Joe Biden

What They Are Reading in the States: State-by-State Fact Sheets Highlight the Need to Pass the American Jobs Plan

April 13, 2021

Following the release of state-by-state fact sheets highlighting the urgent need for the American Jobs Plan in every state across the country, Americans have been reading in their local news stories about how the investments proposed by President Biden could help their state.

Local news across the country has been reporting on the number of bridges and miles of road in each state in poor condition, the percentage of households without access to broadband, the billions of dollars required for water infrastructure, among other infrastructure needs.

See below for a sampling of what people are reading in more than two dozen states across the country:

WIBW (CBS) Topeka: President's American Jobs Plan calls for action in Kansas

President Biden's American Jobs Plan is calling out the ‘C' Kansas received on its Infrastructure Report Card. A report from the White House notes that there are 1,321 bridges and over 1,995 miles of highway in poor condition. The White House insists that the American Jobs Plan will "make a historic investment in our nation's infrastructure." It says that Kansas drivers spent $509 in repairs due to driving on rough roads.

The report for Kansas goes on to address issues around drinking water, housing, broadband, manufacturing, and veterans health. The White House reports says that the state's drinking water infrastructure will require $5.3 billion in additional funding over the next two decades. The American Jobs Plan includes $111 billion for water in communities across the country.

An estimated 163,000 renters in Kansas are "rent burdened"--they spend more than 30% of their income on rent according to the White House report. The President is proposing a $200 billion investment to address the affordable housing crisis. As for broadband, it remains out of reach for many Kansans--14.3% live in areas where internet speed is an issue. More than half of the state's residents live in areas where there is only one provider and broadband may be too expensive. The White House claims that the AJP would invest $100 billion to reach every family in America. Nearly 12% of the state's workforce is employed by manufacturers. The AJP proposes $300 billion to "retool and revitalize American manufacturers".

The American Jobs Plan also calls for an investment in the VA health care system, specifically to benefit women and older veterans. There are more than 191,186 veterans in the state--9.2% are women and 45.6% are over the age of 65 according to the White House report.


The Gazette: Iowa's public works needs ignored too long, White House reports
[Rod Boshart, 4/12/21]

A White House report, issued Monday to try to build support for President Joe Biden's $2-trillion-plus federal infrastructure plan, says the proposal would benefit Iowans by upgrading highways and bridges in need of repair, expanding broadband to underserved areas and helping communities recover from disasters like last summer's derecho.

Biden administration officials issued the state-by-state breakdown of infrastructure needs the president hopes to address with his federal initiative that zeroed in on a dozen areas that also included housing, drinking water, public transportation, energy, manufacturing and caregiving for children and seniors.

"For decades, infrastructure in Iowa has suffered from a systemic lack of investment," according to "The Need for Action in Iowa" report that accompanied a call for the president's plan for a historic investment in infrastructure.

According to the White House report, there are 4,571 bridges and more than 403 miles of highway in poor condition in Iowa.

Also, commute times to and from work have increased by 6.6 percent since 2011 in Iowa, and each driver pays an average of $336 per year in costs due to driving on roads in need of repair. Iowans who take public transportation spend an extra 30.4 percent of their time commuting, and about 38 percent of transit vehicles are past what is considered their useful life, the report said.

Another focus area was disaster recovery, with Iowa having experienced 32 extreme weather events during the decade ending in 2020 that accounted for up to $50 billion in damages.


Associated Press: New Mexico has highest percentage of residents in US Southwest with broadband needs
[Susan Montoya Bryan, 4/12/21]

ALBUQUERQUE – New Mexico has the highest percentage of residents in the U.S. Southwest without adequate broadband internet service, a problem highlighted Monday by the Biden administration as it looks to infuse more than $2 trillion into infrastructure projects nationwide.

The administration released details about each state's needs for everything from internet access to highways, affordable housing and drinking water projects.

In New Mexico, the federal government estimates that 22% of residents live in areas where there's no broadband infrastructure that provides acceptable internet speeds. Nearly 70% are in areas where there's only one such internet provider.


Spectrum News Texas: White House report identifies 12 Texas infrastructure areas in need of upgrade
[Craig Huber, 4/12/21]

TEXAS — The Biden White House on Monday provided state-by-state breakdowns in order to bolster its push for a $2.3 trillion infrastructure package.

Those breakdowns, culled from public and private data, detail crumbling roadways and bridges, outdated power grids, housing shortages and other infrastructure issues that paint a bleak picture following years of repair and replacement delays and deferrals.

The Texas breakdown includes 12 infrastructure areas the Biden administration has identified as substandard and in need of upgrade via the proposed package.


WHNT: Biden administration outlines where $2.3T infrastructure proposal could help Alabamians

Alabama's report card on infrastructure from the Biden administration reflects what the administration calls "a systemic lack of investment."

The Biden administration released report cards for each state Monday to show where money is needed from the administration's $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan released last week.

Alabama received a C- in the report card, which took into account everything multiple categories including roads and bridges, child care, broadband and home energy.

Among the report cards findings were that Alabama has 620 bridges and more than 2,950 miles of highway that is in poor condition, which has led to drivers paying $434 more each year in costs. It also found 25 percent of trains and public transportation vehicles were past their useful life.


KOCO: White House pitching $2T infrastructure proposal, pointing to urgent needs in Oklahoma
[Dillon Richards, 4/12/21]

OKLAHOMA CITY — The White House is shopping President Joe Biden's massive infrastructure plan across the country, with officials pointing to what they say are urgent needs in Oklahoma.

The plan has to do with Biden's massive $2 trillion infrastructure proposal called the American Jobs Plan. White House officials said the plan will be paid for through increased corporate tax rates.

The White House has cast a large net on infrastructure, putting out fact sheets on the types of investments it says are needed in all 50 states. They said Oklahoma has more than 2,300 bridges and more than 1,000 miles of highway in poor conditions.

White House officials also said Oklahoma will need $6.9 billion in additional funding for water infrastructure over the next 20 years. And of particular interest to the Sooner State, the White House said nearly one-quarter of Oklahomans live in areas where they can't get acceptable internet speeds.


Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: White House outlines infrastructure needs in Arkansas
[Frank Lockwood, 4/13/21]


The state has 663 bridges and more than 6,700 miles of highways that are "in poor condition," it stated.

The proposal includes $115 billion to repair roads and bridges nationwide, part of the $600 billion earmarked for national transportation infrastructure, it said.

The state will also need $7.4 billion in funding to improve its drinking-water infrastructure, the fact sheet said.

President Joe Biden's plan includes $111 billion for drinking water, it noted.

Many parts of Arkansas need faster internet access, it said, noting that "27% of Arkansans live in areas where, by one definition, there is no broadband infrastructure that provides minimally acceptable speeds."

The plan would allocate $100 billion "to bring universal, reliable, high-speed and affordable coverage to every family in America," the fact sheet stated.


WSMV: President Biden's infrastructure plan outlines what needs to be addressed in Tennessee
[Cameron Taylor, 4/12/21]


News4 spoke with neighbors who live near the bridge that goes over Douglas Avenue in East Nashville.

"I wish the potholes would be a little better," Andrew Cash who lives near the bridge said.

Cash has lived in East Nashville for more than two years.

"I have to take that bridge to work every morning and typically, I'm drilling potholes left and right," Cash said.

It turns out that bridge is one of hundreds listed on TDOT's Poor State Bridges. The list goes on for 11 pages.

Cash's neighbor, JJ Galipeau, has had the same issues with the bridge.

"So, I've driven it enough times now that I know kind of when to dodge it and go around it," Galipeau said.

The White House is proposing to fix infrastructure problems like that with the American Jobs Plan.

In a state-by-state breakdown, it says Tennessee has 881 bridges and over 270 miles of highway in poor condition.

Since 2011, the plan cites commute times increasing and drivers paying $209 per year, on average, from driving on roads needing repair.

"As a taxpayer, I'd like to see my money going to the roads that we use on a regular basis and bridges and things we depend on to get to work and get us everywhere we're going," Cash said.

President Biden is looking at raising corporate taxes to pay for the idea. It's a notion neighbors know will come with a fight in Washington.

"Anytime you want to raise taxes, it's an uphill battle," Galipeau said.

President Biden wants Congress to pass the plan by the end of the summer.

Oil City News: White House Says Wyoming Requires $458m In Drinking Water Infrastructure Improvements Over Next 20 Years
[Brendan LaChance, 4/12/21]

The White House on Monday released information sheets for each state aiming to show the need for President Joe Biden's proposed "American Jobs Plan," which calls for $2.3 trillion in funding to address infrastructure needs across the country.

The "fact sheet" for Wyoming highlights an aspect of the plan that aims to improve drinking water infrastructure across the country.

"Over the next 20 years, Wyoming's drinking water infrastructure will require $458 million in additional funding," the White House said. "The American Jobs Plan includes a $111 billion investment to ensure clean, safe drinking water is a right in all communities."

The Biden administration says the president's plan for improving drinking water infrastructure "will eliminate all lead pipes and service lines in our drinking water systems, improving the health of our country's children and communities of color."


KBOI (CBS) Boise: Idaho's infrastructure receives C- grade from White House
The White House recently put out its Infrastructure Report Card and Idaho received a C- grade.

In the report, the White House says there is a need for action in the Gem State.

"For decades, infrastructure in Idaho has suffered from a systemic lack of investment. The need for action is clear," the report explains.


Cronkite News: Biden cites infrastructure needs in Arizona, other states to push plan
[Haleigh Kochanski, 4/12/21]


According to a state fact sheet released Monday by the White House, Arizona has 132 bridges and more than 3,100 miles of highway that are in poor condition. The report also said that Arizonans who rely on public transportation spend more time commuting, and that nonwhite households are twice as likely to commute via public transit.

The administration report also said that Arizona drinking water systems will need an estimated $9.1 billion over the next 20 years; that 410,000 renters in the state have to spend 30% of their income or more for housing because of a lack of affordable housing; and that 14% of Arizonans do not have access to broadband and 13% do not have internet – all areas the plan would fund.


WAFB: La. receives ‘D+' grade for infrastructure in report card from White House
[WAFB Staff, 4/12/21]

WASHINGTON (WAFB) - Louisiana has received a D+ grade on its infrastructure in a new report card from President Joe Biden's administration.

The report cites data that was collected by a team of more than 50 civil engineers who studied eleven major components of Louisiana's infrastructure for more than 18 months.


DOTD Secretary Dr. Shawn Wilson issued a statement in response to the findings.

"The White House Infrastructure Plan is included in a major jobs initiative that addresses many aspects of our economy. Surface transportation in Louisiana stands to benefit from a direct investment in roads and bridges, as well as with transit, rail expansion, resilience, broadband, and in equity investments to address social implications of infrastructure decisions. Louisiana has a backlog of at least $14.8 billion in roads and bridges and our multimodal needs are similarly situated. The state has projects ready to move forward provided funding becomes available and the ability to quickly deliver major projects as evidenced with what we were able to accomplish since 2016. The new south bridge in the Baton Rouge area is one of those large-scale projects across the state that may be a recipient of funds if the American Jobs Plan becomes law. I have been and will continue to be engaged with USDOT and other stakeholders to ensure Louisiana is best positioned to take advantage of such a generational investment."

WLOX: Mississippi receives D+ in White House's infrastructure report
[WLBT Digital Staff, 4/12/21]

WASHINGTON (WTVA) - The White House says Mississippi and Alabama's current infrastructures are poor.

On March 31, President Joe Biden announced his $2 trillion infrastructure plan, called the American Jobs Plan.

The proposal aims to rebuild 20,000 miles of roads, expand access to clean water and broadband and invest in care for the elderly, NBC News reported.

On Monday, the White House released report cards for each state. Mississippi received a D+ grade and Alabama received a C- grade.

WLKY: Kentucky, Indiana both get C- on White House's infrastructure report card
[WLKY Digital Team, 4/12/21]


The reports give some data to help back up the argument that more money should be spent on roads and bridges. They say there are 1,033 bridges and more than 1,322 miles of highway in poor condition in Kentucky, and 1,111 bridges and 5,478 miles of highway in poor condition across Indiana.


WTHR: Here's where the money will go in Indiana if Biden's 'American Jobs Plan' passes
[WTHR Staff and Associated Press, 4/12/21]


For Indiana, the Biden administration points to 1,111 bridges and more than 5,478 miles of highway in poor condition. The American Jobs Plan would devote more than $600 billion for transportation infrastructure, including $115 billion repairing roads and bridges.

Biden's plan will also mean more money to improve public transportation, drinking water, affordable housing, home energy and clean energy jobs.

There will also be a push to increase broadband internet access to Hoosiers, of which more than 12 percent of Hoosiers have no access and nearly half only have access to one provider.

There would also be an investment in caregiving and child care. The American Jobs Plan claims it will make an investment in helping more Hoosiers access care. It would also add money to help with building new child care centers and making improvements to existing centers.

Biden's plan would invest more money in retooling and revitalizing manufacturers. The plan estimates 541,000 Hoosiers are employed by manufacturers.

Indiana is also home to more than 400,000 veterans and about half of them (46 percent) are over the age of 65. President Biden's plan would invest in improving the infrastructure of VA health care facilities.


13NewsNow: Thousands of miles of Virginia highways, hundreds of bridges in 'poor condition'
[Mike Gooding, 4/12/21]


"Putting sizeable, long-term, tangible capital investment into our infrastructure, the time has come," said Sen. Mark Warner (D-Virginia).

He is especially concerned about the 9.7 percent of Virginians who live in areas where there is no broadband infrastructure.


Virginia's 780,000 military veterans stand to benefit from The American Jobs plan, with $18 billion set aside to improve the infrastructure of VA health care facilities.

ABC 11: Administration lays out proposals specific to NC, as Biden pushes infrastructure plan
[Jonah Kaplan, 4/12/21]

President Joe Biden's $2T "American Jobs Plan" now has more specifics to it.

On Monday, the Biden administration on rolled out a state-by-state guide to infrastructure needs on everything from transportation to utilities, housing, education, broadband and everything in between.


"These are investments designed to create jobs in the short run," U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo told ABC11 in an exclusive interview. "And in the long run, we want American businesses to compete. American workers want to compete."


WLTX: What's in the Biden infrastructure plan for South Carolina


In the highlights, it lists the need to repair the state's system of roads and bridges, devoting more than $115 billion for repair; recognizes that the state has endured 37 extreme weather events from 2010 to 2020 and calls for $50 billion in aid for disaster recovery; acknowledges the lack of affordable housing and proposes investing to increase housing supply; and calls for $18 billion to improve the VA health care facilities to ensure proper care for all -- including women and older veterans.


Orlando Sentinel: Biden spending plan for Florida: bridges, trains, veterans, broadband, healthcare and more
[Kevin Spear, 4/12/21]

The White House released state-by-state "fact sheets" Monday that outline what President Joe Biden's American Jobs Plan, a $2.3 trillion infrastructure bill, would underwrite across the nation, with Florida's needs ranging from bridges to healthcare for veterans.


The American Jobs Plan would devote more than $600 billion to the nation's transportation infrastructure, including $115 billion to repair roads and bridges.

According to the White House, Florida has 408 bridges and more than 3,564 miles of highway in poor condition, contributing to a steady rise in commute times.


WSAV: Biden administration: Georgia bridges and roads need repair, bill promises funding
[JoAnn Merrigan, 4/12/21]

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WSAV) – Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on roads and bridges — in terms of maintenance, repairs and replacement — each year in Georgia.

Monday, the Biden administration released a list of problems in all 50 states and then indicated what the new infrastructure plan, if passed, would do to assist states with projects.


Salt Lake Tribune: White House gives Utah best grade in its infrastructure report, but it's far below an ‘A'
[Matt Canham, 4/12/21]


Pitching its $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan, the White House released state-by-state breakdowns, complete with letter grades and a hodgepodge of stats intended to show the broad need for upgrading everything from roads to water systems to housing.

Utah got the best grade in the nation, but at a C-plus, it wasn't intended as a badge of honor.

The White House document, released Monday, says Utah has 62 bridges and 2,064 miles of highway in poor condition. It has 17% of its trains and buses running past their useful life. And Utah's water system will need $4.4 billion in improvements in the next 20 years.


Columbus Dispatch – OPINION: Opinion: Biden's plan good for Ohio's people, jobs and the environment
[By Heather Taylor-Miesle, 4/13/21]


That is why I believe President Biden's American Jobs Plan is the right investment for our future. This plan secures environmental and economic wins, while also addressing climate change.

The plan prioritizes frontline communities and communities of color who have and continue to disproportionately experience the impacts of climate change and environmental injustice.

From the backroads of Appalachian Ohio to the main streets of Ohio's legacy cities, the American Jobs Plan promises a win-win-win for communities across the Buckeye State.

As of 2019, clean energy companies employed 114,000 Ohioans in every corner of our state, but our potential to grow this sector is huge. The American Jobs Plan will invest in developing renewable energy sources, securing energy efficiency upgrades, and building electric vehicle infrastructure. This plan will reduce air pollution, save you money, and bring jobs to the Buckeye State.


This plan invests in Ohioans.

As we emerge from the pandemic, it is clear that this is not an either/or moment. The American Jobs Plan will bolster our economy, protect our environment, and fight climate change — all while supporting healthier and more resilient communities. We urge our elected officials to choose the win-win-win.

WTOL (CBS Toledo): Ohio infrastructure receives grade of C- on federal Infrastructure Report Card

WASHINGTON — Ohio's infrastructure received a C- grade earlier this year, and the American Jobs Plan aims to tackle several issues.

President Joe Biden introduced the plan March 31, which proposes $2.7 trillion in new federal spending over the next eight years. The AJP would be funded by increasing business taxes, including raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent and establishing a minimum tax on corporate book income.

A fact sheet for Ohio was released Monday, detailing several areas to be addressed, including roads and bridges.

WYKC (NBC Cleveland): Here's where the money will go in Ohio if President Biden's 'American Jobs Plan' passes
[By Dave DeNatale and WTHR Staff, 4/12/21]

CLEVELAND — The Biden White House is amplifying the push for its $2.3 trillion infrastructure package with the release of state-by-state breakdowns that show the dire shape of roads, bridges, the power grid and housing affordability.

The Biden administration pointed to Ohio's infrastructure receiving a C- grade on its Infrastructure Report Card. The highest grade went to Utah, which notched a C-plus. The lowest grade, D-minus, went to the territory of Puerto Rico.


For Ohio, the Biden administration points to 1,377 bridges and over 4,925 miles of highway in poor condition. They calculate that since 2011, commute times have increased by 5.7% in Ohio and on average, each driver pays $506 per year in costs due to driving on roads in need of repair. The American Jobs Plan would devote more than $600 billion for transportation infrastructure, including $115 billion repairing roads and bridges.

Biden's plan will also mean more money to improve public transportation, drinking water, affordable housing, home energy and clean energy jobs.

There will also be a push to increase broadband internet access to Ohioans, of which 6.2% have no access and 58% only have access to one provider. 14% of Ohio households do not have an internet subscription.
There would also be an investment in caregiving and child care. The American Jobs Plan claims it will make an investment in helping more Ohioans access care. It would also add money to help with building new child care centers and making improvements to existing centers.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - OPINION: Other Voices: Biden's Pittsburgh visit shows the path to shared prosperity in the Ohio River Valley
[By Erika Strassburger, 4/12/21]

On March 31, President Joe Biden came to the Pittsburgh metro region to announce the American Jobs Plan. As he put it, he was here to "lay out how we rebuild the backbone of America."

It was only appropriate that he unveiled his plan to rebuild America here, the center of a region with a rich industrial legacy, but where decaying infrastructure, a shortage of middle-class jobs, and racial inequity underscore the need to build back better.


Mr. Biden is thinking big. Just one among many of the goals laid out in his speech was a commitment that "the American Jobs Plan will put plumbers and pipefitters to work replacing all lead pipes and service lines to save our children's health and clean drinking water." As a member of the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority Board, this is a promise that will benefit not only our children today, but every future generation.


President Biden came to this region on March 31 for a reason. The American Jobs Plan will have effects across the country and the globe. But the president seems to be borrowing heavily from initiatives that began in our region: ReImagine Appalachia's Blueprint, and the mayors' Marshall Plan for Middle America, for which our own mayor has been a leading voice. Plain-Dealer: White House says Biden infrastructure bill would improve Ohio's roads and bridges
[By Sabrina Eaton, 4/12/21]

WASHINGTON, D.C. - As part of its push to pass a $2 trillion infrastructure package President Joe Biden unveiled last month through Congress, the White House on Monday released state-by-state fact sheets to document the dismal state of the nation's bridges, roads, water pipes, power grid and other infrastructure and how Biden's American Jobs Plan might fix it.

The White House gave Ohio's infrastructure a "C-" grade describing 1,377 bridges in the state and more than 4,925 miles of its highways as being in "poor condition." It estimated each Ohio driver pays $506 in yearly costs from driving on poor roads. It notes that Biden's "American Jobs Plan" would spend $600 billion on transportation infrastructure, including $115 billion to fix roads and bridges.


"This is about making sure that America is number one and is leading the way, in a highly competitive future," Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told reporters, adding that the repairs would create blue-collar jobs in every part of the country.


"This is a jobs plan that is building America's economy from the middle class out, coming at just the right time," said Buttigieg. "It's meeting the challenges that we face today. And it is fully paid for by making corporations pay their fair share."

Pennsylvania Capital Star: Pa. gets C-minus for infrastructure as Biden makes his pitch to the states
[By Laura Olson, John Micek, 4/13/21]

WASHINGTON — Pennsylvania's 7,540 miles of highway roads are in poor condition. Florida has seen $100 billion in damages over the last decade from extreme weather events. There are 1 in 4 Idahoans with no access to broadband internet, and 1 in 2 living in areas with too-few licensed child care centers.

In the next phase of President Joe Biden's sales pitch for his $2 trillion infrastructure package, his administration is framing its argument around the mounting, unmet needs in states as it seeks to build public support for another massive spending bill. Democrats are also hitting back at criticisms from congressional Republicans that the mammoth package goes too far beyond the road-and-bridge projects typically associated with infrastructure.

The White House released a set of state-by-state breakdowns on Monday detailing the number of bridges in severe disrepair, increased commuting times due to lack of investment in transit, and growing costs related to ensuring that drinking water systems are safe and clean, as well as funding in the proposal intended to tackle those problems.

Pennsylvania got a C-Minus from the administration for the state of its infrastructure.

"For decades, infrastructure in Pennsylvania has suffered from a systemic lack of investment. The need for action is clear," the White House's fact sheet reads.

The Morning Call: Pennsylvania earned a C- on its infrastructure report card, with White House noting a ‘systemic lack of investment' in the commonwealth
[By Stephanie Sigafoos, 4/13/21]

President Joe Biden's administration on Monday issued report cards for all 50 states to raise key points about why a massive infrastructure bill is necessary, giving Pennsylvania a C- and noting the "systemic lack of investment" across the commonwealth.

The report cards highlighted 12 areas in each state Biden says would be addressed under the American Jobs Plan, including roads and bridges, public transportation, drinking water, housing, child care, veterans health and more.


Biden's plan requires the $2.3 trillion in spending over eight years and says it would create millions of jobs. The plan includes $85 billion for public transit to expand service across the country, and another $80 billion to modernize Amtrak's Northeast Corridor line, including a possible link between Allentown and New York City.

Pennsylvania's C- grade on the White House report is slightly more optimistic than a 2018 report from the American Society of Civil Engineers. It gave a D+ to bridges, a D to public transit, and a D+ to roads across the state.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Biden administration touts American Jobs Plan's benefits for Wisconsin
[By Laura Schulte, 4/12/21]

As part of its pitch for passing infrastructure legislation dubbed The American Jobs Plan, the Biden administration on Monday pushed out a state-by-state case for the impact the measure could have.

Biden touts his plan as one that would rebuild aging roads and bridges, help provide clean water and create more clean energy for Wisconsin residents and people across the United States.

In total, the American Jobs Plan would provide a sweeping $2 trillion for infrastructure and jobs across the country, highlighting causes Biden campaigned on, such as providing more aid to caregivers.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., What They Are Reading in the States: State-by-State Fact Sheets Highlight the Need to Pass the American Jobs Plan Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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