Bill Clinton photo

Statement on Congressional Completion of Appropriations Legislation

September 30, 1994

I want to thank the House and Senate leadership, Senator Byrd and Congressman Obey, the chairmen of the Appropriations Committees, and their colleagues for their leadership and assistance. And I would be remiss if I didn't say how sorry I am that Congressman Natcher could not be with us to enjoy this achievement.

We are making a start at putting our country's fiscal house in order. After years of partisan bickering, after years of rising deficits, it was time for Washington to get Federal spending under control. Our economic plan adopted by Congress last year gave us this start.

Our 5 year deficit reduction plan put into place rigid controls on Government spending. It has produced 2 years of declining deficit for the first time in 20 years. We are reducing Federal employment by 272,000 positions, placing us on a path to the smallest Federal Government since John Kennedy was President. We are making a start on running Washington the way Americans run their households at home, within budget limits, paying the bills on time.

For the first time since 1948, the Congress has adopted all 13 Appropriations for signing by the President before the end of the fiscal year, all 13 bills, on time, within the rigid spending restraints required by our economic plan.

The economic recovery gathering strength across our country is being built on this kind of progress. We have embarked on a journey to rebuild and renew the American economy. We haven't finished the job, but we are going to keep moving forward, keep cutting spending, and we're not going back.

William J. Clinton, Statement on Congressional Completion of Appropriations Legislation Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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