Franklin D. Roosevelt

Rear-Platform Remarks at Pueblo, Colo

October 12, 1936

I go back a good many years, to the campaign of 1920, when I spent most of a day and evening in Pueblo; and I remember that I spent a good part of the evening trying to beat Alva Adams in bowling at the "Y." But I think he was a better bowler than I was.

In going through this country this year I find that things certainly are a whole lot better than they were in 1932. In this particular section of the State I know that you are interested in a lot of things that I, too, am interested in—soil conservation, getting water on the land, irrigation, and the prevention of floods.

We have been trying to accomplish a great many of these things that are badly needed by people in various communities of the Nation. Up at the Capitol of the State this morning, I told the people of Denver, that in carrying out these public works of various kinds we were trying principally to construct those things that were recommended by the localities themselves, by the Governor and the people back home. The result has been that through this expenditure of money, we have done much to help prosperity back to its feet right at home.

You will notice, if you travel as much as I do, that there are very few empty freight cars standing these days on the sidings of the railroads of the country. A great many old engines have been brought out of the roundhouses and reconditioned. More engines are being built, more steel is being used in all kinds of construction—and you people in Pueblo ought to know about the use of steel.

As a matter of fact, the whole process ties in together. With the return of prosperity we are getting more tourists; we are getting more freight to haul on the railroads; we are getting better prices for our crops. I am looking forward confidently to a continuation of that renewed prosperity.

I hope to be able to come back here from Washington during the next four years and see how it has grown.

It is good to see you all. Next time I hope I can spend a little longer time, and perhaps Alva Adams will give me another chance to beat him bowling.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rear-Platform Remarks at Pueblo, Colo Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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