Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies
I have just signed into law the National Climate Program Act (P.L. 95-367). I am pleased to commit the Nation to this Program of improving our understanding of climatic changes, both natural and man-induced.
Much of the responsibility for implementing this Act falls on the Secretary of Commerce. In addition to those responsibilities specifically assigned to the Secretary of Commerce in the Act, I shall also expect the Department of Commerce to prepare the preliminary and final 5-year plans and the biennial revisions identified in Sec. 5 (d) (9). Working closely with all other involved agencies, including but not limited to those identified in Sec. 5 (b) (2), the Secretary of Commerce will define, as an integral part of the plans, the role of each agency in carrying out the Program. The plans shall reflect the Administration's ongoing and proposed climate program efforts and will be promulgated by me after appropriate review in the Executive Office of the President.
Each involved Department and Agency will assign a policy officer to work with the Secretary of Commerce or her designee to assure that the goals, objectives, assignments of responsibilities, and allocations of resources, detailed in the plans, are consistent with the mission responsibilities of each Department and Agency. If any issue arises where a consensus of views cannot be reached among these officers, the matter shall be brought to the attention of the Director, Office of Management and Budget, and the Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy, for resolution.
The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy will maintain cognizance, for me, of the status of Program coordination and recommend from time to time any program and procedural changes deemed necessary.
Jimmy Carter, Memorandum From the President on the National Climate Program Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project