Letter to the Speaker of the House Transmitting an Estimate of Appropriation for the Veterans' Administration.
I have the honor to transmit herewith for the consideration of Congress an estimate of appropriation for the Veterans' Administration, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, in the sum of $100,000, to enable the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to furnish, prior to July 15, 1932, railroad transportation, together with subsistence, to honorably discharged veterans of the World War temporarily quartered in the District of Columbia.
Further details regarding this estimate are set forth in the letter of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget transmitted herewith.
The White House,
July 6, 1932.
[The Speaker of the House of Representatives]
Note: Legislation implementing the request was enacted on July 8, 1932 (Public Res. 35, 47 Stat. 654). Aided by it and a subsequent 10-day extension, approximately 5,750 members of the so-called bonus army left Washington.
A text of the letter from the Director of the Budget, dated the same day and transmitted with the President's letter, follows:
By your direction, I have the honor to submit herewith an estimate of appropriation for the Veterans' Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933, as follows:
Veterans' Administration--For the purpose of enabling the Administrator of Veterans Affairs, upon the request of any honorably discharged veteran of the World War, temporarily quartered in the District of Columbia, who is desirous of returning to his home, to provide such veteran with railroad transportation thereto prior to July 15, 1932, together with travel subsistence at the rate of 75 cents per day, $100,000: Provided, That all amounts expended under this appropriation in behalf of any veteran shall constitute a loan without interest which, if not repaid to the United States, shall be deducted from any amounts payable to such veteran on his adjusted service certificate:
Estimate, 1933 $100, 000
A joint resolution to authorize an appropriation of funds for the purposes set forth in this estimate (S.J. Res. 186) passed the Senate June 28, 1932, and is now pending in the House of Representatives. |
[The President]
Herbert Hoover, Letter to the Speaker of the House Transmitting an Estimate of Appropriation for the Veterans' Administration. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/207152