 AM ET.

VP waved to pool but did not take questions. She was greeted by Acting Sec. of Labor Julie Su.

VP spoke to pool off record on board AF2.

Wheels up about 10:38

March 6, 2024
11:35 CST

VP travel pool report #2 — Arrival in Madison, rolling

The VP disembarked AF2 at Dane County Regional Airport in Madison at 11:29 AM Central Time to clear skies.

Greeting the VP and Sec. Su at airfield: Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, Attorney General Josh Kaul, Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski and Dane County Exec. Joe Parisi.

VP gave a wave to the pool without taking questions before getting into motorcade.

Motorcade left for the construction site of the future Madison Metro Transit Facility about 11:34 AM CT

March 6, 2024
12:01 CST

VP travel pool report #3 — arrival at construction facility

VP Harris arrived inside Madison Metro Transit Facility construction site at 11:45 AM CT.

Construction equipment and large "Investing In America" signs are posted throughout the facility. A handful of workers in hard hats appeared to be working throughout facility.

VP Harris, Sec. Su and Mayor Rhodes-Conway spoke with workers three, but her remarks could not be heard by pool.

March 6, 2024
12:22 CST

VP travel pool report #4 — conclusion of remarks and rolling

VP Harris concluded her brief remarks around 12:10 PM CT. Su and Rhodes-Conway also spoke.

VP touted local partnerships and said workers here are learning skills "that we need in a variety of jobs" to rebuild country's infrastructure.

"The work that is happening here really is a wonderful example of so many of our administration's priorities," Harris said.

Motorcade rolling around 12:15 PM CT

March 6, 2024
12:54 CST

VP travel pool report #5 — childhood home

The motorcade pulled up to VP Harris' childhood home on the west side of Madison at 12:47 PM CT.

Harris entered the house to meet with the current homeowner. She had what appeared to be a gift bag in her hand.

March 6, 2024
13:29 CST

VP travel pool report #6 — leaving fmr home, rolling

VP Harris rejoined the motorcade at 1:25 PM CT — after over half an hour in her childhood home overlooking Lake Mendota.

VP Harris lived at the house from age 3 to 5 (1968-1970), WH official says. Her father was an associate professor of economics at UW-Madison, and her mother worked as a breast cancer researcher in the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research.

"It's very serene and tranquil. It's just beautiful," VP told homeowner while on back patio.

"I don't remember the house as much as I remember the path down to the lake," VP told pool. "Welcome to my Madison roots."

Rolling at 1:26 PM CT

March 6, 2024
13:53 CST

VP travel pool report #7 — campaign event arrival

VP Harris arrived at Wisconsin Democrats' headquarters on Capitol Square for a campaign event about 1:43 PM CT.

Dozens of supporters are in the building. Spotted in the crowd: Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler and Alex Lasry, former U.S. Senate candidate and current official in the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Just two quiet protesters seen by pool outside building holding sign reading: "Money for jobs not war crimes."

March 6, 2024
15:30 CST

VP travel pool report #8 — campaign remarks, rolling

The VP thanked a crowd of more than 40 Wisconsin Democrats at the campaign event on Capitol Square in Madison and encouraged them to continue their outreach.

"The work you're doing in Wisconsin is going to make all the difference in terms of where we are and who we are and where we go for the next four years in our country," the VP told supporters. Her remarks lasted about 10 minutes.

About two dozen protesters waving Palestinian flags were outside the building when pool exited. One protest sign read: "War is not the answer ceasefire now."

Motorcade on move back to AF2 at 3:29 PM CT

March 6, 2024
16:02 CST

VP travel pool report #9 — departure from Madison

The VP exited the motorcade at the Dane County Regional Airport in Madison, WI at 3:46 PM CT.

She posed for a photo with staff but did not stop for questions from pool.

AF2 wheels up at 4:01 PM CT

March 6, 2024
18:56 EST

VP travel pool report #10 — return to Andrews/lid

AF2 landed at Joint Base Andrews at 6:42 PM Eastern Time.

The VP disembarked, waved to pool and entered motorcade at 6:54 PM ET.

This is the final report.

Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential Pool Reports of March 6, 2024 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/370555

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