Kamala Harris photo

Vice Presidential Pool Reports of October 13, 2024

October 13, 2024

Pool Reports by Alex Gangitano, The Hill

Sent: Reports:
October 13, 2024

VP pool report #1- rolling

Good Sunday morning from Raleigh.

The motorcade is rolling to RDU as of 9:52am.

A few people are lined up on the street, yelling, waving and giving the thumbs up.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #2- RDU

The motorcade arrived at RDU at 10:19am.

Vice President Harris took a photo with some people on the tarmac, including those who drove the motorcade for us here.

She boarded at 10:22. We will be wheels up shortly.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #3- wheels down/ rolling

Wheels down in Greenville, NC at 11:07am.

The flight from Raleigh was just under 30 minutes.

Harris deplaned at 11:19am. She shook hands with Rep Don Davis at the bottom of the stairs and they spoke for about a minute and then high fived.

Motorcade is rolling at 11:23am.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #4- Christian center

Motorcade arrived at Koinonia Christain Center at 11:42am.

We did not see Harris walk in.

Along the route, a man in a red Trump shirt stood watching the motorcade go by.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #5- service/Harris remarks

Harris walked out onto the stage at 12:35pm. She spoke for about 10 minutes.

She thanked Bishop Rosie S. O'neal and the "KCC family", saying she was honored to be at the service and "for the opportunity to allow me to worship with you."

More from remarks:

"It is easy in these moments of crisis to question our faith, to sometimes lose our faith for a moment…Scripture teaches us, let us not become weary."

She said she sang in the children's choir and first learned the teachings of the bible in Oakland, Calif.

"At an early age, I learned that faith is a verb. It is something we show in action and in service," she said.

"One must do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. That truth is important at all times and especially in moments of difficulty and disaster, especially in moments like this as we navigate storms that have inflicted so much harm across of country."

"We are thinking of everyone who has been affected by these storms… I know the people of Greeneville, like all Americans, have been inspired by ways communities are coming together."

"It's been my experience to see that in a moment of crisis, isn't it something when you know that often it is the people who have the least, give the most? Moments of crisis I believe, do have a way of revealing the heroes among us, the angels among us, and showing us all the best of who we are. And these hurricanes have revealed heroes around all of us. Heroes who do not ask the injured or stranded whether they are a Republican or a Democrat but simply ask, are you okay? What can I do to help? Heroes, who I like to say, see in the face of a stranger, a neighbor."

"Yet, church, there are some who are not acting in the spirit of community and I am speaking of those who have been literally not telling the truth, lying, about people who are working hard to help those in need. Spreading disinformation when the truth and fact are required."

"The problem is… it's making it harder to get people lifesaving information if they're led to believe they cannot trust. And that is the pain of it all, because the idea that those in need are somehow being convinced that the forces are working against them in a way that they would not seek aid."

"Right now, fellow Americans are experiencing some of the most difficult moments of their lives. Yet instead of offering hope, there are those who are channeling peoples' tragedies and sorrows into grievances and hatred. And one may ask why and I think sadly, I think the motives are quite transparent, to gain some advantage for themselves. To play politics for other people's heartbreak and it is unconscionable."

"It is not the time to make people feel alone. That is not what—and this is a church full of leaders— that is not what leaders, as we know, do in crisis. Now is the time to bring folks together, to come together, to be there for one another and follow the example of all of the heroes all around us. Now is the time to live up to the fundamental values that reflect our nation at its best. The values of compassion and community and honesty and decency. The values that define the people of Greenville, the people of North Carolina."

She told a story about a man, Eddie, who she met in Charlotte "the other week." She said he told her he saw a woman in the flood waters and jumped in the river to pull her to shore. He told Harris, she said, "I didn't feel I had a choice."

"But of course he had a choice, of course he had a choice. But his choice was to take a risk for the sake of another. Didn't even reflect on the risk he might have been taking. His choice was to follow his conscience. His choice, in the words of Isaiah, was to be 'a refuge for the needy in their distress.'"

She also cited Paul's letter to the church in Galatians, saying that people "might feel a temptation to turn away from others in their time of need, to believe, what does it matter?"
"But Paul reminded them and us, that God calls us not to become weary of doing good. Because we each have the power, God tells us this, the power in each one of us, to make a difference. And that tells us that the measure of our strength will be clear when we see what we can do to lift other people up."

"We are witnessing faith in action."

"Let us continue to look in the face of a stranger and see a neighbor. Let us recognize that when we shine the light in moments of darkness, it will guide our feet onto the path of peace. And let us always remember that while weeping may endure for a night, joy cometh in the morning," she said to close and the church attendees stood up, clapping and waving.

The service began at noon and after several minutes of song, a bishop welcomed attendees, read scripture and led a prayer. After several more minutes of song and everyone appearing to participate, announcements played on a video and then Bishop Rosie S. O'neal came to the stage.

Harris was not visible to the pool before she took the stage but photographers spotted her in the front row participating in the service.

Bishop Rosie S. O'neal introduced Harris:

"I realize we have people who vote all kinds of ways… we appreciate candidates and everything, that's amazing, but we have a sitting vice president," she said to applause and a standing ovation from the crowd.

Attendees stood up and cheered for Harris when she walked onto the stage.

After speaking, O'neal continued the service. She thanked God for the secret service and the police, as well as the press and advance, etc. She then led in reading from the Bible.

The service is ongoing.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #6- rolling

Pool left Koinonia Christian Center at 1:33pm and we did not see when Harris left.

Motorcade is rolling at 1:46pm.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #7- passing along

Just got this and passing along-

On behalf of the Harris-Walz campaign Vice President Harris is attending church service at the Koinonia Christian Center in Greenville, North Carolina where she will also be delivering remarks. The service can be viewed live here: https://www.youtube.com/live/hx7t1XJreio

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #8- ECU arrival

The motorcade arrived at the stadium at East Carolina University at 2:10pm.

Some people near and on campus stood outside to watch the motorcade.

We did not see Harris enter the building. People are already in their seats, in the bleachers and on the court floor dancing while the Cupid Shuffle is playing.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #9

Passing along—

On behalf of the Harris-Walz campaign

Vice President Harris is meeting with North Carolina Black farmers ahead of her remarks at East Carolina University.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #10- 2 mins to remarks

2 minutes to VP remarks.

On behalf of the Harris-Walz campaign

Vice President Harris is delivering remarks at a campaign rally at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina.

State Senator Kandie Smith
State Senator Rachel Hunt
Congressman Don Davis

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #11- Harris takes the stage

Harris took the stage at 4:39pm.

She was introduced by President of the ECU Young Democrats.

Attendees at the rally are wearing wristbands that light up red, white and blue. They are holding signs that say, "Vote for Freedom," "vote," "Harris Walz" and "Iwillvote.com/NC."

Earlier in the afternoon, Rep. Don Davis and others gave remarks.

"We have the vice president in the 252!" Davis said and the crowd erupted in cheers.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #12- remarks end

Crowd here is 7,000, I'm told by the campaign.

Harris ended her remarks at 5:03pm.

Quotes below:

"I have spoken to both state and local officials, both Republican and Democrat, to let them know we will be with you every step of the way. Because in times like this, we stand together as one nation. That is who we are."

"North Carolina, we have 23 days until election day. And we are nearing the homestretch," she said. "Now listen, I know we are really excited to see each other… but I'm going to tell you, it's going to be a tight race. Until the very end. And we are running as the underdog and have some hard work ahead of us, but we like hard work.. and with your help in 23 days, we will win," she said and the crowd broke out in "we will win."

"We know this election really is about two very different visions for our nation. His, focused on the past, the other, ours, focused on the future," she said.

She asked how many small business owners were in the crowd and said, "thank you."

"We are focused on protecting reproductive freedom, we are focused on keeping our nation secure, but none of that is what we hear from Donald Trump. Instead, instead, from him, we are just hearing from that same old tired playbook. He has no plan for how he would address the needs of people. He is only focused on himself," she said and some in the crowd yelled, "lock him up."

"He refuses to release his medical records. I've done it. Every other presidential candidate in modern era has done it. He is unwilling to do a 60 Minutes interview like every other major party candidate has done for over half a century. He is unwilling to meet for a second debate. And here's the thing, it makes you wonder, it makes you wonder. Why does his staff want him to hide away? One must question, are they afraid that people will see that he is too weak and unstable?"

"America is ready to chart a new way forward, ready for a new and optimistic generation of leadership, which is why Democrats, independents, and Republicans are supporting our campaign. Because they are and we know they need a republican who works for all the American people."

"I have only ever had one client, the people."

"as president, it is my pledge for you that I will always fight for all the American people. And together, we will build a brighter future for our nation and that future includes building what I call an opportunity economy."

She spoke about her housing plan, in-home care plan, to combat price gouging, child tax credit expansion.

She then talked about Project 2025.
"Did you see the debate? He has concepts of a plan… come on!"

"We are not going back!" she said at the crowd joined her. The stadium continued on "we're not going back."

"We will move forward. Ours is a fight for the future. And it is a fight for freedom. Like the fundamental freedom of a woman to be able to make decisions about her own body and not have the government tell her what to do."

"I do believe Donald Trump is an unserious man but the effects of him being back in the Whtie House would be brutally serious."

The crowd started yelling: "lock him up."

Harris responded: "Hold on! Here's the thing. Let's let the courts handle that and let's handle November."

"Donald Trump is unfit to serve."

"We are together this Sunday afternoon because we love our country."
The crowd then chanted, "USA."

"I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism to then fight for the ideals of our country and then fight to realize the promise of America."

She mentioned that early voting in NC starts on Thursday.

"And so now is the time to make your plan to vote and if you have not received your ballot in the mail, look for it, because if you have, I would like you to fill it up by the way."

"To my friends I say, look, the election is here."

"Remember always, your vote is your voice and your voice is your power."

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #13- rolling

Motorcade is rolling at 5:11pm.

Pool did not see Harris leave ECU.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #14- airport/ wheels up

Motorcade arrived at Greenville airport at 5:27pm.

Harris waved at us and answered quick questions from the stairs about SG Emhoff's birthday when the pool yelled out to ask about it.

Are you celebrating the Second Gentleman's birthday?


Did you get him a present?

"Yes, but I'm not telling you."

She added "we're having dinner."

We will be wheels up to JBA shortly.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #15- wheels down

AF2 was wheels down at JBA at 6:28pm.

Harris walked down the steps at 6:38pm and waved to the press. She then boarded Marine two, which was wheels up at 6:45pm.

October 13, 2024

VP pool report #16- lid

The Vice President arrived at the Naval Observatory at 7:01p

We have a lid. Good night all!

Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential Pool Reports of October 13, 2024 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/374635

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