The President. Good morning. I'm on my way, as you know, to Fort Myer, to the service, so I can't stay and answer a lot of questions. But I did want to make a brief statement about the situation in Bosnia.
It appears that the pressure brought to bear by NATO and the U.N. has worked and that the cease-fire is holding, that the withdrawal is continuing. We will continue to monitor the situation very closely as the next day unfolds.
I do want to say it's now clearly time to get the diplomatic initiative going again while we maintain our vigilance. But I am pleased by the progress of the last 48 hours.
Q. Have things been worked out with the U.N., Mr. President?
The President. I think so. I think so.
Q. Does that mean no air strikes?
The President. No. Oh, no. I think he was just referring to the situation on Saturday. Yes, I think so.
NOTE: The President spoke at 9:50 a.m. on the South Lawn at the White House. A tape was not available for verification of the content of these remarks.
William J. Clinton, Remarks and an Exchange With Reporters on Bosnia Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project