Joe Biden

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden Signs Second Executive Order to Secure Access to Reproductive Healthcare and Other Healthcare Services

August 04, 2022

Yesterday, President Biden issued an Executive Order on Securing Access to Reproductive and Other Healthcare Services, building on actions that the Biden-Harris Administration has taken to protect access to reproductive healthcare services and defend women's fundamental rights.

This Executive Order builds on the actions his Administration has already taken to defend reproductive rights by:

  • Supporting Patients Traveling Out of State for Medical Care

  • Ensuring Health Care Providers Comply with Federal Non-Discrimination Law

  • Promoting Research and Data Collection on Maternal Health Outcomes

See what they are saying below:

Elected Officials

Congressional Caucuses

Democratic Women's Caucus: "We applaud and enthusiastically endorse President Biden's executive order to help secure access to reproductive healthcare services, including by supporting patients who travel for abortion care. Last night, Kansans rejected extreme GOP efforts to control a woman's health care decisions about her body. Women are making their voices heard: everyone deserves the freedom to decide what is best for themselves and their families." [Statement, 8/3/22]

Progressive Caucus: "Abortion is being pushed out of reach across the country. For people who are parenting, have low incomes, or live in rural areas, out-of-state travel can be expensive and challenging. We're thrilled to see this action from @POTUS to support people in getting the care they need. Support for travel was included in our Reproductive Freedom Agenda because everyone should be able to access essential health care, regardless of zip code. We urge the Biden admin to continue the work to protect and expand abortion access — and we've suggested some next steps" [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Federal, State, & Local Leaders

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen: "This is important action from @POTUS to protect access to essential reproductive health care. Helping women travel across state lines & providing health care providers w/ legal guidance is critical – I stand ready to help in the Senate." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Rep. Dwight Evans: "I applaud @POTUS Biden's latest action to secure access to #ReproductiveRights. I again call on the Senate to act on 2 House-passed bills: the Women's Health Protection Act (to put the right to choose abortion into federal law) and a bill guaranteeing the right to travel across state lines for an abortion." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Rep. Barbara Lee: "Thank you @POTUS for this Executive Order paving the way for Medicaid to pay for out-of-state abortions—a critical step to accessibility. Even under Roe, people of color and those with low incomes weren't guaranteed access to care. Abortion must be legal AND accessible." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Rep. Colin Allred: "As we've seen in Texas, the repeal of Roe v. Wade by SCOTUS has had a dangerous impact on women. @POTUS's executive order is a good step and will work to safeguard access to abortion, including the right to travel." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

New York Governor Kathy Hochul: "Thank you @POTUS for continuing to find additional resources for those seeking abortion services and ensuring all health care providers comply with federal non-discrimination rules. New York will always remain a safe harbor for abortion care." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Oregon Governor Kate Brown: "Abortion is health care. Oregon is the most protective state for abortion rights in the nation, and we are working with our West Coast partners to protect reproductive freedom. Thank you, @POTUS, for supporting patients who must travel to states like ours for reproductive care." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

California Attorney General Rob Bonta: "As CA experiences an influx of women traveling here to get an abortion, I'm grateful @POTUS is working to ensure their continued access to reproductive care. Reproductive justice is alive and well in CA, and we stand with the President in this fight." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

DC Attorney General Karl Racine: "President Biden's Executive Order helps secure access to reproductive healthcare and defends people's fundamental rights. My office will continue to do everything in our power to fight for reproductive freedom & expand access to care." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell: "We must use every tool available to safeguard abortion access. I applaud President Biden for this action supporting patients traveling out of state to access reproductive healthcare. Seattle will continue to be a place where reproductive care is available to all who seek it." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Advocacy Organizations and Advocates

National Women's Law Center (NWLC): "We also applaud President Biden's new Executive Order taking additional actions to protect abortion access, including ordering his Administration to find ways to support, both financially and otherwise, people who must travel for abortion care and engage in robust enforcement of non-discrimination protections to help both patients and providers. Alongside these partners and more, the National Women's Law Center continues to be resolute in our commitment to ensure that all people in the U.S can access the care they need, and the care we all deserve." [Statement, 8/3/22]

Next Gen America: "?BREAKING? @POTUS has signed an executive order that will make traveling for abortion access easier for individuals and help states provide them with the care they need. This is progress, and one step towards the fight to protective reproductive rights for everyone." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

NARAL: "Today's action is another important step to protect abortion access, and we thank President Biden for flexing the executive authority of his office to address the public health crises we face in post-Roe America. We look forward to continuing to partner with the administration to defend our fundamental rights from ongoing extremist attacks." These actions come in the aftermath of the anti-choice supermajority on the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade in its ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. This cruel decision opened the door for extremist state lawmakers to enforce extreme bans on abortion. Roughly half of the states in the country are at risk of banning abortion, and thus far, 14 states have bans in place and many more are rushing to do the same. The people hurt most by these bans and restrictions are those who already face barriers to accessing abortion care—including women; Black, Indigenous, and other people of color; those working to make ends meet; the LGBTQ+ community; immigrants; young people; those living in rural communities; and people with disabilities." [Statement, 8/2/22]

NARAL: "Thank you @POTUS for taking another important step to protect abortion access for EVERY body across the country." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Power to Decide: "We applaud the Biden-Harris administration's announcement of a new executive order to protect access to abortion and other reproductive health care! Abortion is essential, time sensitive care and people must be able to travel where they need to get it. We look forward to continuing to work with this administration to do everything they can to protect and expand reproductive health care access." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Power to Decide: "Today's announcement represents another important step by the Biden-Harris administration to ensure people can access the abortion care they need without political interference or delay. The sad fact is that it has grown increasingly urgent for the administration to step in, as anti-abortion lawmakers have moved quickly to implement as many restrictions as possible in the short time since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Power to Decide thanks President Biden and Vice President Harris, for continuing their efforts to ensure everyone has access to the essential, time-sensitive care they need to protect their health and to determine their own futures. We look forward to continuing to work with this administration to do everything they can to protect and expand reproductive health care access." [Statement, 8/3/22]

All Above All: "Today's executive order is another step in the right direction to address the national abortion access crisis we are in, and we need more…each of us, no matter our immigration status or how much money we make, should have the freedom to get the care we need without fear of detention or going broke. As this crisis continues to impact all of us, especially people working to make ends meet, we need more action from elected officials at every level to ensure people can get care right now. Abortion justice can't wait." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Healthcare Organizations

Planned Parenthood: "As we saw in Kansas last night, people overwhelmingly support reproductive rights and demand the freedom to make their own health care decisions. This executive order from the Biden administration will include provisions advocates for abortion access have called for and is part of the critical work that the administration continues to undertake to bolster abortion access and support people getting the health care they need. We applaud today's action and continue to encourage all levels of government to do everything in their power to protect reproductive freedom." [Statement, 8/3/22]

Physicians for Reproductive Health (PRH): "NEW: President Biden will issue an Executive Order on Securing Access to Reproductive and Other Healthcare Services. While we will always demand bold abortion justice, this is a step in the right direction. WHAT WE CAN EXPECT - RIGHT TO TRAVEL: The administration has affirmed patients' right to travel for abortion care. The order directs Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to consider action to support folks traveling out of state. We love this. WHAT WE CAN EXPECT - NONDISCRIMINATORY HEALTH CARE: The Executive Order directs HHS to ensure health care providers comply with Federal non-discrimination laws. This can look like additional guidances or convening providers to relay their obligations. WHAT WE CAN EXPECT - RESEARCH AND DATA COLLECTION: It's critical that the impact of rolling back abortion access is accurately measured. The Executive Order directs the Secretary of HHS to improve research at NIH and CDC on maternal health. WHAT WE WOULD STILL LOVE TO SEE: - A declaration of a public health emergency (because it is!) -The administration to start saying "abortion" frequently, and proudly." [Tweet, 8/3/22]

Joseph R. Biden, WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: President Biden Signs Second Executive Order to Secure Access to Reproductive Healthcare and Other Healthcare Services Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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