Joe Biden

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Wide Range of Elected Officials, Labor Leaders and Community Advocates Applaud President Joe Biden's Nomination of Julie Su for Secretary of Labor

March 01, 2023

President Biden officially announced his intention to nominate Julie Su for Secretary of Labor. Su currently serves as the Deputy Secretary of Labor.

In a statement, President Biden said, "Julie is a champion for workers, and she has been a critical partner to Secretary Walsh since the early days of my Administration. Over several decades, Julie has led the largest state labor department in the nation, cracked down on wage theft, fought to protect trafficked workers, increased the minimum wage, created good-paying, high-quality jobs, and established and enforced workplace safety standards."

A wide range of elected officials, labor leaders, and community advocates championed the President's nomination. Here's what they are saying:


Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer (NY): "As a proven fighter for American workers, Julie Su will be a phenomenal Labor Secretary." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator Bernie Sanders (VT): "I'm confident Julie Su will be an excellent Secretary of Labor. I look forward to working with her to protect workers' rights and build the trade union movement in this country." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator Mazie Hirono (HI): "@POTUS made the right choice in nominating Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su to serve as the next Secretary of Labor." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator Tammy Duckworth (IL): "Julie Su is the most qualified person to be our nation's next Secretary of Labor and I'm thrilled that President Biden nominated her to serve in his Cabinet today. With her proven track-record, I'm confident Deputy Secretary Su is prepared to lead the Department on day one." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (NV): "I have no doubt that Julie Su will make an excellent Labor secretary and I look forward to confirming her. This will be a huge victory for America's Asian and Pacific Islander communities and working families. Su is a fierce champion for unions and who we need leading @USDOL." [Tweet, 2/28/23]

Senator Chris Coons (DE): "Julie Su is the right choice to lead the Labor Department. I look forward to her speedy confirmation so she can continue to work on growing and strengthening America's workforce." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator Cory Booker (NJ): "Congratulations to my friend Julie Su. President Biden has made an excellent choice to lead the Department of Labor in a critical time for workers." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA): "Julie Su is an excellent nominee to be Secretary of Labor. As deputy secretary, she helped lead one of the fastest labor market recoveries in U.S. history, lowering our unemployment rate to a 54-year low of 3.4 percent." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator Tom Carper (DE): "It's great to hear of @POTUS' historic nomination for the next Secretary of Labor. I look forward to continuing to work with @USDOL to build a stronger, more inclusive economy that helps Delawareans succeed." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator Alex Padilla (CA): "By nominating @JulieSuCA to serve as Secretary of Labor, @POTUS is doing right by millions of hardworking Americans. Julie's proven record of protecting workers' rights both in California and at @USDOL make her the right pick for the job. I'm proud to support her nomination." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator Jacky Rosen (NV): "Julie Su has dedicated her career to fighting for workers and their right to organize. If confirmed, she will make history as the first AANHPI cabinet secretary in the Biden Administration. I'm proud to have been part of the push for her historic nomination." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator Kristen Gillibrand (NY): "Julie Su is a champion for America's working families, and I'm thrilled that @POTUS has nominated her to be our next Labor Secretary!" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Senator John Hickenlooper (CO): "A good life starts with a good job and Julie Su will be a labor secretary who can build a 21st century workforce from the bottom up. We can't wait to get her confirmed and work with her to do it." [Tweet, 3/1/23]


Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA): "I am elated that President Biden is nominating Julie Su to be our nation's next Labor Secretary. She's eminently qualified to lead the Department and will successfully deliver results for our workers on Day 1. Thank you, @POTUS, for nominating your first AAPI Cabinet Secretary!" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congresswoman Grace Meng (NY): "Thank you @POTUS for nominating a historic Secretary of Labor @JulieSuCA. So appreciate strong support from @TheBlackCaucus @HispanicCaucus @CAPAC" [Tweet, 3/1/23]

Congressman Mark Takano (CA): "I'm thrilled @POTUS has nominated Julie Su as his next Labor Secretary and first AAPI Cabinet member! Ms. Su brings commendable experience and a passion to advance workers' rights, fair labor practices, and equity to @USDOL. I look forward to her confirmation and leadership."[Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA): "I'm thrilled to see @POTUS nominate @JulieSuCA to be the first AAPI Secretary of Labor! She will be a champion for working people across this country, as she has been for the lowest-wage workers, including domestic workers, immigrant workers, and workers of color in California." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congressman Ted Lieu (CA): "Congratulations to Julie Su, who will be nominated as the next Secretary of Labor. Julie did a great job as Deputy Secretary of Labor and will be a terrific head of the Department. Thank you @POTUS for nominating a fantastic American who will serve well the American people." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (TX): "Congrats on your nomination, @JulieSuCA! As @USDOL head, her field expertise would propel our nation into the future. She'll make history as the 1st #AAPI member of @POTUS' the Cabinet. Worker's rights must be #1. I look forward to all being invited to the table." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congressman Gerry Connolly (VA): "President Biden has fulfilled his promise to assemble a Cabinet that looks like America. Earlier this month, I proudly endorsed the immensely qualified Julie Su for Secretary of Labor. There is no doubt she will excel as the Biden Administration's first AAPI Cabinet Secretary." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA): "Congrats, @JulieSuCA! You've been a trailblazing leader for Californians, and I have no doubt you will serve the entire country well as Secretary of Labor.??" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congresswoman Katie Porter (CA): "There isn't a better candidate for Secretary of Labor than Julie Su ? Californian who has fought relentlessly for workers. Her nomination to lead @USDOL is a win for the AAPI community and the entire labor movement." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congressman Mark Pocan (WS): "Julie Su will be an incredible Labor Secretary. Her record standing up for workers is second to none!" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congressman Scott Peters (CA): "I recently joined 30+ members of Congress in a letter to recommend Julie Su for this position. Su is ready & qualified to take on the responsibility as Secretary of Labor. Su is committed to fighting for workers' rights, fair labor practices and good jobs for all Americans. Congratulations on this historic nomination!" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congressman Bobby Scott (VA): "Julie Su's strong record of leadership is precisely what we need during this difficult time for our nation's workers. I congratulate Julie Su on her nomination and express my strong confidence that she will continue fighting for America's workers as the Secretary of Labor."[Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congresswoman Katherine Clark (MA): "Excellent choice, @POTUS. Julie Su is a trailblazing leader dedicated to building an economy that works for working families. Eager to partner with her as our new Labor Secretary!" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congressman Adam Schiff (CA): "Julie Su will be a phenomenal Secretary of Labor. She's the fighter working individuals need as our economy continues to recover. In California, she was a tireless leader for working families. And now she'll be a champion for all. Congratulations @JulieSuCA!" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia (TX): "Breaking news! @POTUS nominated Julie Su as the next U.S. Secretary of Labor. We heard this exciting news as my team welcomed Deputy Secretary Su to Houston for the of a launch a new apprenticeship program with United and the Teamsters." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congresswoman Sydney Kamlager (CA): "Congratulations to Julie Su on her nomination to be the next Labor Secretary and first Asian American in President Biden's cabinet. Her experience as California labor secretary shows her dedication to worker protections and her ability to support the workforce of the future." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (IL): "The Biden administration is the most pro-worker administration ever to occupy the White House. I have no doubts Julie Su will step right in and help advance an economy that puts our workers first. I thank my friend, @SecMartyWalsh, for his outstanding leadership at the @USDOL." [Tweet, 3/1/23]

Labor Leaders

Liz Shuler, President, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO): "Simply put: There's no one more dedicated and qualified to defend the fundamental rights of working people than Julie Su. It's her life's work. The @AFLCIO is thrilled with her historic nomination to become our nation's next secretary of labor." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Mary Kay Henry, President, Service Employees International Union (SEIU): "Thank you, @POTUS for nominating @JulieSuCA as our next U.S. Secretary of Labor! She will make history as the daughter of Asian immigrants who has fought for workers all across our economy and has stood up for every worker's right to join a union." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

National Fraternal Order of Police: "We look forward to working with @POTUS's nominee for Secretary of Labor @USDOL Julie Su as she continues her lifelong advocacy for working Americans in every skill and profession. She'll be building on the strong foundation laid down during her historic partnership with outgoing Secretary Marty Walsh ?nd we'll have her back." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Randi Weingarten, President, American Federation of Teachers (AFT): "This is great news. Julie Su isn't just ready to lead the labor department, she's read to make a difference for workers across the country." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Sean O'Brien, General President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters: "Huge congrats to @JulieSuCA for being nominated by @POTUS to take over as the next #SecretaryofLabor Had the pleasure of spending time with Julie today in TX ...She is the definition of qualified & will be a great ally to have in that position. Look forward to working with her." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW): "Congratulations to @JulieSuCA, @POTUS nominee for Secretary of @USDOL. UFCW has had the pleasure to work with Julie in her role as CA Labor Secretary where we saw first-hand her commitment to workers' rights. We look forward to working with her in the coming years." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Ai-jen Poo, Domestic Workers Alliance: "This deserves a standing ovation @POTUS @VP @WhiteHouse!! ????????????????????????" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Sara Nelson, President, Association of Flight Attendants: "Fantastic news for the country! Julie Su is the real deal and she will do everything in her power to put working people central to the agenda! I am so proud of her work, her sisterhood and solidarity, her commitment to promote a labor movement for all working people! TY, @POTUS!" [Tweet, 2/28/23]

Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, Leader, California American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO): "Labor Secretary @JulieSuCA? I like the sound of that!" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Robert Martinez Jr., International President, Machinist Union: "We know that as @USDOL Secretary, Julie Su will continue to champion unions as the answer to historically high inequality and aggressively take on employers that trample on the rights of workers." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME): "Julie Su is a fearless champion for workers and an outstanding choice for Secretary of Labor ? AFSCME is proud to support her nomination." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Transport Workers Union (TWU): "Julie Su has been a fierce advocate for workers her entire career. There is no question she is an excellent choice to continue advancing the needs of working people by building an economy from the bottom up and middle out." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

National Education Association (NEA): "Since taking office, President Joe Biden has made good on his pledge to nominate a cabinet that reflects America, with our diverse backgrounds and experiences, and has repeatedly demonstrated his commitment to being the most pro-union president leading the most pro-union administration in American history. America's educators applaud the historic nomination of Julie Su as the next Secretary of Labor, which speaks loudly to young Asian and Pacific Islander Americans attending public schools across this country that there is no limit to their dreams. Su has been a champion of workers throughout her long career in government and the labor movement. ...We also urge Congress to act quickly to confirm Su as the Secretary of Labor." [Statement, 2/28/2023]

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW): "'Deputy Secretary Su has dedicated her life to the cause of workers' rights and good middle-class jobs,' IBEW International President Kenneth W. Cooper said. 'Like President Biden and outgoing Secretary Walsh, she sees labor unions as key to rebuilding America's middle class. I know she will bring the dedication and passion she has shown throughout her career for working families to this new role leading the Department of Labor, and the IBEW fully supports her nomination. The Biden-Harris administration's pro-worker and pro-middle-class agenda is unprecedented in this country's history, and Julie Su is the right person to help carry that agenda forward at the Department of Labor.'" [Statement, 2/28/2023]

John Costa, International President, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU): "A champion of the underrepresented for nearly three decades, Su has devoted her life to advancing workers' rights, workplace protections, and employment opportunities for all. The daughter of immigrant parents, she became a civil rights attorney fighting wage theft for low-wage and immigrant workers before rising to serve as the Secretary of the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency. Su has since been confirmed by the Senate for her current role as Deputy Secretary of Labor ...As the largest labor organization representing transit workers in the United States and Canada, upon her confirmation, we look forward to immediately working with Deputy Secretary Su to strengthen labor protections and improve safety measures for our members, who have seen a growing epidemic of attacks and violence on public transit, and to continue President Biden's initiatives to create a more inclusive and equitable economy for all." [Statement, 2/28/23]

James T. Callahan, General President, International Union of Operating Engineers: "During her time as Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor, she worked closely with our friend Marty Walsh to spearhead the Good Jobs Initiative, reform antiquated wage and hour regulations, and improve the safety of America's workplaces. The International Union of Operating Engineers proudly supports the nomination of Julie Su as Secretary of Labor, and we urge Senators on both sides of the aisle to swiftly confirm her nomination, allowing her to build on the Biden Administration's record of success for American workers." [Statement, 2/28/23]

Eric Dean, President, The International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers (IW): "Deputy Secretary Su has an excellent record of being a fierce champion for working people," Iron Workers General President Eric Dean said. Her previous work at CA LWDA made important progress in protecting ironworkers. Su has been an active and skilled hand in implementing President Biden's priorities for over two years and has contributed to the agency's historic labor partnerships. Before working with the Department of Labor, Julie Su served as secretary for the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency and state labor commissioner. Throughout her career, she has remained true to working families. Most recently, Su has worked alongside Secretary Marty Walsh in advancing a strong, resilient, inclusive economy in line with Biden administration priorities for working people of all backgrounds. Su is a proven leader in advocating for working people and civil rights." [Statement, 2/28/2023]

Sean McGarvey, President, North America's Building Trades Unions (NABTU): "We applaud President Biden for nominating Julie Su to serve as Secretary of the Department of Labor. Julie is a champion for workers, and her experience and leadership are already an asset to the Department of Labor and the entire U.S. workforce. We are confident that working families will have another ally and advocate as DOL Secretary like they did with Secretary Walsh. Julie's work combating wage theft, ensuring health and safety on the job, increasing access to quality jobs and career pathways for historically marginalized communities, and more, demonstrates her sincere commitment to uplifting and protecting America's workforce and strengthening and expanding the middle class. We look forward to her confirmation and working with her and the entire Biden-Harris Administration to create more diverse avenues of opportunity for good-paying, high-quality, family-sustaining careers across this great nation and to ensure all working families flourish in America's reinvigorated economy." [Statement, 2/1/2023]

Rhett Buttle, Senior Advisor, Small Businesses for America's Future: "We are pleased with the nomination of Julie Su as Labor Secretary. Her experience as deputy secretary and track record of supporting workers will make her well-suited for the role. Our economy is emerging from the pitfalls of the pandemic, with inflation beginning to ease, strong hiring, and new small business starts. In order for that momentum to continue we need quality jobs and Su has been leading the way to make sure that happens. She helped implement the Good Jobs Initiative that ensures that jobs created by key economic legislation like the CHIPS and Science Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law are accessible, pay well and are free from discrimination. Su takes great pride in her Asian heritage and will bring more diversity to the current administration. We appreciate the leadership of outgoing Secretary Marty Walsh and know Su will continue that same work ethic as head of our nation's Labor Department. We urge the US Senate to act swiftly and approve her nomination." [Statement, 3/1/23]

United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBC): "Julie Su is an experienced leader who is committed to building a stronger economy for America's middle class," said Douglas J. McCarron, General President of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. "Throughout her career, she has fought to combat some of the biggest problems workers face, especially in the construction industry, like wage theft and worker misclassification. Working people deserve a government that supports safe jobsites and good wages. Julie Su will continue the Biden Administration's commitment to that kind of government." [Statement, 3/1/23]

Terry O'Sullivan, General President, The Laborer's International Union of North America (LiUNA): "LIUNA commends the Biden Administration's nomination of Julie Su to serve as the next U.S. Department of Labor Secretary. Su has made fighting for workers her life's work. She has decades of experience as a public servant and civil rights attorney. At the Department of Labor, under the leadership of Secretary Walsh and Deputy Secretary Su, the agency completed a once in a generation update to protect and strengthen prevailing wage rules. This update will have a profound impact on the lives of working men and women; ramping up enforcement on law-breaking contractors, stopping wage theft, and modernizing the process for setting wages, which will strengthen the wage floor and be more fair and accurate. The White House continues to demonstrate an unflinching commitment to working men and women with the selection of Julie Su and LIUNA looks forward to continuing to work with her as Secretary of Labor. LIUNA urges the Senate to confirm Julie Su as Secretary of Labor." [Statement, 3/1/23]

AA and NHPI Advocates

Sandra Leung, President, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA): "Julie Su is one of the most qualified individuals to be nominated to serve as U.S. Secretary of Labor. If confirmed, she will be the first Asian American to lead an executive department in the Cabinet of the Biden Administration. We are proud that an accomplished member of the Asian American legal community and NAPABA can serve the country in this role. We thank President Biden for honoring his commitment to diversity within the Administration and urge the Senate to quickly confirm Julie Su as Secretary of Labor." [Statement, 2/28/23]

Gregg Orton, Executive Director, National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA): "The Biden Administration got it right in nominating Julie A. Su to be the next Secretary of Labor. She will be the first Asian American Cabinet Secretary in the Biden Administration and reflects the continued commitment of the Administration to appoint AANHPIs throughout the government. We thank President Biden and congratulate Deputy Secretary Su, and look forward to continuing our work with the administration to advance a vision of racial equity that includes Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders." [Statement, 2/28/2023]

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO: "APALA is thrilled at the news that President Biden intends to nominate Julie Su to serve as Secretary of the Department of Labor. Julie has been a champion for workers throughout her career and has the experience and track record of success needed to lead the Department of Labor. As the first and only organization for Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) union members and allies, we applaud the Biden Administration for its first nomination of an AAPI Cabinet Secretary and we are excited to continue working with Julie Su to advance policies that empower workers and strengthen workplace protections." [Statement, 3/1/23]

Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC): "Julie Su's nomination is a welcome and critical step in increasing Asian American representation in the Cabinet, as Su would be the only Asian American head of a federal department. Su, a nationally recognized expert on labor policy and workers' rights, would bring her lived experience as a daughter of immigrants, a woman of color, and an Asian American to the role of U.S. Secretary of Labor, ensuring the concerns of all communities are prioritized in the workforce, labor, and employment goals set forth by the Biden Administration. We have full confidence in Julie Su and will continue to voice our belief that she is the best person to fulfill this role in the Department of Labor." [Press Release, 2/28/23]

APIA Vote: "We're excited to hear this news! Julie Su has a proven track record of standing up for workers and AANHPI communities. We're glad to see this administration further diversity its cabinet with this important nomination. We urge the Senate to swiftly appoint Su to this position." [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

AAPCHO, Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations: "AAPCHO strongly supports President Biden's nomination of Julie Su as the next Secretary of Labor. Ms. Su is exceptionally qualified to lead the Labor Department and advance important initiatives to address labor challenges, especially in our health and mental health workforce. We are confident her lived experiences and expertise will provide important perspectives as a member of the president's cabinet, especially for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities. AAPCHO and our member community health centers urge the Senate to confirm Julie Su as Secretary of Labor without delay." [AAPCHO, 2/28/2023]

Norman Chen, Chief Executive Officer, Asian American Foundation: "The Asian American Foundation congratulates Julie Su for her nomination to serve as Secretary of the Department of Labor. Julie has been a tireless advocate for labor and civil rights of historically underrepresented communities including people of color, women, the LGBTQ+ community, and immigrants and a lifelong champion for workers' well-being including fair access to wages and skills training. Serving alongside Secretary Walsh, Julie has advanced policies to create a stronger, more inclusive, and resilient economy. We have no doubt that Julie Su will continue her visionary leadership in her new role as Secretary." [Statement, 2/28/23]

Juliet K. Choi, President and CEO, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF): "As a former colleague of Julie Su, I know firsthand that she will champion worker rights and ensure that all Americans, including Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, will not be marginalized." [Statement, 2/28/23]

National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF): "NAPAWF is thrilled that President Biden will move forward with her nomination to Secretary of Labor and urge the Senate to swiftly confirm her ...Deputy Secretary Su has not just the expertise, but the lived experiences to be a strong advocate for immigrant workers. She is the daughter of Chinese immigrants, and grew up supporting her family's small laundromat business and translating for her parents. Deputy Secretary Su has the professional expertise and lived experiences to be an advocate for all workers, particularly low-wage and immigrant workers who are marginalized." [Press Release, 2/28/23]

Varun Nikore, Executive Director, AAPI Victory Alliance: We applaud the President for continuing to diversify his cabinet with Julie Su's nomination. AAPI Victory Alliance has been working with our partners in the AAPI community since 2020 in an effort commonly called "AAPI46." Our goal has been to work with the Administration to uphold our shared values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in staffing the federal government at all levels. This is why it is so inspiring and heartening to see the President nominate the most diverse slate of appointees in American history." [Statement, 2/28/23]

Organization of Chinese Americans ? Asian Pacific American Advocates: "We are encouraged to see that President Biden has announced his nomination of Julie A. Su to be the next Secretary of Labor. This shows the Administration's continued commitment to ensuring that Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) are represented throughout the U.S. government. We congratulate Deputy Secretary Su, who if confirmed, will be the first Asian American Cabinet Secretary in the Biden Administration. We look forward to continuing our work together with the administration to empower and promote AANHPIs at the national, state, and local levels." [Statement, 2/28/23]

OCA ? Asian Pacific American Advocates: "We applaud @POTUS for supporting Julie Su, who has been a tireless advocate for the community since the beginning of her career. @WhiteHouse @WHIAANHPI" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Katrina Dizon Mariategue, Acting Executive Director, Southeast Asian Resource Action Center (SEARAC): "We applaud President Biden's nomination of Julie Su as the 30th Secretary of Labor and as the first Asian American Cabinet Secretary to serve in the Biden Administration. As a champion of workers' rights and fair labor practices, we look to her leadership to protect Southeast Asian American workers, many of whom are low-wage workers. Her nomination is a historic moment for Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander representation ? a critical step in feeling seen in the labor, workforce, and employment initiatives set forth by the Department of Labor. SEARAC urges Congress to move swiftly to confirm Julie Su as the next US Secretary of Labor." [Statement, 2/28/23]

Madalene Xuan-Trang Mielke, President and CEO, Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS): "Julie Su is an indispensable leader within the Department of Labor and is a role model for many in our Asian American & Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander communities. We are thrilled that President Biden has honored his commitment to diverse representation by nominating her. Her nomination reflects who we are as a country. As we hear this news on the eve of Women's History Month, we are excited to see and champion more women of color in positions of leadership and power." [Statement, 2/28/23]

CA Asian American and Pacific Islander Leg. Caucus: "The California Asian American & Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus is delighted to learn that President Biden has nominated Julie Su as the U.S. Secretary of Labor ...Ms. Su's dedication to promoting workers' rights and building a strong, resilient workforce illustrates her excellence as an AANHPI leader. As the Presidential cabinet increases its diversity, the AAPILC is proud to continue supporting Ms. Su and her exemplary efforts for an equitable and inclusive experience for all American workers." [Tweet, 2/28/23]

Latino Community Foundation: "Julie Su understands the experiences of America's workforce -- their values, the challenges they face, & opportunities they deserve. Thank you @POTUS for your intention to nominate Julie Su to serve as our nation's next Labor Secretary!" [Tweet, 2/28/2023]

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Wide Range of Elected Officials, Labor Leaders and Community Advocates Applaud President Joe Biden's Nomination of Julie Su for Secretary of Labor Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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