WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Leaders from Across the Country Applaud the Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Today, on President Biden's 203rd day in office, 19 Republican senators joined the Democratic caucus to pass the historic bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and leaders from across the country – elected officials, businesses, labor leaders, and advocacy organizations – are speaking out in support of the legislation. The legislation makes transformational and historic investments in clean transportation, clean water, universal broadband, clean power, remediation of legacy pollution, and resilience to the changing climate. And, it creates good-paying jobs, grows the economy sustainably, and equitably for decades and generations to come, and sharpens our competitive edge.
See below for what they are saying about the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act:
Bipartisan Senators
Joint Statement from Senators Sinema, Portman, Cassidy, Collins, Manchin, Murkowski, Romney, Shaheen, Tester, Warner: "This vote is a historic victory for the American people. The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will modernize and upgrade our roads, bridges, ports, and other key infrastructure assets. In doing so, this landmark piece of legislation will create jobs, increase productivity, and pave the way for decades of economic growth and prosperity – all without raising taxes on everyday Americans or increasing inflation. "Importantly, this achievement is a testament to what we can achieve when we join together and do the hard work it takes to move our country forward. This historic bill is the product of months of good-faith negotiations between Republicans and Democrats unified in their desire to do right by the American people. "Congress has talked about truly modernizing our nation's infrastructure for as long as we can remember. The United States Senate delivered so that we can finally give the American people the safe, reliable, and modern infrastructure they deserve."
Sen. Chuck Schumer: "It has been a long time coming. Our economy is number one in the world but our infrastructure ranks number 13. You'll find better roads, bridges, airports, and broadband in the United Arab Emirates than in the United States of America. Today, the Senate takes a decades-overdue step to revitalize America's infrastructure and give our workers, our businesses, our economy the tools to succeed in the 21st century. The bill will make large and significant differences in both productivity and job creation in America for decades to come. Thank you to President Biden and his team at the White House. President Biden has been in office for only seven months, and already the Senate is about to pass the first major infrastructure package in over a decade, on a bipartisan basis with his complete and total involvement."
Sen. Pat Leahy: "Once again, the Senate has shown that infrastructure is – as it always has been – a bipartisan issue. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act offers a once-in-a-generation vision for America's infrastructure that is long overdue. This bipartisan infrastructure package makes the largest federal investment in public transit, passenger rail and bridges in more than 50 years." Leahy continued: "This is the way the Senate is supposed to work. This hasn't been easy, but it's important to Vermont and to our country. I'm particularly pleased about the programmatic changes we were able to get to make these federal revenue streams more accessible to small and rural states like Vermont."
Sen. Mitch McConnell: "I was proud to support today's historic bipartisan infrastructure deal and prove that both sides of the political aisle can still come together around commonsense solutions. By promoting sensible, collaborative legislation, we have shown that the Senate still works as an institution. This is an important achievement for Kentucky and the American people. Communities all across the Commonwealth will benefit from this bill, which will provide critical federal resources to assist the state in updating our highways, bridges, airports, broadband, and clean drinking water. Through today's actions, we will be more competitive on the global stage and primed for broad-based economic growth."
Sen. Dick Durbin: "The fact that the Senate has effectively addressed the challenge to rebuild our infrastructure makes history. "Americans have asked us to fix crumbling roads and bridges, expand public transit and rail, and provide clean drinking water in their communities for decades. That moment has finally arrived in the Senate. This bipartisan bill represents the largest long-term investment in our infrastructure in nearly a century. "This historic deal was reached because Democrats and Republicans worked together – along with President Biden's steadfast support – to make it a reality."
Sen. Maria Cantwell: "We've been blessed by growth and trade, but if we don't make the infrastructure investments our economy won't be able to keep up. For the first time ever, we're authorizing three major investments that have to be made now if we are going to be able to keep pace. We're authorizing federal funding for megaprojects so that we can complete those crucial multimodal projects that are too expensive for states to handle on their own. We're authorizing at-grade rail crossing replacement because they are safety and congestion hazards in the northwest. And we're authorizing funding for the removal and replacement of culverts so we can work to restore the salmon runs that are so important to the Pacific Northwest. This bill is going to create thousands of jobs all across the State of Washington, and it will allow us to better compete in the global economy while also improving people's quality of life."
Sen. Tom Carper: "In February of this year, President Biden invited me to the White House—along with a bipartisan group of my colleagues on the EPW Committee—to discuss the dire need to work together on addressing our nation's infrastructure needs. Building on the bipartisan work of the EPW, Commerce, and Energy and Natural Resources committees, we've now cut across partisan divides and delivered an extraordinary piece of legislation with historic investments in everything from roads and transit to broadband and water. "But let's be clear—this legislation is the start, not the end, of our work to meet this moment for our nation. We need our upcoming budget to make bold, transformational investments that can kickstart our economy, strengthen our communities, and support our families. And, as Chairman of the EPW Committee, I'll be working to seize this opportunity to tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and build a brighter future for all Americans."
Sen. Ron Wyden: "For far too long, the phrase 'infrastructure week' was nothing but a cruel joke for communities throughout Oregon and the American West needing significant investments to deal with catastrophic wildfires, severe drought, hard-hit rural economies and more during the pandemic and well before that historic crisis. I'm gratified the Senate acted with resolve today to deliver help to families and job-creating small businesses. I'll keep working in a similar vein in the upcoming reconciliation package to deliver on equally-important priorities to ensure climate action, build a strong and fair economy with better jobs, expand affordable health care and make it easier to support a family."
Sen. Gary Peters: "This bipartisan infrastructure legislation is a big win for Michigan. It's an investment in creating good-paying jobs, helping local businesses grow and upgrading our aging and crumbling infrastructure. This bill will help ensure Michigan can continue building back better — by repairing our roads and bridges, expanding access to high-speed internet and helping communities address rising water levels, shoreline erosion and flooding. This is a great step, and we must keep working to make sure this legislation is signed into law."
Sen. Bob Menendez: "The passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is great news for the people of New Jersey and the nation at large. We have turned President Biden's pledge to 'Build Back Better' from a slogan into a once-in-a-generation investment that will put millions of people to work building a more competitive, equitable, and sustainable economy for the 21st century. "I am thrilled that this bill invests in many of the priorities I have spent decades fighting for on behalf of New Jersey, from improving access to public transit and clean drinking water, to completing Gateway and replacing our aging Hudson River tunnels, to building more resilient communities, and modernizing our electrical grid to help facilitate clean energy deployment. "In the months ahead, no one will fight harder than me to make sure New Jersey gets its fair share of federal funding and that communities with the highest need receive equitable investments in their future once this historic legislation is signed into law."
Sen. Joe Manchin: "West Virginia has 1,545 bridges and over 3,200 miles of highway in poor condition and 32 percent of trains and other transit vehicles in the state are past useful life. At least 258,000 West Virginians have no broadband access. Our bipartisan bill will help West Virginia, and every other state in the nation, address the infrastructure needs of our nation while creating good-paying jobs and growing the economy. This type of investment hasn't been made in three decades. And today, the Senate passed our bipartisan legislation to help America compete in the 21st century. This success proves to the nation, and the entire world, that Congress is not broken and when we create compromise together, by reaching across the aisle and forging true relationships, we can accomplish big things. I have always said that the best politics is good government, and I'm incredibly proud of my bipartisan colleagues for their tireless efforts to get this across the finish line and deliver on this major investment in the needs of America."
Sen. Sherrod Brown: "The bipartisan infrastructure package is a historic win for Ohio communities – and it's a recipe for job creation all over Ohio. We are finally investing in the people and the places that make this country work."
Sen. Patty Murray: "This bill represents a historic generational investment in our infrastructure—it will be the single largest investment in bridge repair since we built the interstate highway system, and the largest investment in public transit and clean energy transmission in history. Washington state families will see the direct benefits of these investments: our kids will breathe clean air to and from school, rural communities will finally have access to reliable high-speed internet, and we are going to put folks from every part of the state to work with good-paying jobs by building out our infrastructure—repairing our bridges, building electric vehicle charging stations, replacing lead pipes, and everything in between. Importantly, I'll keep working with the administration to ensure the jobs we create are union jobs with strong protections for workers. "This is an important investment in our physical infrastructure—and next we'll get right to work on securing a truly historic investment in American families and workers by passing the budget resolution. We're going to make child care affordable for working families, enact universal pre-k, pass the first ever comprehensive national paid leave program, tackle the climate crisis, move forward on immigration reform, boost the supply of affordable housing, and so much more."
Sen. Brian Schatz: "Billions of federal dollars for Hawai'i are in this bill to help us fix up our roads and bridges, and create thousands of new jobs across the state. This massive investment will make it safer and easier for Hawai'i families to get around, while helping grow our local economy."
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito: "After months of negotiating and a long amendment process where both parties were able to have their voices heard, the Senate voted in a bipartisan way to pass the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This legislation reflects our commitment to keeping Americans safe, improving our global competitiveness, and growing our economy. It also includes transformative wins for West Virginia and our entire nation. "I'm incredibly proud that the foundation of this legislation is based off of two bipartisan bills crafted by our EPW Committee—the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act and the Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act. This process also was built upon discussions and negotiations I had with the White House over several weeks to define our infrastructure needs. The inclusion of our bills in the package means West Virginia will receive funding for programs and areas I have long supported, like roads, bridges, water and wastewater projects, construction of the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS), and more. As a member of the Commerce Committee, I am also glad to see that this package makes major broadband investments that will help tremendously with closing the digital divide in our country, something that has been a top priority for me since day one. "The American people elected us to do tough work, and tough compromises are necessary to develop and pass bipartisan legislation like we did today. The core infrastructure investments that will result from this legislation are all investments not just for now, but also for the next generation. I'm glad that both sides were able to work together to make this legislation a reality and push it across the finish line in the Senate. I urge my friends in the House to move swiftly so we can send it to the president's desk and deliver results for the American people."
Sen. Lisa Murkowski: "This bill is a truly historic investment in our country and state. We prioritize legacy infrastructure projects that will improve transportation, allow us to remain connected, and create healthier communities. These initiatives will create new jobs and benefits that will pay forward for decades to come. This legislation will bring major benefits to Alaska. Investments in repairing, maintaining, and upgrading our infrastructure such as roads, rails, and bridges will create safer communities. We invest in transportation infrastructure that are a lifeline to connecting Alaskan communities—such as our Alaska Marine Highway System, ferries, ports, and small airports. Through this bill we address our lack of basic energy and wastewater infrastructure to meet vital needs. We also provide support to strengthen broadband. I pushed for a number of initiatives we included to address our energy infrastructure needs by enabling important projects to advance which will help communities see more affordable, clean energy. I'm proud to have worked on this bipartisan effort in crafting this bill. It took time and significant effort—but it is a reminder of the good work that can come as a result of bipartisanship."
Sen. Susan Collins: "By a strong, bipartisan vote of 69 to 30, the Senate has passed our landmark infrastructure package that would provide concrete benefits for American families as well as our economy by making historic investments in our nation's roads, bridges, airports, seaports, rail, water treatment systems, and broadband. "Earlier this year, I joined a group of 10 Senators—five Republicans and five Democrats—who were determined to break through the partisan gridlock and pass this long-overdue infrastructure investment for the American people. After months of working night and day, our bipartisan negotiations resulted in a truly transformational package for our country that would make the most significant investment in American infrastructure since the establishment of the Interstate Highway System in the 1950s. "One of the many provisions that would have a significant impact on Maine is the $65 billion investment for broadband, which would expand high-speed Internet access to rural and unserved areas of our state. I negotiated this section of the bill with Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), along with our colleagues and the Administration. It has become increasingly clear in recent years – and especially in light of the pandemic – that broadband is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. "The infrastructure package is good for America and represents a far too rare example of the two parties working together to produce results for the American people. The House should work quickly to pass it."
Sen. Rob Portman: "Congress has been talking about rebuilding America's infrastructure for decades. Today, the US Senate delivered. The Infrastructure Investment and #Jobs Act will deliver the safe, reliable, and modern #infrastructure our nation needs to grow and prosper in the 21st century."
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen:"Today marks a historic day in the Senate: We showed that we can bridge the partisan divide to invest in our nation's future. This infrastructure package will create lasting change for families across New Hampshire, whose stories inspired me during around-the-clock negotiations over the last three months. Parents who've spent years worrying about the quality of water running from their taps – and how that will affect their kids' health – motivated my fight to successfully secure $55 billion to upgrade our aging water infrastructure, including $10 billion to address PFAS contamination. To help New Hampshire communities afford important water infrastructure investments and address our water problems where they start, I also secured a bipartisan fix to remedy an unfair fee imposed on our cities and towns by the 2017 tax bill. I'm also pleased to announce $65 billion in broadband investments, which will help families, businesses, health care providers and educators across the nation become connected. These wins are on top of the hundreds of billions secured to invest in our roads, rails, bridges and airports and update our power grid. This once-in-a-generation investment will help families across the nation, while bolstering our nation's competitiveness and security. I'm proud to have helped lead negotiations in the Senate on this historic package, and I'll do everything in my power to work with lawmakers in the House and the administration to ensure its swift passage."
Sen. Mitt Romney: "For decades, elected officials have talked about addressing our nation's aging infrastructure. The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that passed out of the Senate today turns that talk into reality. While this bill is not perfect—as is the case with a true compromise—it provides a once-in-a-generation investment in our country's physical infrastructure without raising taxes. That is what people and communities across the country demanded of us. "As one of the fastest growing states in the country, Utah is in serious need of additional infrastructure. This bill would provide Utah the funding to construct new, and rebuild and maintain, its existing roads and highways. It would also help our state mitigate drought conditions, prepare for and respond to wildfires, expand broadband to rural communities, and fulfill critical water needs—which includes funds to bring running water to a substantial part of Utah's Navajo Nation. I'm proud to have helped negotiate this bill because it gave Utah a seat at the table and benefits Americans across the country."
Sen. Lindsey Graham: "The bipartisan infrastructure bill is good for South Carolina. It provides much-needed help for our roads, bridges, ports, and expands broadband internet access. I have always been supportive of infrastructure investment and wish we had passed this years ago."
Sen. John Hickenlooper: "Giddy up! The Senate JUST passed the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. From broadband to water to clean energy, this will be the largest investment in our infrastructure in a century!"
Sen. Kevin Cramer: "America's infrastructure is a worthwhile investment we can't afford to ignore. The bill we passed today will provide over $2 billion to North Dakota for its roads, bridges, rail, broadband, carbon capture efforts, and orphaned wells cleanup projects, all while making meaningful permitting reforms and reducing bureaucratic hurdles. It pays people to work instead of giving them handouts to stay home, and it includes smart reforms so taxpayer dollars are used more efficiently and unspent COVID-19 relief funds are repurposed for productive activity. I thank Senators Portman and Sinema for their leadership on this effort, as well as Senator Capito, whose work on infrastructure reform earlier this year helped make passage possible today. I urge the House to reject its previous plan to hold this bill hostage and to instead take it up and send it to the President's desk so we can deliver a significant, bipartisan win for the American people."
Sen. Tim Kaine: "Thrilled the Senate has passed this historic investment in America's recovery and economy. This bipartisan legislation will put Americans back to work in good-paying jobs, begin to fix our crumbling infrastructure, and build our country back better."
Sen. Chris Coons: "This is going to make the biggest investment in infrastructure in a generation. It will create 650,000 new high-skill, high-paying jobs as we connect tens of millions of Americans to broadband, replace lead pipes, and rebuild bridges, tunnels, and roads all across our country."
Sen. Maggie Hassan: "This bipartisan infrastructure bill will be a game-changer for New Hampshire. It's going to help fix our roads and bridges, expand high-speed internet access, and invest in clean water and clean energy - all while creating jobs and growing our economy. The bill reflects the spirit of New Hampshire - borne of hard work, compromise, and dialogue. We found common ground, and in doing so, we're delivering on our promise to American families by making a once-in-a-generation investment in our country's infrastructure."
Sen. Alex Padilla: "After four years of talk, infrastructure week is finally here. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will deliver long overdue, historic investments in rebuilding America's infrastructure and public transit, while creating millions of good-paying, union jobs. This bill will improve Californians' lives and start to rebuild our infrastructure in an equitable and sustainable way. "Now, we are continuing to work towards even bolder investments in the American people. My Democratic colleagues on the Budget Committee and I are well underway on the next step of our infrastructure effort to invest in child and elder care, immigration reform, and transformational programs to combat the climate crisis and address environmental injustice."
Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto: "Creating jobs in Nevada and strengthening our state's economy are top priorities for me, and this bipartisan legislation will make an enormous difference to communities, small businesses, and workers all across our state. When this bill began to develop, I worked hard to make sure it would include my legislation to combat two of the greatest crises facing our state: drought and wildfires. Today, I'm so pleased to see them pass the Senate on a bipartisan vote, along with so many of the bills I've been working on to combat climate change, reward hardworking families, and create jobs in communities throughout Nevada. This is what we can do when we work together. I'm eager to see these historic investments uplift our state and spur an economic recovery that will benefit all Nevada families."
Sen. Chris Van Hollen: "To grow our economy and create jobs, we've got to fix our crumbling roads and bridges, invest in transit systems across the country, modernize our infrastructure to meet the challenges of the 21st century, and tackle climate change. This bipartisan bill is a serious down payment on those priorities – with the resources our state and our nation need to not just build back, but to start to build back better. "This deal includes major provisions of President Biden's American Jobs Plan, such as large investments to improve our transit systems, railways, clean water systems, roads, bridges, and tunnels – bringing an estimated $6 billion for these projects alone to Maryland. Importantly, it also has critical investments to build the backbone for a more competitive, modern U.S. economy, including funds to expand broadband to end the digital divide and to start building out our clean energy grid and electric charging stations. "I worked to secure key elements in this plan to support Maryland directly, including investments in crucial economic drivers in our state like the Port of Baltimore and the Chesapeake Bay. I also fought to include provisions I authored to reconnect communities that had been split apart by 1960s federal transportation projects like the Highway to Nowhere in West Baltimore. And the bill includes a vital reauthorization of the $150 million annual federal contribution for WMATA for another eight years, policies I wrote to better protect our frontline transit workers, and my bipartisan amendment to ensure tax-payer funded infrastructure projects are soundly financed. Crucially, we also succeeded in adding language to keep federal funding for the Baltimore Red Line metro project alive, despite the Governor's decision to pull the plug on this crucial investment. Finally, even before the pandemic began, I was working to connect every student, household, and business with affordable high-speed internet and expand the use of clean energy – and those investments in this bill, estimated at over $150 million for our state alone, will help keep Marylanders at the forefront of our global economy."
Sen. Richard Blumenthal: "This historic bill is a really spectacularly big deal–transformative for Connecticut's future. We cannot compete in the global economy when our roads are riddled with potholes, our rail networks desperately need modernization, & our families lack connection to the internet. For the last few years, it's become a joke how frequently we celebrated 'Infrastructure Week' & how infrequently anything on infrastructure actually got done. That changes now. Today's strong, bipartisan vote is just the beginning–I'm going to continue fighting for more investments necessary to meet our nation's challenges."
Sen. Cory Booker:"Grateful that the Senate just passed the most extensive infrastructure investment our country has seen in decades. This landmark legislation will help create millions of good-paying jobs in New Jersey and around the country, strengthen our national security & bolster our economy."
Sen. Jon Ossoff: I just voted to pass this historic, bipartisan infrastructure bill, which makes crucial investments in Georgia. Congress has delayed action on infrastructure for decades. Under @JoeBiden's leadership, Democrats and Republicans are uniting to get it done.
Sen. Jeff Merkley: "People across Oregon, and Americans throughout the country, elected President Biden to put us on a new path: a path where investing in the American people and their communities and their futures—not tax cuts for the powerful and privileged—is priority number one. This bipartisan infrastructure deal is a crucial step in the right direction to follow through on that promise. Today's vote means more jobs; greater access to broadband; expanded access to safe, clean drinking water; investments in our forests to reduce the risk of more catastrophic wildfires in the future; and much-needed federal support for protecting the health and well-being of the ecosystems that make Oregon so special."
Sen. Tammy Baldwin: "I voted for this bipartisan legislation because it will create good paying jobs and put Wisconsin to work fixing our roads and bridges, rebuilding our water infrastructure, and expanding access to affordable and reliable high speed broadband for Wisconsin families, students, small businesses, and farmers. This bipartisan legislation makes a major federal investment to help local communities replace lead service lines and address PFAS chemicals so that we provide safe and clean drinking water to people across our state. Wisconsin will receive support to improve the resiliency of our infrastructure so we are better prepared for the impacts of climate change and the next extreme weather events. With this legislation, we are also taking a big step forward in creating more clean energy jobs and a renewable energy economy that takes on the climate crisis. I am especially proud of working across party lines to make sure we included strong Buy American standards in this bipartisan legislation because when we rebuild our infrastructure we need to support American workers, manufacturers and businesses. The Senate has finally turned the 'Infrastructure Week' talk of the past into real action today by getting the job done and passing bipartisan legislation that will help build a stronger economy and make a real difference in the lives of Wisconsin working families."
Sen. Thom Tillis: "This bipartisan infrastructure bill is a big win for all North Carolinians, funding infrastructure projects and creating good-paying jobs without raising taxes. As a member of the bipartisan infrastructure group, I have been working hard to ensure this package improves North Carolina's roads, highways, and bridges, as well as major funding for clean water. Additionally, this bill will include funding for broadband services for the nearly 400,000 North Carolinians who do not have access to high-speed internet. I am proud to have worked on this important legislation with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, and I urge Speaker Pelosi to vote on this legislation and send it to the President's desk without delay."
Sen. Dianne Feinstein: "The bill is the greatest investment in infrastructure I've had the privilege of voting for in the Senate. It will allow us to rebuild our infrastructure so that California can compete in the modern economy and attract more jobs. This bill will help us rebuild our electrical grid with an eye on climate change, focusing on renewable energy sources and expanding the use of microgrids to reduce shutoffs during dangerous wildfire conditions. It includes $5 billion to underground power lines and install fire-resistant technology to harden our grid against wildfire. And it ensures that federal firefighters battling horrific wildfires receive a competitive salary so that we have the federal firefighters necessary to combat fires on federal land. The bill will also improve our state's aging water infrastructure to save more water from California's wet years to use during our dry ones. It also includes funding for water recycling and desalination programs to help us meet our water needs without diverting water from rivers and the Delta or harming the environment. California will also benefit through investments in this bill in our roads and bridges, mass transit and airports and high-speed internet that supports our communities, businesses and children. California is the fifth-largest economy in the world but our infrastructure has not kept up with our growth. This bill changes that and ensures that our state will continue to lead the world in innovation and development."
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: "Today, the Senate passed the biggest infrastructure bill in nearly a century. Tonight, we'll take the first step to passing the #BuildBackBetter budget resolution. From roads and bridges to paid leave and child care – we're investing in America's future."
Sen. Raphael Warnock: "Proud to vote yes on the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which will bring Georgia billions of dollars in funding to improve highways, bridges and public transportation. It will also help 649,000 Georgians gain access to affordable, high-speed broadband."
Sen. Mark Kelly: "Arizonans in every corner of our state are going to benefit from these investments, from expanded high-speed internet access, to improved roads and transit options, to better security and shorter wait times at our ports of entry. As water levels fall in Lakes Mead and Powell and fires burn across our state and the West, I worked to include priorities that will make our state more resilient to drought and wildfires. This legislation is the product of working together, Republicans and Democrats, to find common ground and work out our differences, and the result is going to be historic investments that create high-paying jobs and bring our economy into the future."
Members of the House of Representatives
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "Today is a day of progress, as the Senate has passed the bipartisan infrastructure package and paved the way for not only rebuilding but reimagining our infrastructure for the 21st Century Economy. The leadership of President Biden has seized this once-in-a-century opportunity to Build Back Better for our country. This bipartisan package helps rebuild the middle class as it rebuilds our infrastructure – creating good-paying American jobs and turbocharging American competitiveness and growth. The House will continue to work with the Senate to ensure that our priorities For The People are included in the final infrastructure and reconciliation packages, in a way that is resilient and will Build Back Better."
Rep. Val Demings: "I'm glad that Democrats and Republicans ere able to come together to address our pressing infrastructure needs. This investment means thousands of good jobs and real progress to improve the lives of Floridians. When we work together, our communities win. I support this bill."
Rep. Dan Kildee: "The bipartisan infrastructure bill delivers billions to improve Michigan roads, rebuild bridges and replace lead pipes. Investing in our infrastructure will make life better for millions of Michiganders, create good-paying union jobs and position the United States to win the twenty-first century against our competitors like China. This bipartisan bill is the largest long-term investment in our infrastructure and competitiveness in nearly a century, and I applaud President Biden and Democrats in Congress for their leadership on this bill. "While this bill is a compromise, it brings these critical infrastructure investments one step closer to reality. As this bill moves to the House, I look forward to working with my colleagues to pass this much-needed bipartisan infrastructure bill as well as a budget that makes a once in a generation investment in Michigan's working families."
Rep. Ann Kuster: "This is a crucial step in advancing the Biden-Harris administration's goal of building back better & creating a brighter future for all Americans. I look forward to supporting this historic investment in our nation's infrastructure when it comes to the floor of the House."
Rep. Jake Auchincloss: "The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will rebuild our failing bridges and roads and deliver clean water, all while creating jobs right here at home to get it done."
Rep. Bill Foster: "With strong leadership from @POTUS, we are one step closer to passing historic legislation to bolster America's infrastructure."
Rep. Ed Perlmutter: "I appreciate the Senate's work to develop and pass a bipartisan infrastructure package which will address long overdue needs in our communities, create good-paying jobs, and make our country more competitive in the future. #BuildBackBetter"
Rep. Kurt Schrader: "The Senate just delivered a big win. Democrats were joined by 19 Republicans to pass the bipartisan #infrastructure package. I am proud my @ProbSolveCaucus played a key role in reaching this milestone, and I urge the House to take up the bill right away to keep America moving."
Rep. Jim Cooper: "The Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act is a historic investment in our declining infrastructure systems. I applaud @POTUS for negotiating this bipartisan bill through a difficult Senate."
Rep. Abigail Spanberger: "The Senate passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill! Major infrastructure investments — along with the jobs and economic growth they would create — remain a top priority across the ideological spectrum, and I hope my House colleagues recognize this. Let's get it done."
Rep. Nikema Williams: "The Senate passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill is a major step forward #ForThePeople. Working together with @POTUS Biden, we can make once-in-a-century investments to #BuildBackBetter from this pandemic."
Rep. Marcy Kaptur: "I applaud the Senate for its work to advance a bipartisan, once-in-a-generation investment in our nation's infrastructure. The American people want action – and they want their elected officials working together to deliver results. The Build Back Better agenda will repair our crumbling roads and bridges, expand our passenger rail system, connect homes and small businesses with high-speed broadband internet, and invest in the electric vehicle technologies that will support good-paying jobs right here in northern Ohio. I look forward to working with my colleagues to ensure infrastructure funding gets across the finish line, and that we deliver every last dollar our Great Lakes communities deserve."
Rep. Colin Allred: "The Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan will reduce congestion and create jobs by making a once-in-a-generation investment in our roads, bridges, mass transit, broadband and clean energy technology. Because of our rapid population growth in North Texas Investing in our infrastructure isn't optional -- it's a necessity. I look forward to continuing to work in the House to get this bill across the finish line with bipartisan support."
Rep. Susan Wild: "Today we celebrate a historic step forward for the American people. Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, a modernized and more resilient America is just around the corner. Let's get it done."
Rep. Charlie Crist: "Great to see Senate passage of the bipartisan infrastructure package – a long overdue investment in our roads, bridges, and public transit, boosting our economy and national security. Looking forward to working with my colleagues to pass it in the House!"
Rep. Haley Stevens: "The Senate just passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act! An investment in #infrastructure is an investment in our livelihoods. I look forward to voting on this bill that will combat climate change, revitalize our economy, and bring good-paying jobs to #MI11!"
Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger: "Thrilled the Senate passed the landmark bipartisan infrastructure package, which will lay the groundwork for the U.S. to #BuildBackBetter by creating millions of good-paying American jobs, bolstering our economy + strengthening our national security. Bipartisanship in action!"
Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux: "When we build bridges across the aisle, we can get major things done for the American people. I look forward to voting in support of the bipartisan infrastructure package when it comes to the House."
Rep. Scott Peters: "The Senate's swift passage of the #BipartisanInfrastructureDeal negotiated by the Biden Administration and Congress to provide invaluable funding for our nation's traditional infrastructure means big things for San Diego and communities across the country."
Rep. Pete Aguilar: "This bipartisan bill represents a generational investment in our infrastructure, and will create good-paying jobs, reduce traffic and lower pollution in communities like the Inland Empire. To paraphrase @POTUS, it's a big deal."
Rep. Deborah Ross: "An investment in our infrastructure is an investment in our future. I'm pleased the Senate passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill and look forward to supporting it in the House."
Rep. Brad Schneider: "After failing to invest in our nation's infrastructure for so long, today's Senate vote is an important step in the right direction. I look forward to working with my House colleagues on both sides of the aisle to advance this bill and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure."
Businesses & Trade Groups
Suzanne Clark, President and CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce: "Our elected leaders are on the precipice of a historic investment in our nation's crumbling infrastructure. Turning this long-overdue promise into a reality will grow our economy and strengthen our competitiveness for decades to come. We applaud the Senate for doing its job on a bipartisan basis, thoughtfully debating and passing much-needed infrastructure legislation that will finally invest in America's roads, bridges, and other critical infrastructure, create millions of jobs, and improve the quality of life for every American. Now it is time for the House to continue the bipartisan progress and send this bill to the president's desk."
Ford Motor Company: "Ford applauds this bipartisan step to make long overdue investments in our nation's infrastructure and accelerate the transition to a zero emissions transportation future. We're committed to leading the electric vehicle revolution and doing our part by investing tens of billions of dollars in EVs, including with fully electric versions of our most iconic and popular vehicles."
Chris Spear, President and CEO, American Trucking Association: "For nearly three decades, our nation and industry have been held hostage by empty promises—all talk, no action. Today, the Senate put America ahead of itself. Passage of this bipartisan infrastructure bill is a groundbreaking step toward revitalizing America's decaying roads and bridges, supporting our supply chain and economy with the foundation they need to grow, compete globally and lead the world. The bill also contains significant measures to grow and strengthen trucking's essential workforce. The men and women who carry this economy on trucks thank those senators who had the courage to bridge the partisan divide, putting the interests of our nation above politics."
Kevin Scott, President, American Soybean Association (ASA): "ASA and its farmer leaders are very supportive of this bipartisan legislation, which makes historic investments across all aspects of our nation's infrastructure, including roads and bridges, waterways and railroads. Throughout this Congress, ASA has engaged with lawmakers to express how important these investments in critical infrastructure are to farmers. We also appreciate our leaders in Washington addressing the truck driver shortage, expanding broadband connectivity across farm country, and incorporating a pilot project that highlights the benefits of biobased construction materials containing soy."
Chuck Baker, President, American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA): "Today's Senate passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) is the culmination of many months of measured consideration and bipartisan work to provide a certain path forward on improving infrastructure, ensuring economic recovery and U.S. supply chain competitiveness. The IIJA recognizes small business freight railroads as an integral and essential piece of the freight rail network, helping to move America forward by serving tens of thousands of shippers and supporting the small town, rural and urban communities in which they operate while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing wear and tear on the nation's roads. This measure marks unprecedented levels of investment in programs that are critical to our freight industry – like CRISI, RAISE, and INFRA – providing our members enormously expanded opportunities to compete for investment grants to implement new technology, upgrade aging track, rehabilitate bridges, and initiate important safety measures that allow us to better serve our customers. We commend the Senate for advancing this bold, bipartisan bill – and for avoiding needless policy mandates that would hinder our ability to serve the industries that rely on us. We now urge the U.S. House of Representatives to work to swiftly move this legislation to the President's desk."
Daren Coppock, President and CEO, Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA): "The Senate's passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a step in the right direction for rural America and U.S. ag retailers. The investments included in the IIJA are long overdue and safeguard the ability of the agriculture industry to continue to do its job to bring a safe, plentiful, and consistent supply of food, fiber, and fuel to the American people and the world."
Robert Yeakel, N National Grocers Association (NGA): "Grocers have voiced concern with Congress over supply chain issues for years and the pandemic has only brought added pressures to our wholesalers, who have worked diligently to make sure grocers have product to keep their shelves stocked and their communities fed. The apprenticeship pilot program is a helpful first step to relieve the nationwide trucker shortage."
Shirley Bloomfield, Chief Executive Officer, The Rural Broadband Association: "On behalf of NTCA's community-based members who are committed to delivering the best possible broadband in rural America, I applaud the Senate for recognizing the importance of broadband connectivity in passing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. For too long, broadband was seen as 'nice to have,' but if the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that robust, reliable, and affordable connectivity is a necessity. This funding presents an opportunity to make great strides toward on connecting all Americans and, if implemented wisely, could go a long way toward bridging the digital divide for a generation or longer. We look forward to continuing to work with Congress and the White House as this bill moves forward to ensure that all Americans, regardless of where they live, will have access to affordable internet service that meets their needs today and tomorrow."
American Frozen Foods Institute: "AFFI applauds the Senate Democrats and Republicans for passing the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. This investment in our communities will make our country and economy stronger and more competitive. That's a #BIFDeal."
Chanda Causer and Stephen Michael, Co-Executive Directors, Main Street Alliance: "Small businesses are applauding the step towards critical investment in our roads, bridges, and broadband networks, which will support entrepreneurs across the country. But we know these aren't the only critical needs for small businesses. This is why Co-Executive Director Chanda Causer joined Senator Patty Murray and small businesses across the country last week to support efforts to advance investment in our care infrastructure, including a comprehensive paid family and medical leave program, and affordable, quality child care. We are calling on Congress and the United States to, once and for all, guarantee paid leave at the federal level to help build back businesses, support working families and generate long-term economic growth. With small businesses supporting nearly half of the workforce, and lack of access to paid leave and child care continuing to force women out of the workforce, these larger investments must move along in tandem to this infrastructure deal. One without the other will limit an equitable or sustainable recovery. Small businesses are watching closely to make sure both parts of the Build Back Better Plan are moving forward in unison, whatever ways possible, to ensure any investments in our economy are truly investments in an equitable recovery and future."
Chuck Conner, President and CEO, National Council of Farmer Cooperatives (NCFC): "Today's strong bipartisan vote in the Senate to pass infrastructure legislation will provide the investment needed to improve our country's roads, bridges, railways, and ports and to support the competitiveness of American agriculture. The bill's historic investment of $65 billion for expanding broadband access will help close the digital divide in rural America that has become all too apparent in the past year and a half. With the Senate having acted, we urge the House to take up the infrastructure package without delay."
Mike Seyfert, President and CEO, National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA): "NGFA members rely on a robust and competitive transportation system, including U.S. highways, bridges, inland waterways, ports and railways, to efficiently and competitively serve domestic and global markets. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will enhance the efficient and cost-effective transport of agricultural and food products resulting in substantial contributions and opportunities for U.S. economic growth and trade. The bipartisan legislation would increase infrastructure spending by $550 billion over five years, including an additional $110 billion in U.S. roads and bridges, $65 billion for broadband, and $17.3 billion for ports and waterways. The latter includes $2.5 billion specifically for inland waterways construction projects. This bipartisan agreement also includes a number of necessary and overdue provisions designed to boost the resiliency of the agricultural supply chain, including investments in cybersecurity and an apprenticeship pilot program to address the nationwide truck driver shortage"
Todd Washam, Director of Government Relations and Wireless Industry Network, NATE: "NATE welcomes passage of the Senate infrastructure legislation, which includes historic levels of funding for broadband infrastructure and deployment. For nearly 25 years, NATE has advocated that communications infrastructure projects that allow for the rapid flow of information and data are just as important as infrastructure projects providing for the flow of travel and goods. NATE commends President Biden and a bipartisan group of Senators for their leadership and commitment to securing passage of legislation that includes $65 billion in funding for communications infrastructure projects, which will go a long way toward providing high speed internet and communications services to rural, unserved, and underserved communities. NATE is also pleased that several of NATE's legislative priorities were included as amendments in this legislation. These initiatives will help provide for a skilled communications workforce and ensure transparency and accountability of federally funded broadband projects. Senator Thune's Telecommunications Skilled Workforce provision will help our industry meet the enormous demands for broadband and closing the digital divide resulting from this important legislation. And Senator Fischer's amendment, which would require the Federal Communications Commission to provide maps of federally funded broadband projects, would ensure there is transparency and accountability as Congress appropriates billions in funding for broadband infrastructure. In addition to the funding provided in the Senate infrastructure package, there are multiple agencies working on broadband infrastructure, and mapping tools will help ensure that inter-agency issues do not get in the way of deploying broadband projects to rural, unserved, and underserved communities. NATE congratulates President Biden and Senators Sinema (D-AZ), Portman (R-OH), Romney (R-UT) and Manchin (D-WV) and the other bipartisan negotiators who fought for these important policies and worked to ensure that broadband funding was prioritized in this legislation. NATE urges the House of Representatives to consider this critical legislation without delay and send the package to President Biden for his signature."
Joshua Bolten, President & CEO, Business Roundtable: "Today's Senate vote on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act demonstrates strong bipartisan support for strengthening our nation's physical infrastructure, economy and global competitiveness. Business Roundtable thanks Leaders Schumer and McConnell, the bipartisan group of Senators, including Senators Sinema and Portman, and the White House for their leadership on and commitment to advancing a bipartisan bill. We applaud all Senators who voted yes and urge the House to build on this momentum by coming back to Washington to take up the bill and pass it during this extended recess. It is time to finish the job and deliver for the American people."
John Linder, President, National Corn Growers Association (NCGA): "This is a once-in-a-lifetime investment in America's infrastructure, and we are extremely pleased that it includes funding for priorities that are important to farmers and rural America. The legislation will benefit agriculture for years to come, and it is encouraging for corn farmers to see Senators working together on a bipartisan basis."
Rhett Buttle, Small Business for America's Future: "Today's Senate passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal providing needed resources for Main Street businesses is a significant milestone and we urge the House to take up and pass the legislation without delay to help small businesses continue to recover from the pandemic. Small businesses welcome investment in our roads, bridges, broadband, and other community resources. Getting the bipartisan infrastructure deal across the finish line is an important step in creating a strong and inclusive economy. Small business owners also think a broader approach to infrastructure is good for Main Street. In Small Business for America's Future's recent national survey of more than 1,000 small business owners, 70% supported federal investments in paid leave, 75% supported making child care more affordable, and a whopping 87% supported investments to improve long-term care. That is why we hope after Congress passes the Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan, it will act on broader investments in human infrastructure like child care, paid leave, and a social safety net that ensures a strong and vibrant workforce to help our small businesses grow. Small business owners are the backbone of the nation's economy--driving economic growth and job creation--and with smart investments in infrastructure, our leaders can ensure the road to recovery and a strong economy is smooth and equitable for all."
Jim Matheson, CEO National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA): "This bipartisan proposal is a meaningful first step and carries significant benefits for rural families and businesses, particularly those who lack access to high speed broadband. We commend the senators from both sides of the aisle who worked together on this compromise, and we applaud their commitment to the bipartisan pursuit of solutions. As policymakers plan for a future that depends on electricity as the primary energy source for much of the economy, more work will be needed to build on this infrastructure down payment. Electric co-ops will continue pushing for the financial flexibility to refinance existing government loans at today's low interest rates and eligibility for direct pay tax credits to boost electric co-op investments in renewables and other innovative energy technologies. These two co-op priorities would provide much-needed tools for co-ops to leverage as they navigate the ongoing energy transition."
Todd Van Hoose, President and CEO, Farm Credit Council: "Farm Credit thanks the Senate for its bipartisan efforts to pass the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This legislation will create jobs and improve quality of life across the country, including in rural America. The investments in rural broadband will connect more communities. Improvements to rural water systems will ensure safe drinking water supplies and adequate wastewater systems. And the agriculture transport network will benefit from improved rural roadways and bridges, freight rail, inland waterways and port facilities. All of these investments will make U.S. agriculture more competitive in global markets and our rural communities more vital places to live and work. Farm Credit urges lawmakers in the House pass this bipartisan legislation quickly. It will bring much-needed investment to rural America."
Linda Moore, President and CEO, TechNet: "This bill is a historic long-term investment in America's future and a meaningful step toward preparing our country for a new century of economic growth and endless possibilities."
Labor Leaders
Greg Regan, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD): "With today's passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the U.S. Senate took an important step toward making necessary and long-overdue investments in our nation's infrastructure. The bipartisan support shows what we have long known: that transportation and infrastructure, and good jobs in these industries, are not partisan issues. The investments made by this act will reach every corner of this country and benefit every American. We applaud President Biden's leadership in brokering this historic deal, and congratulate the bipartisan group of senators who came together to find common ground and address decades-long underinvestment in the systems that keep our economy moving. We look forward to working with the House to make these investments a reality, and to help achieve President Biden's commitment to expand and modernize infrastructure and build back better."
Douglas J. McCarron, General President, The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBC): "The Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework is the largest investment in our nation's infrastructure in a century and will create opportunities for millions of Americans. This isn't just an investment in our roads and bridges. This is an investment in the American union workers who build them. We hope Congress sends this to the President's desk quickly because our members are ready to build the infrastructure we deserve."
Robert Martinez Jr., International President, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM): "This historic infrastructure deal will uplift millions of working families through good union jobs that offer decent wages and benefits. Only a year ago, our union was suffering from devastating layoffs due to the pandemic. The bipartisan deal will rebuild our nation's roads, airports, passenger and freight rail, and bridges while creating much-needed expansion for broadband access. This package will make an unprecedented federal investment in public transit and passenger rail since the creation of Amtrak. As the largest transportation union in North America, we applaud the investment in airline and rail infrastructure. Our transportation sector will benefit through the modernization projects created through the robust funding provided in this infrastructure package. The Biden-Harris administration committed to building back better our vital manufacturing and transportation sectors during my meeting earlier this year at the White House. I can report back to the IAM membership that they have kept their campaign promise. The Buy American rules included within the infrastructure package are a wise use of taxpayer dollars to strengthen our U.S. manufacturing sector and increase the amount of good-paying union jobs. We stand committed to working with the Biden-Harris administration and members of Congress to rebuild America's infrastructure and workforce across all sectors."
Lonnie R. Stephenson, President, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW): "IBEW members are encouraged to finally see bipartisan success in addressing the generational neglect of our country's aging infrastructure. This 1.3 trillion-dollar investment in America has been a long time coming, and I am certain that the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will benefit the IBEW and the communities we live in across the country. After the legislative process is finished, I remain confident that IBEW and all union workers will have access to the good union jobs the Build Back Better Plan was intended to deliver. We're particularly pleased to see the investments in modernizing the electrical grid, transit, and rail, in addition to the beginnings of building out the charging infrastructure necessary for wide-scale adoption of electric vehicles, buses, trains, and trucks. We commend President Biden's leadership in addressing climate change as an urgent crisis for our country and encourage the Biden Administration to continue supporting carbon-free nuclear energy. At the same time, I recognize that the majority of infrastructure investments passed by the Senate do include labor standards; I also hope and expect that the Biden Administration and congressional leaders will continue to push for labor standards in all infrastructure investments, particularly in the critical area of broadband expansion, so that the new jobs created will be good union jobs. Restoring the middle class has always been at the heart of President Biden's ambitious plan to Build Back Better, and the IBEW is proud to stand with President Biden and Vice President Harris in fighting for the union workers who built the middle class."
Tom Conway, International President, United Steelworkers (USW): "The USW commends the bipartisan work of the U.S. Senate in passing a badly needed infrastructure bill. Our nation's critical infrastructure is long past due for significant upgrades, and this bill is an important step toward both making our communities more secure and creating millions of good, family-sustaining jobs. USW members from across every corner of our union already provide the essential building blocks of a modern infrastructure, from the steel that goes into our bridges, to the pipes that carry our water, to the fiber optic glass that keeps us connected and much more. A comprehensive infrastructure investment that draws on the goods and services American workers supply will promote widespread job growth and economic opportunity. USW members and their families will further benefit from this investment as their workplaces and communities become safer and more efficient. As this bill moves to the U.S. House, we cannot let the momentum falter. We urge Congress to continue working together in overhauling both our physical and social infrastructures until they finally meet our modern needs."
Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers (AFT): "Today's bipartisan agreement makes the largest long-term investment in our infrastructure and competitiveness in nearly a century. It moves our country forward and lays the groundwork for our communities to recover, renew and build back better—by creating good jobs, enhancing our competitiveness and making our economy more sustainable, resilient and just. While we often think of infrastructure as roads, transit and bridges, this deal covers much more, offering the potential to transform the American economy to one that offers well-paying union jobs so working people can provide for their families; makes progress on the climate crisis by promoting clean energy transmission and electrifying thousands of school and transit buses; and modernizes our country's transit, bridge and pipe systems so every American gets to work, and many more can access clean drinking water. President Biden has worked with both parties to deliver a plan that positions working people and businesses to compete and win in the 21st century. This deal will change American lives for the better."
Tim Driscoll, President, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC): "BAC has long supported comprehensive investment in our nation's infrastructure, broadly defined. While IIJA represents a good start, we must continue to work to make sure that other vital infrastructure needs are not neglected. Investment in our infrastructure including schools, housing, hospitals, public safety and other government buildings is critically important. We must do everything we can to make sure that these priorities are addressed as Congress turns to the Budget Reconciliation process."
Terry O'Sullivan, General President, Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA): "We applaud the U.S. Senate's bold, historic action in passing legislation modeled on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework. The legislation reflects what would be one of the most significant and largest investments ever in America's infrastructure by addressing critical transportation, water, energy and broadband needs. The legislation would create hundreds of thousands of good, family-supporting construction careers, help restore our nation's infrastructure to global greatness, and build a lasting legacy for generations to come. For far too long we have starved our country of the infrastructure investment the American people want, need and deserve. We must seize this opportunity. It is time to get the job done so that LIUNA members, who are ready, willing, and able, can get to work now building America and securing our future. We urge the U.S. House of Representatives to avoid delays, pass the Senate bill and send it to President Biden's desk."
Lee Saunders, President, American Federation of State, County, & Municipal Employees Contracts (AFSCME): "The bipartisan infrastructure package passed by the Senate is a once-in-a-generation investment in rebuilding our nation's crumbling infrastructure, modernizing our transportation systems and improving public services everywhere. AFSCME members have been sounding the alarm for decades about the urgent need for this investment. This critical funding will finally allow essential public service workers to keep their communities safe and healthy by improving our highways, roads, bridges, public transit, water systems and so much more. As this bill advances, we look forward to continuing conversations with members of the House and the Senate to improve labor protections, especially where financing incentives may lead to the privatization of public assets. AFSCME will also continue working with the White House and Congress on another robust package to invest in our human infrastructure. To empower working families, we must ensure access to quality, affordable child care and home care. And we must provide paid family and medical leave, so that no one has to sacrifice an income to take care of a new baby or an ailing family member. By addressing both our physical and human infrastructure needs, we will set our nation on the right course to truly build back better for everyone."
Transportation Communications Union (TCU): "Joe Biden ran for President to refocus our nation's policies on everyday working people, including a commitment to finally invest in our nation's infrastructure. This bill does just that. At a time when our country is so divided politically and in the midst of battling a pandemic, it's a relief to see our bipartisan elected leaders put politics aside to do what's right. The bipartisan infrastructure legislation coming out of the Senate is a game-changer for our nation's railroads, including the largest investment in Amtrak since the railroad's creation 50 years ago. The bill would undoubtedly expand passenger rail access to millions of Americans, whilst creating thousands of good-paying union railroad jobs. It even includes TCU Amtrak-specific language to bolster station agents across the country and give onboard service staff a voice in food and beverage service. As with any legislation, there can always be improvements, and TCU stands ready to work with House Leadership and Transportation & Infrastructure Chairman Peter DeFazio to ensure that the final bill includes as many pro-rail worker policies as possible. Regardless, this bill would be a massive win for our nation's railroads and rail workers, and TCU looks forward to hammering out the details with our friends in Congress."
Local Elected Officials
National Governors Association Chairman Governor Asa Hutchinson and Vice Chairman Governor Phil Murphy: "On behalf of the National Governors Association, we commend senators of both parties for adopting key improvements to the bipartisan infrastructure package and voting to advance the legislation. We now call on the House of Representatives to take action as quickly as possible and send this critical legislation to the President's desk so that states and territories can deploy these crucial infrastructure funds."
United States Conference of Mayors: "We are one step closer to a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation's infrastructure. American cities cannot be expected to thrive with failing infrastructure and an aging transportation system. And we cannot solve the challenge of climate change by doing things the same old way. This plan will help communities prosper, create good jobs, and modernize our economy. lt will allow us to leap forward into the 21st century, and that's why it has the support of hundreds of bipartisan mayors. Mayors know the importance of setting politics aside to get things done, and we appreciate the spirit of cooperation that has defined this effort. This bipartisanship will make a lasting impact on our country's future. We urge the House to work quickly to send a final bill to the president for his signature."
National League of Cities: "America's cities, towns and villages urgently face overdue projects that need investment to build and maintain critical infrastructure, and today, the Senate answered our call to help us rebuild."
Matthew Chase, Executive Director, National Association of Counties (NACo): "Counties applaud the U.S. Senate for passing this much-needed infrastructure bill, which will help rebuild our nation's infrastructure and our economy. We appreciate our Senate champions who developed this comprehensive bipartisan legislation that invests in locally owned infrastructure and preserves local decision-making. Counties play a major role in maintaining critical infrastructure. We own 44 percent of the nation's road miles and nearly 40 percent of all bridges. We are also involved in the vast majority of public transportation systems and a third of all public airports. Beyond transportation, counties are responsible for the operation of local water systems and ensuring the safety and resiliency of our communities. Counties own nearly two-thirds of off-system bridges and thank lawmakers for the much-needed investments in these important local connections. We welcome increases to flexible grant programs, the creation of a new bridge investment program and meaningful commitments to transportation safety. Additionally, raising the cap on Private Activity Bonds will facilitate the construction of infrastructure projects that will enhance the quality of life for many residents. We are also pleased to see historic investments in high-speed internet, as counties advance efforts to expand access to affordable broadband in every corner of the country. We commend senators for including a three-year extension of the Secure Rural Schools revenue-sharing program, which compensates approximately 700 counties and school districts for declining federal timber harvests. We call on the U.S. House to quickly pass the infrastructure bill. America's counties are ready to work with our bipartisan congressional partners and the Biden-Harris administration to strengthen our infrastructure and our economy."
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan: "This historic bill will grow jobs, expand economic opportunity, and enhance our national security—all without raising taxes. Its overwhelming and bipartisan passage in the Senate is a testament to the fact that this bill has not been driven by the conventional top-down partisan political process. It was driven by leaders and citizens across the country who have been demanding for years that elected officials in Washington on both sides of the aisle finally take action to address America's crumbling infrastructure. I want to thank my partners in the Senate for considering the input of the governors and incorporating every single recommendation of our National Governors Association infrastructure initiative that we presented to them at our Annapolis infrastructure summit, including relieving traffic congestion to boost economic competitiveness, incentivizing public-private partnerships, investing in cybersecurity and resiliency, and cutting red tape on permitting for key projects. As the bill advances, we cannot allow the priorities of the American people to be hijacked by partisan politics or the extremes in the House. The overwhelming majority of Americans support this bill and believe it should not be tied to any other legislation. I urge the House to listen to their voices and pass it into law without delay."
Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear: "Well, it passed the Senate. That's a good thing because there are billions of dollars for Kentucky infrastructure in it. And I believe that we will have to apply but the Brent Spence Bridge will absolutely qualify. And, provided that is the case, we can pay for our portion of it in cash. No tolls. We can make it happen for a community that's been waiting for so long and, in doing so, we can free up more money to get I-69 done because people in Western Kentucky deserve that bridge. And we can get that Mountain Parkway four-lanes all the way to Prestonsburg, just like we committed to doing it. This transportation bill goes through, it's not just that project that we think of, it's not just a huge amount of highway and interstate money, but it's truly these large, significant projects that open up a lot of portions of our state."
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis: "I'm thrilled to see the Senate pass a plan to create jobs, fix our roads, bridges, expand broadband and climate action. This summer, I was proud to sign Colorado's own bipartisan legislation to modernize Colorado's transportation system, make Front Range Rail a reality, and we continue to take bold steps to repair our roads, reduce traffic and protect our environment. President Biden, the Senate partnered to power this bipartisan plan to deliver once in a generation infrastructure funding and I urge the House of Representatives to take up and pass this important legislation for our future and our economy. The devastating destruction Coloradans and the nation are seeing in Glenwood Canyon proves that our state needs strong federal partners to take on the serious problems that challenge our Colorado way of life."
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: "I ran on fixing the damn roads - and I've filled a pothole or two along the way. The bipartisan federal infrastructure investment will be a game-changer for Michigan's infrastructure across the board AND for our economic jumpstart."
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards: "I commend the Biden Administration & U.S. Senate for passage of the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act. The bipartisan act will allocate $5.8 billion to Louisiana over the next five years for infrastructure improvements. Read my statement below. bit.ly/3izlpzy #lagov"
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy:"On behalf of the @NatlGovsAssoc, @AsaHutchinson and I applaud the Senate for advancing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package. We urge the House to quickly send this legislation to @POTUS's desk so that states and territories can deploy these crucial infrastructure funds."
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam:"I am glad to see Congress moving the infrastructure bill forward. In Virginia, historic investments in rail, roads, bridges, transit, and broadband have led to incredible opportunities—it is great to be one step closer at the national level."
Vermont Gov Phil Scott: "The Senate's passage of the bipartisan infrastructure package is an important step forward for our nation. The bill will create good paying jobs, modernize our transportation infrastructure, make important investment in the power grid and broadband buildout, and so much more."
Mayor Eric Garcetti - Los Angeles, CA: "Thanks to the Senate & @POTUS for supporting this historic investment in our nation's infrastructure. This deal will strengthen L.A.'s public transit, water systems, bridges, railways & broadband & create a strong foundation for generations of Angelenos."
Mayor Jim Kenney - Philadelphia, PA: "Thrilled the Senate has passed @POTUS's Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, which will allow us to build the future we deserve in Philly—a future that is stronger, safer, and more equitable and resilient. Let's get to work."
Mayor Levar Stoney - Richmond, VA: "This is what happens when we work together. One step closer to progress and change for those that live in our communities. #BuildBackBetter"
Mayor Nan Whaley - Dayton, OH: "With the Senate passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, we are one step closer to a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation's infrastructure."; "American cities cannot be expected to thrive with failing infrastructure. This plan will help communities prosper, create good jobs, and modernize our economy. It will allow us to leap forward into the 21st century, and that's why it has the support of 100s of bipartisan mayors."; "Mayors know the importance of setting politics aside to get things done, and we appreciate the spirit of cooperation that has defined this effort. It make a lasting impact on our country's future. We urge the House to work quickly to send a final bill to the president."
Mayor Robert Garcia - Long Beach, CA: "Mayors across America are ready to put this historic infrastructure bill to work. We are ready to rebuild our roads, upgrade airports, expand public transit, and connect neighborhoods to high speed broadband. Thank you @POTUS for keeping your promise. LFG."
Mayor Andrew Ginther - Columbus, OH: "The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal is the largest infrastructure bill in a century. In #Columbus, it will expand access to transit, internet and good-paying jobs to help our city recover."
Mayor Tom Barrett - Milwaukee, WI: "The bipartisan infrastructure plan has taken a big step forward with Senate passage today. That is good news for Milwaukee and for cities and towns across the country."; "Infrastructure investments improve mobility and safety; these investments create jobs; and they advance economic opportunity with benefits that will be seen well into America's future."
Mayor Melvin Carter - St. Paul, MN: "Communities across America have been waiting 5 years for #InfrastructureWeek; while this trillion dollar federal package won't solve every problem, it is a much needed step forward. Yup."
Mayor John Cooper - Nashville, TN: "Grateful that Congress has passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This is a historic moment which will offer great investment opportunities for Nashville and cities across the country."
Mayor Robert Garcia - Long Beach, CA: "The infrastructure bill is a huge win for the Biden/Harris Administration- but most importantly for the country. America's cities are about to receive historic and once in a generation investments to our roads, bridges & airports. We are ready to put these resources to work."
Mayor Tim Kelly - Chattanooga, TN: "If passed, the BID will invest dollars directly into Chattanooga's infrastructure. Potholes, roads, clean water - these are not partisan issues. It's a matter of improving quality of life for our residents. Glad to see so many Mayors by my side in support of the deal!"
Mayor Martha Guerrero - West Sacramento, CA: "The deal is done thank you @SenFeinstein @AlexPadilla4CA @POTUS for the #Bipartisaninfrastructuredeal which will strengthen our cities!"; "This is great news and I am grateful that the Senate approved the @POTUS Biden's #Bipartisaninfrastructuredeal with funds for local govs to build a stronger, safer and equitable future. Let's get to work!"
Mayor Eric Johnson - Dallas, TX: "The bipartisan infrastructure bill will help Dallas and our country to build for the future. We must invest in our communities now."
Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway - Madison, WI: "Proud to join with my fellow Mayors in the state to support the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal - it will truly enhance our quality of life. #BID @MayorOfMKE @MayorAntaramian @MayorGenrich @MayorCoryMason >http://ow.ly/DIpO50FNh9G<"
Mayor Steve Adler - Austin, TX: "I'm joining @POTUS, @SecretaryPete and fellow mayors across the country in calling on Congress to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal to create jobs, provide greater access to opportunity, and build an economy that's stronger than ever."
Mayor Michael B. Hancock - Denver, CO: "I am urging the U.S. Senate to pass the bipartisan infrastructure plan, which will make the largest investments in public transit and clean water in American history and ensure every household has access to high speed internet. Our communities need this."
Levar Stoney - Richmond, VA: "This is what happens when we work together. One step closer to progress and change for those that live in our communities. #BuildBackBetter"
Robert Garcia - Long Beach, CA: "Mayors across America are ready to put this historic infrastructure bill to work. We are ready to rebuild our roads, upgrade airports, expand public transit, and connect neighborhoods to high speed broadband. Thank you @POTUS for keeping your promise. LFG."
Tom Barrett - Milwaukee, WI: "The bipartisan infrastructure plan has taken a big step forward with Senate passage today. That is good news for Milwaukee and for cities and towns across the country."; "Infrastructure investments improve mobility and safety; these investments create jobs; and they advance economic opportunity with benefits that will be seen well into America's future."
Melvin Carter - St. Paul, MN: "Communities across America have been waiting 5 years for #InfrastructureWeek; while this trillion dollar federal package won't solve every problem, it is a much needed step forward. Yup"
Greg Fischer - Louisville, KY: "This bipartisan legislation would provide $1.2 trillion of critical support for our aging infrastructure & prime our community for a more equitable, resilient future. Thanks to @POTUS & G22 Senators for leading & @McConnellPress for supporting the measure!"
Lauren McLean - Boise, ID: "I'm thrilled the US Senate, including Idaho @SenatorRisch and Senator @MikeCrapo, voted to pass the #BipartisanInfrastructureDeal today. This bill means a lot for Boise, and I'm excited for these investments that will benefit our community and state as a whole."
Sylvester Turner - Houston, TX: "By passing a major infrastructure bill, the Senate took a huge step towards fortifying our nation's infrastructure, boosting our economy, & strengthening cities. Investments in broadband, water infrastructure, & public transit are critical to keeping Americans safe and connected."; "As Black mayors, we know firsthand how monumental this infusion of funding will be for the success of our communities, large and small, and are deeply appreciative that the Senate understands the urgency of infrastructure investment."; "We are thrilled that lawmakers from both sides of the aisle came together to create a deal that is truly responsive to the infrastructure needs of the American people. Now, we're calling on the House to pass this bill quickly, and get it to President Biden's desk."
Randall Woodfin - Birmingham, AL: "The bipartisan infrastructure bill contains much-needed support for cities, including Birmingham, to invest in our roads and bridges, public transit, clean drinking water, broadband internet and clean energy infrastructure."; "Thank you to @POTUS, @VP and all those who worked to get this historic deal passed in the Senate. Looking forward to utilizing this federal support to keep making #ProgressTogether in Birmingham."
Melvin Carter - St. Paul, MN: "Communities across America have been waiting 5 years for #InfrastructureWeek; while this trillion dollar federal package won't solve every problem, it is a much needed step forward."
Andy Schor - Lansing, MI: "Thanks to @SenGaryPeters, @SenStabenow and the US Senate for passing the #BipartisanInfrastructureDeal, which will allow us to build the future we deserve in @lansingmichigan- one that is stronger, safer and more equitable. We need these dollars to fix our infrastructure!"
Michael B. Hancock - Denver, CO: "This means more good-paying jobs, improved infrastructure, clean water and access to high-speed internet for all Americans and better, more equitable outcomes for working families and communities of color."
Luke Bronin - Hartford, CT: "Thanks and congratulations to @ChrisMurphyCT & @SenBlumenthal on the Senate's passage of @POTUS' historic #BipartisanInfrastructureDeal — a huge & vital investment in our future. Still lots more to do, but this is without question a BFD."
South Dakota State Senator Reynold Nesiba: "Both of South Dakota's Senators, Rounds and Thune, voted against this bipartisan infrastructure deal which will rebuild roads and bridges and modernize America's airports, rail, and public transit systems and deliver clean drinking water and high speed internet. #BuildBackBetter"
TN State Senator Raumesh Akbari: "Today, on @POTUS's 203rd day in office, the Senate passed historic #infrastructure legislation. This bipartisan deal will rebuild roads, bridges, and modernize America's airports, rail, and public transit systems. It will deliver clean drinking water & high speed internet to all."
CT State Rep Matt Blumenthal: "It's good to have a President who makes government work for Americans."
MI State Senator Sean McCann:"The U.S. Bipartisan Senate infrastructure plan will bring more than $8B to Michigan. Thank you for your work @SenStabenow and @SenGaryPeters. This investment will be a massive asset to Michigan's much needed infrastructure projects."
PA State Senator Maria Collett: "So excited the bipartisan #Infrastructure bill is moving forward. This bill will bring jobs to PA, invest in our children's futures with commitment to high speed internet and climate issues, and address issues re bad roads + bridges and polluted water."
AZ State Rep. Charlene Fernandez: "The infrastructure bill has passed the Senate! I'm thrilled for the job opportunities and overhaul coming to Arizona."
Timothy Nuvangyaoma, Hopi Tribal Chairman: "The Hopi Tribe suffers from a dilapidated road, water, and electrical systems caused by decades of underinvestment by the federal government in dereliction of the trust responsibility. The bipartisan deal accomplished by President Biden, Senator Sinema, and Senator Kelly is a major accomplishment that will finally begin to address the backlog of infrastructure investments in Indian Country. The bill provides funding to restore reservation roads, build clean water systems, and construct grid updates that will provide reliable electricity. The Hopi Tribe is grateful for this commitment to Indian Country."
Mayor Todd Gloria: ".@usmayors are grateful to the Senate for passing the bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. It will help cities like San Diego make wise investments that improve quality of life and keep us competitive in the global economy. Great leadership by @POTUS. #BuildBackBetter"
Mayor Greg Fischer: "This bipartisan legislation would provide $1.2 trillion of critical support for our aging infrastructure & prime our community for a more equitable, resilient future. Thanks to @POTUS & G22 Senators for leading & @McConnellPress for supporting the measure!"
Chairman Faith, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe: "I want to thank President Biden for standing up for Indian country, once again. The bipartisan infrastructure bill that the Senate passed reflects the call he made to Congress to address the overwhelming needs of Indian country in any infrastructure bill. These investments will bring life changing clean and safe drinking water to tribal communities; increase broadband so my community other tribal communities can prosper in the 21st Century, and improve dangerous roads and bridges that threaten the lives of our children."
Chairman Azure- Fort Peck Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes: "I appreciate President's Biden's leadership in asking Congress to work together to do something for all of America and especially that he told Congress that any investment in infrastructure had to include Indian country. The Senate listened to the President and passed an historic bill that makes historic investment in Indian country, including water, sanitation, environment and broadband."
President Jonathan Nez, Navajo Nation: "Today the Senate passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act with a vote of 69-30. Thank you President Biden for delivering on your promise and for working across the aisle. This bipartisan infrastructure agreement builds on the foundation laid down by ARPA and puts our country back on track to Build Back Better. It also reaffirms the willingness of our lawmakers to put people above party. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act chronicles another chapter in the history of our aging, and sometimes nonexistent, infrastructure. For far too long Native Americans have been ignored and overlooked in critical funding opportunities such as this. The over $11 billion this measure provides for Indian Country will open up opportunities for generations yet to come."
Jaison Elkins, Muckleshoot Tribal Chairman: "The Muckleshoot Tribe is a salmon people and as the salmon suffer we suffer. I am heartened to see that the infrastructure package makes good on President Biden's promise to "Build Back Better" by recognizing the need to restore not just our roads and bridges but our environment. The package includes $400 million to replace culverts and upgrade fish passages to allow our salmon to make it to their spawning grounds unimpeded and unharmed. The Muckleshoot Tribe is grateful for this commitment."
William Frank III, Nisqually Tribal Chairman: "The Nisqually Tribe applauds President Biden's commitment to bipartisanship in the infrastructure package and is grateful to all the Senators that worked so hard to make it a reality. This long-awaited package will make the critical investments to our nation's infrastructure that is needed to enable our economy to compete today while preparing for tomorrow. In addition, the plan upholds the federal trust responsibility to tribal nations through massive and overdue investments in Indian Country."
Leonard Forsman, Suquamish Tribal Chairman: "President Biden and the Senate have struck a remarkable bipartisan infrastructure deal that will accomplish two things that are incredibly important to the Suquamish Tribe. First, it makes massive direct investments into Indian Country, which will help us to close the infrastructure gap that we face. Second, it confronts climate change head on with significant federal investments for restoring the environment, adopting new environmentally-friendly technologies, and mitigating the impacts that are already occurring. The Suquamish Tribe praises President Biden and the Senate for this strong bipartisan achievement."
Colorado State Senate Democratic Caucus: ".@Leroy_Garcia: "With today's passage of the historic Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act, CO is on track to upgrade our transportation system, create a generation of good-paying...jobs & improve the lives of millions."
NJ Speaker Craig Coughlin: "The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passed by the U.S. Senate today includes money for roads, bridges, shorelines, public transit, and more. Via @njdotcom, this could mean $12 billion for New Jersey if passed successfully in the House."
Georgia State House Democratic Caucus: "Pres. Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal is an investment in our economy and jobs and it has support in Georgia. Why every one of @SenatorWarnock's declared or potential opponents opposes it, we couldn't tell you. #gapol @GAHouseDems #movinggaforward"
PA State Rep Malcolm Kenyatta: ".@POTUS fought tooth and nail for this infrastructure bill because working families sent him to DC to fight for us. That's why I endorsed him on day one of his campaign. Government can AND MUST work for working families. Let's get this bill & the reconciliation package done ASAP."
Ohio Mayors Alliance: "We would like to thank the US Senate and Senator Portman for passing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill! Now we ask our Ohio Representatives to support this bill to deliver much needed investment for Ohioans."
TN State Senate Democratic Caucus: "The U.S. Senate has passed President Biden's Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which will deliver $6 billion to Tennessee for roads, bridges, flood mitigation, public transit and high-speed internet! (Tennessee's GOP senators voted against this historic investment.)"
National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators: "Senate passage of The #BipartisanInfrastructureDeal is an important 1st step to redressing the structural racism in our infrastructure. It's not perfect, but ensures #Hispanics and POC get broadband and good-paying jobs, and improve bridges/roads. Now we need an equitable budget."
Mayor Sylvester Turner (Houston, TX), President, African American Mayors Association: "By passing a major infrastructure bill today, the Senate took a huge step forward towards fortifying our nation's crumbling infrastructure, boosting our economy, and strengthening American cities. As Black mayors, we know firsthand how monumental this infusion of funding will be for the success of our communities, large and small, and are deeply appreciative that the Senate understands the urgency of infrastructure investment. Investments in broadband internet, water infrastructure, and public transit are critical to keeping Americans safe, connected, and fully able to participate in the internet economy. We are thrilled that lawmakers from both sides of the aisle came together to create a deal that is truly responsive to the infrastructure needs of the American people. This is leadership, plain and simple. Now, we're calling on the House to pass this bill quickly, and get it to President Biden's desk."
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) :"The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) congratulates the bipartisan group of senators for their leadership in, and commitment to, finding common ground by moving the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. It's taken tremendous work and creativity on their part to get the legislation to this point. America's legislators urge members of the House and Senate to build on the momentum and finalize an investment package that addresses the nation's dire infrastructure needs as soon as possible. NCSL is eager to work with Congress and the administration to help them understand the urgency of why this is a paramount priority for states and how best to design a program that leverages the power of the states to get America moving again."
National Black Caucus of State Legislators: "The National Black Caucus of State Legislators applauds President Biden and Congress's bipartisan effort to reconnect America by investing in our nation's infrastructure. This 2,700-page Bill addresses many of the issues our Members have championed over the years. First, the enormity of the moment is not lost with our Members; many of whom have personally experienced segregation, Jim Crow laws, and subsequent efforts to divide and disconnect communities of color from the rest of America. In stark contrast, this law marks the rare occasion where a president with the bi-partisan support of congress, recognizes and redresses a vestige of discrimination created and maintained by the federal government. Through passage of this law, the president and Congress have created the first-ever program to reconnect communities divided by transportation infrastructure. The program will fund planning, design, demolition, and reconstruction of street grids, parks, or other infrastructure through $1 billion of dedicated funding in addition to historic levels of major projects funding, for which these investments could also qualify. Second, over a decade ago NBCSL sounded the alarm concerning the worsening isolation of American communities and citizens and the resulting economic and human consequences. At that time our Energy, Transportation and Environment Policy Committee called for "the public sector to explore the opportunities for affordable public transportation to include buses, vans, shuttle buses, and other means of transportation and for the public sector to consider the financial, social, and environmental affordability issues related to access to public transportation." We are pleased that the president and Congress heeded this alarm and that help is on the way. Finally, NBCSL Members are unfortunately too familiar with the challenges associated with having poor or in some cases no access to broadband. We are pleased to know that with this law's passage and additional investment of $65 Billion dollars that every American is more likely to have access to reliable high-speed internet. Just when the political divisions seem to be at an all-time high in this country, President Biden, working in a bi-partisan way with Congress has found a way to bring America together through focusing on our, common needs. A failing bridge in a "blue state" is just as dangerous as a flood prone highway in a "red state". Children in rural red America who can't access the internet for homework suffer just as much children in urban blue America with spotty internet access, The Members of NBCSL look forward to working with our federal partners to help get America reconnected."
Advocacy Organizations
Will Marshall, President, Progressive Policy Institute (PPI): "Today, the Senate passed a $1 trillion infrastructure package that, among other things, will upgrade the nation's aging transportation systems and waterways, extend high-speed broadband to rural America, and help the United States outcompete China for economic and technological leadership in this century. Given the toxic tribalism that has infected Washington since 2016, the infrastructure deal struck by President Biden and a bipartisan group of U.S. senators is a landmark political achievement. If the House does its part and passes this bill, it will be an encouraging sign that Washington is back in the business of governing after a four-year detour into delusion and demagoguery. PPI applauds the president as well as Senators Kyrsten Sinema, Joe Manchin and Rob Portman for persevering through the long months of hard bargaining – not to mention carping from ideologues and partisan obstructionists in their own parties – to forge a compromise that serves the interests of all Americans. We also thank the negotiators for including several commonsense reforms PPI had called for to control costs, prioritize the most beneficial projects, and give taxpayers the best bang for their buck. This is the kind of leadership our country needs to make our democracy work again. We hope Speaker Pelosi will reconvene the House and take up this vital national investment as soon as possible. We also believe it should not be held hostage to other important priorities that the White House and Democratic leaders have pledged to advance using the reconciliation process."
represents significant progress in our efforts to expand broadband access to all corners of our country and will ensure that millions of Americans, from students and families to workers and small business owners, have the digital tools and resources needed to compete, creating new opportunities and innovations and jumpstarting economic growth. Combined with President Biden's recent Executive Order on electric vehicles, this bill will also make our roads more connected and sustainable and transportation more accessible and efficient while strengthening America's position as a global leader. President Biden and Senators of both parties have demonstrated vital leadership by negotiating a package that will rebuild our infrastructure, spur economic growth, and strengthen American competitiveness. We urge the House to cooperate in the same bipartisan fashion and quickly pass this significant legislation so President Biden can sign it into law as soon as possible."
Zac Petkanas, Senior advisor, America Action: "Today's vote in the Senate is a huge win for America. This bill's investments will allow us to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, create millions of good-paying jobs, drive economic growth, and position the U.S. to lead the global economy. From rebuilding roads and bridges to ensuring everyone has access to broadband and clean water, the bill will improve life for working Americans in so many ways and strengthen our economy. But we need to do more. That means passing President Biden's proposed Build Back Better agenda to invest in education, care, clean energy, and more. By doing so, we'll bring the American economy to its full strength and make sure that we don't leave any jobs on the table. That's why both economists and voters agree that we have to pair the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill with the Build Back Better agenda to create jobs, reduce costs, and lower taxes for middle-class American families."
Collin O'Mara, President and CEO, National Wildlife Federation: "Today 69 members of the U.S. Senate came together across party lines to make historic investments in reducing emissions from industrial and fossil fuel sources and making communities more resilient to climate impacts. It's a big deal that demonstrates how the Biden Administration is bridging the partisan divide to deliver for people and wildlife alike. This framework marks an important step forward on ecosystem restoration, energy innovation, cleaner transportation, and habitat connectivity. Now we need our leaders to build upon this critical first step by prioritizing investments in clean energy, environmental justice, natural resource restoration and resilience, a Civilian Climate Corps, and ensuring no communities are left behind as we reach toward our clean energy future."
Stephen Lieberman, Director of Policy and Advocacy at United Spinal: "The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal passed by the Senate is indeed a big deal for the disability community. @UnitedSpinal has been advocating for universal broadband to close long-standing inequities in access to the Internet for people with disabilities and the Senate delivered. The historic investment in energy resiliency made by this bill will go a long way towards preventing power outages that threaten the lives of people with disabilities, whether from extreme heat, extreme cold, or other natural disasters.On transportation, there's a lot to like, and hopefully the House will help improve this bill by including the Disability Access to Transportation Act, championed by @JimLangevinm, @repdinatitus, @SenatorMenendez. All Americans should be able to access all modes of transportation."
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Leaders from Across the Country Applaud the Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/352304