Photo of Donald Trump

White House Press Release - What They Are Saying: Editorial Boards and Commentators Praise President Donald J. Trump's Address to the UN General Assembly

September 20, 2017

New York Post Editorial Board: "Rarely has the UN hall heard a more honest appraisal of the global scene or a stronger vow of resolve to fight threats than President's Trump's first address to the General Assembly on Tuesday. 'In over 30 years in my experience with the UN, I never heard a bolder or more courageous speech,' tweeted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Nor could there have been a more stark contrast with the speeches his predecessor, Barack Obama, gave: Trump made no apologies for America's past and even boasted of US exceptionalism."

National Review Editorial Board: "In his first address to the United Nations, Donald Trump delivered a solid and necessary defense of the importance of national sovereignty, defended an American-centered world order, and spoke forthrightly about threats to international peace and security emanating from North Korea and other rogue states."

The Washington Times Editorial Board: "He gave the delegates the plain and unvarnished word, which they can send home in the next diplomatic pouch, that when the United States finally deals with North Korea no one can say the North Koreans were not warned. He was unusually diplomatic and tactful."

Washington Examiner Editorial Board: "Probably his more important contribution was to restore a sense of realism in U.N. diplomats who have in many cases lost sight of how the world really works. His discussion of sovereignty and a U.S. foreign policy that serves U.S. interests might sound like common sense, but it's actually unique and hasn't been heard in quite some time. You don't have to be a nationalist to appreciate the idea that sovereignty still matters."

The Korea Times Editorial Board: "U.S. President Donald Trump used fiery rhetoric in his first United Nations speech but hit an unexpected tone — authoritative and responsible, fitting for the leader of the free world."

Former Deputy National Security Advisor Elliott Abrams: "Trump's criticism of the United Nations was clear, hitting everything from the hypocrisy of allowing tyrannical regimes to serve as members of the Human Rights Council to its bloated bureaucracy, but every criticism was combined with a call for improvement and a pledge of cooperation."

The Washington Post Columnist Marc Thiessen: "Trump also put himself squarely on the side of morality in foreign policy and explicitly stood with those seeking freedom around the world… This is classic conservative internationalism: a vigorous defense of freedom, a bold challenge to dangerous dictators and a commitment to the principle of peace through strength. No wonder Trump's critics on the left are so upset."

New York Post Columnist Benny Avni: "For 50 minutes on Tuesday, President Trump dazzled, and appalled, UN denizens in a speech that was the most detailed and reasoned defense to date of his 'America First' ideology."

The Heritage Foundation's Nile Gardiner: "Speaking at the United Nations on Tuesday, President Donald Trump delivered one of the most powerful speeches of his presidency thus far. The speech was an emphatic rejection of President Barack Obama's 'leading from behind' mantra, giving an assertive defense of American leadership on the world stage."

Townhall's Katie Pavlich: "Setting overly diplomatic language aside, Trump was presidential yet direct with his words on an international stage he has challenged before. He made it clear he expects results for the amount of investment the United States puts into the U.N. and boldly called out the absurdity of vicious human rights abusers sitting on the U.N. Human Rights Council."

The Resurgent's Erick Erickson: "Donald Trump gave the best speech of his Presidency to the United Nation. He was bold and American — giving real clarity to what he meant by an 'America First' speech. He did not mince words and called out rogue nations. But he also noted that he had no intention of imposing the American system on other nations."

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), White House Press Release - What They Are Saying: Editorial Boards and Commentators Praise President Donald J. Trump's Address to the UN General Assembly Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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