Joe Biden

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Biden-Harris Action Plan Helps Build Better School Infrastructure

April 05, 2022

Yesterday, Vice President Kamala Harris announced the Biden-Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure to upgrade our public schools with modern, clean, energy efficient facilities and transportation. The Action Plan activates the entire federal government in leveraging Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and American Rescue Plan investments to deliver health and learning benefits to children and school communities, save school districts money, and create good union jobs. It provides tools and funding that schools, school districts, states and local communities can all use to work together to address this critical challenge.

As part of the Action Plan, the Department of Energy launched a new $500 million grant program through President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to make public schools more energy efficient and save schools money. This new program will lower energy costs, improve air quality, and prioritize schools most in need, enabling schools to focus more resources on student learning.

Here's what they are saying:

Members of Congress

Delaware Senator Tom Carper, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works: "No parent should worry about the quality of air their child is breathing in school — whether in the classroom or on a school bus. That's why I am delighted to see the Biden-Harris Administration taking action to reduce harmful pollution in our schools and improve the health of our students and teachers. Today's announcement will help our nation's schools access the historic funding that Congress has provided for air quality monitoring, clean school buildings, and clean transportation provided in the American Rescue Plan and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. We fought for these investments to deliver better educational experiences for students across our country — especially those in historically underserved communities that have long carried the burden of high pollution." [Statement, 4/4/22]

Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto: "Good news! Today, the @WhiteHouse
announced it will begin implementing my legislation to help our nation's schools improve ventilation, upgrade energy efficiency, and purchase electric school buses. These investments will help schools save on energy costs and keep kids healthy." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Florida Congressman Darren Soto: "Our students are entitled to the highest quality of education possible — and that starts with the quality of their schools. The Biden-Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure provides crucial upgrades to schools across our nation." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman: "Our kids deserve the best, especially when it comes to education. That's why I introduced the GND for Public Schools, and why I'm proud to stand with @VP as she announces the Biden-Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure to begin upgrading our schools." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee: "GREAT NEWS: As a result of Chairman @Sen_JoeManchin's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, @ENERGY is providing $500 million for energy efficiency and clean energy upgrades to America's schools – reducing costs and delivering healthier and safer schools for students across the nation." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

State and Local Government

Adams 12 Five Star Schools: "The @WhiteHouse has recognized the Five Star district as the template for other districts across the country to follow for our best-in-class efforts in efficient heating, ventilating and air conditioning technologies and #sustainability. #FiveStarProud." [Twitter, 4/5/22]

Cory Mason, Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin: "Wisconsin is home to thousands of aging school buildings filled with issues that could make kids and educators sick, from lead pipes to mold. There's no excuse for unhealthy classroom conditions – we must invest in carbon-free and healthy schools that save our school districts money on energy costs and create local jobs for Wisconsinites. With this support from the Biden administration, cities like Racine can invest in the climate-friendly schools our kids and communities deserve." [Statement, 4/4/22]

Kevin Donahue, City Administrator, Washington DC: "It was great to have @VP visit Thomas Elementary School yesterday to talk about the infrastructure law & visit with our @dcpublicschools students! For info on how @MayorBowser is planning to utilize infrastructure funding:" [Tweet, 4/5/22]

Lewis D. Ferebee, Chancellor, DC Public Schools: "Every day at DCPS, our school leaders and staff work to ensure students have clean and healthy environments for learning. I'm proud that Vice President Harris chose to highlight building sustainability at one of our outstanding schools on Monday." [Twitter, 4/4/22]

Monica Goldson, CEO, Prince George's County Public Schools: "Honored to attend today's announcement on historic investments in clean, efficient school infrastructure & transportation! The plan includes grants that will support school districts like @pgcps as we move toward more sustainable operations to support student learning & health." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Maryland Association of Counties: "White House Announces Building Better School Infrastructure Action Plan and Grants @drmonicaceo @PGCPS Chief Executive Officer. Homegrown. #PGCPSProud to serve 131K+ students, families and 22K employees in the nation's 20th largest school system. 461…" [Tweet, Article, 4/5/22]

National Caucus of Environmental Legislators: "The Biden-Harris Administration has announced a plan to strengthen public school infrastructure and student health through investments in: ?Energy efficiency ?Clean and safe #transportation ?Improving indoor #AirQuality Learn more ??." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Advocacy Leaders, Organizations, & Experts

Beneficial Electrification League: "BEL was honored to be with Vice-President Harris and Secretary Granholm for a special event that took place at Thomas Elementary Achool in Washington, DC. In her remarks introducing an initiative to "upgrade our public schools with modern, clean, energy efficient facilities and transportation," the Vice President pointed to the importance of school buses, which represent the nation's largest form of public transportation. The takeaway for BEL? The benefits of electric school buses are scalable. We hope to help provide access to the funding for rural areas and others local communities who can use the money saved by switching to electric to meet other school and educational needs." [Linkedin, 4/5/22]

CAP Energy Policy: "@WhiteHouse announced plans to support green school infrastructure - improving learning environments while creating good union jobs - with a $500M investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to help schools with energy efficiency upgrades." [Tweet, 4/5/22]

Climate and Community Project: "The Biden-Harris Admin just invested $500 million in building healthy, decarbonized schools! This is a HUGE WIN for a GND 4 public schools. It's the beginning of decarbonizing schools, creating new union jobs, + removing pollutants from schools." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Committee for Education Funding: "FYI - newly announced "Biden-Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure" details funding and information available from multiple agencies to support student learning and health. See" [Tweet, 4/4/22]

David Kieve, President, EDF Action: "The results of this action plan, which draws on funding within both the American Rescue Plan and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, both of which are transformative laws that EDF Action was proud to support, will include investments in electric buses that will reduce emissions, lower energy costs, advance in environmental justice, and create good paying union jobs. EDF Action commends the Biden-Harris Administration for their leadership in developing this thoughtful plan that puts our children's health and education front-and-center. EDF Action specifically wants to acknowledge Vice President Harris for her leadership on these issues. Our children will be healthier thanks to her long-standing focus." [Statement, 4/4/22]

Dan Lashof, Director, World Resources Institute, United States: "Our public schools should be a beacon of climate action. Great resource from @WhiteHouse today on healthier school buildings and clean buses. Connecting the dots between programs @EPA @ENERGY, @USDA, and @usedgov." [Tweet, 4/4/12]

Darien Davis, Government Affairs Advocate, League of Conservation Voters: "Today's announcement marks a strong step toward better health and educational outcomes for children in our public schools, especially for communities of color that are disproportionately impacted by toxic pollution. This whole-of-government approach to school infrastructure will help ensure kids in schools breathe cleaner air while saving districts money and creating good-paying jobs. More than 25 million children ride dirty diesel-powered school buses each day, and programs like the Biden-Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure will help schools better access the resources they need to make sure that kids have a clean ride to school. We also urge Congress to swiftly approve President Biden's FY2023 Budget and enact the House-passed $555 billion investments in climate, jobs and justice investments to make our schools even safer and healthier." [Statement, 4/4/22]

Diane Regas, President & CEO, Trust for Public Land: "The health and education of our children is essential to creating a prosperous and just society. I applaud the work of Vice President Harris and the Biden Administration on today's significant steps to support learning and health by boosting climate resiliency and energy efficiency in our nation's schools. The priorities are game-changers, and they build upon the innovative transformations beginning in some of the 2 million acres of land on which America's public primary and secondary schools sit." [Statement, 4/4/22]

FutureEd, Georgetown: "A new @WhiteHouse plan for better school infrastructure calls for a $500 million investment in more energy efficient school buildings, plus support for districts using their federal Covid aid dollars for improvements." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

International Well Building Institute: ".@Rachel_Hodgdon, IWBI President and CEO, is thrilled to join Vice President Kamala Harris as she recognizes the nation's public school facilities are critical infrastructure. We applaud the important steps discussed to help advance safer, healthier and more equitable schools." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Johanna Neumann, Senior Director of the Campaign for 100% Renewable Energy, Environment America: "Equipping America's schools with cleaner, more efficient energy technologies will reduce pollution, improve health and lower operating costs. By making sure that schools have access to clean renewable energy, we can help ensure a better future for all of us. Schools with cutting-edge energy technologies can set an example in communities across America and help educate the next generation about steps we can take to clean up our air and preserve a healthy climate. Energy efficiency upgrades for our schools even have the added bonus of helping reduce these institutions' energy costs, meaning more precious education dollars can go toward teaching our kids rather than heating or cooling drafty buildings. Less pollution, healthier kids and better education outcomes. What's not to like? It's great to see the Biden administration advance this kind of win-win-win that communities across the country can tap into and reap tangible local benefits." [Statement, 4/4/22]

Jonathan Klein, Co-Founder, Undaunted K12: "Here with @somedaysaras at Thomas Elementary School of @dcpublicschools to celebrate @VP Kamala Harris' announcement of the Biden-Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure! #healthygreenschools #edclimateaction." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Lisa Frank, Executive Director of Washington Legislative Office, Environment America: "I'm here at Thomas Elementary school looking forward to hearing from @VP about building better schools, with clean air, water, energy and transportation. #CleanSchools." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Moms Clean Air Force: "Great news today from the @WhiteHouse! Moms are all for clean and safe places to learn. This will make schools energy efficient and increase the air quality. Also included are electric school buses!" [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Sasha Pudelski, Advocacy Director, The School Superintendents Association: "Say what you will about prior efforts to have "whole government" involved in an issue, but this toolkit by Biden-Harris for supts on how to access funding across fed agencies to improve energy efficiency for buildings/transportation is truly phenomenal:" [Tweet, 4/4/22]

The Center for Green Schools: "Today the White House announced plans for Building Better School Infrastructure, "A stronger education system demands providing all of our students with healthy, more sustainable schools that promote teaching and learning."-@SecCardona." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

The Electric School Bus Initiative: "NEWS: The @WhiteHouse just announced an action plan for upgrading U.S. public school facilities and transportation with clean, modern and efficient energy infrastructure, — with a focus on #ElectricSchoolBuses. Here's why it matters. Students need a safe educational environment to thrive. But diesel school buses release harmful fumes with proven links to serious physical health issues and cognitive development impacts. In fact, diesel exhaust is so dangerous, the @WHOhas labeled it a known carcinogen. Air pollution is also an issue of equity and environmental justice. Low-income students and communities of color are disproportionately exposed to on-road pollution and diesel school bus exhaust, putting these students at higher risk of its negative impacts. We are deeply encouraged to see this administration focusing on the importance of a #CleanRide4Kids as part of a holistic approach to cleaner American public schools. Now it's time to put this plan into action and deliver an equitable transition to #ElectricSchoolBuses." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

The School Superintendents Association: "The formation of the Collaborative coincides with the announcement of the Biden-Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure. As districts around the country are positioned to invest historic amounts of federal funding in improving air quality in schools, building outdoor learning spaces, and greening their building and transportation infrastructure, we commend the Administration for its efforts to recognize and encourage school district leaders and communities' efforts." [Statement, 4/4/22]

Labor and Business Leaders

American Federation of Teachers: "So glad @AFTEVPDeJesus could join @VP and @SecCardona to talk about the administration's plan for Building Better School Infrastructure. We know that greening our schools means safe, welcoming environments for students, and creates good union jobs for workers! [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Carrier: "Carrier understands the needs of K-12 school districts and has the expertise to ensure healthier learning environments for students and staff, while achieving greater energy efficiency. Read more on the @WhiteHouse's $500 million grant program here." [Tweet, 4/5/22]

Gary LaBarbera, President, Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York: "New York City students deserve the best – the best education, educators, and facilities. That's why investment in carbon-free and healthy schools is a critical component of any forward-looking infrastructure plan. Installing energy-efficient retrofits and solar power across New York City's public school system will save tens of thousands of tons of carbon emissions annually, create thousands of good, union family-sustaining construction jobs in the process, and keep schools healthier and safer for students. We applaud the Biden administration for its leadership in advocating for carbon-free and healthy schools and call on lawmakers to help make this prospect a reality for New York City's public schools and others across the nation." [Statement, 4/4/22]

Mustafa Salahuddin, President and Business Agent, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1336: "For far too long, many public schools in Bridgeport have been neglected due to budget constraints. As Bridgeport neighbors, union members, and public school parents, we know that our students and educators deserve better. That's why we're organizing to win carbon-free and healthy schools in our community. We know that investing in climate-friendly schools can reduce local air pollution, make our schools healthier and safer, and create pathways to lifelong union careers right here in our neighborhoods. With the Biden administration's leadership on schools and a huge amount of federal funding available for school buildings and electric school buses, this is our chance to take on the climate crisis and build state-of-the-art public schools right here in Bridgeport." [Statement, 4/4/22]

Philadelphia Federation of Teachers: "Big news as @VP announces the Biden-Harris Action Plan for Building Better School Infrastructure today!… #phled #fundourfacilities @AFTunion." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Rick Levy, President, Texas AFL-CIO: ""Climate change is a real issue for public school students and communities across Texas. From school evacuations and floods during Hurricane Harvey to heat waves that make classrooms too hot to learn, our outdated school facilities aren't ready for the climate crisis. The Texas Climate Jobs Project, a coalition of Texas unions united to advance a pro-worker and pro-climate agenda that works for all Texans, believes that every student, teacher, and community in Texas deserves a healthy, state-of-the-art public school. It's time to invest in carbon-free and healthy schools and buses that keep our kids safe and protect our planet. With federal infrastructure funding, we can create healthier classrooms for students and educators, slash carbon emissions and local air pollution, create union jobs in our communities, and save school districts money on energy costs." [Statement, 4/4/22]

The Signatory Wall and Ceiling Contractors Association: "The Biden Administration has issued a fact sheet detailing plans for the $500 million in SWACCA-advocated funds to improve energy efficiency in K-12 public schools that was included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law." [Tweet, 4/4/22]

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Biden-Harris Action Plan Helps Build Better School Infrastructure Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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