Executive Order 10103—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9721 of May 10, 1946, Providing for the Transfer of Personnel to Certain Public International Organizations
By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Civil Service Act (22 Stat. 403) and by section 1753 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and as President of the United States, it is ordered that Executive Order No. 9721 of May 10, 1946, authorizing the transfer, under certain conditions, of civilian employees in the Executive branch of the Federal Government to public international organization sin which the United States Government participates, be, and it is hereby, amended in the following respects:
1. Section 1 is amended, effective as of May 10, 1946, by adding at the end thereof the following sentence:
"Any employee so transferred shall, for a period not to exceed three years from the date of transfer and while employed by the said international organization, be considered as being on leave of absence from his employment by the Federal Government: Provided, that the employee is subsequently reemployed by the Federal Government in accordance with section 3 of this order."
2. Section 2, which by its terms became inoperative on May 10, 1949, is revived and amended, effective as of that date, to read as follows:
"Any employee serving under a war-service indefinite appointment who is transferred to a public international organization pursuant to this order and, while serving in such organization and within three years from the date of such transfer, is either reached in regular order for probational appointment from a civil-service register appropriate for filling the position in which he was serving or could, with the approval of the head of such agency, have been given a competitive status under Civil Service Rule III if he had remained in the position in which he last served in a Federal agency, shall be considered as having acquired a competitive status as of the date he is reached for probational appointment or classification. Any employee transferred to a public international organization pursuant to this order who was serving in such organization on September 30, 1949, and had served continuously therein from the date of his transfer shall be considered, so far as Executive Order No. 10080 of September 30, 1949, is concerned, as having been in an active-duty status on September 30, 1949, in the position in the Federal Government from which he was transferred and as having had continuous service with the Federal Government from the date of his transfer to September 30, 1949."
February 1, 1950
Harry S Truman, Executive Order 10103—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9721 of May 10, 1946, Providing for the Transfer of Personnel to Certain Public International Organizations Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/231732