Visit of President Perez of Venezuela Joint Communiqué Issued Following President Perez' Visit.
The President of the Republic of Venezuela, Carlos Andres Perez, and Mrs. Perez made a State Visit to Washington June 28-29 in response to the invitation extended by the President of the United States of America, Jimmy Carter, and Mrs. Carter. Accompanying the President and Mrs. Perez were Minister of Foreign Relations Ramon Escovar Salon, Minister of Finance Hector Hurtado, Minister of Energy and Mines Valentin Hernandez, Minister of Information and Tourism Diego Arria, Minister of State for International Economic Affairs Manuel Perez Guerrero, the Ambassador of Venezuela and Mrs. Iribarren, Ambassador Simon Alberto Consalvi, and Ambassador Jose Maria Macbin.
Participating in the talks on behalf of the United States were Vice President Mondale, Secretary of State Vance, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Brzezinski, Assistant to the President Schlesinger, and leaders of the Congress.
The Presidents of Venezuela and of the United States, accompanied by their respective parties, referred in their talks to the strong bonds existing between their two countries. They analyzed a wide range of political, economic and cultural affairs of mutual interest and they made special reference to the fact that international relations should be based on mutual respect and cooperation.
They confirmed their faith in the future and the importance of the ethical and political values of Western democratic society, and they reiterated their conviction that man should realize his full potential within a socially, politically, and economically just system which will foster the advantages of the democratic system and the importance which it attaches to the individual.
The two Presidents discussed fully the matters of human rights and agreed to issue a separate communiqué in this respect. They expressed their conviction that the scientific and technological application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and for economic development should be recognized and protected.
They recognized that dissemination of the capability to produce nuclear weapons has serious implications for peace and security, and they expressed their determination to continue their efforts on the international level to avoid those dangers.
Recognizing the contribution which could be made in this regard by adequate regional measures, they attached great importance to broad advocacy of the entry into force of the Treaty of Tlatelolco throughout Latin America. Therefore, States within and without the Latin American region whose decisions are required in order to bring the Treaty into effect are urged to take the necessary measures as soon as possible.
The two Presidents discussed the world energy situation, especially with respect to petroleum, and agreed to explore ways of cooperating and encouraging conservation and the development of alternative sources of energy.
They agreed on the need for intensifying and supporting the efforts of mankind to attain general and complete disarmament and on the desirability of perfecting international standards and instruments of control.
They made known their decision to combine their efforts to achieve a reduction in conventional arms transfers. They also expressed support for regional initiatives such as the Declaration of Ayacucho of 1974, the implementation of which would aid in reducing tensions and avoiding unnecessary expenditures on arms.
They recognized in terrorism a threat which endangers the lives of innocent persons and jeopardizes peace. They declared the intent of their governments to cooperate bilaterally and internationally to combat terrorism.
The two Presidents examined the work of the North-South Dialogue or Conference on International Economic Cooperation, they agreed on the need for continuing, within the framework of the United Nations, the constructive dialogue designed to establish an international system based on justice, equity, interdependence and cooperation among states.
President Carter and President Perez announced their intention to carry on direct consultation, as well as through their respective Ambassadors and other representatives, and to dedicate their best efforts to realizing moral values in terms of the goals and aspirations shared by the Presidents, Governments, and peoples of the United States and Venezuela.
President Perez expressed to President Carter his deep appreciation for the hospitality extended to him and the warm reception given him by the people and the Government of the United States of America, and his sincere satisfaction with the results of his talks with President Carter.
Note: The text of the joint communiqué was released simultaneously in Washington and Caracas.
Jimmy Carter, Visit of President Perez of Venezuela Joint Communiqué Issued Following President Perez' Visit. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/244203