In accordance with the authority just conferred upon me by a Joint Resolution of Congress, I have today established a "National Steel Labor Relations Board." This Board consists of three impartial members, who will be thoroughly independent in their judgments and who are fully empowered to act under the law. They. will make reports to me, through the Secretary of Labor, of their activities, from time to time.
The functions of the Board will be limited to labor relations in the iron and steel industry. In that field the Board is authorized to hear and determine cases of alleged violations of Section 7 (A) of the National Industrial Recovery Act, to mediate in labor questions, to serve as a board of voluntary arbitration and by secret ballot to conduct labor elections to determine who are representatives of workers for collective bargaining.
The general outline of this order was suggested by independent proposals which came from workers and from employers in the industry and which have been modified after conference with Government officials. It is from these proposals that the specific details of this order have been drawn. Though the order is in form by the President, it represents, in substance, suggestions of employers and recommendations of employees expressed to me. I am glad that such progress has been made, and I anticipate that the special board so created will serve to maintain industrial peace with justice and to further the establishment of sound standards of labor relations in this important industry. I appreciate the constructive and reasonable spirit which has prevailed in both groups. I confidently expect full cooperation of both sides with this Board.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Statement on Establishing the National Steel Labor Relations Board. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project