THE PRESIDENT. That was a beautiful store.1 I was just remarking that the departments are beautiful, the shops. I almost stopped but I knew the crowds couldn't get in. But I want to see that store tomorrow. It is one of the best I have ever seen.
1The President referred to Robna Kuca, the largest chain department store in Belgrade, which he passed enroute from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to the Old Palace.
Is it one of the famous ones?
Q. It is one of the best ones here. There is nothing else like it in East Europe.
THE PRESIDENT. I have been in East Europe. I haven't seen anything in Budapest or anywhere that equals that store.
Q. How do you like your reception so far?
THE PRESIDENT. It is a very warmhearted reception, very friendly. President Tito, as we rode in the car, remarked that he was glad that everybody was so friendly and enthusiastic. He and Mrs. Tito couldn't have been more gracious and friendly. I was glad, after a long time, to have the opportunity to meet him personally, and Mrs. Tito as well, and I felt, too, that the spontaneity of the crowd was very heartwarming as we drove out through the country and as we went downtown, now as well as in the formal arrival.
Q. What was the store that you noticed downtown, Mr. President?
THE PRESIDENT. I think the Ambassador2 can tell me what it is. It was a very fine looking department store and I noticed the windows. I looked at it in terms of just the big windows. They had some beautiful displays of fashion and that sort of thing. I just said I want my wife to see it before she goes because it is really an outstanding store.
2 United States Ambassador to Yugoslavla William Leonhart.
I had heard about some of the develop. meet here in the city, of the merchandising and the rest. When I saw that store, I saw that it was one of the best that I have seen, really, in the world. I think I am a fair judge of that. I have seen most of them.
Note: The exchange took place at approximately 6:05 p.m. as the President arrived at the Old Palace in Belgrade.
Richard Nixon, Informal Exchange With Reporters in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project