Mr. Prime Minister and Gentlemen:
Again I say au revoir to this beautiful land. I must thank, on behalf of my party and myself, all the citizens of Paris and the surrounding area who were so kind as to come into the streets and give me a chance to greet them.
I particularly want to thank all the members of the government who have made my stay so pleasant and enjoyable.
And finally, I should like all of you to know that I feel that the visit of General de Gaulle and myself has been mutually profitable, and in my opinion will mark another further step in our cooperative effort to achieve a just peace.
Goodbye again--au revolt.
Note: The President spoke at Le Bourget Airport, Paris, at 9:00 a.m. He was accompanied to the airport by Prime Minister Michel Debre after taking leave of General de Gaulle at Rambouillet, where the President had spent the night as the Generals guest.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Remarks on Leaving Paris. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project