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White House Press Release - President Obama and Vice President Biden to Hold Recovery Act Implementation Conference

March 06, 2009

Washington, DC – On Thursday, March 12th, President Obama and Vice President Biden will hold a White House Recovery and Reinvestment Act Implementation Conference to ensure that dollars invested and spent as part of the Recovery act are effective, transparent and efficient. Each state's Governor is being invited to send their senior official working on Recovery Act implementation to learn about what programs and initiatives are available under the Act. The conference will be a chance for state officials to bring forward ideas and share best practices, as well as hear presentations from a number of Cabinet Secretaries and Administration officials, including Earl Devaney, Chairman of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board.

"States have a huge responsibility in partnering with us to ensure that dollars spent as part of the Recovery Act are spent wisely, with transparency and accountability," said Vice President Joe Biden. "We're giving each state a chance to send a high-level representative to interact first-hand with top officials here in Washington. Our hope for this conference is to meet face-to-face with the state officials and streamline this implementation process so we can get our economy running again."

Additional details about the conference will be released at a later date.

Barack Obama, White House Press Release - President Obama and Vice President Biden to Hold Recovery Act Implementation Conference Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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