White House Press Release - What They Are Saying: Senate Minority's Obstructionism On Immigration
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY): "I thought my friends across the aisle would jump at this opportunity to fulfill what they say is their top priority. But they just could not take 'yes' for an answer. They turned away from a golden opportunity to solve this issue. They decided they'd rather come away empty handed, with no resolution whatsoever for the 1.8 million individuals they say they are championing, than accept a reasonable compromise with the president."
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX): "On Tuesday the Majority Leader tried twice to open the debate and start voting, but both times there were objections heard by our Democratic colleagues. This despite their repeated promises over the years to address the DACA issue once and for all."
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA): "Today is a sad day for many Americans and for many dreamers who would have had a rare pathway to citizenship. We had the opportunity to pass a bill that would have provided legal certainty for 1.8 million individuals. It would have secured the border and focused enforcement on the very worst criminals, like sex offenders, human rights violators and war criminals. And importantly, it had the President's support and could have actually become law.... It's unfortunate that so many of my colleagues, when given the chance to finally give citizenship to DACA kids, refused to do so."
Sen. John Boozman (R-AR): "President Trump presented a thoughtful framework to accomplish these shared goals and Senator Grassley's amendment, which I supported, turned that framework into legislation that could become law. Given our mutual goals, it should have passed the Senate in a bipartisan manner. I am disappointed that it did not."
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR): "What this debate has shown is just how unserious the Democrats are about illegal immigration. If they were serious, they wouldn't have shut down the government over DACA only to reject the one bill, endorsed by the president, that would've given DACA recipients the legal certainty they need. And they wouldn't have introduced such a reckless proposal that had zero chance of becoming law. There's broad agreement about how to solve this problem, but we won't succeed unless the Democrats stop this incessant virtue-signaling and start negotiating in good faith."
Sen. David Perdue (R-GA): "Senate Democrats have shown their true colors. First, they shut down the government over DACA. Today, they had an opportunity to vote to provide certainty for 1.8 million DACA recipients and they voted no. Senate Democrats said they wanted a bipartisan solution, but really they don't. Senate Democrats said they want to secure our border, but really they don't. Today, Senate Democrats crushed the dreams of many people who were counting on them to deliver and showed they are quite happy to have an immigration system that does not serve the American people or protect our national security."
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY): "In case you didn't think Congress was absurd before, Senate Democrats are now filibustering the open immigration debate they asked for, and are refusing to put their bill on the floor."
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA): "I voted for Senator Grassley's measure based on President Trump's proposal. We must stop human trafficking, money laundering and drug trafficking. This amendment provided real border security and discouraged future human trafficking. As a compromise, it also addressed Democrats' concerns. This was the only bill that could become law. If Democrats truly wished to solve immigration issues, they should have supported this bill."
Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT): "It is disappointing that a minority of the Senate blocked my bipartisan proposal to end sanctuary cities and protect the safety and security of America."
Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND): "I voted against the proposal put forward by Minority Leader Chuck Schumer because the Department of Homeland Security said it would not secure the border, nor did it end the diversity lottery system or adequately address chain migration."
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK): "Most of what was proposed by the President and Senate Republicans has passed the Senate multiple times over the past fifteen years, but not today. It's disappointing that Democrats would not come to the table simply because President Trump supported it. Immigration reform is complicated and emotional, but it is essential that we keep working until we reach a good faith solution for the future of all Americans."
Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA): "I am disappointed that the Senate was unable to reach an agreement today on immigration policy.... It was also deeply troubling that a minority of Senators blocked consideration of my common-sense bipartisan amendment designed to end dangerous sanctuary city policies."
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC): "I have said from the beginning that we must secure the border and keep our nation safer, reform our legal immigration system, and find a permanent, compassionate solution for DACA recipients. Today, I voted for measures that would accomplish these things, namely the Secure and Succeed Act and legislation to stop sanctuary cities, and against measures that do not. Democrats continue to try and use Dreamers as a political tool, and we continue working to find a solution."
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN): "Trump has shown presidential leadership on immigration. Senate Democrats should take my fellow Tennessean – Howard Baker's – advice that 'the other fellow might be right,' and the other fellow in this case might be named President Trump."
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV): "I share the President's commitment to border security. That's why I voted for his plan. That's why I fought to ensure the $25 billion he requested for border security was included in the bipartisan deal. That's why I opposed the Democratic proposal that did not provide a single penny for border security."
Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-MI): "Sad to see that the US Senate could not find any path forward on DACA and immigration reform today. Of interest, Sen Stabenow voted to defund 'Sanctuary Cities'."
Former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL): "Senate Democrats blocked a vote on #SanctuaryCities. Only further proving that they care more about illegals than actual Americans."
Fox Business' Trish Regan: "President [Trump] is extending a massive olive branch on immigration, but the Democrats don't want to make a deal! Maybe they don't want Republicans to get the credit for giving these dreamers a path to citizenship!"
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), White House Press Release - What They Are Saying: Senate Minority's Obstructionism On Immigration Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/332135