Kamala Harris photo

Vice Presidential Pool Reports of September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024

Pool Reports by Caitlin Doornbos, New York Post

Sent: Reports:
September 11, 2024

VP out-of-town pool report #1 – Motorcade rolling to Ground Zero

Good morning from your VP print pooler.

The vice president left her New York City hotel at 7:52 a.m. Motorcade is in route to Ground Zero for an 8:30 a.m. ceremony honoring the victims of 9/11.

President Biden and former President Donald Trump are also expected to be in attendance.

September 11, 2024

VP out-of-town pool report #2 – Ground Zero

Motorcade arrived at 8:08 a.m. Pooler did not have visibility of Harris exiting her vehicle.

Ground Zero was nearly silent as hundreds of families of 9/11 victims – most dressed in black – gathered for the ceremony. The sound of the memorial's waterfalls blocked out any remaining sounds from the bustling city.

About two dozen 9/11 victims laid roses, American flags and a law enforcement "thin blue line" flag in a private ceremony on the grounds about 200 yards away from the stage where VP will stand for the 8:30 a.m. ceremony.

September 11, 2024

VP out-of-town pool report #3 – ceremony begins

A handful of the hundreds of family members at the memorial cheered and clapped when President Biden and VP Harris arrived on stage at 8:30 p.m.

The two joined former President Donald Trump, Sen. JD Vance and former Mayor Bloomberg for a photo before the ceremony began.

In the audience, about 15 families held up documents and photos of victims for the VPs to see.

Ceremony began with a drum beat at 8:42 a.m. by the NYPD honor guard and its bagpipe band.

Pooler also saw Sen. Chick Schumer and Eric Trump in attendance.

September 11, 2024

VP out-of-town pool report #4 – ceremony

The ceremony began with a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. – the moment the first plane hit the north tower.

Biden and Harris briefly whispered back and forth at one point early into the ceremony. So did Vance and Former Mayor Giuliani. Pool did not see Trump whisper to anyone as of 9:15 a.m.

Bloomberg stood next to Harris' right, Biden to her left. Sen. Gillibrand stood on the other side of Bloomberg.

September 11, 2024 [APP Note: Report #5 does not exist or was not received by the APP.]
September 11, 2024

VP out-of-town pool report #6 – Motorcade leaves ceremony

VP motorcade left the ceremony at 9:45 a.m., roughly halfway through the reading of the list of 9/11 victims' names, which started about 50 minutes earlier. Pool did not see Harris leave the memorial, as the distinguished visitors were positioned beneath white tents roughly 20 yards away from the ceremony stage.

En route to LaGuardia, then on to Pennsylvania, where POTUS and VP plan to lay wreaths at the Shanksville, Pa. crash site.

September 11, 2024 [APP Note: Report #7 does not exist or was not received by the APP.]
September 11, 2024

VP out-of-town pool report #8 – wheels up

Air Force Two was parked directly between Trump Force One and Two (Trump and Vance's planes).

VP exited her vehicle at 10:15 a.m. wearing 3-inch black heels as opposed to her signature Chuck Taylors. She waved at the press but did not stop for questions.

AF2 wheels up at 10:32 a.m.

September 11, 2024

VP Pool report #9 – Wheels down Pa.

AF2 wheels down at Jonestown-Cambria airport in Johnstown, Pa. at 11:17 a.m.

VP deplaned at 11:33 a.m., greeted by two Marines, who each had about a minute conversation with her, which included a "thank you," per pooler's amateur lip-reading.

Harris presented them with challenge coins.

Per a White House official, Harris was greeted by:

- Colonel Michael Girvin, 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation
Brigade Commander, 28th Infantry Division

- Command Sergeant Major Jason Zahurak, 28th Expeditionary
Combat Aviation Brigade

En route to Shanksville at 11:36. Should take approximately 35 minutes.

September 11, 2024

VP Pool report #10 – Motorcade arrives in Shanksville

While POTUS took Marine One from Johnstown-Cambria to Shanksville, VP Harris went by motorcade through the thick corn fields and wooded, rolling hills of rural Pennsylvania.

The route was dotted with "Trump 2024" yard signs. Large billboards touted "Vote Republican," "Jesus Love Trump" and "America Must End Abortion." Pool did not see a single Harris (or Biden) sign.

Still, about two dozen Pennsylvanians were spotted at various points throughout the drive waving at and photographing the VP's motorcade.

Motorcade arrived at Shanksville's Flight 93 memorial at 12:12 p.m.

September 11, 2024

VP pool report #11

Much smaller crowds at Shanksville, with roughly 200 attendees – some of who were family of the victims. Pennsylvanians who attended told your pooler they were disappointed by the relatively low turnout, believing it to be a sign "that people are forgetting."

Your pooler noticed one person with political messaging in the memorial audience. Excuse the vulgarity, but a Pennsylvania man in a bright red shirt reading, "#Kommy_Kamala SUCKS at all her jobs. Willie Brown said #Hawktuah_Harris also swallows" was also in attendance. He told your pooler that he was not a family member of the Flight 93 victims, but that he came to the ceremony to honor them – and to "make sure Biden and Harris get this message." The back of the shirt said, "Abort Hawktuah Harris."

POTUS and VP appeared at 12:34 p.m. to lay a white and red wreath at the memorial. Both were silent and did not address the crowd before walking through the memorial at 12:37 a.m. and out to the crash site in the field about 150 yards away.

September 11, 2024

VP pool report #12 – Shanksville wraps

The Shanksville ceremony ended at 2:44 p.m. without remarks from POTUS and VP.

Your pooler saw four Trump hats in the audience and no Harris or Biden apparel, though largely the event remained apolitical.

Motorcade departed at 13:08.

September 11, 2024

VP pool report #13 – Shanksville Volunteer Fire Department stop

Biden and Harris arrived at the Shanksville Volunteer Fire Department about 13:20, where they greeted firefighters and paid their respects at a cross made from Flight 93's scraps, which stands outside the firehouse.

Harris appeared solemn and respectful, flashing polite smiles occasionally as a firefighter spoke privately with VO and POTUS. Both Biden and Harris spoke with the firefighter, but were too far away to hear or lip read.

They went into the firehouse at 13:27, where they were out of pool's view. Pool walked back to motorcade at 13:20 with VP and POTUS still inside.

September 11, 2024

VP pool report #14 – wheels up to JBA

VP Harris boarded AF2 at 14:55, waving to reporters but not stoping for questions.

Wheels up from Johnstown-Cambria Airport to JBA at 15:07.

Your pooler believes she saw Trump Force One at airport, but suggests double checking with Trump camp for confirmation.

September 11, 2024

VP pool report #15 – wheels down JBA

Air Force Two wheels down at JBA at 15:36. Flight time was just under 30 minutes, exhibiting just how close Flight 93 was to its presumed intended destination of Washington, DC before its passengers' heroic actions 23 years ago.

VP Harris deplaned at 15:49, taking no questions but waving to pool as she left. VP motorcade left JBA at 15:54.

September 11, 2024

VP pool report #16 – Pentagon

VP, POTUS, SecDef and Chief of the Joint Staff walked down an American-flag flanked cordon at the Pentagon 9/11 memorial at 16:37. At the end, they placed their hands on a wreath for the victims and Taps was played.

They then walked back to the other side to view the monument inscribed with the names of the Pentagon 9/11 victims.

Biden, SecDef Austin and CJS Brown spoke quietly at the monument with reverence. Pool could not hear, but saw Austin crack a subdued smile at one point. Pool did not see VP's lips move.

Pool left the four at the memorial at 16:42.

September 11, 2024

VP pool report #17 – VP home, lid

VP Harris arrived at her home at 17:08. She will remain there the rest of the night, per WH official.

Kamala Harris, Vice Presidential Pool Reports of September 11, 2024 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/374189

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