WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Applaud the Build Back Better Framework
Yesterday, President Biden presented the Build Back Better Framework to Congress, and highlighted its transformative investment in climate, care, and kids, that will lower the costs of things families depend on, help people get back to work, and grow the economy.
The Framework is designed to level the playing field and make corporations and the wealthiest pay their fair share, so that middle class families can finally get some breathing room.?
President Biden heard input from all sides and announced a Build Back Better framework he is confident will pass through Congress and be signed into law, delivering generational investments in the economy for working people.
The Build Back Better Framework will transform the lives of millions of children, saving parents thousands of dollars, and adding two years of free, universal schooling to our education system for the first time in over 100 years. It will be the largest effort to combat climate change in history. It will cut taxes for tens of millions of middle-class families. It is the biggest expansion of affordable health care in a decade. As the President said, it's a big darn deal.
State, local, and tribal leaders applauded the President and praised the framework.
See below for what they are saying:
Governor Gavin Newsom (CA): California's values will be on the national stage with the Build Back Better plan. @POTUS is creating good jobs, investing in clean energy to fight climate change, helping families through at-home elder, disability & child care, universal pre-k, & more.? [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Governor Polis (CO): I'm thrilled to hear from @POTUS that an agreement has been reached regarding the Build Back Better Framework. This framework, along with our state investments including our bipartisan state infrastructure package, will help move Colorado, and our entire country, forward. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Governor Ned Lamont (CT): @POTUS has led two transformational deals w/ Build Back Better & Infrastructure that will uplift our families, create millions of good-paying jobs, & make our businesses and workers the most competitive in the world once again. Thank you, President Biden. We'll be better for it. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Governor Phil Murphy (NJ): Congratulations to @POTUS on securing a framework for historic investments in working and middle class American families. Quite simply, this plan is nothing short of transformative, and it will be achieved by asking the wealthy and large corporations to pay their fair share. [Tweet, 10/28/21]?
Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM): I'm glad to see @POTUS announce a #BuildBackBetter framework that will echo the progress we've made in New Mexico: investing in affordable child care, cutting taxes for working families, and taking momentous climate action that will cut greenhouse emissions and create jobs. (1/2)
The Build Back Better framework will better the lives of hardworking New Mexicans across the state by improving services and reducing costs. I look forward to seeing these efforts cross the finish line and begin to make a real difference for New Mexico families. (2/2) [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Governor Steve Sisolak (NV): I am glad to see @POTUS has secured a framework to build back better, invest in children & families, combat climate change and help strengthen our middle class by creating good-paying jobs. In Nevada, we are already engaged in these priorities. Let's get to work! [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Governor Tom Wolf (PA): The Build Back Better plan will:
Create millions of good-paying union jobs
Grow our economy
Invest in communities that have too often been left behind
Advance equity
Fight the climate crisis
Position the country to compete globally [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Governor Dan McKee (RI): When I met recently with @POTUS in the Oval Office, we talked about the need to build more affordable housing, tackle rising child and health care costs, and create good-paying, union jobs. I strongly support the President's Build Back Better framework. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Democratic Governors: The Build Back Better framework is a historic investment in health care, universal pre-K, combating climate change, affordable housing, and good-paying jobs. And it will help build an economy that works better for everyone. It's time to get this done! [Tweet, 10/28/21]?
Mayors and County Officials
Mayor Steve Adler, Austin, TX: @POTUS' #BuildBackBetter Framework will create millions of good-paying jobs, enable more Americans to join and remain in the labor force, and ensure the US meets its clean energy goals. Join me in calling on Congress to pass this transformative legislation.? [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Randall Woodfin, Birmingham, AL: Build Back Better means Free Universal Pre-K Expanding Medicaid and Medicare Massive investments in fighting climate change Expanding the child tax credit Major investments in affordable housing These are transformational investments folks. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Lauren McLean, Boise, ID: Today's #BuildBackBetter plan from @POTUS includes once-in-a-generation investments in housing, climate and childcare--all things important to Boiseans. This plan will transform lives across the country and push us into the future. Join me in calling on Congress to get this done. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Andrew Ginther, Columbus, OH: The Build Back Better Framework invests in clean energy that can slow the damage of climate change that is already impacting our most vulnerable residents. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Nan Whaley, Dayton, OH (President of USCM): Access to affordable child care & housing are key to building back better & I'm grateful that @POTUS is reiterating his support for them today. Now it's up to Congress to act quickly so that cities across America can benefit from these historic investments. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Michael B. Hancock, Denver, CO: It's time to #BuildBackBetter. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Sylvester Turner, Houston, TX: Mayor Turner joined @VP Harris virtually to discuss how #BuildBackBetter will benefit Houston & communities across the country. It will lower costs for families, cut taxes for parents, make historic investments in infrastructure and public transit, and create good-paying #jobs. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Stephen Williams, Huntington, WV: @WhiteHouse just called me and told me @POTUS will be announcing that the Build Back Better Plan has the support to pass. Details will be announced later today. Providence is in the details. This is HUGE for @huntingtoncity, HUGE for WV, and HUGE for WEST VIRGINIANS! [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Robert Garcia, Long Beach, CA: Universal pre-K, historic investments in climate, middle class tax cuts, child care support, and immigration system investments. These are enormous wins for working families. Let's take these huge wins today. The fight for the rest of the agenda continues. Thank you @POTUS! [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles, CA: Today, @POTUS is delivering on his promise to the American people to heal our nation from COVID-19 and to Build Back Better. It's time for America to invest in our local communities and the care economy ? allowing parents, children, immigrants, and neighbors to have more affordable housing, universal Pre-K education, and a Child Tax Credit that can cut childhood poverty in half. Together with unprecedented investments to address climate change, this is truly historic. Thank you President Biden and congressional leaders for your hard work! [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Greg Fischer, Louisville, KY: The #BuildBackBetter framework is the relief that American families need at this pivotal time ? funding for violence intervention, universal pre-K, affordable housing, climate resiliency, HBCUs & more. I fully support @POTUS & urge Congress to act fast! [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, Madison, WI: There's a lot to like here: universal preschool child tax credit $$ for clean energy civilian climate corps $$ for affordable housing But we also need #CitizenshipForAll and #PaidFamilyLeave [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor John Giles, Mesa, AZ: The #BuildBackBetter framework announced today makes the single largest investment in affordable housing in U.S. history. The @CityofMesa and the entire region will benefit! [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor LaToya Cantrell, New Orleans, LA: @POTUS #BuildBackBetter Act is here! The #BuildBackBetter Act will create millions of good-paying jobs, enable more Americans to join and remain in the labor force, spur long-term growth, reduce price pressures and set the U.S. on course to meet its clean energy ambitions. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Breea Clark, Norman, OK: Build Back Better tackles issues that affect cities everywhere, including right here in Norman. The framework focuses on affordable housing, climate change, infrastructure, education, & more. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Libby Schaaf, Oakland, CA: The Build Back Better Framework will deliver for Oakland. Time for Congress to act. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Jim Kenney, Philadelphia, PA: The #BuildBackBetter framework will build up our families, workforce, and economy while also making necessary investments to combat climate change. This is the plan we need to strengthen the middle class and create the future Americans deserve. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Levar Stoney, Richmond, VA: Congress must pass this historic legislation ASAP. Lives depend on getting this funding out of Congress FAST. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Bryan Barnett, Rochester Hills, MI: Spent nearly an hour in conversation this afternoon with @VP and four other mayors discussing the importance of building a strong workforce and infrastructure for Rochester Hills. Blessed to have a seat at the table.@SylvesterTurner @MayorJenny @saintlouismayor @RobertGarcia[Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Darrell Steinberg, Sacramento, CA: After months of negotiation, @POTUS has a delivered a transformative Build Back Better Act with the votes to pass. Thank you to @whitehouse & our Congressional leaders for listening to Mayors & including $150 billion for affordable housing, rental and downpayment assistance. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Melvin Carter, Saint Paul, MN: Thank you, Mr. @POTUS! This #framework won't do everything for everyone, but these historic investments will make a whole lot better for a whole lot of people. Let's pass this & let's keep Building Back Better! [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Todd Gloria, San Diego, CA: The San Diego region is ready to #BuildBackBetter! Today, my colleagues and I highlighted our region's support for @POTUS' Build Back Better agenda, which will make transformative investments in housing, families, climate, and infrastructure. #ForAllofUs [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Tishaura Jones, St. Louis, MO: Before my son went to kindergarten, his child care cost MORE than my mortgage. Thank you @VP Harris for giving me & my fellow mayors the opportunity to talk virtually about the importance of affordable child care for working families in #BuildBackBetter [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Regina Romero, Tucson, AZ: I'm pleased to see positive movement on @POTUS's #BuildBackBetter agenda, which represents a historic investment in America's working families. Now, Congress must act swiftly to get this across the finish line. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Quentin Hart, Waterloo, IA: Today is a big day for Waterloo and our future.? @POTUS' #BuildBackBetter Framework includes once-in-a-generation investments that will transform lives across this country and empower us to move our communities forward.? Join me in calling on Congress to get this done. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Mayor Katie Rosenberg Wausau, WI: Glad to see universal pre-K and child care investments. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
U.S. Conference of Mayors: Mayors are grateful for President Biden's continued leadership to deliver generational investments to build back better. The framework outlined today represents monumental progress in our fight against climate change and provides historic investments in affordable housing. We also appreciate the administration making childcare and education a priority. It is critical that Congress move quickly to finalize legislation so that it can get to the president for his signature. Mayors also continue to urge lawmakers to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill that will help revitalize American cities and propel our transportation system forward. Congress is on the verge of historic achievements for the American people and mayors will continue to press for action.? [Statement, 10/28/21]
Democratic Mayors: Today is a big day for cities. @POTUS' #BuildBackBetter Framework includes once-in-a-generation investments that will transform lives across this country and empower us to move our communities forward.? Join us in calling on Congress to get this done. [Tweet, 10/28/21]?
Mayors and CEOs for US Housing Investment: The #Biden plan includes the single largest & most comprehensive investment in affordable #housing in history.? [Tweet, 10/28/21]?
National League of Cities: Cities, towns and villages across the country are ready to rebuild and recover from the impacts of the COVID pandemic. The Build Back Better Act lays out a plan to create millions of jobs, support families and children, and combat the climate crisis. Alongside the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, this legislation paves the way for cities to empower residents and build sustained recovery. We urge Congress to bring both bills to a vote quickly. The framework released today includes important provisions NLC and city leaders have been advocating for, with investments in clean energy, resilience, housing affordability and workforce development. It is our hope that the administration and Congressional leadership will continue to build on the investments in this package by continuing to prioritize combating the climate crisis and investing in workforce development. [Statement, 10/28/21]
Commissioner Chris Jackson, Lawrence County, TN: BREAKING: The #BuildBackBetter framework is historic!
Tax cuts for working families
Climate action
Health care
Child care
Lower costs of everyday essentials
Paid for by making the ultra-wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share. Thanks @POTUS! [Tweet, 10/28/21]?
Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, San Diego County, CA: San Diego is ready to support @POTUS's #BuildBackBetter agenda & prepare to provide critical services to our communities, including vital investments in infrastructure & environmental justice. Federal investments in the arteries of our local economy will help us more effectively circulate goods and services, and increase opportunities to create good-paying, union jobs. Replacing outdated lead pipes keeps families safe from dangerous toxins and clean water flowing to neighborhoods; expanding accessible broadband services ensures children can do their homework at home; and putting cleaner, GHG-reducing transportation options on our roads and rails will protect our environment and connect workers to jobs. These are some of the benefits President Joe Biden's Build Back Better Agenda will bring to San Diego County. It is not everything we hoped for but these are critical investments that are long overdue and I hope Congress finds a way to deliver this funding soon. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
State Elected Officials
Colorado State Rep. Cathy Kipp: Just read up on @POTUS's Build Back Better deal! I'm excited for: Affordable childcare Combating climate change Expanding health care access A middle-class tax cut #BuildBackBetter [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Connecticut Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff: Let's get it done! Way to go @POTUS. Many great initiatives in here to positively impact the American people. #BuildBackBetter [Tweet, 10/28/21]?
Connecticut State Senator Matt Lesser: Thanks to President Biden and Connecticut's Congressional delegation, the Affordable Care Act is poised to become truly affordable, Senator Lesser said. The framework announced today will dramatically lower premiums and out-of-pocket deductibles for Connecticut residents who purchase health insurance on AccessHealth Connecticut, a huge win for families and small businesses across our state. Recently, I spoke to a middle-class Danbury resident whose family will be saving $1,200 a month - let's be honest, that's life changing. [Statement, 10/28/21]?
Georgia Senate Democratic Chairman Elena Parent: @POTUS's #BuildBackBetter includes: Affordable childcare Combating climate change A middle class tax cut Expanded health care access. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Michigan State Rep. Mari Manoogian: A historic investment for our planet and future. Let's get it done. #buildbackbetter [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Nevada State Treasurer Zach Conine: Affordable, high-quality childcare and affordable housing were amongst the most consistent needs we heard about during the #NevadaRecovers listening tour. Eternally grateful to @POTUS for prioritizing them in this framework. @DemTreasurers? [Tweet, 10/28/21]?
South Carolina Rep. Rosalyn Henderson-Myers: Glad to see @POTUS put out his Build Back Better Act which will be transformative for SC. It would Provide universal pre-K Give a tax cut to the middle class Expand Medicaid All of these items, and more, will greatly benefit the working families of this state. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
South Carolina Rep. Marvin Pendarvis: The Build Back Better Act will deliver health care coverage in states like SC where Republicans refused to expand Medicaid. This is an historic investment in the people of South Carolina thanks to POTUS and Democrats in Congress. #PushForward [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Debbie Cox Bultan, CEO, NewDEAL: The Build Back Better framework announced by President Biden today represents a historic opportunity to address some of our country's biggest challenges and inequities. I urge members of Congress to pass legislation based on this framework.? The pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated shortcomings in our social safety net. State and local leaders fighting for more equitable access to critical needs will be especially grateful for an infusion of federal support for affordable health care, early education, and economic opportunity for all Americans. Furthermore, after years of being on their own in responding to a dangerously warming climate, NewDEAL Leaders are thrilled to see that the framework includes unprecedented resources for a clean energy future and advances key initiatives they have pursued in areas like electric vehicles and renewable power. This legislation also sets the stage for passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill approved by the Senate, which will invest in major projects and priorities that state and local officials have long [Statement, 10/28/21]
National Congress of American Indians: The @WhiteHouse announced $1.75 trillion in #BuildBackBetter framework with large investments in child care, infrastructure, and more. Lawmakers will finalize bill text on the proposed budget reconciliation package in the coming days. [Tweet, 10/28/21]
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Applaud the Build Back Better Framework Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/353192