Bill Clinton photo

Statement on the Presidential Election in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

October 24, 1994

I congratulate President Gligorov on his election to a second term as President of his country. Under his able leadership, I am confident the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will continue on its path toward full integration into the international community of nations. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has upheld the principles of democracy and has courageously embarked on a bold program of economic reform and renewal. Despite strong external economic pressures which have caused great hardship, President Gligorov and his countrymen have shown a determination to continue on the path to free market democracy.

I am pleased that international observers to the recent elections concluded that the first round of elections were conducted in an overall free and fair manner. The second round of parliamentary elections, scheduled for the end of this month, will be the next important step in the FYROM's democratic development. It is our hope that they will take place in a free and peaceful environment.

The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's peaceful political and economic development is essential to stability in the Balkans. The United States has taken numerous steps to support that development, including sending U.S. troops to participate in a U.N. peacekeeping mission there, establishing a liaison office in Skopje, and increasing our economic assistance under the SEED program in fiscal year 1995. I have instructed my Special Envoy, Matthew Nimetz, to redouble his efforts in the weeks ahead, in tandem with U.N. mediator Cyrus Vance, to help Skopje and Athens resolve their differences. We will continue to work with other friends of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the months ahead to try to help bridge the country's balance-of-payments gap so that programs prepared by the IMF and World Bank can go forward.

William J. Clinton, Statement on the Presidential Election in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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