Joe Biden

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan Will Get the Job Done

December 16, 2021

Today, Vice President Harris visited AFL-CIO to announce the Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan – a historic effort that activates 10 federal agencies with 15 new bold actions that will help get lead out of our water, schools, daycare centers, and homes. President Biden and Vice President Harris made replacing lead pipes a centerpiece of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – to deliver clean drinking water to families and children across America. This action plan will put American plumbers and pipefitters to work, deploying historic investments in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law while leveraging every tool across federal, state, and local government to replace lead pipes and remediate lead paint. The plan includes over 15 new actions from more than 10 federal agencies that ensure the federal government is marshalling every resource to make rapid progress towards replacing all lead pipes in the next decade.

See below for what they are saying:

Labor Unions

Liz Shuler, President, AFL-CIO: "This administration talks like it's pro-union. This administration acts like it's pro-union. Because this administration is the most worker, pro--union administration in U.S. history! While others promised infrastructure, the @JoeBiden-@KamalaHarris administration delivered. The bipartisan #IIJA is going to upgrade the systems that connect us and make America run. It's going to create jobs. Good, union jobs. And together, we will make sure our progress is equitable. Nowhere in the United States should drinking from the tap be a health hazard. But there is a long, terrible history of using lead pipes in low-income communities, and communities of color. Being Black should not be a greater risk factor for lead poisoning in the United States. But this is one of the literal toxic effects of systemic racism. And we will leverage the full might of the labor movement, in collaboration with the @EPA and the@USDOL, to replace lead pipes all across this country. American-made with high labor standards with PLAs and Davis Bacon protections. Clean water for everyone is economic justice, racial justice, environmental justice. Union members were the earliest and loudest voices about the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. Our unions have been on the front lines of the response. And we are going to lead the transformation for clean drinking water for everyone now. At every regional hub, union expertise, union skills, and union jobs will be there. People who live in impacted communities will have a clear pathway to access opportunities for high-wage, union jobs through apprenticeships and apprenticeship readiness programs. Growing good jobs locally is how we make sure these are long-term investments in communities that need it most Nothing is more life-changing than the power of a good, union job. The labor movement, working with the most pro-union administration, to move our country forward. This is about the future. A livable planet. Equity. Justice. This is how we build back better—better than it is or ever was. And we build back better with unions!" [Twitter thread, 12/16/21]

Sean McGarvey, President, North America's Building Trades Unions (NABTU): "We were honored that Vice President Harris and EPA Administrator Regan joined us today at the House of Labor. Today's announcement of a great multi-agency initiative to create good-paying union jobs and provide clean and safe drinking water is welcome news for working families. This long-awaited effort fast tracks the replacement of lead service lines in our public water systems and accelerates lead paint remediation, especially in marginalized areas. NABTU and our affiliated unions are prepared and ready to do our part and champion this effort with our world-renowned training model and high-quality workforce. We look forward to our work ahead with the Administration to ensure that children and families are no longer exposed to unsafe lead-contaminated water and paint. NABTU's pathway programs will help meet the demand created by these historic investments in our nation's infrastructure by training American workers with skills that last a lifetime and fostering more ladders to the middle class. On behalf of North America's Building Trades Unions, our fourteen affiliates and the over 3 million men and women we represent, we commend the Biden-Harris Administration for their continued commitment to workers and valuing the effectiveness of the labor union model." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Terry O'Sullivan, General President, Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA): "LIUNA was honored to join Vice President Kamala Harris, EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan, and White House National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy at an event announcing the rollout of investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to eliminate lead from drinking water pipes nationwide. The event took place at the AFL-CIO headquarters hosted by AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler and NABTU President Sean McGarvey. LIUNA members are skilled in lead service line replacement and take pride in working to help their own communities address drinking water infrastructure needs. We have already worked on lead pipe replacements in many communities and look forward to the implementation of the Biden-Harris Leap Pipe Action Plan, which will ensure that lead pipes are replaced, and clean drinking water delivered to families and children across America. The investment in water infrastructure will create many good jobs for working class men and women. LIUNA also commends the Administration on proposals for the Department of Labor and the Environmental Protection Agency to collaborate to help local communities leverage union expertise and union training centers to complete projects. The Biden-Harris Administration's aggressive plan to address lead pipes will make safe drinking water accessible to every American family. LIUNA looks forward to working with the White House and EPA on the lead service line replacement rollout." [Statement, 12/16/21]

James T. Callahan, General President, International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE): "For far too long, American communities large and small have been plagued by dangerous levels of lead in their drinking water and in the paint in their homes and schools. The Operating Engineers have fought for years to increase federal and state funding to remove and replace the root cause of this silent and unseen public health problem. We were hopeful when President Biden made this issue a centerpiece of the recently passed infrastructure law. We agree that every American family, regardless of income or geography, should be able to turn on the faucet at home or school and drink clean water. Today, we are proud to be part of a team of skilled trades who will turn that hope into action. The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan, bolstered by historic levels of federal funding, will create thousands of family-wage jobs while building healthier communities. The Operating Engineers support the Biden-Harris Action Plan, and we are ready to get to work delivering clean drinking water to children and families across the country." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers: "In the wealthiest country on the planet, no child should go to a public school where the water is unsafe to drink. Lead in pipes is particularly harmful to children - it can stunt growth, impact IQ, and even lead to behavioral challenges. Our nation was horrified by the man-made crisis in Flint, Michigan, but there are scores of low-income, rural, Black and brown communities all across the country where children have no choice but to drink contaminated water. Thankfully, the Biden-Harris administration has prioritized making our schools safe, healthy and welcoming for all, providing $15 billion in funding to begin to address the country's lead pipe problem, with money specifically set aside for public schools. This is an important step forward in our ongoing quest to make every child's public school experience high-quality, regardless of geography or demography." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Service Employees International Union (SEIU): "No one should have to worry about coming in contact with toxic chemicals in drinking water. The White House announced a plan that will accelerate the work to replace all lead pipes while creating good union jobs in the process! This is the type of progress we need." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry: "These game-changing investments will put American plumbers and pipefitters to work replacing all of America's lead pipes and service lines and making other critical upgrades." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Working America: "@lizshuler, @VP, @ginamccarthy46 and @EPAMichaelRegan on the rollout of the Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan. This is a vitally important program for the health, wellbeing and childhood development of millions of people across the country." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Environmental, Public Health, and Advocacy Leaders

Ramon Cruz, President, Sierra Club: "For far too long, American families from Flint to Houston and across the country have had to live with the uncertainty of not knowing whether the water that comes out of their taps is putting their children's health at risk. Removing and replacing toxic lead pipes will protect our families, while creating thousands of good union jobs. The Biden administration's action plan is a critical investment in ensuring that all of us, especially our most vulnerable communities, have access to safe drinking water and a healthy future." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Lynn Thorp, Director, Clean Water Action Campaigns: "We welcome the Biden Administration's Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan and applaud its recognition that investment and focused effort in communities, at the state level and in multiple federal agencies, is needed to reduce lead exposure. Lead exposure is a critical public health issue that impacts all of us but puts children's developing brains at particular risk. The administration's detailed plan to put lead paint and lead pipes behind us acknowledges that the burdens of lead exposure have been inequitably distributed and that low income communities and communities of color are often unequally burdened by lead exposure. We look forward to working with the Administration to ensure that these ambitious investments and programs dramatically reduce lead exposure, and that any revisions and implementation of Safe Drinking Water Act Lead and Copper Rule provisions result in the full replacement of all lead service lines in drinking water distribution systems and in modernizing other regulatory requirements to reduce lead at the tap." [Statement, 12/16/21]

League of Conservation Voters Deputy Legislative Director Madeleine Foote: "We applaud the Biden-Harris administration on the launch of their Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan and commitment to reducing lead exposure within a decade. Too many families across the country have to worry if the water from their tap or the paint on their walls is poisoning their children. This whole-of-government approach, and especially the centering of low-wealth communities and communities of color who have been disproportionately burdened by lead pollution, is a huge step forward in protecting our health and reducing environmental injustice while creating good union jobs. With this new plan, the investments in lead pipe replacement from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and the additional funding Congress will soon pass in the Build Back Better Act, we will make historic progress in removing toxic lead from our lives once and for all." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Equitable & Just National Climate Platform: "The Biden administration's historic strategy to get lead out of drinking water, homes and schools offers hope for a better future, particularly for communities of color on the frontlines of harm from toxic lead, air and water pollution. It proposes to create well-paying jobs and make substantial long-overdue investments in lead remediation in millions of homes and thousands of schools nationwide. Now the Senate must pass the Build Back Better Act, which will provide critical funding for this strategy. And EPA must quickly overhaul and strengthen its weak lead in drinking water rules, as the Biden administration promised today. Given the serious health risks to children and adults from exposure to lead, which can cause brain and nervous system damage, slow growth and development, and undermine quality of life and economic security for families, action is desperately needed. This strategy alone will not solve environmental injustice. But it is an essential step in the right direction." [Statement, 12/16/21]

LCV – League of Conservation Voters: "HUGE: The Biden-Harris administration is fulfilling a promise to replace ALL lead pipes within a decade. Too many families across the country have to worry if the water from their tap or the paint on their walls is poisoning their kids. That ends now." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

BlueGreen Alliance Executive Director Jason Walsh: "There is no safe level of lead for children, and water systems around the country are dealing with lead contamination. This is especially true in communities of color and low-income communities. The efforts announced by the administration today—coupled with the much-needed investments in the Build Back Better Act, which awaits action in the Senate, and the important funding included in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to replace lead service lines—will ramp up efforts to remove lead pipes and address other lead issues. Every person in this country deserves to have access to clean, safe water. The BlueGreen Alliance applauds these and other efforts undertaken by the Biden administration to increase racial justice by making communities safer and healthier and creating good union jobs while doing so." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Mustafa Santiago Ali, Vice President for Environmental Justice, Climate, and Community Revitalization, National Wildlife Federation: "From Benton Harbor to Flint, we've seen how lead poisoning creates and perpetuates health and wealth inequities in Black and other frontline communities. Enough is enough, and the Biden Administration's promise to leverage and build upon the bipartisan infrastructure law to address this environmental injustice is a step in the right direction — and will help children and families across the nation go from surviving to thriving — clean, affordable, and accessible drinking water must be a human right. We will work with the president and his administration to ensure that these commitments deliver for frontline and fence-line communities — and that the Biden Administration builds on this important promise to address long-standing disparities in lead contamination." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Jessie Ritter, Senior Director for Water Resources and Coastal Policy, National Wildlife Federation: "Access to clean drinking water is essential for people and wildlife alike. This commitment, including the dedicated resources from the president's bipartisan infrastructure law, will help to ensure that every family — regardless of their ZIP code — does not have to worry about the safety of their tap water. We look forward to working with the president to support this initiative and all of its efforts to secure clean drinking water for people and wildlife." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Christy Goldfuss, Senior Vice President for Energy and Environment Policy, Center for American Progress: "For too long, we have not acted with enough urgency or cohesion to address the serious health risks that lead paint and pipes pose to children and communities around the country. Millions of children and adults have suffered from lead poisoning, with many experiencing brain and nervous system damage that undermines their health and quality of life. Today's announcement from the Biden administration is exactly the kind of coordinated national strategy, with environmental justice at its core, that is needed. This approach to nationwide lead remediation puts funds from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, such as the $15 billion for replacing lead service lines, to good use cleaning up the hazards that have plagued these communities for decades. It also creates well-paying, family-sustaining jobs in the communities that need them the most. Now, it is absolutely essential that Congress move swiftly to pass the Build Back Better Act and put in motion the additional much-needed funding for cleaning up lead and other pollution, improving public health, and creating jobs that will come from lead remediation across the country." [Statement, 12/16/21]

John Rumpler, Senior Director of Clean Water Program, Environment America: "This plan marks an ambitious federal effort to end lead contamination of our drinking water. Already, the administration has secured major funding to replace lead service lines, including $15 billion in the bipartisan infrastructure bill. Now, the EPA is committing to ensure the full replacement of these toxic pipes – a long-overdue and an indispensable step toward securing safe water. We eagerly await the details of the agency's plan. For example, the EPA should set a deadline of 10 years or less to replace lead service lines, as New Jersey has recently done. Similarly, to stop the widespread contamination of schools' drinking water, the administration should focus its resources and policies on prevention rather than testing. Ensuring safe drinking water will also require action at all levels of government. Congress must also approve the nearly $10 billion of additional funds to get the lead out in the Build Back Better package. State officials and school districts should swiftly allocate existing federal recovery funds to prevent lead contamination, as outlined in Environment America Research & Policy Center's recent Get the Lead Out toolkit." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Matt Casale, Environment Campaigns Director, U.S. PIRG: "We've known for decades that lead is highly toxic for kids - harming their growth, development, and learning…. Yet we allowed this potent neurotoxicant to be used in everything from paint to gasoline, and we have spent decades undoing the damage. Today, we are hopeful that the Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan marks the moment when our nation commits the rules and resources needed to eliminate this health hazard, so our kids have safe drinking water wherever they go to learn and play each day." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Ann Mesnikoff, Federal Legislative Director, Environmental Law & Policy Center: "The announcement today by the Biden-Harris Administration that the newly signed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will help to tackle the crisis of lead in drinking water. Far too many children and families in Chicago and across the Midwest still get their drinking water from lead service pipes. Families should not have to worry about poisoning their children when they turn on the tap, fill the tub, or send their children to daycare or school. We welcome this commitment from the administration to prioritize safe, clean drinking water and healthy homes while creating good jobs." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Association of Clinicians for the Underserved: "We're pleased to see this important initiative for #healthequity! #LeadRemoval is crucial: children & families in #underserved communities face significant & disproportionate risks of lead exposure, which even at minimal amounts can cause serious developmental and health issues." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Southern Environmental Law Center: "Today's announcement is a welcome effort to redress a long-standing problem threatening the health of vulnerable communities. We look forward to working with EPA to ensure that water flowing through lead-free pipes is free from other pollution as well." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Children's Environmental Health Network: "So proud to be represented in todays meeting, and thrilled to hear lead exposure in #ChildCare called out in @KamalaHarris, @EPAMichaelRegan, and @Gina_McCarthy's statements!" [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Union of Concerned Scientists: "UCS applauds the Biden-Harris Administration for releasing a plan today to accelerate investments to replace all lead pipes in the next 10 years. The science is clear: chronic exposure to #lead can cause serious health problems, especially in children, with disproportionate impacts on communities of color. Previous administrations have fallen short on protecting families from lead poisoning. The Bipartisan Infrastructure (BIF) bill provided some critical funding to address lead pipes and paint and this new action plan from the White House, among other things, will track those key investments—which aligns with the administration's #Justice40 initiative." [Twitter thread, 12/16/21]

Alan Morgan, Chief Executive Officer, National Rural Health Association: "Access to clean water and air are necessary for healthy living. Unfortunately many rural communities have not had access to adequate resources for too long. National Rural Health Association (NRHA) applauds the Biden Administration for prioritizing provisions relating to clean water through the reduction of lead pipes. Ultimately, increased focus on improving this type of critical public health investments will lead to better health outcomes across rural America." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP): "RCAP supports this administration's efforts to remove lead pipes and other harmful contaminants from our nation's drinking water, said Ohle. The small rural and indigenous communities served by RCAP are disproportionately harmed by contaminated drinking water issues. It is critical for the federal government to provide funding for the technical assistance (TA) and training necessary to mitigate these risks and keep our communities safe. RCAP will work in partnership with the EPA and other federal partners to provide this needed TA and training to small systems across the country to build local capacity to address these issues." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel, NACCP Legal Defense and Educational Fund: "Huge. Important. And long overdue." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Environment America: "A major step forward to #protectcleanwater today, as @POTUS and @VP roll out an ambitious plan to #GettheLeadOut - including replacement of all the lead pipes threatening our drinking water." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Reverend Lennox Yearwood, President & CEO, Hip Hop Caucus: "People of color are disproportionately at risk from lead contamination. Lead contamination in drinking water affects 9.2 million homes in the US, threatening public health. This must stop! I'm so glad the Biden admin has a plan to fix this injustice and create thousands of jobs." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

State and Local Officials

New York Governor Kathy Hochul: "Too many New York families have to worry about exposure to lead in their homes. Thanks to @POTUS' Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan, New York will build on the progress we've already made through our state-level programs and change lives for families in need." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer: "Michigan has the strongest Lead and Copper Rule in the country. My administration is leveraging every tool to protect families from lead, including providing millions to communities to replace lead service lines, but we know there is more work left to do." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot: "Thank you @POTUS for your action on eliminating lead in our communities & protecting our children. We welcome your collaboration & investments. The bipartisan infrastructure law & #BuildBackBetter" [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Cleveland Mayor-Elect Justin Bibb: "We need local, state and federal commitments to finally tackle the lead paint crisis. I'm pleased to see the Biden-Harris Administration today released a Lead Paint and Pipe Action Plan to accelerate investments to protect children and families." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan: "The Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan represents an historic effort to deploy catalytic resources from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law while leveraging every tool across federal, state, and local government to deliver clean drinking water, replacing lead pipes and remediating lead paint" [Statement, 12/16/21]

Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia: "Vice-President Harris continues to deliver on many of the initiatives and priorities she worked on as a Senator in California. Infrastructure, replacing lead pipes, black health equity, small business support, and international diplomacy. Grateful for @POTUS and @VP's leadership." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett: "Milwaukee has worked steadily to keep our drinking water safe. We have invested in infrastructure and carefully managed water works operations. However, it would have taken decades to replace our lead pipe laterals & fully remediate lead paint hazards using just local resources." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Newark Mayor Ras Baraka: "Newark has worked aggressively to remove all dangerous lead lines from our city," Mayor Baraka said. "Experts said it would take us a minimum of 10 years to do so. Our city set a goal to have it completed under three, proving that with a collective effort and strategy at the local, county, state and federal level this can be accomplished. Today at the national level, President's Biden's investment will assuredly protect and safeguard the lives of present and future generations of Americans, especially older communities like Newark, which suffer from a disproportionate amount of lead pipes, lead paint, and the health issues they create. I commend our President and Vice President Harris on their leadership on this issue and urge the Congress to pass this legislation swiftly." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza: "Grateful that the Biden-Harris Admin. has made significant federal investments that ensure we accelerate our work to eliminate the threat of lead in drinking water pipes and faucets to preserve the well-being of families in #PVD and across the country. Thank you, @POTUS and @VP!" [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Chair of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative's Mayors Commission on Water Equity and Zion, Illinois Mayor Billy McKinney: "President Biden and Vice President Harris made replacing lead pipes a centerpiece of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – to deliver clean drinking water to families and children across America, and have delivered on their promise." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Members of Congress

Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, Delaware Senator Tom Carper: "I often look to scripture as a moral guide, which calls on us to quench the thirst of those in need. Yet, for far too long, far too many Americans have not been able to trust the water that comes out of their faucets. Fortunately, that's going to soon change thanks to the administration's swift implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Ensuring that all Americans have access to clean water starts with replacing the toxic lead pipes that still deliver water to millions of households across our country. I commend the administration for their strategic plan to remove lead pipes, and I look forward to building on these investments." [Statement, 12/16/21]

"Ensuring every American has clean water access starts with replacing toxic lead pipes. The Biden-Harris Administration's swift implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will remove lead pipes over the next decade and make a difference for millions." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow: "In Michigan, we know how devastating lead contamination is to our children and communities. Thank you, @POTUS and @VP, for partnering to protect Michigan." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

House Majority Leader, Maryland Representative Steny Hoyer: "I am very glad to see $3 billion in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has been allocated to deliver clean drinking water to families across America by removing lead from pipes and service lines and making other critical upgrades." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman, New Jersey Representative Frank Pallone: "Today's announcement reflects the Biden Administration's commitment to reducing Americans' exposure to toxic lead contamination. Building on the critical funding I helped secure in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Action Plan will put our nation on a path to a more sustainable future for communities that have suffered from lead exposure for far too long. Safe drinking water is a fundamental right, and our federal government has a duty to ensure that every American can turn on their tap, confident that the water coming out is safe. I remain committed to continuing to work with the administration in fulfilling that obligation, and communities across the country will be safer and healthier for it." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Arizona Senator Mark Kelly: "I led on the bipartisan infrastructure package to make sure it addressed AZ's biggest needs, like water infrastructure. Over $100M is coming to our state next year to modernize aging water systems, clean up PFAS contaminants, and expand reliable access to clean drinking water." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth: "No American—no matter where they live, the color of their skin or the size of their wallet—should worry that their families are being poisoned by dangerous chemicals like lead in their water or in their homes and schools," said Duckworth. "I'm so pleased that the Biden Administration agrees and has announced a comprehensive plan that will begin implementing my Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act, which was included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, to get the lead out of all communities while prioritizing environmental justice communities that are disproportionately impacted by these life-threatening issues. The action plan announced today will accelerate our work to eradicate lead by empowering the federal government to enforce regulations, take action to assist communities in need and create good paying jobs in the process. I'm proud to support this plan and will do all I can to make sure we achieve our goals." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin: Illinois has more lead pipes and service lines than any other state, so I am glad to see the Biden Administration is moving quickly to implement this key aspect of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. Every Illinoisan and American should have access to clean drinking water. [Tweet, 12/16/21]

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker: I'm inspired by the White House's plan to replace toxic lead pipes in our country. Every person has the right to clean drinking water, and the time to replace these decades-old pipes is past due. [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: "All kids deserve safe, lead-free water. When we passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we set aside billions to replace old lead pipes & keep families healthy - that will go a long way in RI, where advocates estimate there are still 100K lead water lines" [Tweet, 12/16/21]

California Senator Alex Padilla: "Every child should have safe drinking water at home and at school. Today, @POTUS is using the resources in the infrastructure law to begin to replace every lead pipe in America and make clean drinking water for all a reality." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Delaware Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester: ".@EPA announced today that Delaware is set to receive over $63 million to strengthen drinking and wastewater systems including replacing lead service lines and pipes. This means expanded access to clean drinking in Delaware. This is the #BipartisanInfrastructureLaw at work." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline: "Today, the @EPA announced that Rhode Island will receive $66.45M to strengthen drinking & wastewater systems — incl replacing dangerous lead pipes. This funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill will help ensure that every Rhode Islander has access to safe drinking water." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

California Congressman Scott Peters: Infrastructure is more than the bridges we cross or the trains that move goods. Infrastructure should also foster healthy living conditions for all Americans. @WhiteHouse's plan to replace all lead pipes & remediate lead paint will keep our water, households, and schools safe. [Tweet, 12/16/21]

California Representative Raul Ruiz: "Great news! Under the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, our home state will receive $600 MILLION to remove lead pipes and upgrade our water infrastructure. This will help improve access to safe and clean drinking water in our communities!" [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Connecticut Representative John Larson: "The Safe Drinking Water Act was signed 47 years ago today to protect access to clean water. Today, our Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and #BuildBackBetter Act will invest in the replacement of lead pipes so more families can trust that the water coming from their taps is safe." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Illinois Representative Robin Kelly: I applaud @POTUS and @VP for announcing this necessary plan to replace every lead pipe in the United States. No one in this country should have to worry about getting sick from drinking the water that comes from their homes. [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Maine Representative Chellie Pingree: "Lead pipes were banned in 1986, yet nearly 40 years later millions of Americans are still ingesting this harmful neurotoxin in their tap water. The Biden admin's #lead removal plan will be transformative for American communities – and comes not a moment too soon. We know there is no safe level of lead consumption, especially for children, and low-income areas continue to be disproportionately exposed. That's why I voted for this clean-up funding in both the American Rescue Plan and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. As Chair of Interior @AppropsDems, I have prioritized funding in the FY2022 omnibus package to support lead clean-up. Now Republicans need to come to the table so we can pass a full spending bill and make investments to ensure everyone can trust their water is safe to drink." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingell: "The only way to get safe, clean water into Michigan communities – and communities across the country – is to immediately replace all lead service lines. In Michigan's 12th District alone, we know there's a minimum of over 10,000 existing lead service lines with another 11,000 or so that likely have lead. I've had parents come up to me with tears in their eyes, worried for the wellbeing of their children because there is lead in the school's water. This is unacceptable. "So I've led efforts in the House to secure funding in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act – and in Build Back Better – to replace these pipes and finally give a sense of peace to parents and families across the state. I'm grateful to the Biden-Harris Administration for their commitment to this issue and for their collaboration to get this done. "Throughout this Action Plan, one thing is clear: it's going to take an all-hands-on-deck approach to get rid of these pipes. I won't stop fighting until all of these dollars are used efficiently to replace lead pipes nationwide. I am continuing to be hands-on across all levels of government to develop the plan for getting the money to our cities, executing plans to replace the pipes, accurately testing our children, and monitoring lead levels across the country." [Statement, 12/16]

Michigan Representative Dan Kildee: "With the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we're putting Michiganders back to work rebuilding roads, repairing bridges, replacing lead pipes and expanding high-speed broadband internet access." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Pennsylvania Representative Brendan Boyle: "All lead pipes across the nation will be removed and replaced. Because, when we turn on our faucets in our homes we should not have to worry if the water we are drinking is safe. (cont.)" [Tweet, 12/16/21]

"The Infrastructure Act that I voted for in the House, and that President Biden signed into law, will now achieve the goal of ridding our country of lead pipes. We all rely on clean water. We all deserve to know that our water is clean, safe to drink, and free of chemicals." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Water Agencies & Professionals

Matt Holmes, CEO, National Rural Water Association: "This first-of-its-kind initiative will be remembered as one of the most significant public water and drinking water improvement initiatives in the country's history and especially in rural America. We are especially grateful that the funding is targeted to disadvantaged communities that often have the most difficult time affording safe, public drinking water and most disadvantaged communities will be in small-town and rural America." [Statement, 12/16/21]

David LaFrance, CEO, American Water Works Association: "Water professionals are committed to protecting their communities today as we work for a future where lead is no longer in contact with drinking water. Today's announcement from U.S. EPA recognizes that the January 2021 Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) are an important step forward in lead risk reduction, and utilities are already hard at work implementing that rule in their communities. The required development of lead service line inventories will help communities understand the scope of the challenge and accelerate lead service line replacement. This is a tremendous and necessary undertaking, and many utilities are already advancing this goal and serve as excellent models for others. AWWA looks forward to helping communities find collaborative ways to overcome barriers to lead service line replacement. As EPA prepares its new Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), AWWA is pleased the agency will prioritize underserved communities in lead service line removal. Our own research demonstrates that historically underserved communities often have lower confidence in their tap water safety. Addressing lead issues in these communities can be an important step in strengthening public trust in community drinking water. Beyond EPA's rulemaking, AWWA is pleased that the newly announced Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan seeks to address lead exposure in a whole-of-government approach. Increased collaboration among federal agencies can help reduce lead risks from all potential sources. Tremendous progress has been made in lead risk reduction since the first Lead and Copper Rule was introduced in 1991, but more work remains. AWWA and the entire water sector is grateful to U.S. Congress for its unprecedented commitment to funding for lead service line replacement and to the Biden-Harris Administration for its leadership on this critical issue. We look forward to working closely with the Administration, states, and partners to accelerate lead service line replacement in a collaborative and efficient manner." [Statement, 12/16/21]

Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority: "Thank you @KamalaHarris for recognizing our progress to replace lead lines in #Pittsburgh." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies: "Today the Biden Administration released a new Lead Pipe & Paint Action Plan, including components to allocate $3 billion of funds for lead service line replacement projects nationwide and propose further changes to the Lead & Copper Rule Revisions." [Tweet, 12/16/21]

Association of State Drinking Water Administrators: "Today (12/16), the White House released its Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan. The Plan cuts across 10 Federal agencies with more than 15 actions focusing primarily on lead service line replacement and prioritizing communities disproportionately impacted by lead.
At a White House event on December 16 announcing the new plan, Vice President Kamala Harris stated that "there is no good reason for anyone in this country to drink water from a lead pipe" and noted the administration's commitment to "accelerate the removal of lead pipes and paint over the next ten years." At the same event, EPA Administrator Michael Regan stressed that "spending one dollar for lead removal gets three dollars back to the community." Regan then announced the EPA's pledge to allocate $2.9 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to states, Tribes, and territories to remove lead service lines." [Complete Blog, 12/16/21]

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: The Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan Will Get the Job Done Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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