Richard Nixon photo

Remarks on Arrival at Green Bay, Wisconsin

October 17, 1970

I Just want to take a moment to thank you all for welcoming us here at the airport, and to tell you that I'm delighted to return to Wisconsin, a State that has always been very good to me, when I've been running on my own account, and a State that I am sure is going to give its support to Jack Olson as the next Governor of this State, and to John Erickson as the next United States Senator, and, of course, to your own Johnny Byrnes as your Congressman.

I also note, my friends, as we look out at this crowd, that we have a few here that indicate that they have other views with regard to my visit.

Let me say that I respect their right to be heard even if they do not respect my right to be heard.

And let me say also, ladies and gentlemen, I can assure them that they are a very loud minority in this country, but they are a minority, and it's time for the majority to stand up and be counted.

And the way you can be counted is not by trying to shout speakers down, not by throwing rocks, not by bombing buildings, not by shouting obscenities, but I'll tell you how you can be counted: with the most quiet, powerful voice in the world, by voting on November 3d for Jack Olson, for John Erickson, and Johnny Byrnes.

Thank you very much.

Note: The President spoke at 6:58 p.m. at Austin Straubel Airport.

Richard Nixon, Remarks on Arrival at Green Bay, Wisconsin Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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