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White House Press Release - More Editorial Praise For Judge Gorsuch

February 02, 2017

"Well-Qualified" ... "An Able And Thoughtful Jurist" ... "A Quality Pick" ... "Respected By Peers Across The Ideological Spectrum" ... "A Legal Superstar"

Tampa Bay Times: "Well-Qualified... Widely Praised For His Sharp Intellect..." "In perhaps his most responsible decision since taking office, President Donald Trump has nominated a well-qualified, conservative federal appeals court judge to the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Neil Gorsuch is widely praised for his sharp intellect, low-key demeanor and clear writing. ... Gorsuch is a well-qualified conservative who would not tilt the Supreme Court's ideological balance, and he deserves full consideration and a confirmation vote by the Senate." (Editorial, "Gorsuch Well-Qualified For Supreme Court, Deserves Senate Confirmation Vote," Tampa Bay Times, 2/1/17)

     •     Tampa Bay Times Editorial Headline: "Gorsuch Well-Qualified For Supreme Court, Deserves Senate Confirmation Vote" (Tampa Bay Times, 2/1/17)

The Washington Post: "Impeccable Credentials, The Wide Respect He Commands In His Field..." "But trashing Mr. Gorsuch as an outlandish radical, despite his impeccable credentials, the wide respect he commands in his field, his long service as an appeals court judge and the unanimous voice vote he received the last time the Senate considered him for the federal bench, is at the very least premature." (Editorial, "Gorsuch Deserves A Hearing. These Are The Questions He Should Answer.," The Washington Post, 2/1/17)

Detroit News: "Highly Principled And Deeply Experienced... A Masterful Pick... His Resume And Background Are Beyond Challenge... A Legal Superstar..." "Neil Gorsuch is highly principled and deeply experienced, and is poised to become the intellectual leader of conservative jurisprudence. ... Gorsuch is a masterful pick. His resume and background are beyond challenge: Harvard-, Columbia- and Oxford-educated; clerked for two Supreme Court justices; praised for his temperament and reverence for the law; more than a decade of experience on the federal bench. He is a legal superstar and Democrats know it." (Editorial, "Trump's Pick Is Masterful," Detroit News, 2/1/17)

Kansas City Star: "A Qualified And Thoughtful Jurist..." "The bad news, Democrats, is that President Donald Trump has selected a qualified and thoughtful jurist to fill the Supreme Court seat that coulda woulda shoulda gone to another fine mind and fine man, Merrick Garland." (Editorial, "In Neil Gorsuch, Trump Has Selected A Qualified And Conservative Jurist," Kansas City Star, 2/1/17)

New Hampshire Union Leader: "An Excellent Choice... A Stellar Addition To The Court..." "Colorado Judge Neil Gorsuch is an excellent choice to fill the vacant seat on the U.S. Supreme Court, and fulfills President Donald Trump's campaign promise to pick a worthy successor to Justice Antonin Scalia. ... Neil Gorsuch would be a stellar addition to the court, and we endorse his confirmation." (Editorial, "Justice For All: Gorsuch Is An Outstanding Choice," New Hampshire Union Leader, 2/2/17)

     •     New Hampshire Union Leader Editorial Headline: "Justice For All: Gorsuch Is An Outstanding Choice" (New Hampshire Union Leader, 2/2/17)

Boston Herald: "Lauded By Liberals And Conservatives Alike As A Brilliant Legal Mind... A Flawless Resume... Deserves Fair Consideration And Speedy Confirmation..." "[Gorsuch] is a traditional pick, lauded by liberals and conservatives alike as a brilliant legal mind in the mold of Scalia (only the conservatives like that last part, of course). He boasts a flawless resume. He is praised for his temperament and clear writing. He deserves fair consideration and speedy confirmation." (Editorial, "Confirm Gorsuch," Boston Herald, 2/2/17)

     •     Boston Herald Editorial Headline: "Confirm Gorsuch" (Boston Herald, 2/2/17)

Minneapolis Star-Tribune: "An Able And Thoughtful Jurist... Simply, Undeniably, A Legitimate And Respectable Nominee..." "Gorsuch is plainly an able and thoughtful jurist, a skilled and incisive legal writer. ... Above all, Gorsuch is simply, undeniably, a legitimate and respectable nominee." (Editorial, "Gorsuch Deserves Better Treatment Than Garland Got," Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 2/1/17)

Newsday: "A Stellar Resume..." "Gorsuch has a stellar resume, and at least he will get the courtesy of a Senate hearing to explain his theory of original intent when interpreting the Constitution." (Editorial, "Resist Revenge For GOP Blockage Of Merrick Garland," Newsday, 2/1/17)

The Oklahoman: "Great Legal Credentials... Gorsuch's Confirmation Should Be A Slam Dunk..." "In nominating Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court, President Trump selected exactly the sort of person his supporters were hoping for when they cast their ballots in November — a solid conservative with great legal credentials and a profound respect for the Constitution. Gorsuch's confirmation should be a slam dunk, but of course he will have to survive a ferocious opposition campaign by Democrats and progressive groups." (Editorial, "Trump Fulfills Promise With Selection Of Gorsuch To Fill SCOTUS Vacancy," The Oklahoman, 2/2/17)

Charleston (WV) Daily Mail: "Gorsuch Has The Qualities Anyone Considered For Justice Of The Highest Court Should Have... A Quality Pick For Supreme Court Justice..." "From the evidence so far, Neil Gorsuch has the qualities anyone considered for justice of the highest court should have: a strong understanding and respect for the nation's founding document, the U.S. Constitution. ... Congratulations to President Trump on a quality pick for Supreme Court justice..." (Editorial, "Neil Gorsuch A Great Pick For Supreme Court," Charleston Daily Mail, 2/1/17)

     •     Charleston (WV) Daily Mail Editorial Headline: "Neil Gorsuch A Great Pick For Supreme Court" (Charleston Daily Mail, 2/1/17)

Richmond Times-Dispatch: "Our Initial Reaction To Gorsuch's Nomination Was To Cheer. ... His Integrity Is Absolute... A Valuable Addition (To The Supreme Court)..." "His integrity is absolute; his disposition appropriate for the job. ... Our initial reaction to Gorsuch's nomination was to cheer. ... The Times-Dispatch believes Neil Gorsuch would be a valuable addition to a Supreme Court whose motto proclaims ‘Equal justice under law.'" (Editorial, "Colorado Sets Precedent For Gorsuch Stampede," Richmond Times-Dispatch,

South Florida Sun Sentinel: "Highly Qualified... Excellent Qualifications And Appears To Be A Distinguished Choice..." "From what's been reported, Trump's nominee, Neil Gorsuch, appears to be highly qualified and deserving of an up-or-down vote after intensive vetting. ... Gorsuch certainly has excellent qualifications and appears to be a distinguished choice." (Editorial, "Angry Democrats Should Give Gorsuch Proper Hearing," South Florida Sun Sentinel, 2/1/17)

Toledo (OH) Blade: "A Stellar Choice For The Supreme Court..." "Judge Neil Gorsuch, of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit (based in Denver and serving six Western states from Kansas to New Mexico), is a stellar choice for the Supreme Court." (Editorial, "Committed To The Law," Toledo Blade, 2/2/17)

East Bay (CA) Times: "Gorsuch's Legal Qualifications Are Excellent... Eminently Qualified To Serve On The Supreme Court..." "By any reasonable legal standard, Gorsuch's work history makes him eminently qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. ... Just like Obama nominees Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagen before him, Gorsuch's legal qualifications are excellent." (Editorial, "Reject Gridlock, Give Gorsuch A Fair And Robust Hearing," East Bay Times, 2/1/17)

Detroit Free Press: "A Seasoned Appellate Judge Respected By Peers Across The Ideological Spectrum... Sterling Resume..." "So it was with at least a modicum of relief that we learned the man the new president has nominated to succeed the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is not a renegade neophyte contemptuous of those who have come before him, but a seasoned appellate judge respected by peers across the ideological spectrum. ... But Gorsuch's sterling resume does little to reassure liberals who see him as a more youthful, less acerbic, but equally determined champion for the originalist judicial outlook that Scalia personified." (Editorial, "Neil Gorsuch, A Shrewd Choice For A Stolen Supreme Court Seat," Detroit Free Press, 2/1/17)

Baltimore Sun: "A Strong Reputation As A Collegial And Modest Jurist Who Works Well With Those Across The Ideological Spectrum... Qualifications Shouldn't Be An Issue..." "Based on [Gorsuch's] resume — Columbia undergrad, Harvard Law School, Oxford as a Marshall Scholar, two Supreme Court clerkships and experience handling a variety of cases on a federal appellate court — qualifications shouldn't be an issue. On the temperament front, he has a strong reputation as a collegial and modest jurist who works well with those across the ideological spectrum." (Editorial, "Gorsuch Deserves A Fair Shake," Baltimore Sun, 2/1/17)

Worcester (MA) Telegram: "A Well-Considered Selection... More Than Qualified In Education, Experience, Judicial Record And Temperament..." "Amid the insane swirl of action and immediate reaction of his first 12 days, Donald Trump has made a well-considered selection for the next justice of the Supreme Court. ... Judge Gorsuch is more than qualified in education, experience, judicial record and temperament." (Editorial, "Gorsuch Well Qualified To Take Scalia's Seat," Worcester Telegram, 2/2/17)

     •     Worcester Telegram Editorial Headline: "Gorsuch Well Qualified To Take Scalia's Seat" (Worcester Telegram, 2/2/17)

Tulsa World: "Gorsuch Has Strong Qualifications." (Editorial, "No Eye-For-An-Eye Politics Where The Supreme Court Is Concerned," Tulsa World, 2/2/17)

Chicago Sun-Times: "Widely Respected In Legal Circles, Across The Political Spectrum..." "Gorsuch is widely respected in legal circles, across the political spectrum, as a serious scholar committed to the rule of law." (Editorial, "Let's Hear What Judge Gorsuch Has To Say," Chicago Sun-Times, 2/1/17)

Bergen (NJ) Record: "Gorsuch's Legal Pedigree Is Impressive." (Editorial, "Gorsuch Deserves Full Senate Review," Bergen Record, 2/1/17)

St. Louis Post-Dispatch: "Impeccable Legal Credentials..." "Gorsuch has impeccable legal credentials, but then, so did Merrick Garland, whom President Barack Obama nominated for the same seat last year." (Editorial, "The Gorsuch Nomination Proves Partisanship Pays -- If You Have The Votes," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 2/1/17)

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), White House Press Release - More Editorial Praise For Judge Gorsuch Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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