To the Senate and House of Representatives:
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1, Tide III, of the act entitled "An act to maintain the credit of the United States Government," approved March 20, 1933, I am transmitting herewith an Executive Order reorganizing the agricultural credit agencies of the United States.
This Executive Order consolidates in one agency—the Farm Credit Administration—the functions of all present Federal organizations which deal primarily with agricultural credit, namely, the Federal Farm Board, the Federal Farm Loan Board, the functions of the Secretary of Agriculture with regard to loans in aid of agriculture, and those of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation pertaining to the management of regional agricultural credit corporations. The functions of the Federal Farm Board with regard to further stabilization operations are abolished by the order.
A better coordination of the agencies involved in our agricultural credit system will produce a more uniform program for agricultural credits and will result in substantial economies. A saving of more than $2,000,000 is the immediate effect of this order. Further substantial savings are anticipated.
Important as are the foregoing, of greater and controlling importance is the maintenance of the long-standing policy of the Federal Government to maintain and strengthen a sound and permanent system of cooperative agricultural credit, subject to Federal supervision and operated on the basis of providing the maximum of security to present and prospective investors in bonds and debentures resting on farm mortgages or other agricultural securities—all for the purpose of meeting the credit needs of agriculture at minimum cost.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Message to Congress on Consolidation of Federal Farm Credit Agencies. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project