Pool Reports by Suzanne Lynch, The Irish Times
Sent: | Reports: |
May 13, 2021 16:40 |
VP pool report #1 Good afternoon, BACKGROUND FROM A WH OFFICIAL Today, Vice President Harris, Chair of the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, and Vice-Chair Secretary Marty Walsh, will hold the inaugural meeting of the Task Force in the Vice President's ceremonial office. The Task Force's mission is to mobilize the federal government's policies, practices, and programs to provide workers in the private sector, state and local governments, and the federal sector with a greater opportunity to organize and collectively bargain with their employers. The Task Force consists of more than 20 Cabinet members and agency directors or administrators. The Biden-Harris Administration believes that every worker has the right to organize and collectively bargain and protecting that right is the work of the federal government. When there are more union members, there is less income inequality. Between 1979-2020, union density—that is, the percentage of American workers represented by a union—dropped by 14.9 percentage points. According to analysts, because of that drop American workers are losing out on $200 billion a year. The goal of the Task Force is help increase our nation's union density rate by targeting the barriers that exist for workers to organize and bargain collectively. |
May 13, 2021 17:36 |
VP Pool Report #2 Pool entered the VP's Ceremonial Office for the inaugural meeting of the Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment at 17.20 pm. Vice-President Kamala Harris was sitting at a table with several cabinet members including Secretaries Marty Walsh, Jennifer Granholm and Pete Buttigieg - many more participated virtually, including Janet Yellen. (Full list to follow) "I am so pleased that Marty Walsh will be the vice chair of the task force... we are proudly a pro-Union administration." The VP said the administration had two aims: " Being pro union, pro labor also addresses income inequality." "Our goal is to increase our nation's union density rate." "Right now we need our economy to get stronger." "If we do not protect workers'rights - paid leave, safety, retirement - all of us pay a price." Harris, who spoke for over five minutes, also noted the importance of "respect for the dignity of work - the dignity of all work. " Marty Walsh then spoke: He said it was an honor to be here. "As a second generation union member it is an honor. My father came to this country in 1956 as an immigrant, and joined a union. Pool exited at 17.30 pm FULL quotes to follow |
May 13, 2021 18:07 |
VP Pool Report #3 - Full quotes + list of attendees Here is full transcript of VP Harris and Secretary Walsh's comments at the top of the meeting: VP Harris: "I am so pleased that Marty Walsh, Secretary Walsh, will be the vice chair of this task force so we can do the work alongside these incredible leaders to really address something that is a high priority for our administration. We are proudly a pro-Union administration. This is the work of doing two things essentially – looking at what we can do to take on and address the "Our goal is to help increase our nation's union density rate. We do believe that the work of this task force should embrace certain principles including that there is nothing that we do and can do that is too small or too big to address or to fix." "Right now we need our economy to get stronger. I see Secretary Yellen there – I'm so happy to see – there are so many other leaders national, international leaders, on this issue, and the work we are going to do on this task force is to collaborate and to do the work that we can – a full government approach to ensuring that we are committed to the importance, and strategic importance for all of America of supporting organized labor and the right that all workers should have to collective bargaining. "The final point I'll make is that the pandemic, in many ways, has marked a new era for our nation. Some of you have heard me say this… so much of domestic and foreign policy was determined and designed based rightly on what happened on September 11th 2001 and for about 20 years so much of our domestic and foreign policy was informed by what happened on that tragic, horrible day. I would posit that we are at the beginning of a new era or epoch which has been…by this pandemic. This pandemic has been an accelerator, meaning for those for whom things were bad before they are even worse. This has been an accelerator meaning that we have seen vividly… the fissures, and the fractures and the failures of our systems. We have seen that if we do not protect workers' rights – things like paid leave, workers' safety, retirement - all of us pay a price." Secretary Marty Walsh then spoke: "Thank you very much. It is an honor to be here. I am grateful to you and the president to serve on this task force and to all my colleagues. This is a historic moment in our country. It's an honor for me as a second-generation union member to be sitting at this table fighting for the rights of people in this country to organize. When I think back to…My father came to this country in 1956, he was an immigrant, joined a union, and the opportunity that he gave me to be sitting one day as Secretary of Labor has been truly amazing." "If there's only one thing I've learned in the labor movement, it's solidarity. We can only overcome the challenges if we stand together. So we're going to look at how every cabinet, how every federal agency, empowers workers and enables their rights to organize. FROM VP's OFFICE Attendees (in person or virtual) Task Force Members
Staff in attendance
That is all from me. Have a good evening, |
Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential Pool Reports of May 13, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/349961