To the Congress of the United States:
In accordance with Sections 103 and 104(c) of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978, I hereby transmit to Congress the U.S. Uranium Enrichment Capacity Annual Report.
This Report has been prepared by the Department of Energy in conjunction with the Department of State, the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and the Office of Management and Budget and submitted to me as required by law. The Report discusses the need for additional U.S. uranium enrichment capacity and addresses the desirability of and options for foreign participation in new U.S. uranium enrichment facilities.
The White House,
October 5. 1979.
Note: The ll-page report is entitled "Need for Additional U.S. Uranium Enrichment Capacity and Desirability of and Options for Foreign Participation in New U.S. Uranium Enrichment Facilities."
Jimmy Carter, Uranium Enrichment Capacity Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project