Jimmy Carter photo

Remarks to Strategic Air Command Personnel at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska

October 22, 1977

This is the President at the Command Base. I have been here several hours studying the readiness of the forces that are under my command, and I've spent the last 9 months learning about the superb qualities of all you men and women who are prepared to defend our country in a time of extreme emergency.

What I've learned has made me very proud of you. I think that you know that the freedom of human beings throughout the world depends upon the qualities that you exhibit, the high standards of training and readiness that you always are supposed to maintain. And my own observations as the President of our country has reconfirmed my confidence in you.

The two things that I'd like to say is that I want to congratulate you on the fine standards that are maintained and express my appreciation to you on behalf of the people of our country, and secondly, to let you know that my position in the White House and your position throughout the world is one of partnership. The closeness with which we communicate in preparing for an emergency will prevent, as nothing else could possibly do, the possible destruction of our Nation. And the closeness with which we cooperate in a time of extreme emergency, when an attack is imminent, will mean the defense of our country and, perhaps, of the free world itself.

I have a great feeling of assurance that you will perform your jobs well, and I'm determined, as your commanding officer, as President of our country, to work closely with you to prevent any possible successful attack on our country that's not met instantly and competently and adequately from our own forces.

So, I'm thankful for what you are and reaffirm my own partnership and commitment to join with you, on a daily basis, to prevent our great Nation from being attacked successfully and also provide for a successful response if such an attack should be launched.

Thank you, again, very much for giving me this sense of assurance in your superb qualities of leadership and performance of duty.

Note: The President spoke at 11:40 a.m. from the Headquarters of the Strategic Air Command via the Red Telephone System to SAC facilities around the world.

During his visit to the base, the President toured the SAC Headquarters and was briefed by U.S. Air Force personnel.

Jimmy Carter, Remarks to Strategic Air Command Personnel at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/242267

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