Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship in Social and Political Thought Statement on Signing H.R. 10392 Into Law.
I am pleased to sign into law a bill which, in a unique way, will keep alive the courageous vision of Hubert Humphrey, not only in our Nation's Capital but throughout the world.
It is fitting that the University of Minnesota should have already taken the lead in establishing the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs, an institution that will benefit and inspire younger Americans for many generations to come with Senator Humphrey's vision of compassionate government for this Republic.
This bill has a different purpose. It creates a living memorial right here in Washington. Instead of erecting yet another granite or marble edifice, the Congress has seen fit to establish a fellowship which will be awarded each year to a different person—from this Nation or from abroad—who best symbolizes the Humphrey vision, who will be honored not only for achievement in social and political thought but who will, through dedication to the process of free inquiry, contribute in Washington to our national debate on the issues confronting us.
It is right that the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars should be the home for the Humphrey fellowship and lectures, since Hubert Humphrey was the founding Chairman of its Board of Trustees.
It gives me great pleasure to establish the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. I am convinced the Humphrey fellows and lecturers will pass on the legacy of Hubert Humphrey to future times.
Note: As enacted, H.R. 10392 is Public Law 95-286, approved May 26.
Jimmy Carter, Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship in Social and Political Thought Statement on Signing H.R. 10392 Into Law. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/245129