George W. Bush photo

White House Press Release - Presidental Appointments: Nominations Submitted and Confirmed

May 24, 2001

(April 30 Marked 100 Days)

**As of Opening of Business Thursday, May 24, 2001


George W. Bush April 30 May 24
Total Nominations Submitted 149 210
Confirmed 35 70
Bill Clinton
Total Nominations Submitted 173 200
Confirmed 49 100
George Bush (41)
Total Nominations Submitted 96 146
Confirmed 49 97
Ronald Reagan
Total Nominations Submitted 154 197
Confirmed 83 137

Administrations prior to that of President Reagan are not included for comparison purposes as those administrations occurred prior to the enactment of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978. That law introduced financial disclosure requirements which have added significant time to the nomination process. Thus, the figures from administrations prior to that of President Reagan do not provide a meaningful comparison.

Source C Office of the Executive Clerk, The White House

George W. Bush, White House Press Release - Presidental Appointments: Nominations Submitted and Confirmed Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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