Richard Nixon photo

Statement About the Retirement of Dr. Ralph Bunche as Under Secretary General of the United Nations

October 01, 1971

IT WAS with deep regret that I learned that Dr. Ralph Bunche is leaving his important post with the United Nations. From those wartime days when he helped to plan for the establishment of the U.N., and throughout the subsequent history of that organization, Dr. Bunche has dedicated himself fully to its advancement. His wisdom, his creativity, and his courage have been an inspiration to all who have come to know him.

Dr. Bunche will be sorely missed at the U.N. As he enters his retirement he can do so with the certain knowledge that he has earned the deepest thanks and warmest best wishes of this Nation--and of his fellow men everywhere.

Note: The statement was released at Key Biscayne, Fla.

Dr. Bunche had served as Under Secretary General for Special Political Affairs since 1957.

Richard Nixon, Statement About the Retirement of Dr. Ralph Bunche as Under Secretary General of the United Nations Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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