Exchange of Messages Between the President and Prime Minister Nehru of India Concerning the Postponement of His Visit.
[Released June 25, 1956. Dated June 24, 1956]
My dear Mr. Prime Minister:
I have just received and read your gracious message. I have been eagerly looking forward to a visit from you and the opportunity it would give of personal talks between us. While my convalescence proceeds according to schedule and I may take a brief trip to Panama toward the end of July, I cannot be entirely free of doubt as to whether my recuperation will be far enough advanced by July 7th to have the kind of talks which we both had in mind. I know that you would not want to come here merely for a round of official ceremonies. For your visit to be worth your while there should be assurance that we could have frank and perhaps even somewhat protracted talks, such as we have promised ourselves. That might well be possible for me by July 7th, but I cannot now be certain of this, and I know that you yourself cannot let the decision wait until the last moment.
Under all the circumstances, I am inclined, with truly deep regret, to adopt your considerate suggestion that your visit to the United States be postponed until there can be complete assurance that it would have the character which we both had in mind. I hope that the delay will not be for long and that you will, at your convenience, suggest another date. This I assure you is meant as an urgent invitation.
Again thanking you for your good wishes and for your kindly consideration, I am, with high personal esteem,
Note: The message from the Prime Minister of India follows:
My dear Mr. President:
I have been much gratified to learn of the continuing progress of your recovery from your recent illness, but feel that the programme of our personal talks should not impose an additional strain on you during your convalescence. I am most anxious that this should be avoided, and suggest therefore for your consideration that my visit to the United States might be postponed. I had been looking forward greatly to the opportunity of personal talks with you, but I think it still more important that no undue strain should be placed upon you in the coming weeks which might in any way retard your progress to full recovery. I send my warm personal regards and best wishes for your speedy and complete restoration to normal health.
These messages were released at Walter Reed Army Hospital.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Exchange of Messages Between the President and Prime Minister Nehru of India Concerning the Postponement of His Visit. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/232939