Dear Frank:
It is with deep regret that I accept your resignation as Deputy Secretary of Defense effective December 31, 1982.
I would like to thank you on behalf of the American people for your long and dedicated service to our country in a variety of key posts, most recently as Deputy Secretary of Defense. Your dedication and efforts to reduce costs and improve management systems have been truly appreciated. I know that in the years ahead you will be able to look back with pride on your significant accomplishments.
You may be sure that you have my best wishes for every future success.
[The Honorable Frank C. Carlucci, Deputy Secretary of Defense, Washington, D.C. 20301]
November 12, 1982
Dear Mr. President:
This is to inform you of my intention to resign as Deputy Secretary of Defense, effective December 31, 1982. This decision has been made for purely personal reasons. It has been a pleasure and an honor to work for you and Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. I very much appreciate your strong support for our efforts to implement your policy of strengthening America's defenses. Your vision and your steadfastness have contributed greatly to the cause of peace.
You have an outstanding Secretary of Defense in Cap Weinberger. I hope you will continue to give him the kind of support you have provided in the past. If I can ever be of any assistance to you or your Administration, I would be delighted to do so.
[The Honorable Ronald Reagan, President of the United States, Washington, D.C. 20500]
Note: The text of the letters was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on December 7.
Ronald Reagan, Letter Accepting the Resignation of Frank C. Carlucci as Deputy Secretary of Defense Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project