Ronald Reagan picture

Appointment of the Chairman, Executive Director, and Membership of the President's Commission on Executive Exchange

September 14, 1981

The President today announced his intention to appoint the following individuals to be members of the President's Commission on Executive Exchange. Robert E. Kirby will also serve as Honorary Chairman and June Grace Walker will serve as Executive Director.

Samuel Armacost, president and chief executive officer, Bank of America

James A. Baker III, Assistant to the President and Chief of the White House staff

Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary of Commerce

William M. Batten, chairman, New York Stock Exchange

A. George Battle, partner, Arthur Andersen and Co.

Roger E. Birk, chairman, president, and chief executive officer, Merrill-Lynch and Co.

Thornton F. Bradshaw, chairman and chief executive officer, RCA Corp.

James E. Burke, chairman and chief executive officer, Johnson and Johnson

Willard C. Butcher, chairman and chief executive officer, Chase Manhattan Corp.

William P. Clark, Deputy Secretary of State David W. Christopher, partner, Price Waterhouse and Co.

Donald J. Devine, Director, Office of Personnel Management

Coy G. Eklund, president and chief executive officer, Equitable Life Assurance Society

Max L. Friedersdorf, Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs

Harry J. Gray, chairman and chief executive officer, United Technologies Corp.

Edwin L. Harper, Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget

David T. Kearns, president and chief operating officer, Xerox Corp.

James L. Ketelsen, chairman and chief executive officer, Tenneco, Inc.

John F. McGillicuddy, chairman, president, and chief executive officer, Manufacturers Hanover Corp.

John K. McKinley, chairman and chief executive officer, Texaco, Inc.

Ruben F. Mettler, chairman and chief executive officer, TRW, Inc.

Betty Southard Murphy, partner, Baker and Hostetler

Frederick W. O'Green, president and chief operating officer, Litton Industries, Inc.

John R. Opel, president and chief executive officer, IBM Corp.

Donald T. Regan, Secretary of the Treasury

David Rockefeller, chairman, Chase International Advisory Committee, Chase Manhattan Bank

David M. Roderick, chairman and chief executive officer, United States Steel Corp.

James Roosevelt, president, James Roosevelt and Go.

Spyros S. Skouras, chairman, president, and chief executive officer, Prudential Lines, Inc.

Helene A. von Damm, Deputy Assistant to the President

William B. Walsh, chairman, Project HOPE John C. Whitehead, senior partner, Goldman, Sachs and Co.

Marina V. N. Whitman, vice president, General Motors Corp.

Ronald Reagan, Appointment of the Chairman, Executive Director, and Membership of the President's Commission on Executive Exchange Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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