Franklin D. Roosevelt

Executive Order 8734—Establishing the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and Duties

April 11, 1941

By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the statutes, and in order to define further the functions and duties of the Office for Emergency Management with respect to the national emergency as declared by the President on September 8, 1939, for the purpose of avoiding profiteering and unwarranted price rises, and of facilitating an adequate supply and the equitable distribution of materials and commodities for civilian use, and finding that the stabilization of prices is in the interest of national defense and that this Order is necessary to increase the efficiency of the defense program, it is hereby ordered:

1. There shall be in the Office for Emergency Management of the Executive Office of the President an Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply, at the head of which shall be an Administrator appointed by the President. The Administrator shall receive compensation at such rate as the President shall determine and, in addition, shall be entitled to actual and necessary transportation, subsistence, and other expenses incidental to the performance of his duties.

2. Subject to such policies, regulations, and directions as the President may from time to time prescribe, and with such advice and assistance as may be necessary from the other departments and agencies of the Federal Government, and utilizing the services and facilities of such other departments. and agencies to the fullest extent compatible with efficiency, the Administrator shall:

a. Take all lawful steps necessary or appropriate in order (1) to prevent price spiraling, rising costs of living, profiteering, and inflation resulting from market conditions caused by the diversion of large segments of the Nation's resources to the defense program, by interruptions to normal sources of supply, or by other influences growing out of the emergency; (2) to prevent speculative accumulation, withholding, and hoarding of materials and commodities; (3) to stimulate provision of the necessary supply of materials and commodities required for civilian use, in such manner as not to conflict with the requirements of the War, Navy, and other departments and agencies of the Government, and of foreign Governments, for materials, articles, and equipment needed for defense (such requirements are hereinafter referred to as "military defense needs"); and (4) after the satisfaction of military defense needs to provide, through the determination of policies and the formulation of plans and programs, for the equitable distribution of the residual supply of such materials and commodities among competing civilian demands.

b. Make studies of the Nation's civilian requirements for materials and commodities, the supply of goods and services, the status and trend of prices and factors thereof, and the impact of the defense program upon civilian living standards; exercise the powers of the President in requesting such studies pursuant to Section 336(a) of Title III of the Tariff Act of 1930 (Title 19, U.S.C., Sec. 1336(a)); and conduct such investigations, hold such hearings, and obtain such reports as may be necessary or desirable to carry out this Order.

c. Determine and publish, after proper investigation, such maximum prices, commissions, margins, fees, charges, or other elements of cost or price of materials or commodities, as the Administrator may from time to time deem fair and reasonable; and take all lawful and appropriate steps to facilitate their observance.

d. Advise and make recommendations to other departments and agencies, whenever the Administrator deems it appropriate, in respect to the purchase or acquisition of materials and commodities by the Government, the prices to be paid there—for, and in respect to such of their other activities as may affect the price of materials and commodities.

e. Inform the Office of Production Management of the amount, character, and relative importance of materials and commodities needed for civilian use; and advise and consult with the Office of Production Management with reference to its procurement, production planning, priority, and other actions the effect of which may be to diminish the supply of materials and commodities available for civilian use.

f. Establish and maintain liaison with such departments and agencies of the Government and with such other public or private agencies and persons as the Administrator may deem necessary or desirable to carry out the provisions of this Order.

g. Formulate programs designed to assure adequate standards for, and the most effective use of, consumer goods; stimulate the utilization of substitutes by civilians for consumer goods and commodities of limited supply; develop programs with the object of stabilizing rents; and promote civilian activities which will contribute to the purposes of this Order.

h. Recommend to the President the exercise of the authority vested in him by the following named Acts, whenever, in the opinion of the Administrator, such action by the President will enable the Administrator to carry out and secure compliance with the provisions of section 2a and 2c of this Order:

(1) Section 9 of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 (Public No. 783, 76th Congress).

(2) Section 120 of the National Defense Act (Title 50, U.S.C., Sec. 80).

(3) Section 1 (15) of Title 49, U.S.C.

(4) The Act of October 10, 1940 (Public No. 829, 76th Congress).

i. Perform the functions and exercise the authority vested in the President by the following named Acts, insofar as and only to the extent that the authority conferred by such Acts will, in the opinion of the Administrator, enable him to carry out and secure compliance with the provisions of section 2a and 2c of this Order: Section 713(a)-7 of Title 15, U.S.C., Supp. V; Section 4 of the Act approved June 7, 1939 (Title 50, U.S.C., Supp. V., Sec. 98 (c)); and Section 5 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended by the Act approved June 25, 1940 (Public No. 664, 76th Congress): subject to the disapproval by the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy of each proposed action thereunder.

j. Advise upon proposed or existing legislation, and recommend such additional legislation as may be necessary or desirable, relating to prices, rents, or the increase in supply and the equitable distribution of materials and commodities for civilian use.

k. Keep the President informed in respect to progress made in carrying out this Order; and perform such other related duties as the President may from time to time assign or delegate to him.

3. The Administrator may provide for the internal organization and management of the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply, and may appoint such advisory committees as he finds necessary to the performance of his duties and responsibilities. The Administrator shall obtain the President's approval for the establishment of the principal subdivisions of the Office and the appointment of the heads thereof.

4. There shall be in the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply a Price Administration Committee consisting of the Administrator as Chairman, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Federal Loan Administrator, the Chairman of the Tariff Commission, the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, the Director General and Associate Director General of the Office of Production Management, or such alternate as each may designate, and such other members as the President may subsequently appoint. The Committee shall from time to time, upon request by the Administrator, make findings and submit recommendations to the Administrator in respect to the establishment of maximum prices, commissions, margins, fees, charges, and other elements of cost or price of materials or commodities as provided under paragraph 2c above.

5. Within the limits of such funds as may be appropriated to the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply or as may be allocated to it by the President through the Bureau of the Budget, the Administrator may employ necessary personnel and make provision for necessary supplies, facilities, and services. However, the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply shall use such statistical, informational, fiscal, personnel, and other general business services and facilities as may be made available to it through the Office for Emergency Management or other agencies of the Government.

Signature of Franklin D. Roosevelt

The White House,
April 11, 1941.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Executive Order 8734—Establishing the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply in the Executive Office of the President and Defining Its Functions and Duties Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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