I HAVE NOTED with deep satisfaction the encouraging growth of the Share-the-Work movement under your able leadership and growing out of our conferences in Washington. You and your chairmen deserve and are receiving the appreciation of the whole nation for your untiring efforts towards the common good. This movement affords one of the most practicable methods of speedily relieving the present distressing unemployment situation and should have the active cooperation of every employer and employee. Already a strong sense of job-security has been imparted to the employees of all firms which have adopted share-work practices. We need to make this security nationwide, reaching every person who now has a job. Only in this way can purchasing power be made confident and effective in speeding business recovery. For this reason I am anxious to be kept periodically informed as to the progress of your organization in widening the scope and increasing the celerity of action in this vitally necessary undertaking. The need for greater effort is more urgent than ever and to this end my fullest cooperation is at your command.
[Mr. Walter C. Teagle, Chairman, Coordination Committee, Share-the-Work, Room 514, 33 Liberty St., New York City]
Note: The message was read at a dinner held in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. The dinner was sponsored by Alfred P. Sloan, president of General Motors Corp., and chairman of the share-the-work organization in the Second Federal Reserve District.
Herbert Hoover, Message to the Chairman of the Share-the-Work Organization. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/207619