Letter to Representative Auchincloss on the Second Anniversary of the President's Inauguration.
Dear Jim:
Because it would be a great pleasure for both of us, Mrs. Eisenhower and I are disappointed that we cannot be at the Capitol Hill Club on January twentieth for the inaugural anniversary. For me, personally, the occasion would be an opportunity to discuss with my fellow members some thoughts that I feel are of interest to us all. But--at the risk of mixing a message of regret with a dissertation--I venture, in this note, to suggest a few of them.
This Administration is committed to a program of progressive moderation, liberal in its human concerns, conservative in its economic proposals, constructively dynamic and optimistic in its appraisal of the future. This program, I firmly believe, merits the endorsement and support of thinking, confident, forward-looking Americans.
For our country and the world, we seek establishment of international relationships characterized by order and justice, in which reason and truth are respected, under which men can live as neighbors at peace. Within the United Nations and in all our pacts for mutual security, our treaties of alliance, our proposals for trade, that purpose inspires our foreign policy.
For our national economy, we seek a dependable stability in our present assets, a vigorous expansion in our future growth. These can be best achieved, we believe, by giving the private citizen the greatest possible opportunity--consistent with the rights of others--to contribute to the development of the economy and to share in its abundance.
For individual Americans, we seek increase in their opportunity to enjoy good health, good schools, good homes; we seek a lessening in their fear of personal disaster and in the impact of hardships beyond their control. In this endeavor, we reject Federal domination over state and community, for we seek to strengthen-not to weaken--the historic self-reliance of our people.
The principles and purposes, sketchily outlined here, must be in my judgment the standard of the Republican Party through the coming months. Committed to them, we can and must work together to advance the legislative program now before the 84th Congress, for this program is their legislative expression.
Thereby we shall serve our Party and the Republic. We shah draw to our ranks men and women of action and wisdom who, in prayerful thought and dedicated effort, strive for an America worthy of their forebears' dream and fit for their children's living. Together--all of us--we shall achieve it.
[Read at ceremonies held at the Capitol Hill Club by the Club's President, Representative Auchincloss]
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Letter to Representative Auchincloss on the Second Anniversary of the President's Inauguration. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/233483