Remarks on Presentation of the Distinguished Service Medal to General Ridgway, and Accompanying Citation.
MATT, for some forty-three years, I guess, you and I have been associates and friends in war and peace. At every stage of your career and our association together, that kind of close communion with you has been a source of real satisfaction to me.
I remember the days of war where you performed so gallantly and effectively. And I remember the days of peace and the great contributions you have made.
Now, as the last act of our official association together, it is a great honor to pin this on you. But I hope it means no lessening either of our friendship or of my ability to call on you when I want to talk to you about things.
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, has awarded the Distinguished Service Medal (Third Oak Leaf Cluster) to
for exceptionally meritorious service in positions of great responsibility from 30 May 1952, to 30 June 1955:
As Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, General Ridgway was charged with the responsibility of welding an effective military structure for the defense of Western Europe. Through dynamic leadership, he furthered the development of the elements of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization into an alert, efficient, fighting team. He advanced the prestige of the Allied Forces and strengthened the bonds of friendship and cooperation among the many nations serving together in the common defense of democratic principles. In discharging this grave responsibility, he displayed indomitable spirit, inspirational application of military skills, and a sincere concern for the furtherance of the causes of freedom. As Chief of Staff of the United States Army he continually demonstrated the highest order of leadership, professional competence, astute judgment, and devotion to duty. Under his brilliant direction, the Army was maintained in a state of combat readiness, and fulfilled its world-wide commitments in a manner which contributed significantly to the advancement of the foreign policies of the United States. Ever mindful of the well-being and dignity of the individual soldier, he constantly worked to improve the welfare of the men entrusted to his care. His keen professional ability and great strength of character, displayed in his every action, have been an inspiration to the entire Army. His selfless dedication to the service of his country represents the highest form of patriotism, and merits the gratitude of not only the American people but of free peoples everywhere.
Note: The President made the presentation in the Rose Garden at 11:00 a.m. General Ridgway's response follows:
Mr. President, for you to take time from your multiple heavy duties to make this award in the presence of my superiors, and Mrs. Ridgway and Matty, touches me very deeply.
I look back over those years, sir, with profound affection and respect of the highest order.
It seems to me, Mr. President, that in this particular time that all of history points to the harsh fact that until we are much nearer this goal of a peaceful world to which you inspiringly lead, that we must maintain this Army in which you have such an abiding faith as a strong clement in the defense of this Nation.
As I turn over my duties to the splendid officer who succeeds me, I have absolute confidence, Mr. President, that if ever our security or our liberty are threatened, that this magnificent Army of ours will valiantly play its ultimately decisive role in those defenses.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart, sir.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Remarks on Presentation of the Distinguished Service Medal to General Ridgway, and Accompanying Citation. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project