Photo of Elizabeth Warren

Warren Campaign Press Release - New Hampshire State Reps Endorse Elizabeth Warren for President

January 23, 2020

More NH State Reps Join Broad Coalition Declaring Support for Elizabeth Warren

Manchester, NH – Today, New Hampshire State Representatives Wendy Chase of Rollinsford, Dave Doherty of Pembroke, Lee Oxenham of Plainfield, and Jeff Salloway of Lee endorsed Elizabeth Warren for president. All four representatives will be hosting campaign events for Elizabeth in the coming days before New Hampshire's primary.

These endorsements come on the heels of both former Chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party and DNC Committeewoman Kathy Sullivan and New Hampshire State Senator Kevin Cavanaugh endorsing Elizabeth on Tuesday. Prior to that, more than 100 labor leaders and union members and more than 50 New Hampshire State Representatives stated that they are all in for a Warren administration.

"I have had the opportunity to compare Elizabeth to the other candidates in the presidential race, and am convinced that she offers this country the substantial changes it needs in the White House," said Representative Dave Doherty. "Elizabeth brings a wealth of experience and knowledge that she has turned into plans for the economy, health care, national security, reasonable gun legislation, and education as well as countless others. Elizabeth stands out as a woman of courage, intellect, and responsibility who will be the leader we need."

"Elizabeth is the progressive leader we need to beat Trump," said Representative Wendy Chase. "She has shown that she will fight for all of us through her comprehensive plan to pass Medicare for All, combat the opioid crisis, and protect the rights and equality of people with disabilities. She is dedicated to building an America that works for all of us, has the record to prove she can get the job done, and that's why I'm proud to support her."

"The top 1% hold too much power in America today – and it's holding us back from passing policies that would help working families and combat climate change," said Representative Lee Oxenham of Plainfield. "Elizabeth's comprehensive plans would help Granite Staters: putting power in the hands of working people and transitioning us to a clean energy economy. We need to take action now if we're going to stop climate change, protect our planet, and create lasting jobs – and that's why I'm supporting Elizabeth."

"Elizabeth is the strongest candidate to take on Trump and win," said Representative Jeff Salloway of Lee. "Her platform and record of fixing corruption in government is the perfect antithesis to what we see day in and day out from the Trump administration. She's the president we need, and the president our future generations are relying on to make meaningful change."

"We're building a movement in New Hampshire for big, structural change," said Elizabeth. "I'm grateful to have Wendy, Dave, Lee, Jeff, and so many dedicated New Hampshire legislators in the fight with us. They know what it takes to make change – and will keep fighting to make that a reality. Together, we can win."

The more than 55 state reps who are all in with Elizabeth represent all corners of the Democratic party – a broad coalition of support across the state.

Elizabeth Warren, Warren Campaign Press Release - New Hampshire State Reps Endorse Elizabeth Warren for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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