Pool Reports by Katie Rogers, The New York Times
Sent: | Reports: |
November 11, 2021 10:40 CEST |
VP Travel Pool 1 -- Arc de Triomphe Good morning, The stage is set up beside the Arc. There is a giant French flag hanging from the center of the Arc and various military units surrounding it. In front of the Arc, there are 8 flags on polls – 4 for France and 4 for the EU. Pool has spotted at least two tanks positioned in the perimeter. As usual, there is ambient cigarette smoke. Background from the VP's office: Today Vice President Harris is attending the annual wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider at the base of the Arc de Triomphe to commemorate Armistice Day at the invitation of President Macron. The event is an opportunity to honor the fallen French and American soldiers who fell during WWI. France and the U.S hold an enduring relationship, as well as shared values of standing up for democracy, freedom, and human rights. |
November 11, 2021 11:50 CEST |
VP travel pool report #2: Departure The VP emerged from the hotel at 10:49 and took one question on what she hopes to achieve for this trip. "Last night is evidence of history and also our current relationship and our commitment to a new era of partnerships to address the challenges that we face." She said Macron "has expressed his intention to join the Artemis accord. As the head of the Space Council, I can tell you we're very excited about the prospect of that and the work that we can do together." (The accords are part of an American-led effort to put humans back on the moon by 2024.) She said she spent 90 minutes in the bilat with Macron but he also have her a tour of the Elysée Palace. She departed at 10:51. Fuller quotes (color from palace) tk. |
November 11, 2021 11:52 CEST |
VP travel pool report #3: More quotes on palace visit from VP; declined inflation question VP said that, while on a tour of the palace, Macron showed her Charles de Gaulle's desk. "It was there that we had a comprehensive conversation about not only science but this new era. I thought of it in the context of what I've read about de Gaulle and he said, 'You know, there are three things you have to keep intact as it relates to Paris: It's the university, it's the Eiffel Tower, and Pasteur Institut.' And that prompted a discussion about our longstanding commitment, going back to Ben Franklin, on the issue of scientific research and medical research, what we are prepared to do to address the pandemic, pandemic preparedness, but also again, the relationship that the United States and France have in working together to address the issues affecting our partners around the world, and I'll speak more about that later." She declined to take a second question about whether rising inflation in the United States has imperiled the Build Back Better agenda. |
November 11, 2021 11:55 CEST |
VP travel pool report #4 - Arc de Triomphe arrival VP Harris arrived at 11:08 am. A Jumbotron showed her embracing French President Macron and chatting briefly. Harris smiled widely at Macron when he greeted her— an exchange was was broadcast live nationally on French television. Macron grasped her arm before they separated and he began greeting a line of French service members. A military band played La Marseillaise. It is cool and bright outside, and cloudless. Pool cannot see the vice president but is told that she began the ceremony seated with Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff and other members of her delegation in the front row of a set of risers facing the ceremony, on the opposite side of the plaza. She appeared briefly on the Jumbotron screen at 11:20 am. Macron stood on a jeep-type vehicle as it encircled the Arc before greeting veterans. At 11:27 am Macron began speaking, remembering soldiers who died in battle. Thanks to copoolers Jennifer Jacobs and Noah Bierman |
November 11, 2021 12:39 CEST |
VP travel pool report #5 - delegation, greeters, quotes The ceremony is concluding. Pool will be returning separately from VP Harris. At 12:10 pm Harris was seen on Jumbotron standing between French Prime Minister Jean Castex and French Senate President Gerard Larcher, and speaking with French National Assembly Richard Ferrand. She was shown onscreen again at 12:21 pm and 12:30 pm. Harris was met on arrival by Castex, French Chief of Protocol Ambassador Philippe Franc, and Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo. She is with the U.S. delegation, which includes her Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President Tina Flournoy; Acting Chief of Protocol Asel Roberts; Nancy McEldowney, AP & VP's National Security Advisor; Phil Gordon, Special Asst to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor to the VP; Lisa Sawyer, Special Advisor to the VP; Symone Sanders, DAP & Sr. Advisor and Chief Spokesperson for the VP; and Brian Aggeler, Charge d'Affaires, a.i., U.S. Embassy Paris. A camera mic picked up Harris and Macron's conversation at the start of the event today. Some quotes below. Harris mentions that aides came into yesterday's bilateral meeting three times. A Harris aide explained to Bloomberg's Jennifer Jacobs that the meeting ran over "because everyone was so engaged. Macron's staff came in trying to wrap the meeting." One correction to earlier report: the Second Gentleman is not in attendance with Harris, per official. "This morning he attended a wreath-laying ceremony to mark Veterans Day. This afternoon, he's participating at a gender equality listening session." Find the Elysee Palace's video of the ceremony here: Per copooler Sarah Kolinovsky, Harris greets Macron about 18 minutes into the feed. Quotes courtesy of Sarah: It seems Macron starts by saying "I enjoyed our meeting," although the mic is a bit muffled. The sound clears up for Harris's answer: "I enjoyed it very much." "And continue our conversations, okay?" Harris said, holding both of Macron's hands. "Thank you." "Thank you so much for all discussion yesterday," Macron said. "I liked it. And you know we covered a lot of ground. We covered a lot. And in fact to the point they had to come three times," Harris said laughing. "I think so, from space to -" Macron said at the same time. He asked if she had met his Prime Minister, then said "But thank you, this is a great honor for all of us to have you here, for such a ceremony." "Well it's important for us. It's important for us to be here. We have a long and shared history, and a future," Harris said. "And this is a very special day because as you probably know, we will honor, the very latest companion," Macron said, referring to Hubert Germain, the "latest Companion of French Liberation," or the oldest surviving French WWI soldier, who died at 101 in October. "And I read about him, and what an extraordinary fellow. He had a lot of fire in his belly, as we say," Harris said. "I can tell you. I can tell you," Macron said, before thanking Harris one more time. |
November 11, 2021 13:05 CEST |
VP travel pool #6 — return to hotel VP arrived at The Intercontinental at 12:57, per her office. Pool did not travel in the motorcade. At 12:34 pm, as the ceremony was ending, Macron greeted VP Harris again. Per TV pooler Sarah Kolinovsky, you can hear Harris say "what a beautiful ceremony" and "we'll be together all day," but Macron is difficult to hear. On a separate matter, the WH passes along additional info on background about the Artemis Accords, following up on Harris' earlier comment that Macron wants to join: On background from a WH official: |
November 11, 2021 16:31 CEST |
VP travel pool report #7: Departure for Peace Forum and excerpted remarks The VP's motorcade departed her RON for the Paris Peace Forum at 4:24 p.m. The drive is roughly 10 minutes. She is expected to give prepared remarks at the event, which is being held at the Grande Halle de La Villette. Her office cleared some excerpts from the remarks ahead of time, per pool's request. See below: […] As the leaders of today, we are being confronted with this challenge—which is immense in both size and scale. At times like this, there are some who see what is happening and accept it. They accept it as something that has always existed and always will. But there are others who see what is happening and ask: Why? […] As I have said many times, our world is more interconnected and interdependent than ever before: -A virus can spread globally in the matter of months. -A hacker in one nation can shutdown the critical infrastructure of another. -Emissions anywhere can increase air pollution everywhere. In the 21st century, our fates are linked, as is our future. In the 21st century, our nations are interconnected. Our people are interconnected. […] Let's remember: When the world joined together to issue a Universal Declaration on Human Rights, we saw what is possible. When the world joined together to launch the International Space Station, we saw what is possible. When the world, together, eradicated small pox, we saw what is possible. And I believe that, in this pivotal moment, if we join together, there is no challenge that is too big to take on. |
November 11, 2021 17:41 CEST |
VP travel pool report #8: Paris Peace Forum arrival and speech Motorcade pulled up to the event space for the Paris Peace Forum at 4:47 pm. Pool went to hold in a balcony press file. The two of them ignored a shouted question from CNN's Jeremy Diamond about whether the US-France relationship was back to 100 percent. The pair then made their way though a crowd of attendees. She sat down and chatted with an attendee at one point while Macron went on shaking hands. "Thank you," he said to attendees over and over again. "Thank you." Macron took a seat next to Harris, and a swarm of photographers quickly descended to snap photos. About a minute later the photographers were herded away, cameras clicking. A presentation, hosted by Melissa Bell of CNN, began at 5:19 pm. Trisha Shetty, an activist and event organizer, spoke directly to the VP: "We are looking forward to your leadership, truly." Then the presentation featured a video montage of world leaders speaking about the need to close global gaps in income, education gender and equality amid the pandemic and other forms of global unrest. The VP began speaking at 5:30 pm. Excerpted remarks from the VP were included in report #7 and a live stream of the event should appear here: https://parispeaceforum.org/la-quatrieme-edition-en-direct/ |
November 11, 2021 18:38 CEST |
VP travel pool report #9: VP speech ends VP's speech ended at 5:43 p.m. Her office will send full transcript soon but a few highlights: The VP said the pandemic had presented an opportunity for world leaders to better see where inequality exists. "As we recover from this pandemic, from the crisis, we must challenge the status quo and build something better," the VP said during a speech that focused on global inequality and called for world leaders not to stand by as wealth and equality gaps widen. "To get at the root of this challenge we must look critically at the longstanding systems that are fractured," she added. She said that started by taking action at home: "The US is committed to addressing our own systemic gaps. In fact, that has been a priority of our administration." She said Congress had passed a landmark infrastructure bill and another bill (BBB) was "poised to pass soon." "As we make progress at home, we recognize our obligation to other nations around the world. A challenge this sizable and seismic demands that our world work together in solidarity." She said the global minimum tax agreement had ensured that corporations, no matter how large, "will no longer be able to avoid paying their fair share." From WH: Following the Vice President's remarks, the speaking order is as follows - |
November 11, 2021 19:03 CEST |
VP travel pool report #10: VP participates in a roundtable, more remarks The VP is now participating in a roundtable focused on digital technology challenges. She touted the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, a French-led international initiative to protect civilians against cyberattacks and discourage digital meddling in elections, and spoke about the need to address misinformation and hate online. The United States joined the Paris Call, a nonbinding accord, this week, three years after the Trump administration declined to sign on. Check against transcripts whenever they come - "I firmly believe that there must be consequences whenever security and stability are being threatened in cyberspace." "We are determined to work with our partners to eliminate terror online." "I have seen firsthand how women and children have been exploited online." "I have seen firsthand how hate and violent extremism is stoked online." "We have all seen how autocrats are using technology to crack down on journalists and activists." "To address these risks and these threats, I am clear that our world must join together." "In a world that is more interconnected and interdependent, let us go forward together." The roundtable is ongoing. |
November 11, 2021 21:05 CEST |
VP travel pool report #11: Departing Paris Peace Forum The roundtable continued and at one point the presenters had to hang up on Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, whose live stream stopped working. Then organizers sped the panel up so Macron, the VP, and others could attend an official dinner later. Speaking of: We are heading to the chief of mission residence where VP will stop briefly before dinner. Motorcade is rolling from the Paris Peace Forum at 8:09 pm. Note: A very small, very tiny pool will drop the VP off at the chief of mission residence, peel off from the motorcade, and preset at the Élysée Palace, where the VP is attending dinner later. We will be leaving shortly after her arrival at the palace. Her departure from dinner is closed press. Also, WH sent over a list of roundtable participants: Vice President delivered opening remarks at the Paris Agenda for Technology and the Digital Domain, participants include:
November 11, 2021 22:50 CEST |
VP travel pool report #12: VP palace arrival After dropping off the VP at the chief of mission residence, a small pool walked to the palace to pre-set for her arrival. Inside the courtyard, attendees were driven up to the gates as a military band played. Some faced the wall of photographers and posed in their finery, jewelry and hair oil glinting, and silks catching the light, before heading inside. Others appeared surprised that they had to pose and were still wearing their lanyards from the earlier conference. The actor Forest Whitaker took his mask off and smiled when photographers called out to him. Then the footman and footwoman who had been greeting attendees at the palace were switched out for Secret Service agents. The VP and Second Gentleman arrived at 9:28 pm. The pair tried to briskly walk into the palace but were asked to turn around for photos. "Have a good night," VP said before ducking inside with SG. That's it for now. Pool will soon depart from the palace unilaterally as the WH has closed her departure to the RON to press. Spotted a bit earlier by Jen Jacobs of Bloomberg: While the pool was making its way through the streets of Paris, a trio of bicyclists rode by and shouted the VP's first name: "Kamala, Kamala!" |
November 12, 2021 00:42 CEST |
VP travel pool report #13: RON arrival The VP arrived back at the RON at 11:44 p.m., according to her office. |
Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential Pool Reports of November 11, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/353343