Joe Biden

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden and Vice President Harris Urge Senate to Protect Voting Rights

January 12, 2022

Yesterday, in Atlanta, Georgia, the President and Vice President forcefully defended the fundamental right to vote – the right from which all other rights flow. Speaking from the cradle of civil rights in America, they emphasized the urgent need to pass legislation to protect both voting rights and the integrity of our elections.

The President made it clear that to protect our democracy, he supports changing the Senate rules to prevent a minority of Senators from blocking action on voting rights. He reminded lawmakers that this is one of the defining moments in American history – and they have to decide which side of history they stand on.

Lawmakers, State and local elected officials, advocacy organizations, and community leaders across the country applauded the President and Vice President's remarks and joined the call to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

See below for what they're saying:

Voting Rights Advocacy Organizations and Leaders

Stacey Abrams, Activist and Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate: "My statement: I thank @POTUS and @VP for returning to Georgia to continue their steadfast advocacy for passage of federal legislation to protect the freedom to vote. They made clear again today that they are committed to restoring the Senate to safeguard our democracy. Anyone working to invest in Georgia - our jobs, health, infrastructure, technology and votes - should come speak about the good work they are doing. That is what the President and VP did today, and I look forward to continuing to work with them to make progress for Georgians. While I was not able to attend today's event, the President and I connected by phone this morning. We reaffirmed our shared commitment to the American project of freedom and democracy, as he did in his remarks today here in Georgia. The President deeply understands that Congress must pass the #FreedomToVoteAct and the #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct by whatever legislative means necessary, including by reforming or eliminating the Senate filibuster … We must pave the way for swift Senate passage, because as President Biden declared today, if Republicans continue to prevent passage of legislation to protect the freedom to vote, "we have no option but to change the Senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster." [Twitter Thread, 1/11/22]

Fair Fight Action, New Georgia Project Action Fund, Black Voters Matter Fund, GALEO Fund, Asian American Advocacy Fund, Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Atlanta, and former Georgia NAACP State President Reverend James Woodall: "We appreciate President Biden and Vice President Harris amplifying the urgency of protecting our freedom to vote, as they demonstrated today in Georgia. We are looking forward to them delivering on their commitment to ensure we pass federal voting rights legislation." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Virginia Kase Solomón, CEO, League of Women Voters of the United States: "Today we heard the President issue a bold call to end the Senate filibuster rule, which has blocked progress for the American people for far too long. The League of Women Voters thanks the Biden administration for heeding the months-long call from activists to take a strong stance against the filibuster for voting rights. In his speech, the President forcefully called out those who would obstruct democracy, rightly laying the onus of democracy protection on the US Senate. State legislatures across the country have passed anti-voter bills with a simple majority, while the President noted that the US Senate requires a supermajority to pass voting rights protections. We commend the President for acknowledging the legacies of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Congressman John Lewis, asserting that we must 'translate eulogy into action.' The Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act will protect and expand the freedom to vote, especially for Black and brown Americans, who are disproportionately targeted by state anti-voter laws. The Senate would sully the legacy of Dr. King and Congressman Lewis by invoking their names without passing these bills … After today's speech, we are confident in the power of the President's directive to the US Senate that nothing must stand in the way of voting rights for the American people." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Wade Henderson, Interim President and CEO, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights: "We applaud President Biden and Vice President Harris for their clarion call to action delivered in the home of one of the most stringent anti-voter laws in the nation. Now the Senate must meet this moment and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. The freedom to vote must be above partisan politics and not be obstructed by procedure. Evidence of pervasive and pernicious racial discrimination in voting is clear. Yet too many Senate Republicans are hiding behind the filibuster and refuse to even acknowledge the need for debate on voting rights — nevermind that 16 current Republican senators voted for the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act in 2006. Some Senate Democrats, including Senators Manchin and Sinema, have been skeptical about changing the rules on the filibuster. But arcane Senate rules must not stand in the way of our democracy. The circumstances of this moment demand action now. We cannot afford to go back to a world reminiscent of Jim Crow — a world of exclusion, control, and violent inequality. For our democracy to work for all of us, it must include us all. Senators from both sides of the aisle must be on the right side of history, allow debate, and pass these crucial bills. However, if Senate Republicans refuse to join in that effort, Democrats must be willing to go it alone." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Jesus Rubio, Mi Familia Vota Georgia State Director:: "Mi Familia Vota is proud to organize and work in Georgia to help educate and register Latino voters and fight the 21st Century Jim Crow tactics from Republicans in the state. As I sat today in the audience listening to President Joe Biden's speech I left feeling inspired and more committed than ever to the cause of protecting our Democracy and building Latino political power. We must continue to put pressure on Republican Senators to join Democrats and pass common sense voting rights legislation in the Senate." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Héctor Sánchez Barba, Executive Director and CEO, Mi Familia Vota: "President Joe Biden's speech today showed that he understands that while this voter suppression trend is rooted in some of the worst episodes in our history when it comes to racial discrimination in voting – that these radical laws are targeting the rights of everyone, of any race, who Republicans are afraid might vote against them. While we welcome President Biden's speech, and are excited to hear that he is willing to amend the filibuster to get this done, now we need immediate action. We need a clear path forward on how this gets passed in the Senate. Congress must act, our Democracy and the Latino community cannot wait. We will continue to organize, educate and fight to get federal voting legislation passed immediately" [Statement, 1/11/22]

UnidosUS: "Protecting #VotingRights = safe & fair elections = a healthy democracy = no Jan 6 repeat. Passing the John Lewis VRAA and Freedom to Vote Act are the best ways to ensure every American can vote in the 2022 #midterms & beyond. The Senate must do what it takes to pass both NOW." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Latino Victory: "Voting is the strongest pillar sustaining our democracy. Latino Victory was proud to join @POTUS & @VP in Georgia to urge the Senate to pass the Freedom to Vote & the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Now's not the time to hesitate--it's the time to act to save our democracy." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Voto Latino: "'This is a moral moment. If we fail to protect the voices and votes of the American people, then we have fallen way short of our responsibility as members of this body.' — GA @SenatorWarnock The Senate must end the filibuster and protect our voting rights!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Students Learn, Students Vote Coalition: "The SLSV Coalition commends @POTUS and @VP for addressing voting rights and access at the @AUCConsortium, home to @CAU, @Morehouse, and @SpelmanCollege , a site of historic significance to the civil rights movement as well as extraordinary work to expand the #StudentVote. We are encouraged by Biden-Harris Admin actions and support for expansion of voting access to all eligible Americans, and to make the democratic process more equitable. We are also pleased by the Admin's continued emphasis of this issue, beginning with their Executive Order issued on March 7, 2021, promising action to promote access to voting. While today's address focused on congressional action, we believe the Admin should explore all avenues to expand access to the vote, for students and all Americans. We look forward to assisting in any efforts that will help student voters make their voices heard. #StudentVote" [Tweet, 1/11/22]


Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: "You heard it: In Georgia, President Biden made a strong case for the Senate to pass legislation to protect the sacred right to vote—and to take whatever steps necessary to accomplish that goal. And as soon as tomorrow, the Senate will move forward." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Majority Whip Dick Durbin, Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee: "The right to vote is the foundation of our democracy. We should be doing everything we can to strengthen that foundation, not chipping away at it piece by piece and state by state. I join @POTUS in his call for immediate legislative action on voting rights." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen: "As @POTUS laid out: our democracy faces a turning point, & the next few days are critical. We've got to stand up for the right to vote. We can't let the filibuster stop us. We must pass the #FreedomToVote & #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct. I urge my colleagues to heed this call." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen: "Voting rights shouldn't be a partisan issue. I appreciate @POTUS' leadership on strengthening voting rights – now it's time for Congress to do its job. We must put politics aside & pass legislation that ensures every American can exercise their right to vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley: "Glad to hear @POTUS voice support for changing the Senate rules to prevent a minority from blocking action on voting rights. We need to restore the Senate to working order and get this done!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: "There is an all-out attack on voting rights taking place in this country. @POTUS is right: we need to act, no matter what it takes. Democracy could be on the line." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Virginia Senator Mark Warner, Chairman, Senate Intelligence Committee: "'The leaders of the world – adversaries and allies alike – are watching to see if we can meet this moment.' Appreciated the words of @POTUS this afternoon. The time to act to preserve our democracy is now." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Members of Congress

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: "Today in Georgia, President Biden made it crystal clear: the Senate must find a path forward to enshrine critical voting rights legislation into law. The President is to be commended for his clarion voice and strong leadership in this fight as we strive to protect the sacred right to vote, which is the bedrock of our democracy. The need to protect our democracy could not be more urgent, as America faces the most dangerous assault on the vote since Jim Crow. Last year alone, Republican lawmakers introduced over 440 draconian voter suppression bills across 49 states, with at least 19 states enacting 34 measures into law. Meanwhile, Republican-appointed judges have erased hard-won voter protections, including on the Supreme Court. Shamefully, Republicans in the Congress have repeatedly voted to aid and abet this anti-democratic campaign. In doing so, they are not only diminishing our democracy here at home, but tarnishing our example of freedom around the world. Our beloved colleague, the late Congressman John Lewis, once said: 'Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part.' In his memory, House Democrats have proudly passed the For The People Act to defend and expand voting rights, fight big money in politics, end extreme partisan gerrymandering and more. In his name, House Democrats have passed the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to block future voting restrictions imposed by states with disgraceful histories of discrimination. Yet, Senate Republicans cynically refuse to even begin debate on voting rights legislation – because they know the only way they can win elections is by barring voters from the ballot box. The President forcefully declared that the time has come for the Senate to heed the call of John Lewis and do its part to protect the vote and end the Republican nullification of elections. Nothing less than our democracy is at stake." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Ohio Congresswoman Joyce Beatty, Congressional Black Caucus Chair: "I am here with @POTUS and @VP in Atlanta, Georgia to stand together in our calls for immediate action to secure the sacred right to vote. Voting rights are non-negotiable." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Arizona Congressman Ruben Gallego: "I agree with @POTUS: the only way to ensure our democracy endures is for the Senate to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Democrats stand for democracy." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

California Congresswoman Grace Napolitano: "Voting is a constitutional RIGHT, not a privilege. @POTUS is right. It's time for the Senate to act and pass voting rights legislation." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

California Congressman Tony Cárdenas: ".@POTUS is right. We simply cannot allow discriminatory voter laws to drown out the voices of Americans. It's time for the Senate to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. Our democracy is at stake." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

California Congressman Jared Huffman: "Across the country, state legislatures are introducing hundreds of bills to restrict access to the ballot box. .@POTUS is right: The Senate has changed its rules before, and it must do so again so we can protect our democracy and the right to vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

California Congressman Juan Vargas: "Protecting #VotingRights should not be a partisan issue. I stand with @POTUS and my colleagues in the fight to pass the #FreedomToVoteAct and #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

California Congresswoman Sara Jacobs: "In the fight to preserve our democracy, it is imperative that we protect the right to vote. I join @POTUS in calling on the Senate to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Nothing - not even the filibuster - must get in the way." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

California Congressman Jimmy Gomez: ""Will we choose democracy over autocracy?" @POTUS is exactly right: this is the central question of our times. I ran for office because I believe in self-governance. If the Senate does too, they must pass the Freedom to Vote and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Acts NOW." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

California Congresswoman Barbara Lee: ".@POTUS now calling out Republicans' extreme, radical laws for targeting the rights of everyone who they are afraid might vote against them. This is about protecting the most basic constitutional right from partisan warfare." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Colorado Congressman Jason Crow: ".@POTUS is right: we have our mission and we know what to do. There's no time to wait. We must do whatever it takes to pass meaningful reform and defend our right to vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette: "President Biden is right, we are at a defining moment in our nation's history. To protect our democracy – and our right to vote – the Senate must act. It needs to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act & the Freedom to Vote Act today!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Florida Congresswoman Lois Frankel: ".@POTUS is right, we are at a turning point for our nation. The time to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act is now. @HouseDemocrats did our part. The Senate must act to protect Americans' access to the ballot for generations to come." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux: "Traveling with President Biden and Vice President Harris today in hopes of making more progress on voting rights legislation. I've personally fought battles here in Gwinnett County to get our voices heard. We must pass reforms now, our democracy cannot wait." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson: "Proud to be home at my alma mater @CAU with @POTUS Biden and @VP Harris. We must protect our most fundamental American right: the right to vote and to have your vote counted in a free, fair & secure election not tainted by partisan manipulation." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Illinois Congresswoman Robin Kelly: "Protecting our most basic freedoms should not be partisan in the least. @HouseDemocrats stand with @POTUS in our fight to enact HR4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. Our very democracy is at stake." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

New Mexico Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernández: "Protecting our most basic freedoms should not be partisan in the least. I stand with @HouseDemocrats and @POTUS in our fight to enact HR4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. Our very democracy is at stake." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

New York Congressman Mondaire Jones: ".@POTUS is right: The Senate has changed its rules before, and it must do so again. With our democracy in crisis, the Senate must reform the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation without delay. American democracy as we know it is at stake. Failure is not an option." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Ohio Congresswoman Shontel Brown: "President Biden is right. The eyes of history are upon us. The filibuster has been misused throughout history to deny civil and voting rights. And it is being used to do so again today. Congress must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act—by any means necessary." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Pennsylvania Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan: "The right to vote is sacred, and it's a foundational pillar of our Republic. Yet in PA, some are trying to make it harder to vote. I was proud to support federal voting rights protections in the House, and I stand with @POTUS in urging my colleagues in the Senate to do the same." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen: "In the hometown of John Lewis, @POTUS makes clear that the Senate must protect the right to vote — and the filibuster can't stand in the way. As John Lewis said: "The vote is precious. It is almost sacred. It is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democracy."" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Texas Congressman Marc Veasey: "Protecting our most basic freedoms should not be partisan in the least. As Co-Founder of the @CVRCaucus & a member of @HouseDemocrats, I stand with @POTUS in our fight to get the #JLVRAA & the #FreedomToVoteAct across the finish line. Our very democracy is at stake." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro: "In 2021, Republican legislatures in 19 states passed 34 voter suppression bills — Texas was one of those states. @POTUS is correct, "they want chaos to reign. We want people to rule." The Senate must pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Texas Congressman Colin Allred: "Nothing is more important than our democracy, and every option must be on the table to protect it and ensure our elections remain free and fair. @POTUS is right. We need to reform the filibuster so we can pass voting rights legislation and strengthen our democracy." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Texas Congresswoman Jessica Gonazalez: "Thank you @POTUS and @VP for your dedication to fighting for voting rights. The Senate must take action to protect our right to vote and our democracy by passing the #FreedomToVoteAct and #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct immediately! #Txlege" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Vermont Congressman Peter Welch: "I stand with @POTUS here. Our democracy is at stake. We must advance voting rights legislation and protect access to the ballot box for all Americans. To get there, the filibuster has to go so we can end minority rule in the US Senate." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Virginia Congressman Gerry Connolly: "I worked for Joe Biden when he chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Believe me when I say this: His love for the Senate and his commitment to its founding purpose are unparalleled in DC. He supports changes to the filibuster not in spite of this — but because of it." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Washington Congressman Derek Kilmer: "I'm with @POTUS. The Senate must take action and pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Our democracy is at stake." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Wisconsin Congressman Mark Pocan: "As @POTUS just said, "The right to vote is a fundamental right from which all other rights flow." #RestoreTheVote" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore: "@POTUS spoke with urgency on the need to safeguard our democracy. The time is now to act!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

State and Local Elected Officials

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont: "Today, in a place with profound importance to our democracy, @POTUS advocated for protecting the right to vote in a free, fair, and secure election. The Senate MUST pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. It's how we stand up for our founding promise." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf: "I applaud @POTUS for calling on Congress to protect voting freedoms and to restore election reform on Capitol Hill. We need federal action. I urge Republicans on PA's Congressional Delegation to support the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

California Attorney General Rob Bonta: "Our nation is built on a simple, yet powerful principle: Everybody's voice matters. That's why we cannot stand idly by while some build on a lie to undermine our democracy. It's time to end the filibuster to pass voting rights legislation. Congress must act." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

D.C. Attorney General Karl Racine: "It's fitting @POTUS is in Georgia, a battleground for voting rights, and in the late, great Rep. John Lewis' district. @NewYorkStateAG and I are fighting Georgia's voter suppression laws in the courts, but we also need the Senate to pass voting protections named in Lewis' honor." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

New York Attorney General Letitia James: ".@POTUS is right – now is the time to do away with any obstacle that infringes on our sacred right to vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford and Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings, Co-Chairs, Democratic Attorneys General Association: "We applaud President Biden and Vice President Harris for crystalizing our mission ahead: we must pass new federal legislation to protect voting rights in America. Donald Trump's 'Big Lie' has become a toxic thread coursing through the Republican Party, from Mar-a-Lago to AG races to local elections nationwide, and we need to stand in the breach against this attack on our democracy. Democratic AGs are proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Biden-Harris Administration, the civil rights leaders and groups who have been in the trenches for decades expanding access to the ballot, and all Americans who want to protect their votes and their democracy. Democratic AGs are on the front lines of protecting millions of Americans' votes and fighting the 'Big Lie' nationwide, and we're ready to stand up to these attacks on our country." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey: "@POTUS is right – we're running out of time to protect voting rights. We need to pass:
?? The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
?? The Freedom to Vote Act
We can't rest while the freedom to vote is threatened." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro: "Protecting our right to vote, empowering voters, defending our democratic institutions. This is what democracy looks like" [Twitter, 1/11/22]

California Secretary of State Shirley Weber: The time for action on voting rights is now. We must act boldly to protect our most essential freedom. As @potus made clear today, we cannot continue allowing the minority to overrule the will of the majority. Let's abolish the filibuster & pass voting protections." [Tweet, 1/12/22]

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State: "Fighting for democracy is what we do." [Tweet, 1/11/21]

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson: ""Will we choose democracy over autocracy, light over shadow, justice over injustice? I know where I stand. I will not yield. I will not flinch. ... the question is where will the institution of United States Senate stand?" -
@POTUS" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan: "The right to vote is fundamental. We will do our part to protect it in Oregon." [Tweet, 1/11/21]

Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea: "Today's statements by President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris marked the critical importance of defending our democracy in these challenging times. The Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act are essential to preserving the cornerstone of our democracy – the right to vote. These bills, which are both pending in the United States Senate, would combat voter suppression, ensure transparency in our elections, and restore the protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965." [Press Release, 1/11/21]

Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos: "In the face of the growing assault on voting rights, we're relying on Congress to pass meaningful voter access reform to protect the rights of eligible American voters across the nation. It is time to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Arizona State Senator Raquel Teran: "I agree with @potus and @VP and so does the @azdemparty , no antiquated rule should impede voting rights in this country. The #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct and the #FreedomToVoteAct are critical pieces of legislation to #ProtectDemocracy." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

California Assemblymember Cristina Garcia: "Today, I joined my colleagues to pass #AJR22 to urge Congress to thoroughly investigate the #January6th #insurrection and to pass #votingrights legislation. Our communities deserve a government that will fight for a #democracy we believe in, "with liberty and justice for ALL." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Colorado State Senator Kerry Donovan: "From the @WhiteHouse : President Biden: 'supports – as an institutionalist – changing the Senate rules to ensure it can work again and be restored and this basic right (voting) is defended' YES! Let's go Biden!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Florida State Representative Anna Eskamani: "'President Biden will endorse changing Senate rules to pass new voting rights protections during a speech in Atlanta on Tuesday.' ? Democracy can't wait! We must pass federal voting protections!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia State Representative James Beverly, State House Minority Leader: "Georgia Democrats are thrilled to welcome @POTUS & @VP back to Georgia. Our state has long been the backdrop of the civil rights movement. Today, President Biden spoke forcefully in support of the most basic American right: the right to vote. #gapol" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia State Senator Elena Parent: "On my way to @ClarkAtlanta to see @POTUS and @VP deliver a crucial speech uplifting the urgency of restoring voting rights here in GA and all over the country — through a change to the filibuster rule." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia State Senator Jen Jordan: "I'm at @ClarkAtlanta where @POTUS and @VP are delivering remarks on #VotingRights. Watch along below" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia State Senator Kim Jackson: "Georgia is ground zero for voter suppression. @POTUS and @VP understand that the GA GOP has pushed dangerous and antidemocratic efforts in our state. WE NEED the #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct & #FreedomToVoteAct NOW. We have waited TOO LONG already. #GaPol #VotingRightsNow" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia State Senator Nan Orrock: "Welcome back to GA! @POTUS and @VP ! Thanks for calling out the dangerous anti-democratic efforts of GA GOP. #ElectionSubversion can be stopped by passing the #FreedomToVoteAct and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act! #gapol #atlpol" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia Senator Dr. Michelle Au: "Powerful words from @POTUS in ATL today, warning that our right to vote is under attack, and it is well past time for the U.S. Senate to act. And if any Senator stands opposed to protecting this most fundamental of American rights, let that betrayal of democracy be their legacy." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia State Representative Sam Park: "Thank you @POTUS and @VP for your unwavering commitment to protect the sacred right of every American to vote and taking all necessary action to ensure that We the People have the freedom and power to determine our shared future. I trust y'all to deliver for the American people." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia State Representative Bee Nguyen: "The efforts to sabotage our democracy — voter suppression, voter intimidation + the subversion of democracy — are not slowing down. I'm hopeful @POTUS & @VP will hear the voices of Georgians and urgently do everything they can to pass federal voting rights legislation." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia State Representative Dar'shun Kendrick: "DeKalb County representing to welcome President Biden to encourage the Senate to pass #voting rights legislation NOW!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia State Representative Renitta Shannon: "I'm hearing that in his speech today in Atlanta, @POTUS will give a full throated endorsement of changing the #filibuster rule in order to protect #votingrights. So many of us have been on the ground fighting to protect #Democracy. It's go time. Let's get this done." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia State Representative Shea Roberts: "The President and Vice President's speech in Georgia today is a strong reinforcement that the Biden-Harris administration and Democrats will not relent in the fight to safeguard our democracy and protect every American's right to vote. #gapol" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Georgia Senate Democratic Caucus: "Welcome back to Georgia, @POTUS and @VP ! It's an honor to have the Biden-Harris administration here in our state today as they urge Congress to take action on federal voting rights legislation. #gapol" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Indiana Senate Democratic Caucus: "Today at 3:30 p.m. ET, President Biden will be delivering remarks in Georgia on voting rights. Our caucus is committed to promoting and protecting voting rights for every one of our residents. We support efforts from the Biden Administration to make sure every citizen has access to their constitutional right to vote. You can visit to watch the President's address live." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Louisiana State Representative Royce Duplessis: "True election integrity means voter expansion and voter enfranchisement. It's that simple. The Senate must act. #VotingRights #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Maine Speaker Ryan Fecteau: "Watch at as @POTUS endorses changes to filibuster rule in order to pass voting rights legislation. In light of our nation's recent turmoil, passage would signal, once again, to Americans & the world alike, that we stand for strengthening our democracy" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Pennsylvania State Representative Joanna McClinton, State House Democratic Leader: "THANK YOU @POTUS + @VP for leading our efforts to #DefendDemocracy ! @PaHouseDems are proud to join your fight by pushing to pass our bills that ensure voting is safe, fair, accessible & secure for EVERYONE" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Pennsylvania State Representative Malcolm Kenyatta: "As a legislator here in Pennsylvania I see firsthand the increasingly unhinged and brazen attacks against core tenants of our democracy by the GOP. It is abundantly clear we need federal action on voting rights, gerrymandering — and we need it now." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Pennsylvania House Democratic Policy Committee: Voting rights, and access, used to be bipartisan. 2006 saw the Voting Rights Act extension pass the Senate 98-0, with Mitch McConnell voting for it." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Texas State Representative Chris Turner, Chair, Democratic Caucus: "President Biden is right: 'the battle for the soul of America is not over.' That's why, as he and Vice President Harris called for today, the U.S. Senate must pass essential voting rights legislation — by whatever means necessary. The president and vice president are correct about the dangers of the anti-voter laws sweeping the nation — laws like Republicans' Senate Bill 1 in Texas. With Texas' first major election under the GOP's new anti-democratic legislation just around the corner, we can wait no longer for the U.S. Senate to act. Texas House Democrats have been sounding the alarm for over a year now, fighting for the freedom to vote in Austin — and in Washington, D.C. Last summer, more than 50 members of our caucus broke quorum and travelled to our nation's capital to shine a spotlight on the dangers of the anti-voter movement that grew from Donald Trump's big lie. Texans — indeed, all Americans — need the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act if we are to defeat voter suppression and preserve our democracy. As President Biden said today: 'pass it now!'" [Statement, 1/11/22]

Texas State Representative Eddie Rodriguez: "Pass the Freedom to Vote Act. Pass it now." So true @POTUS . It's your move @Sen_JoeManchin , @senatorsinema , @SenateGOP , we're watching from Texas. #txlege" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Texas State Representative Gina Hinojosa: "Americans are entitled to equal access to the ballot box; as such, we must have a national standard for voting to ensure this basic freedom. In Texas, we have suffered the consequences of having no nat'l standard for elections & voting. #txlege" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Texas State Senator Jose Menendez: "Thank you to @POTUS & @VP for urging the Senate to pass #FreedomToVoteAct & #JohnLewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. This past session Texas passed the worst piece of voter suppression legislation. Congress must act to ensure our fundamental #votingrights are restored! #txlege" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

New York Assemblyman Red Thiele: "As President Biden and Vice President Harris get ready to deliver remarks this afternoon on the urgent need to pass legislation to protect our constitutional right to vote, I urge Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. The right to vote is not only sacred—it is the foundation of our democracy. As Americans we must reject any effort to undermine elections and make it harder for people to vote. Rather, we must safeguard our democracy for future generations to come." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

New York Assemblywoman Latrice Walker: "As the NYS Assembly Election Law Com Chair, I am excited to hear what the POTUS has to say about Voting rights, which are as essential to American Democracy as air, food, and water. The attack on Voting Rights and the corrosion of our democracy must be dealt with swiftly." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Washington State Senator Marko Liias: "Washington state has led the nation in eliminating barriers to voting—it is our most fundamental right in a democracy. So proud to see @POTUS and @VP standing on the right side of history today. We should never be afraid to hear the people speak! #VotingRightsAct #Democracy" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Atlanta, GA Mayor Andre Dickens: "President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris' trip to our city underscores the importance of Atlanta's voice in fighting for voting rights. Bringing this message to the Atlanta University Center—where the Atlanta Student Movement was birthed—was a pivotal and poignant choice. As the cradle of the Civil Rights Movement and home of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Atlanta helped change the composition of the U.S. Senate by electing Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act must happen if we hope to preserve our democracy. I am honored that the President and Vice President chose Atlanta to share that message—and proud that my 17-year-old daughter was there to witness it. I will personally do everything in my power to support the passing of those two very critical bills." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Birmingham, AL Mayor Randall Woodfin: "It's great to see @POTUS and @VP in Atlanta this afternoon advocating for the passage of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These pieces of legislation will ensure that we protect the right to vote and preserve faith in our democracy." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Cleveland, OH Mayor Justin Bibb: "I'm proud to join @POTUS and @usmayors in the fight for voting rights. Democracy is on line and we must be steadfast in defending the right to vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Chicago, IL Mayor Lori Lightfoot: "The right to vote fairly and freely should not fall victim to politics, but unfortunately we're seeing the most aggressive wave of voter restrictions in decades unfold in our nation. These laws would defend every citizen's fundamental right to participate in our democracy." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Chicago, IL Mayor Lori Lightfoot: "Our democracy is stronger when all eligible voters participate in elections. Last week, I joined mayors from across the country to urge the U.S. Senate to take action on voting rights legislation. We need to protect our free and fair elections, and we need to do it now." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Columbus, OH Mayor Andrew Ginther: "I'm proud to stand with @potus and @usmayors in urging the Senate to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act — we must protect the constitutional right to vote and the integrity of our elections." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Cincinnati, OH Mayor John Cranley: "We must protect the freedom to vote in FAIR elections. A rigged voting map is not a fair election. Voter suppression that makes it harder for communities to vote is not a fair election." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Dayton, OH Mayor Jeffrey J. Mims, Jr: "Those who challenge voting rights stand against the foundation of our democracy. We owe it to future generations to protect this sacred right. I join @potus and @usmayors in urging Congress to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Denver, CO Mayor Michael Hancock: "The right to vote is a cornerstone of our democracy. I'm proud to stand with @potus and @usmayors in urging the Senate to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act — we must protect this constitutional right and the integrity of our elections." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Issaquah, WA Mayor Mary Lou Pauly: "I support the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act because we deserve access to free and fair elections." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Ithaca, NY Mayor Svante Myrick: " I'm in Atlanta this afternoon for a special announcement from President @JoeBiden on voting rights. Expanding voting rights and protecting our democracy has to be our top priority in this moment." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Littleton, CO Mayor Kyle Schachter: "I'm proud to stand with @potus @JoeBiden and 140 @usmayors in urging the Senate to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. The constitutional right to vote and the integrity of our elections must be protected." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Long Beach, CA Mayor Robert Garcia: "These next couple of weeks are critical to protecting the right to vote and fair elections. The filibuster is an antiquated senate rule that is stopping important legislation from moving forward. It's time to eliminate it completely." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Montgomery, AL Mayor Steven L. Reed: "As mayor of Montgomery, Alabama — the endpoint for thousands of foot soldiers in the Selma-to-Montgomery Voting Rights March, I'm proud to stand with @potus, @VP & @usmayors in urging the Senate to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

New Orleans, LA Mayor LaToya Cantrell: "I'm proud to stand with @potus and @usmayors in urging the Senate to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. We must protect the constitutional right to vote and the integrity of our elections. It's time for action!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

New York City, NY Mayor Eric Adams: "Amen, @POTUS and @VP Harris! The moral arc of the universe is indeed long but we have the power to bend it towards justice. The right to vote is too important to let outdated relics of the past stop us from marching forward." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Oakland, CA Mayor Libby Schaaf: "I stand with @joebiden, @kamalaharris and @usmayors in demanding the US Senate pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act – our civil rights must be protected!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Pittsburgh, PA Mayor Ed Gainey: "CommUnity. I'm proud to stand with @usmayors in urging the Senate to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act — we must protect the constitutional right to vote and the integrity of our elections. It's time for action." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Piscataway Township, NJ Mayor Brian Wahler: "#Piscataway Mayor Brian C. Wahler strongly supports push by @POTUS & @VP for Senate to pass John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act & Freedom to Vote Act and looks forward to their speeches today. He joined @usmayors colleagues in letter to Senate leaders urging passage." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

San Diego, CA Mayor Todd Gloria: "Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? The side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?"Thank you for framing this fight @POTUS. The Senate must act to protect our democracy and the right to vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Savannah, GA Mayor Van Johnson: "At the Quad in Atlanta with the @POTUS @VP @SenatorWarnock @ossoff and lawmakers from across the State. Federal voting rights must be passed now! #gapol" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

St. Louis, MO Mayor Tishaura O. Jones: "This month, I was proud to join 150 fellow @USMayors to urge the Senate to take action on #VotingRights. I stand with @POTUS and @VP to demand the passage of legislation to protect the integrity of our elections and the constitutional right to vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Tampa, FL Mayor Jane Castor: "The right to vote is a cornerstone of our democracy. ?? I proudly join @potus & @usmayors in calling on the Senate to protect the constitutional right to vote and the integrity of our elections by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Former Arizona State Representative Diego Rodriguez: "Voting rights are too important to our democracy to allow the filibuster to remain in place. There are not 2 sides to an insurrection. Please support changing the filibuster rules so you can then protect our voting rights and our democracy." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Milwaukee County Executive David C. Crowley: ".@POTUS & @VP are correct. The time is now to expand voting rights & protect our most fundamental right: the right to cast a ballot and have your voice heard. #PassVotingRightsNow" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

U.S. Conference of Mayors: "Last week, 151 mayors signed a letter urging the Senate to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and Freedom to Vote Act. America's mayors stand firmly behind @POTUS and @VP today in calling on the Senate to protect the constitutional right to vote for all Americans." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators: "In our democracy, nothing is more sacred than the right —and the ability— to vote. We will work with @POTUS and Congress to guarantee access to voting for ALL Americans." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

National League of Cities: "We urge the Senate to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. Together, these bills provide fundamental, common-sense protections for Americans' right to vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Other Advocacy Organizations and LeadersMarc Morial, President, National Urban League: "… It's strong that the president is here. He's here at a historically black university, Morehouse College, which has educated so many great leaders, including Martin Luther King and Maynard Jackson, the late mayor of this city. He's here in Atlanta … which is the front lines, here in Georgia, of this fight against voter suppression … This not just a mere photo op. This is an understanding, I think, by the President that these are the front lines in this battle … If you can set the filibuster aside to, quote, 'allow for trade promotion and trade agreements to be passed, the debt ceiling to be passed,' then certainly, you can set it aside for the protection of democracy, which is foundational to the nation we are." [MSNBC interview excerpt, 1/11/22]

Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund: "Civil rights groups - natl & local - are united in our goal. Protection against voter suppression,which we have all demanded for YEARS. We are all angry, frustrated & DOING THE WORK. The story is not which groups attend the President's speech. The story is the state of emergency. We have applied pressure in our own ways. Some of us are litigating; some are organizing; some are engaged in direct action. All - since last summer - have been clear that the filibuster cannot stand in the way of voter protection legislation. I, for one, am glad the President is now prepared to say the same. Our very democracy is at risk. He should speak just as relentlessly abt this as he has about BBB. It's important. Local groups doing the work are well w/i their right to decide whether or not to attend." [Twitter thread, 1/11/22]

Derrick Johnson, NAACP: President Biden delivered a stirring speech today. Now it's time for this administration to match their words with actions, and for Congress to do their job. Voting rights should not simply be a priority — it must be THE priority." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Anti-Defamation League (ADL): ".@POTUS and @VP are speaking in Georgia today on the importance of protecting democracy from unprecedented attacks on our elections and the right to vote. Join ADL in this key moment by telling your Senators to pass crucial voting rights legislation:" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Cristina Jimenez, Founder and Former Executive Director, United We Dream: "Yes! I'm with the President on this. Biden supports getting rid of the filibuster to ensure voting rights are protected. Congress the ball is in your court. Get it done!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Varun Nikore, Executive Director, AAPI Victory Alliance: "Voting rights is the pillar of our democracy. AAPI Victory Alliance stands with fellow advocates in urging the Biden administration to shepherd across the finish line federal legislation that will protect the right to vote as we head into midterms, and beyond. As AAPIs were responsible for the highest increase in electoral engagement than any other in the 2020 election, voting rights stands at the central core of our newfound electoral empowerment" [Statement, 1/11/22]

Janet Murgía, President and CEO, UNIDOS: "19 states passed voter suppression laws in 2021 that will impact the midterms. Protecting #VotingRights is more important than ever. Looking forward to @POTUS and @VP remarks on safeguarding our elections and democracy." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates: "?? @POTUS and @VP are about to deliver remarks on the urgent need to pass meaningful voting rights legislation. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders should be able to participate in our democracy without fear of violence or voter suppression. Tune in" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Maria Teresa Kumar, President and CEO of Voto Latino: "Chief Robert's Supreme Court gutted Voting Rights in 2013 w Shelby County vrs Holder. Most under reported fact: Shelby County experienced a 297% Latino pop 2010 census +50% of America's growth in 2010 census like 2020 was Latino. Modern Jim Crow are bc rise of diverse America. In 2021 alone, despite free & certified election, over 300 state laws attempted to change the rules of who can vote. Expecting 12m+ more young voters by 2024, 2/3rds who are BIPOC. Senate needs To pass #FreedomToVoteAct now. That's why I'm here in Atlanta for @POTUS & @VP. Bc it's not both parties trying to disenfranchise Latinos, Black, young people. It's one party trying to wrestle power from the future. One party willing to gamble our America experiment over fear. One party's assault on little "d" democracy. @POTUS is on right side of history." [Twitter thread, 1/11/22]

Blue Future: "It's time for Congress to defend the right to vote and fight for voting rights – and our democracy! Raised fist Blue Future Organizers are dedicated to this fight and were in attendance while @POTUS and @VP spoke about the need to pass the #FreedomToVoteAct!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

American Bridge 21st Century: "Co-Chair Gov. @DevalPatrick on @MSNBC's @TheLastWord: 'Either we believe in a participatory democracy or we don't. It's as simple as that.'" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Amy Hinojosa, President and CEO, MANA: "MANA joins President Biden and Vice President Harris in calling for the Senate to act on voting rights, Protected and equitably accessible elections are the only way to ensure we continue to have a country of the people, for the people, and by the people. We are in a moment in history, when more than ever, we need moral and ethical clarity from our lawmakers to uphold and strengthen our Constitutional right to vote in free and fair elections." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Donna Brazile, Former Interim Chair, Democratic National Committee and King Lecture Chair, Howard University: "Democracy is a principle which we must continue to cherish and protect, not a partisan tool to be wielded against Americans.'' [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Melanie L. Campbell, President and CEO, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and Convener, Black Women's Roundtable: "I applaud the comments delivered by President Biden and Vice President Harris expressing their strong commitment to use their power to protect the right to vote. Since the beginning of this administration, we have urged the Biden-Harris Administration to use every possible tool at its disposal and apply the full influence of the bully pulpit to advocate towards the passage of The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom To Vote Act. As we have seen today, on the heels of Martin Luther King Holiday, that influence also includes taking that message to the communities most impacted by voter suppression and election subversion. That is why The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, The Black Women's Roundtable, Black Youth Vote and Black Women Leaders and Allies have been focused on pushing the U.S. Senate and every institution in our federal government to prioritize these foundational protections – through advocacy, protest, dialogue and coalition building. Since the 2020 general election, legislators in 19 states have enacted dozens of laws that will restrict access to the ballot box, including in the State of Georgia, where an historic turnout of Black and brown voters shifted political power nationally. It is clear the attacks on voting rights at the state-level are an affront to the millions of Black people who came out to vote in the 2020 election. Individual states are instituting suppressive measures on the right to vote, and these changes will primarily affect our communities. Republicans are engaged in the greatest roll back of voting rights since Reconstruction, and we cannot sit on the sidelines as they continue to deny millions of voters, mostly Black and brown, of their democratic right to vote. President Biden's full throated support of changing the U.S. Senate rules in order to protect our democracy is an important step. We are running out of time and cannot let archaic Senate rules stand in the way of protecting our constitutional rights – especially voting rights for all Americans. The countless restrictive voting laws being passed in state legislatures throughout the country have only been perpetuated by the false pretext of the 'Big Lie' that led to the January 6th insurrection. As we are barely a year out from that dark day, Black Women and Allies will continue marching, advocating, protesting and pressuring the U.S. Senate to pass federal voting rights to protect our democracy from peril." [Statement, 1/11/22]

NALEO: "Latino voters came out in record numbers in 2020. They deserve fair, secure, and protected elections — yet the right to vote is at risk. This is unacceptable. We join @POTUS in calling on Congress to protect voting rights & pass the #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials: "History has shown that Hispanics, African Americans and other ethnic/racial minorities are less likely to vote than whites. History has also shown that the poorer a person is, including white Americans, the less likely to vote they are. But this is not because they don't want to vote. They do. And it's certainly not because they're not patriotic. They are patriotic Americans. It's because of policies that make voting as inconvenient for them as possible. Enact the #FreedomToVoteAct and the #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Jotaka Eaddy, CEO, Full Circle Strategies, Former Senior Advisor, NAACP: "Our @VP has been working diligently to get voting rights legislation passed. Today we are standing with her by urging Congress to pass this critical legislation to ensure that ALL Americans have access to free and fair elections.#WinWithBlackWomen #FightForOurVote" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Environmental Defense Fund: "BREAKING: President Biden calls to strengthen our democracy and ensure everyone has the freedom to vote. Registering and casting a ballot should be easy and accessible to EVERYONE.../ The more people participate, the stronger our democracy is and the more it works for the people on critical issues like climate change and environmental justice." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Felipe Benitez, Executive Director, Corazón Latino: "Today, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris delivered powerful remarks on voting rights in Georgia. Corazón Latino stands with President Biden and all Americans in demanding urgent action to protect every citizen's access to the ballot box. The fight for civil rights has always taken courage. And now is the time to come together to defend our democracy. The Senate must pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act as a bold starting point in protecting our right to vote. The attempt to decertify the results of the 2020 presidential election was only the visible manifestation of more furtive efforts being taken nationwide by insurgents to restrict access to voting and, consequently, strip Americans of our right to vote. Separately, some elected officials are making it harder for people to register to vote and easier for state officials to delete your voter registration. They are also curtailing mail-in voting and early voting. This is simply wrong. We cannot allow anyone to chip away at and destroy the fundamental rights that are at the foundation of this Nation. We must end partisan manipulation and safeguard the election process. Voting is an act of love that demonstrates a commitment to one another, our country, and our community. As Americans, we have a fundamental right to vote and have our ballots counted in free, fair, and secure elections." [Statement, 1/11/22]

CAP Action: ".@POTUS breaks down the voting rights legislation the Senate MUST pass: The Freedom to Vote Act: Takes on election subversion The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act: Strengthens the 1965 VRA to stop discriminatory laws before they go into effect." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Ebonie Riley, Senior Vice President of Policy & Strategic Partnerships, National Action Network: "Our @VP has been working diligently to get voting rights legislation passed. Today we are standing with her by urging Congress to pass this critical legislation to ensure that ALL Americans have access to free and fair elections.#WinWithBlackWomen #FightForOurVote" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Young Invincibles: "As @POTUS said, if the voting rights bills are denied a vote, "we have no option but to change the senate rules, including getting rid of the filibuster, for this." Congress must end the filibuster & pass the #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct & the #FreedomToVoteAct Act. The filibuster stands in the way of protecting democracy and protecting the right to vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Neil Makhija, Indian American Impact: "Today, I'm in Atlanta w/ voting rights leaders as @POTUS @VP call for the passage of Freedom to Vote / John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Georgia proved in 2020 that our communities can decide our own future. We must protect that fundamental right to vote. Pass the bill! ?" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Working Families Party: "Access to voting is more important than an obscure Senate rule used time and time again to uphold white supremacy and maintain systemic oppression like the filibuster." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Chispa: "Until our freedom to vote is secured, we won't see progress on the issues that matter most to us. Congress: #DeliverForVotingRights, make progress possible." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

NextGen America: "We're the largest, most diverse generation in American history — and it's critical that our votes are protected. That's why NextGen was glad to talk to the @WhiteHouse about the importance of filibuster reform and democracy protections in advance of @POTUS' trip to Georgia! Join us to call on the Senate to respond to the needs of the people and help restore faith in our democracy by ending the filibuster and passing the #FreedomToVoteAct" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Guy Cecil, Chairman, Priorities USA: "President Biden's remarks this afternoon demonstrated a significant step in the right direction. It is time for Senate Democrats to reform the filibuster and pass desperately needed voting rights protections. The Republican Party has consistently used their governing power to make it more difficult to register, to vote, and to have that vote counted. We know they will not lift a finger to protect our democracy and the right to vote. Now is the time for Democrats in Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Our party has a moral responsibility to act. Since 2015, Priorities USA has worked tirelessly to protect voting rights. Our litigation and voter education initiatives will continue to center communities who are disproportionately impacted by voter suppression. As Priorities and our allies continue our efforts, we are calling on Congress to use their power to protect the sacred right to vote." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Rahna Epting, Executive Director, MoveOn: "Today, the President gave a forceful and important speech about the grave and growing threat to our democracy and the right to vote. Now it is time for action. And this is not and cannot be a time for politics as usual. It has been more than 100 days since the House passed the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. And every day Republicans are allowed to filibuster this bill is another day the forces seeking to undermine our democracy get stronger. It is far past time for the Senate to act. What happens over the next few weeks in Congress will determine whether we continue to have free and fair elections in this nation or whether we are going to continue to allow one party to destroy the great American experiment systematically. We can either have a democracy or we can have the filibuster. But Republicans have proven we can't have both. It is time to call the vote. And for Congress to protect the right to vote in this country. Our millions of members, in every state and every congressional district, are watching and will remember who defended the right to vote and who chose to play politics in this moment of great threat." [Statement, 1/11/22]

The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials: "Latino voters came out in record numbers in 2020. They deserve fair, secure, and protected elections — yet the right to vote is at risk. This is unacceptable. We join @POTUS in calling on Congress to protect voting rights & pass the #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct!" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Russ Feingold, President, American Constitution Society: "I'm encouraged by the President's conviction that we must protect #VotingRights and ensure that parliamentary procedure does not stand in the way of doing so. Securing meaningful access to the ballot box is the only path forward to multiracial democracy." [Twitter thread, 1/11/22]

Human Rights Campaign: "There is no such thing as a democracy where power is reserved for a select few. We cannot ignore the voice of the people — the Senate must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. #VRAA" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

John Zippert, Chairperson, Rural Coalition: "Passage of these two bills, would strengthen our voting rights organizing. For instance, this would allow our member organizations to stop being required to transport copy machines around in their vehicles, to rural and tribal communities, to copy peoples' voter ID's, to enable them to vote by absentee ballot. We endorse the position of the Biden Administration that at minimum there be a "carve-out" of the filibuster, if not its complete elimination, to allow for the passage of critical legislation effecting voting and citizenship rights. We call upon all members of the U. S. Senate, regardless of party, to support this critical legislation to preserve and expand our democracy and voting rights in America." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Courtney Hight, Democracy Program Director, Sierra Club: "Senate Democrats must heed the calls from President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the tens of millions of Americans who have already spoken and get the job done. Safeguarding and strengthening our democracy from dangerous attacks – attacks that have drastically intensified since an attempted coup driven in part by the Big Lie – is paramount, and the Senate has a duty to act. American democracy is not a guarantee but rather a collective choice, and these two landmark bills, the Freedom To Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, will begin to restore the unmet promise of our democracy and create our future?—?a liveable planet, safe communities, and a democracy in which every person counts." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Brady United Against Gun Violence: "We can't prevent gun violence until we ensure everyone can fairly participate in our democracy — including Black & Brown communities most impacted by gun violence." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Lisa Gilbert, Executive Vice President, Public Citizen: "The filibuster has been reformed over 150 times, and it must be reformed yet again to ensure that the great experiment of American democracy lasts. We must protect our freedom to vote, end dark money, stop partisan gerrymandering, and defeat those who seek to sabotage or overturn our elections. These transformative pieces of legislation are only controversial if you believe big money should rule politics, partisan machinations should trump the rule of law, and protecting our right to vote isn't worth fighting for. The faction that attempted to sabotage the last election is already putting in place the pieces to do it again. President Biden understands that, as does Senator Schumer, and they are prioritizing action to thwart the attack ... The Senate must immediately unite to preserve our elections and access to the ballot box for all. Anything less than the full passage of these bold reforms will fail democracy." [Statement, 1/11/22]

The Leadership Conference: "It's been 3,122 days since the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in its Shelby County v. Holder decision. Restoring this landmark civil rights law can't wait any longer. The Senate must pass the John Lewis VRAA to #RestoreTheVRA immediately." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Karen Hobert Flynn, President, Common Cause: "In the United States, we are stronger when every American votes, when every American has a say in the future of this country. President Biden made very clear today that he knows we are at a pivotal moment in our nation's history and that a Republican minority in the U.S. Senate must not be allowed to turn back the clock and allow a new generation of Jim Crow laws to take root. He clearly stated that the Senate rules must not tolerated when they strip Americans – particularly Black and Brown Americans - of their fundamental right to vote. Those rules must be changed if they are abused. Simple majorities in state legislatures are deciding who can vote and who cannot while the filibuster has allowed a minority in the Senate to prevent Congress from acting to prevent voter suppression and protect the voting rights of every American. The fight over voting rights has clearly shown that the Senate is broken, and President Biden is right that it is time to fix it. As recently as 2006 every single Senator voted to amend and extend the Voting Rights Act – including 16 who are still in the Senate today – but for the last year, all Senate Republicans, with one exception, have continually voted against voting rights at every turn. If Republicans in the Senate continue to put their party before their nation, then the Senate must act with a majority to protect the fundamental freedom to vote. As the President and Vice President emphasized today, history is watching, and it is time for the Senate to act to 'keep the promise of democracy alive.'" [Statement, 1/11/22]

Generation Progress: "Thank you @POTUS for supporting efforts to remove the filibuster and ensure that Jim Crow era practices don't stand in the way of our generations' voting rights. This is historic. In recognition of the young Black and brown leaders pushing for voting rights, the @WhiteHouse invited @SpelmanCollege student government president Jillian Jackson to introduce the president's remarks. #FarewellFilibuster The #FreedomToVoteAct is the most important voting rights bill since the Civil Rights Era. With it, we can remove deliberate barriers that make it harder to vote—especially for young people, people of color, and people with disabilities. Ahead of #MLKDay, we've joined the descendants of Martin Luther King, Jr. in calling on lawmakers to #DeliverOurVotingRights and #RestoreTheVRAA. The #MLKLegacy is about ensuring that EVERY voter has a say in issues that affect our lives. That's why we need the Senate to pass the #FreedomToVoteAct before it's too late." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Naveed Shah, Political Director, Common Defense: "The January 6th storm of the Capitol Building was an unprecedented attack on our democracy. In order to prevent another insurrection, we must institute strong democracy safeguards that protect the freedom to vote for every American. President Biden's speech today in Atlanta, at a place with profound civil rights history, will be a powerful call to do just that by any legal means necessary – including a carveout of the filibuster for voting rights. I served in Iraq during their second ever national elections. On that day, the insurgents weren't after us Americans, but instead were targeting their own citizens to prevent them from exercising their right to vote. I never thought I would see anything like that here, but on January 6th, 2021, I was both proven wrong and reminded how fragile our democracy truly is. As veterans who risked their lives to defend democracy, we commend President Biden and Senate Democrats for leading the charge to protect our voting rights. In years past, we would be able to commend both parties, like in 2006 when the Senate passed an extension to the Voting Rights Act unanimously. Unfortunately, the Republican Party has blindly followed their leaders and have chosen anti-democratic laws over what our nation stands for. State legislatures are instituting voter suppression and ballot restriction measures across the country, including in Georgia, the likes of which we haven't seen since the Jim Crow era. In doing so, they are continuing the coup that began after the 2020 election with the Big Lie, and attacking the most fundamental, inalienable rights of Americans: the freedom to vote. As the Senate has done recently when it came time to pass tax breaks for the rich and the confirmation of judges, the Senate can and must amend the filibuster in order to secure our democracy now. Otherwise, we may not have the chance to have our voices hear in the next election." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Rakim H.D. Brooks, President, Alliance for Justice: "Our democracy has been under attack in state legislatures across the country for months, if not years, now— all with the Supreme Court's stamp of approval. It is vitally urgent that we pass legislation that ensures access to the polls, unrigs our legislative maps, and protects election results from sabotage. We cannot allow any obstacle to stop us. The filibuster cannot be allowed to stand if it means our democracy fails. So many lies have been told about its legacy, when the reality is its most vicious and frequent use was to prevent the passage of civil rights legislation. Today, it does just that, as it is now blocking attempts to restore access to the polls to many voters of color targeted by these states' voting restrictions. It was the right call to end the filibuster nearly a decade ago when it was used to block nominees to our courts and agencies, and it's the right call to end the filibuster for voting rights. We will likewise not fall for Senator McConnell's bait and switch to do less than is needed. Turnout was great in the 2020 election thanks to mail-in voting and extra precautions made available during a deadly pandemic. Since then, 19 states have passed a total of 34 different laws making it harder to vote, including limiting the very accommodations that made the 2020 election so successful. McConnell and the other Senate Republicans are intent on keeping these new obstacles in place in the hopes that they benefit when fewer people can vote. That's not how our democracy works. We will not cater to those who draw power from dysfunction. We are a country of the people, by the people, and for the people — all the people, not just some. It is clear we are in crisis, and we will not back down until we have passed the protections our democracy needs and deserves." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Leah Greenberg, Co-Executive Director, Indivisible: "This was the speech we needed to see from President Biden - a clear moral case and call to action. We must do what's necessary to fix the filibuster, protect our democracy, and guarantee the right to vote - ASAP." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Tara Setmayer, Lincoln Project: "President Biden showed up today with a strong, no nonsense speech today. He laid out the stakes. Now they need to message the hell out of this to get Americans fired up & ready to go. Our democracy depends on it. #DefendDemocracy #Biden" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Danielle Melfi, Executive Director, Building Back Together: "The guiding principle of our democracy is that in America, the voters decide the outcome of our elections. That core idea is under threat, as Republican legislators at every level work to undermine the free and fair elections that are the foundation of our country and government and push to enact hundreds of new restrictions on voting for tens of millions of Americans. President Biden and Vice President Harris have made clear that voting rights reform is a key priority. Yet not only do we face efforts to spread disinformation, sow distrust in our elections, and block access to the ballot box, we also face relentless obstruction by Republicans in Congress, including unanimous opposition from Republican Senators who refuse to even hold a debate on voting rights legislation. That's why it's clear, as the President stated today, that reform of the Senate's rules is a necessary step to ensure the ideals of our democracy are upheld. With reforms to the Senate rules, we can and we must continue the work to strengthen and secure our government and defend the rule of law in our country by passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These reforms are how we will protect the rights of American voters, ensure that trusted local election officials are able to count every vote, and stop partisan politicians from sabotaging our elections. It's time for Congress to act." [Statement, 1/11/22]

UnPAC: "Thank you @POTUS for standing up for democracy today in Georgia. Your words spoke to the urgency of this pivotal moment in history. Our Senators now have a choice: protect democracy and pass the #FreedomToVoteAct, or fail the American people and allow our democracy to crumble." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Newtown Action Alliance: "We stand with the @POTUS & we urge @SenatorSinema @Sen_JoeManchin to #EndTheFilibuster to protect our votes. If state legislatures can suppress our votes with simple majority votes then the @SenateDems must protect our constitutional right to vote with a simple majority vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Religious Organizations and Leaders

Latter-Day Saints for Biden-Harris: "Latter-day Saints know that voting rights undergird the most inspired aspects of the US Constitution, including the idea that the source of governmental power is the people, amendments to extend and defend human rights protections, the separation of powers, the vital guarantees found in the Bill of Rights, and the triumph of the rule of law over arbitrary authority ... We call on the Latter-day Saints currently in the House and, especially, the US Senate, to support voter protection measures that preserve moral agency and defend the checks and balances of our Constitutional order. The best way to accomplish these goals is to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act without delay. We must make sure that the attacks on our democracy that accelerated after the Shelby v. Holder decision, culminating in the January 6th insurrection and anti-voting laws passed in nineteen states last year are not the beginning of the end. As President Biden pointed out today, free and fair elections allow candidates to triumph based on the merits of their ideas, a core feature of the American way." [Statement, 1/11/22]

National Council of Jewish Women: "We need to protect our most sacred right — the right to vote — and ensure the will of people is never subverted. Help us demand the Senate pass the #FreedomtoVoteAct NOW. Take action" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Sheila Katz, CEO, National Council of Jewish Women: "National Council of Jewish Women agrees with President Biden – it is time to change the rules of the Senate to pass transformational voting rights legislations. Our nation cannot wait any longer to pass the Freedom to Vote Act, John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement At, and DC Statehood. Voting is the foundation of our democracy and the right to vote is protective of all other rights. Without access to the polls, we don't get to tell lawmakers to prioritize the issues that matter most to our communities." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Director, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism: "We are grateful for the administration's re-affirmation of support for pivotal legislation that will end discriminatory voting practices and allow every voice to be heard, and every vote to be counted. Now, it is time for the White House to turn their words into action and use their full power to compel the Senate to enact filibuster reform to ensure the passage of the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act … it is the duty of those who cherish democracy to ensure that all Americans are afforded the opportunity to have their votes counted. We turn our attention to the Senate and renew our call to senators to make reforms to restore themselves as a functioning legislative body. Despite the record turnout for the 2020 election, state elected officials have introduced over 440 restrictive voting laws in the last year. The only way to prevent further discrimination that disproportionately effects People of Color, poor people, language minorities, disabled individuals, and young and elderly voters, is through the passage of federal legislation to expand voting rights for all Americans. The obstructionist tactic of the filibuster can no longer prevent these bills from moving forward. This outdated rule has been reformed over 160 times in modern history, and must be reformed once again to prevent the Senate from upholding systemic racism and white supremacy. We are entrusting our elected officials to work for the people they represent by enacting filibuster reform and passage of these two bills." [Statement, 1/11/22]

American Jewish Congress: "Democracy is the American way, but it is at grave risk. NOW is the time to stand up for the right to vote. It is NOT the time for the vote to be undermined by partisan fear mongering. Thank you @POTUS for leading on democracy." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

United Church of Christ: "Democracy works best when we put in place protections that ensure every American has an equal opportunity to make their voice heard and be fairly represented. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and Freedom to Vote Act offer a transformative moment for democracy protection. We're sitting at a critical juncture for our democracy, one that calls on Congress to rise to the moment. As the Senate once again takes up these bills and debates changes to procedure, we ask that they consider whom the senate rules are serving and make the necessary changes to those rules so the Senate serves as a functional body and can pass this critical legislation. The right to vote represents a place in the community, a recognition of the inherent worth and dignity of every person; as people of faith, we believe every person is deserving of a voice and a vote." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Rev. Adam Taylor, President, Sojourners: "The filibuster is standing in the way of securing essential voting rights protections. It must be changed, and the #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct and #FreedomtoVoteAct must pass." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Reverend William Barber: "All of the people & GA activists that challenged the President today stand in the same tradition of John Lewis when he challenged JFK at the March on Washington in 1963. Some civil rights groups didn't like it then, but John Lewis was right. And those activists were right today, and the President would do well to meet with them & diverse moral & religious leaders, as we have been asking for months but his handlers have not facilitated. and the President would do well to meet with them & diverse moral & religious leaders, as we have been asking for months but his handlers have not facilitated." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Labor Unions

Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO: "The right to vote is a fundamental cornerstone of our country's democracy and yet Senate Republicans have turned their backs on protecting it. @SenShumer is right. It's time to #SidelinetheFilibuster and #DeliverVotingRightsNow" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Service Employees International Union: "Voter ID laws, rigged electoral maps, and restrictions on mail-in voting are all attacks on our fundamental freedom to vote. Fight for the #VRAA and the #FreedomtoVoteAct! Call your Senator now: 1-833-312-1833" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Lee Saunders, President, AFSCME: "Our democracy cannot stand unless the right of every citizen to vote is protected. It's as simple as that. Since the Voting Rights Act was gutted by the Supreme Court in 2013, we have watched in horror as anti-democratic state legislatures have ramped up their assaults on our right to vote. And this past year they were more successful than ever, passing restrictive voter suppression laws in 19 states. We cannot sit idly by and allow powerful special interests to rob us of our voice and rig our democracy. The legacy of leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Congressman John Lewis is on the line. It's time for the Senate to answer President Biden's call, stop hiding behind arcane rules and finally protect the right of every American to make their voice heard at the ballot box." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Communications Workers' Association: "In today's powerful speech on voting rights, President Biden sent a clear message to members of the United States Senate: voting rights are essential to our democracy, and failing to act is not acceptable. The Senate's antiquated filibuster rules require a supermajority to protect millions of working people from being disenfranchised, while egregious voter suppression laws are being enacted with a simple majority vote in many states. As Biden noted, these rules impede progress, preventing true discussion and deliberation. They have been so abused that they prevent bills from even coming to the floor for a simple debate. They allow politicians to avoid responsibility for their actions by providing an excuse for not taking any action at all. In his speech, Biden said that "[t]he right to vote and have that vote count, it is democracy's threshold liberty. Without it, nothing is possible. But with it, anything is possible." We wholeheartedly agree with the President and support his call for the Senate to take immediate action to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act before it is too late. CWA won't stop fighting until our members' sacred right to vote is protected." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers: "Glad to be in Atlanta for this speech today.. these two bills are about whether America is a democracy in the future." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Women's National Basketball Players Association: "Our @VP has been working diligently to get voting rights legislation passed. Today, we are standing with her by urging Congress to pass this critical legislation to ensure that ALL Americans have access to free and fair elections. #WinWithBlackWomen #FightForOurVote" [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Business Leaders

Rhett Buttle, Founder, Public Private Strategies and President, Public Private Strategies Institute: "This research clearly shows that the leaders in America's business community view democracy and voting rights as an economic issue. Now, it is important that advocates, policymakers, and leaders in Congress and the Administration engage the business community to advance solutions that will stabilize our democracy and protect access to the ballot for every voter." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Liz Fairchild, Executive Director, Business Forward: "Businesses are successful in competitive, transparent, and responsive markets. The same is true of our democracy. Since the 2020 election, major employers in Georgia and across the country have been speaking up to defend voter access because companies look for a talented workforce, sound infrastructure, good schools, and a strong community. States compete with one another for new investment and jobs and restrictive voter laws send the wrong signal and turn off investors — once you start losing bids, it gets harder to catch up. Georgia's state legislature introduced 30 bills last year that make it harder for Georgians to vote — and more than 550 anti-voter bills have been introduced nationwide. Fairchild added, "With less than a year until the 2022 midterm elections, President Biden's call to action comes at a critical time for our democracy." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Erika Gonzalez, Co-Chair, Small Business for America's Future:" Business leaders across the country applaud President Biden for his speech in Georgia today calling for the passage of voting rights legislation—as they firmly believe a stable democracy is crucial to capitalism and a strong economy. Passing legislation such as the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act will strengthen the fundamental elements of our democracy and failing to do so would be a threat to our nation's economy. Small business owners want our leaders in Washington to ensure that the power in our country remains with the people, which they say is what allows entrepreneurship and the economy to flourish. A Small Business for America's Future national survey shows 60% of small business owners responding are worried about the state of U.S. democracy. A national survey released last week by Public Private Strategies found that the leaders of businesses with more than 250 employees expressed the same concerns about our democracy and 7 in 10 said they support the passage of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to preserve it. Especially noteworthy is that 74% support amending House and Senate rules to pass the legislation. Main Street small business owners, the nation's job creators, see voting rights as a clearcut economic issue. It is time for Congress to act to preserve and strengthen our democracy and our economy." [Statement, 1/11/22]

Airbnb Public Policy: "The freedom to vote is everyone's business. We have a responsibility to ensure our eligible communities can freely vote without discrimination. Congress must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act." [Tweet, 1/11/22]

Luis Guardia, President, Food Research & Action Center: "The Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) calls on the Senate to swiftly pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Passage of this historic legislation will dismantle obstacles to voting, including those caused by the lingering harms of Jim Crow laws and the more recent waves of draconian state proposals, and ensure essential protections for voters. Ensuring that all eligible people can vote is a cornerstone of a functioning and just democracy, and is vital to nationwide efforts to end hunger and poverty in America. Millions of people experience voter disenfranchisement in the U.S., thereby undermining governmental action to secure fundamental rights that should be protected in a democracy such as food, shelter, and the right to participate in fair and open elections. State voter suppression laws disproportionately restrict the voting rights of Black, Latino, and low-income voters, intersecting with many groups that are more at risk of hunger. When eligible people are unable to participate in the voting process, our democracy suffers. We must ensure the voices of those struggling against hunger are fully represented in the democratic process so that elected officials are held accountable to effectively and accurately address the issues and priorities that matter to our nation. As Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday draws near, our nation is at a critical juncture. The Senate must act now to stop efforts by some states to return to the days of Jim Crow and to protect and safeguard our sacred voting rights that are essential to American democracy by passing the Freedom to Vote Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. This is a surefire way to commemorate Dr. King's legacy." [Statement, 1/11/22]

American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN): "The American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN) supports President Biden's call on the Senate to change its rules in whatever way is necessary to pass voting rights legislation to protect the fundamentals of American democracy. Democracy is the cornerstone of our economy. While the Senate continues to debate voting rights legislation, it is critical to note that business owners' voices in many states are being suppressed, particularly those in communities of color. The Senate must do its part to protect every eligible American's right to vote and guarantee that election results are respected by passing fair and transparent voting rights legislation. Failing to pass voting rights legislation that protects our democracy threatens our economy. Allowed to continue, these anti-democracy actions will result in autocratic government that will be unsupportive of the entrepreneurs who drive our local, state, and national economies. Changing Senate rules to expedite important legislation is neither new nor radical. The body already allows more than 160 types of votes and legislation to pass by a simple majority, including just in the last few weeks bypassing the filibuster rules to pass an increase in the debt ceiling. ASBN supports immediate Senate passage of the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. " [Statement, 1/11/22]

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden and Vice President Harris Urge Senate to Protect Voting Rights Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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