I AM DEEPLY grateful for the cordial reception and the generous welcome which you have extended to Mrs. Hoover and myself.
We have today taken part in a remarkable gathering in Springfield to do honor to the name of Abraham Lincoln. Never before has so great a group of people gathered together in his memory. I have no doubt that many of you have participated in those ceremonies in spirit and in thought.
The days we are now passing through are times of stress and times that require the unremitting service of the men whom you have elected to high office. You can have no appreciation of the encouragement that you give to me by your presence here at the station to greet me and by the cordiality of your welcome. It is indeed a welcome and an encouragement which I have received from every point which we have touched in the State of Illinois. I wish to thank you for it.
Note: The President spoke to a reception committee from the rear platform of the Presidential train, which was en route to Washington, D.C.
Herbert Hoover, Remarks at Decatur, Illinois. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/211209