WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden Signs Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy
Today, President Biden signed an Executive Order to promote competition in the American economy, which will lower prices for families, increase wages for workers, and promote innovation and even faster economic growth.
With this executive Order, the President is taking decisive action to reduce the trend of corporate consolidation, increase competition, and deliver concrete benefits to America's consumers, workers, farmers, and small businesses.
The Order includes 72 initiatives by more than a dozen federal agencies to promptly tackle some of the most pressing competition problems across our economy. Once implemented, these initiatives will result in concrete improvements to people's lives.
Today's historic Executive Order earned widespread support from leaders, organizations, and elected officials across the country, who championed the President's whole-of-government effort to promote competition in the American economy and set the country on a path toward sustained, inclusive economic growth.
See below for what they are saying:
Economic Leaders
Jason Furman, Former Chairman of President Obama's Council of Economic Affairs: "The President's competition executive order is impressive & important. I expected a strong signal of his commitment to greater competition but was blown away by how detailed it was in setting out 72 specific initiatives across a wide range of agencies." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
American Economic Liberties Project Executive Director Sarah Miller: "It's difficult to overstate the significance of today's Executive Order. For forty years, our government has allowed liberty in the marketplace to wither. Policy has largely served to promote corporate concentration at the expense of entrepreneurs, smaller and medium-sized businesses, working people, and consumers. With this executive order, President Biden is stating that the era of big business domination of American society is over. This order mandates that every agency in the Federal government take on the problem of corporate concentration. With its initial recommendations, the White House is reshaping a broad range of highly concentrated markets, helping to unlock the full potential of the millions of innovators, producers, and workers that form the bedrock of America's economic strength and dynamism, while also helping to protect families from price-gouging monopolists in industries ranging from airlines to internet services to medical devices. As Franklin Delano Roosevelt put it, 'We stand committed to the proposition that freedom is no half-and-half affair. If the average citizen is guaranteed equal opportunity in the polling place, he must have equal opportunity in the marketplace.' This Executive Order, combined with President Biden's appointment of Lina Khan as Chair of the Federal Trade Commission and his work to end global COVID vaccine monopolies at the World Trade Organization, demonstrates that this Administration understands that building a thriving economy and resilient democracy requires our democratic institutions to disperse economic power in a way that centers smaller businesses, working people, and communities. We look forward to working with the Administration as the EO's directives are implemented and building on the agenda it lays out." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Rural and Agriculture Organizations
National Farmers Union (NFU) President Rob Larew: "Over the last 50 years, we've seen dramatic consolidation in the agriculture industry, with just a handful of corporations seizing control over each link in the food supply chain. It's no coincidence that this has coincided with a slew of problems for farmers: low prices, little bargaining power, few choices, misleading labels, and the inability to repair their own equipment, among other headaches. If that weren't enough, extreme concentration has also made our food system extremely vulnerable to disruptions and bottlenecks, as has become abundantly clear recently in the wake of extreme weather events, the pandemic, and cyberattacks. After suffering corporate abuse for so many years, it is reassuring that farmers may finally get a level playing field. This executive order will offer them more autonomy in their relationships with corporations, protections from mistreatment, fairer and more accurate labeling, the right to repair their machinery, and more robust local markets – which, taken together, will go a long way towards building the resilient, equitable food system that farmers and consumers deserve. We urge the administration to swiftly implement these changes and follow up with strong antitrust enforcement." [Statement, 7/9/21]
American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Zippy Duvall: "AFBF notes President Biden's effort to address several pressing issues facing America's farmers and ranchers comes at a time when many in the farm supply chain are frustrated. Growing concern about livestock market fairness is accelerated by the continued rise in grocery store meat prices while ranchers struggle to break even on the cattle they raise and poultry farmers being locked into agreements with very little recourse if they're underpaid. It's time to get to the bottom of what's driving these imbalances. More opportunities for farmers and ranchers to sell their products will ensure they are paid fairly while providing more options for America's families. Farmers increasingly rely on the latest technology as they grow healthy, affordable food. Business purchases—from robotic milkers to high-tech combines—require a substantial investment, and when those tools break down farmers need to get back up and running quickly. Limiting who can work on a piece of machinery drives up costs and increases down-time. Ensuring farmers have the ability to perform cost-effective repairs on their own equipment will keep America's farms running and financially sustainable. We will closely examine the details of this executive order as we continue to work with the administration to ensure changes are consistent with our grassroots policy, and farmers and ranchers are provided greater flexibility to remain competitive in our growing economy." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Campaign for Contract Agriculture Reform (CCAR): "Today, President Biden signed an Executive Order (EO) directing federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture, to take action on 72 different policy initiatives to promote fair and competitive markets. Included in the EO is language directing USDA to publish a package of three Packers and Stockyards Act regulations, to update and complete the work that President Obama started in 2010 through the Farmer Fair Practices rules…President Trump halted progress on all of the rules, and instead finalized a rule to provide legal safe harbors for meatpackers, swine contractors and poultry companies to continue using unfair and abusive practices with impunity. Today's action shows that the interest in addressing the harms suffered by the nation's livestock and poultry farmers goes all the way to the top, to the President himself. This gives Secretary Vilsack the clear green light to perfect and finalize the work he started on these issues during the Obama Administration." [Statement, 7/9/21]
FarmAid: "Today, President Biden will sign an executive order to "to promote competition in the American economy, which will lower prices for families, increase wages for workers, and promote innovation and even faster economic growth." The White House press release explains, "For decades, corporate consolidation has been accelerating. In over 75% of U.S. industries, a smaller number of large companies now control more of the business than they did twenty years ago. This is true across healthcare, financial services, agriculture and more."
The Executive Order pays particular attention to agriculture and reflects the lived experience of the farmers and ranchers we work with and hear from on our hotline. The portion of the order that deals with agriculture ushers in a new era of oversight, transparency and fairness, which will help level the playing field so that independent farmers and ranchers have a fair shot at earning a living in agriculture. The order will protect and serve eaters as well.
- Farm Aid supports the order's directive to issue new rules defining when meat can bear "Product of USA" labels because for decades we have heard from hard working, independent livestock producers about their frustration and financial losses at having their quality, US produced meat undercut by meat coming across the border sporting the US label, a label that they created.
- Farm Aid supports the order's directive for USDA to develop a plan to increase opportunities for farmers to access markets and receive a fair return, including supporting alternative food distribution systems like farmers markets and developing standards and labels so that consumers can choose to buy products that treat farmers fairly because we have seen first hand the frustration by farmers who see their products undervalued, and the huge benefits to farmers, rural communities and taxpayers when farmers are supported in their entrepreneurship and marketing.
- Farm Aid supports the encouragement of the FTC to limit powerful equipment manufacturers from restricting the "Right to Repair"— people's ability to use independent repair shops or do DIY repairs, such as when tractor companies block farmers from repairing their own tractors because we see the frustration of farmers when they somehow no longer own the equipment that they paid their hard-earned money for, and they are denied the use of their own skills and ingenuity in repairing and modifying the equipment that they bought and paid for." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Family Farm Action Alliance President Joe Maxwell: "We thank President Biden for his bold and decisive actions today on behalf of family farmers and the American people. Family Farm Action Alliance and other food and farm organizations have worked tirelessly for the changes Biden has ordered. Not since Teddy Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt has a President taken on corporate power to this extent. This will likely be Biden's legacy as it was theirs. We look forward to working with the administration to get these issues across the finish line. According to our research, four companies currently control 85% of beef processing, 80% of soybean processing, and 67% of pork processing. No greater concentration of corporate power, monopolistic practices, and exclusion of economic prosperity exists than in the food and agriculture markets. Because our government has failed to do its job, a handful of transnational corporations and their overpaid CEOs control our farm and food system, driving family farmers off the land, abusing workers, degrading our environment, and leaving consumers without healthy and safe food choices. Today's Order is one of several recent signs that the tide may be turning, coming as it does on the heels of actions by the USDA and FTC to rein in corporate power. On July 11, the USDA's spring regulatory agenda contained critical changes to the Packers and Stockyards Act, most notably with regard to competitive injury. Then, at a public meeting on July 1, the FTC passed the "Made in the USA" (MUSA) Rule, which requires all meat and meat products to be 100% "born, raised, and slaughtered" in the U.S. Hours later, the USDA announced a complementary initiative to heighten transparency for meat and meat products using the "Product of USA" label. In tandem, both labeling rules will protect honest companies and consumers from the misleading practices of meatpacking companies. Thanks to bold actions like these, the balance of power in our food and agriculture system is tipping toward farmers, ranchers, and the American people." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Nebraska Farmers Union President John Hansen: "President Biden's Competition Executive Order is the most substantial commitment to making our economy more competitive and efficient since President Teddy Roosevelt's Trust Busting efforts. 120 years ago." [Statement, 7/9/21]
United States Cattlemen's Association (USCA) President Brooke Miller: "USCA applauds President Biden for hearing the calls from cattle country regarding increased consolidation in the U.S. cattle industry, and then issuing his own call for prompt action within his Administration. This Executive Order comes just weeks after USCA Vice President Justin Tupper testified before the Senate Agriculture Committee on the detrimental effects of a U.S. cattle and beef industry controlled by just four major meatpackers, two of which are foreign-owned and operated. USCA's testimony was loud and clear – the Big Four meatpackers have held their thumb on the scales for far too long, tilting the playing field to their advantage, and forcing more and more independent cattle producers out of business. A centralized food system is a threat to our national security. USCA believes in pushing forth policy solutions that strengthen the bottom lines of U.S. agricultural producers in order to strengthen our nation's food security. President Biden's Executive Order is an important step towards restoring a fair and equitable food system." [Statement, 7/9/21]
R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard: "We've urged Administration after Administration for the past 20 years to begin proper enforcement of both antitrust laws and the 100-year-old Packers and Stockyards Act and this is the first Administration to actually take action. If these rules are brought to fruition, they will go a long way toward rebalancing the disparate market power between the highly concentrated beef packers and the widely disaggregated independent cattle feeders, backgrounders, stockers and cow/calf producers. We look forward to working with the Administration on this important issue to ensure that when Congress reinstates mandatory country of origin labeling (mCOOL) for all beef sold in America, both the federal rules and the federal statute complement each other. We're both pleased and excited about the opportunity to work with this Administration to accomplish what every cattle producer needs to be successful – a robustly competitive marketplace free from abusive market power." [Statement, 7/9/21]
National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane: "NCBA's top priority in Washington is pushing for policies that strengthen the business climate for our producers. We thank President Biden and Secretary Vilsack for the leadership and swift action they've shown on some of the top issues impacting our producers, including 'Product of the USA' labeling and grants to expand regional, independent processing capacity. Today's executive order is a vital next step toward securing a steady beef supply chain, and increasing opportunities for profitability for our producers. We have actively engaged the administration on these issues thus far, and we will continue to advocate for the needs of American cattle producers as the rulemaking processes begin." [Statement, 7/9/21]
RuralOrganizing.org Executive Director Matt Hildreth: "Since our inception, RuralOrganizing.org has pushed for aggressive action to take on the corporate monopolies that have rigged the system in rural communities. Our extensive polling of rural voters consistently found this has been an important issue for rural voters, impacting small business and family farmers alike. Today, President Biden took a major step in the right direction with the new executive order to address competition and rein in monopolies. As the President said, "Fair competition is what made America the wealthiest, most innovative nation in history." The operative word there is "fair." In rural America, we welcome competition. Fair competition. But Wall Street and massive corporations have rigged the system and obliterated any sense of fairness. As a result, wages have stagnated, well paying jobs are harder to come by, and daily our expenses have continued to increase. Today marks another important step forward in the Biden administration's commitment to rural communities, building on the American Rescue Plan. We thank the President and strongly urge him and House and Senate Democrats to keep moving the country forward by passing the provisions of the American Jobs Plan and the American Families Plan." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Small Businesses
Small Business for America's Future: "Today's announcement from the Biden Administration on a new executive order aimed at increasing competition in the marketplace is welcome news for America's small business community. It includes a thoughtful and detailed set of initiatives that will help small businesses by lowering healthcare costs, providing more opportunity for federal contracts and restoring government's role in protecting all consumers from marketplace dominance by corporate giants. A recent Small Business for American's Future survey found that small business owners are being crushed by healthcare costs. 96% said that the Biden-Harris Administration and Congress must prioritize bringing down these costs. Today's Executive Order on healthcare is welcome news for the nation's more than 30 million small business owners. As the nation's largest customer of goods and services, the U.S. government can play a bigger role in supporting small businesses through federal procurement. Today's Executive Order instructing more contracting opportunities be given to small businesses by federal agencies will open up this market to more small business owners. The Order's emphasis on enforcing antitrust laws recognizes what makes the U.S. economy the greatest in the world--free market competition. All consumers, including small businesses, benefit from competition that promotes better goods and services while keeping costs down. Small business owners have long been the backbone of our nation's economy, and will play a central role in fueling our economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an effective first step to creating a more equitable business environment for Main Street, allowing our small business community to flourish and continue to provide the economic growth and jobs our nation's economy needs. Small Business for American's Future and all small businesses applaud today's Executive Order. We look forward to working with the Biden Administration and Congress to build other new ways of supporting small businesses and driving our communities and our economy forward." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Small Business Rising: "Today's executive order is another sign that federal policymakers are serious about restoring competition and leveling the playing field for independent businesses, and we applaud the Biden Administration for taking this important step forward. By directing the Department of Justice to strengthen antitrust enforcement, directing federal agencies to support small business and promote competition through their procurement and spending decisions, requiring the Department of Agriculture to dedicate funds to support local and regional food systems, and encouraging the Federal Trade Commission to establish rules barring dominant internet platforms from exploiting independent businesses, this executive order will help to reduce market concentration, stop monopoly abuses, expand opportunities for small businesses, and strengthen local economies. Concentrated market power has long been the single biggest threat facing America's small and independent businesses. Coming on the heels of landmark antitrust legislation that passed the House Judiciary Committee last month, it's clear that policymakers at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are finally intent on challenging corporate power. After decades of lax federal enforcement of our nation's antitrust laws, we are heartened to see federal officials standing up for the independent businesses that are a vital part of our economy and our local communities." [Statement, 7/9/21]
U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: "The @USHCC applauds President @JoeBiden's Executive Order to promoting more equity & competition in the American economy. It has 72 initiatives by federal agencies & opens new doors for small minority-owned businesses in the U.S. supply chain & federal procurement opportunities." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Advocacy Groups
Data for Progress: "Today, President Biden announced a new executive order to promote competition across the U.S. economy. Arriving on the heels of several key antitrust appointments in the White House and Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the executive order provides more good news for reformers who have been pushing Biden to crack down on corporate monopolies. The executive order unleashes the full force of the federal government to tackle corporate power and boost competition. It calls for the Justice Department and FTC to issue updated guidance for reviewing proposed mergers, including so-called "vertical" mergers that have received less serious scrutiny from regulators, while also suggesting specific guidance for the Department of Transportation, Federal Communications Commission, and Department of Agriculture. While much of the public dialogue has centered on the nation's technology giants, Biden's executive order shows his administration understands that a handful of corporations are crushing competition in many other industries – from Big Ag to Wall Street. As Congress weighs additional legislative action, the executive order paves the way for agencies to begin addressing corporate consolidation immediately, which may be especially beneficial as the economy reopens and recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. But more than just smart policy, fighting monopoly power and leveling the playing field is popular with voters from across the political spectrum. Data for Progress' poll with Demand Progress found that large bipartisan majorities – including 63% of Democrats and 69% of Republicans – believe that the economic power of Big Tech companies is a problem facing the U.S. economy. In a separate poll, Data for Progress found that 56% of likely voters agree that Wall Street executives have too much influence over government policy, and 54% of likely voters believe the same is true for executives of large technology companies. In the first six months of his administration, Biden has shown time and again that his agenda is guided by what is popular with the American people, not just politicians in Washington. With strong bipartisan majorities supporting steps to take down the nation's biggest monopolies, Biden's executive order is one more example of that strategy in action – and voters are cheering him on." [Statement, 7/9//21]
Association for Accessible Medicine's (AAM): "President Biden's Executive Order on competition today importantly supports the need to improving access to generic and biosimilar medicines to provide relief for American patients burdened by the high cost of brand-name drugs. The Association for Accessible Medicines (AAM) and its members look forward to working with the Administration to increase adoption of lower-cost generics and biosimilars and remedy the growing number of government and payer policies that perversely reward the use of high-cost brands over generic or biosimilar competitors. In addition, in order to accelerate patient access to generics and biosimilars, the White House should ensure that any new regulations do not restrict the ability to settle patent litigation with brand companies in a pro-competitive manner." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Demand Progress Education Fund Executive Director David Segal: "This Executive Order provides further evidence that the Biden administration is serious about creating competitive markets and reducing the strangleholds that a few large corporations have on the respective sectors of the economy they operate in. The measures encouraged by this EO represent a wish list progressives and other pro-competition advocates have been promoting for years, and in some cases decades. From a ban on non-compete agreements that suppress wages and keep employees tied to jobs they would rather leave, to pushing for importation of cheaper prescription drugs from Canada - and from helping people switch between banks to addressing anti-competitive behavior in online marketplaces, these initiatives would improve the wellbeing of workers, small and mid-sized businesses, and consumers across essentially all major sectors of the American economy." [Statement, 7/9/21]
National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) Vice President of Government Relations Blake Adami: "On behalf of the $6 trillion wholesale distribution industry, we commend the Biden administration for taking action against dominant e-commerce platforms like Amazon that use proprietary information to unfairly compete against small businesses and distributors across the country that sell on Amazon's marketplace. NAW is committed to fighting unfair acts by monopolistic companies and we urge Congress to quickly pass the House Judiciary committee's antitrust bills. We also strongly encourage the General Service Administration (GSA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to partner with Congress to review GSA's current pilot e-Commerce Portal program which unfairly gives Amazon monopoly power in federal government procurement." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Science and Tech Industry Leaders
Veeva Systems Founder and CEO Peter Gassner: "Under the law in most states, companies have essentially had the power to dictate where employees can work and keep them locked in jobs. We support today's federal action to ban non-compete restrictions as an important step for employee rights, innovation and competitiveness. We have been advocating for years that people should have the fundamental right to use their skills and experience to advance their careers as they choose without the threat of being sued." [Statement, 7/9/21]
INCOMPAS CEO Chip Pickering: "Competition is a free market cure that supercharges innovation and investment. Broadband monopolies and limited competition have caused consumers frustration, slowed down internet speeds and driven up prices for families and businesses for far too long. We are pleased to see President Biden take action to stop broadband monopolies in apartments buildings and condo complexes, where 30 percent of Americans live. We welcome additional scrutiny of the large ISPs' practices, as their legacy market power continues to squeeze competition and increase prices for consumers and business customers large and small. Competition and open internet policies create more opportunities for start-ups and small businesses eager to bring new ideas to global markets." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Auto industry
Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) President Paul McCarthy: "We look forward to working with the FTC to protect safe, affordable and equitable motor vehicle repair for American consumers and applaud the president for taking action. Consumer choice and competitive markets are essential to the success of the automotive aftermarket and today's executive order make it a federal priority." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) CEO Bill Long "We applaud the president for taking this step, which will help ensure safe and affordable transportation for consumers over the life of a vehicle. The industry must align behind repairabilty, as it supports brand and resale values, economic equity, and customer satisfaction over the lifetime of a U.S vehicle fleet that averages over 12 years old. We pledge to work closely with the administration, Congress, and all industry stakeholders to address these issues." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Members of Congress
Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Vice Chair of the House Antitrust Subcommittee: "President Biden promised to build the economy from the bottom up and the middle out, and we're thrilled to see that he is keeping that promise with what will be a truly transformational executive order…We all know someone who has been affected by anti-competition practices: families who have had to drive to Canada just to buy insulin, travelers losing hundreds of dollars while airlines face no recourse, grandparents unable to participate in daily life because they can't afford hearing aids, neighbors trapped by predatory banking practices. By unleashing the competition powers of the federal government and empowering everyday people, we can break the grip corporations have on our economy and put money in the pockets of the people who need it. Progressives inside and outside of Congress have been some of the loudest voices calling to rein in monopolistic practices and for a redistribution of corporate power. This executive order will go a long way toward restoring fairness in systems that have preyed on working people for far too long." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee and Rep. David Cicilline, Chair of the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law: "This is a watershed moment for American workers, small businesses, jobs, families, and our economy. For too long, unchecked consolidation and the rise of market power across the economy has held back the full potential of American ingenuity and economic prosperity. President Biden's Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy marks a critical turning point in our nation's history. It will usher in waves of economic opportunity and growth in industry after industry. It will help tackle the soaring cost of prescription drugs, protect Americans' privacy and data, help farmers and secure our nation's food supply, and give families greater access to affordable high-speed broadband Internet, among other vital competition goals. President Biden is following through on his promise to put hardworking Americans ahead of corporate monopolies, and we look forward to passing legislation that will complement this historic effort." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Rep. Nydia Velazquez: "All businesses deserve to have a fair shot at reaching the American dream no matter how big or well connected they are. Today, @POTUS signed an executive order that will promote competition to lower prices, increase wages, and ensure our economy works for everybody." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Rep. Carolyn Maloney: "Non-compete clauses are not only anti-competitive but they also suppress wages of hard-working Americans. @POTUS is looking out for workers, not big corporations." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Rep. Peter DeFazio: "I applaud the Biden administration's Executive Order and support any effort to bolster enforcement activity at the Surface Transportation Board and Federal Maritime Commission," Chair DeFazio said. "If some freight railroads or maritime shipping carriers are using their market power to distort prices, they should be held accountable. I look forward to working with the administration to ensure a level playing field that encourages growth in commerce." Chair DeFazio continued: "No one should have to pay for services they don't receive, like on-time baggage delivery and working in-flight WiFi. That's why I support the Biden administration's initiative to ensure that ancillary fee payments don't disappear into a black hole, to be lost forever without hope of refund when the paid-for service doesn't work as advertised. I will be studying the Executive Order in greater detail to make sure it promotes fairness and transparency in air travel." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Rep. Sean Casten: "BIG NEWS: Today, @POTUS signed an executive order to make prescription drug prices cheaper and our economy fairer. This is a good day for America." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Rep. Lori Trahan: "This is an important step as we #BuildBackBetter with an economy that supports all Americans. Thank you @POTUS for your commitment to making our government work #ForThePeople!" [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Rep. Pramila Jayapal: "This is a great step towards ensuring our small businesses can thrive." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Rep. John Garamendi: "I applaud @POTUS ' executive order to promote competition in the American economy. A lack of competition drives up costs for consumers, and President Biden has taken a wise step to promote economic growth and innovation." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA): "Like running water and electricity, broadband is an essential utility. I strongly support President Biden's call for the FCC to reinstate net neutrality. I also plan to introduce legislation to do the same by statute. We will not stop until net neutrality is the law of the land." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA): I've long been working to fix anticompetitive practices in our farm economy &I'm glad the Biden admin is particularly beefing up enforcement & expanding transparency in livestock markets. This builds on work I'm doing in Congress to reform cattle market thru legislation/ hearings. For yrs I've raised concerns about the lack of transparency that's making it hard for farmers to get a fair price for fattening cattle & for consumers at the grocery store. I applaud Ag Scty Vilsack for his effort today so competitive markets work for all Americans." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN): "Competition policy needs new energy and approaches so that we can address America's monopoly problem. That means legislation to update our antitrust laws, but it also means reimagining what the federal government can do to promote competition under our current laws. "I commend President Biden for this groundbreaking Executive Order, which will help restore competition to important sectors of our economy and will also protect workers from anticompetitive employment restrictions. I look forward to working with the Administration to strengthen our nation's competition policy, and I will continue to advance legislation in Congress to bring the lasting, transformative change we need to build a growing economy that works for all Americans." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ): "Corporate consolidation & collusive employer practices keep workers stuck & wages down & also hurt small businesses, farmers & consumers—that's why I've introduced legislation to reign in these monopolistic practices. Today's executive order is a big step in the right direction." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA): "For years I've called for tougher antitrust enforcement & to break up the worst offenders. President Biden's order takes critical steps to protect consumers & workers, strengthen antitrust enforcement, & tackle consolidation & anticompetitive practices." [Tweet, 7/9/21]
Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT): "Biden is decisively pushing back against corporate giants & taking comprehensive action to ensure our economy benefits American consumers, workers, & small businesses. Today's exec actions reflect an urgent need to stem the tide of increasing consolidation/rising monopoly power. I've long called on the FTC & DOJ to not only thoroughly scrutinize new acquisitions & mega mergers, but also set clear competition rules & conduct a retrospective review to clean up the existing mess. I'm glad the President recognizes this need for bold, aggressive action." [Statement, 7/9/21]
State Elected Officials
Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk), Chair of the Energy & Technology Committee: "The President's action today is welcome and valuable for the many Americans who struggle under the lack of competition in the broadband market, as well as those ready to take advantage of a more competitive climate in several industries. Taking action against punitive early termination fees, controlling exclusivity deals and providing more information to the consumer is a win for paying customers everywhere in America, including in our state. Restoration of net neutrality standards and stronger scrutiny of steps used to quash competition and fight corporate consolidation will only go further to create a more equal playing field and a stronger market nationwide. However, the President's actions can only go so far. Congress needs to take action to support this order, and if they cannot, regulatory authority should be returned to individual states." [Statement, 7/9/21]
State Senator James Maroney (D-Milford), Chair of the Energy & Technology Committee: "When we've seen multiple instances just this year of internet service providers taking advantage of a lack of regulations and a lack of true competition, it's heartening to see this executive order put into action. I'm especially encouraged that the order aims to create new rules on data collection, helping keep users' information private. We attempted to pass similar legislation here in Connecticut earlier this year, and will continue fighting for consumer rights. Having the executive branch's support for the 'right-to-repair,' for increased competition in the internet service provider industry and to fight the trend of corporate consolidation will further strengthen our abilities to enact more policies to drive down prices and make services accessible for more state residents. It will remain important for us to continue pursuing legislation to protect consumer privacy here in Connecticut, allowing the Attorney General the ability to seek recourse for state residents." [Statement, 7/9/21]
State Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS): "The central issue is this, we have four packing plants that control about 90% of the meat processing in America right now. Whenever there is that type of consolidation of the industry, some is going to get hurt by it. Sen. Marshall believes this executive order would give more leverage to producers in negotiations with big processors. I do think that this executive order is going to help Kansas farmers and ranchers." [Article, 7/9/21]
State Representative David Arconti (D-Danbury) and State Senator Norm Needleman (D-Essex), Chairs of the Energy & Technology Committee: "Increasing competition in these industries is the right call, and we support President Biden's action today," said Rep. Arconti and Sen. Needleman. "This executive order aims to fight significant corporate consolidation that has only harmed the public, raising costs and reducing options for everyday consumers. We look forward to seeing how this order helps even the playing field." [Statement, 7/9/21]
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden Signs Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/351247